Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, April 18, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    T i * íalu Cm
on buNiiicM.
Ho returm d home,
i, À M ü t 18,
Order your Spring Suit now, at
School «how, 'Down in Dixie,' at
For sals, Oat and Vetch hay, $10
Wagner hall, tonight.
ton; white Oats85cbu. Phono A.D.
Women o f Woodcraft dance at 152, W. F. Good, Monmouth, R. 1.
Bla:k Itoclr, April 25th,
Talbott offers a mop, with Boor
For «ale, 2-in. rough lumber; $7 |»olish, at $1.50, as a special for one
week. Numerous other items at at­
per 1000. B. F. Young.
Mrs. C. W. 1*1) returned home tractive prices.
A. B. Graham returned Friday
last week, from a two weeks’ stay
Carl Anderaon has resigned a«
Portland sanitarium. He is
chef at the Falls City hotel.
still tn poor health.
Mr«. Fuller, of Salem, ia visiting
We must have your Rough Dry
her daughter Mr«. N A. Lunde.
and Flat Work by Monday noon;
High school ithow — “ Down in
we can have it ready by Thursday.
Dixie” — ill Wagner hall, tonight.
Crandell’s Laundry.
Cheap, nearly new Washing Ma­
Stumping Powder, I l l . f o.b. Dal­
chine. Impure of Persey, Jeweler.
las. We have a powder magazine
W. H. Dorman is preparing 1| here and can ship every Thursday.
acres of his place fui loganberries. Guy Bros., Dallas, Ore.
To rent, fine little office, Mitchell
Mrs, Anna Elkins celebrated her
street at 5th. Inquire at News office. 50th birthday anniversary, last
from Portland, Wedneaday.
■ '
v&s&æ sftR
>/f '
Falls City Mercantile Co.
T hey’re Here
New Spring Shoes for Ladies
New Tango Slippers Mary Jane Oxfords
Colonial Pumps in patent leather
Colonial Pumps in velvet
Colonial Pumps in gunmetai
Velvet Boots
Patent Boots Gunmetai Boots
Suede Boots
Baby Doll Shoes in patent Baby Doll Shoes in gunmetai
New English last inpatentand gunmetai
Florsheim Shoes for Men
Shoes for Boys, Girls and Babies
Falls City Mercantile Co.
Between the Bank and the Postoffice
Come to the
Drug Store
Twentieth Century Prosthesis
For Patton’s Paint.
Rogers Stain Floor
for furniture and all
interior work. Floor
Paint, Wagon and
Buggy Paint,Screen
Paint. Lead and Oil
—Kalsomine; also a
good assortment of
Will not slip or slide when you
chew. If you are from
Missouri, call
A . G . Atwood, Dentist.
Office, North Main S t
over Harrington’sconf. store
Passenger Train Schedule
Effective Dec. 1,1913
w B a r S O I) HD
M. L Thompson
am. am. pm. p m .
Salem . . . 6.35 9.45 1.40 3.25
Dallas. . . 8.45 11.00 2.50 5.00
Falla City. 9.25 11.35 3.25 5.35
Bl’k Rock.
■ A tT r iO U N D
Hews of falls Gitu
am. p m . p m . p m .
Bl’k Rock
Falls City. 9.35 1.25 3.45 5.40
Dallas . . . 10.15 2.00 4.25 6.40
Salem . . . 11.25 3.15 5.30 7.45
1. O. S in o i . i t o n . A o bnt
Me. Hama Saakar—
and Bay Orchard Land
C O M E T O F A L L * C IT V . O R E G O N
Calentar—Hprll, 1014
N m .
«d .
Milk and Cream, delivered morn­ Sunday. A number of her friends
ing or evening. Call phone Blue35. and neighbors were callers.
Ore. Fire Relief Asaoci’n,McMinn­
Two loggers were held up in
ville. F. K. Hubbard, local agent. Black Rock a few nights ago, by
One cow, fresh next week, 150— if two strangers, and robbed o f their
taken atonce. J.E.Beezley, phone271 valuables, except $50 that was over­
For «ale, settings of eggs; 15 for 50 looked.
The Falla City hotel property
Mr. and Mrs, B. W. Robison vis­ lias been cleaned up and fenced and
ited friends in Fulls C ity, last Sun­ made more attractive than it kas
been since Tom Hollowell was forty
years of age.
Miss Murray was at Portland,
The school directors w ill hold a
Monday, replenishing her millinery
special meeting at T a lb o tt’ s store
next Monday eveoing, for the pur­
Vernon Estelle w ill visit his
pose o f hiring teachers and a jani­
brother Everett, at Roaeburg, snout
tor for 1914-15.
May 1.
The A rt Club met at the resi­
Easter services in the Falls City
dence of Mrs Albert Teal, Tuesday.
churches were well attended, last
The meeting on Tuesday o f next
week will be held at the home of
Mrs. Sheldon, of Grand Junction, Mrs, 8. H. Tetherow.
Colo., is visitin g her Bister, Mrs. N
Mrs. D. D. Mitchell, of Wash­
A. Lunde.
burn, N. D., who had been visiting
Fresh Bread, Cakes, Cookies,
the Perseys for several weeks, went
Pies, etc., every day, at the Falls to Portland, Thursday of last week,
City Bakery.
to visit friends in that city.
Roy Bowman was at home a few
That the popular ladies o f Falls
days this week, from the Monmouth City use good judgment, is shown
uormal school.
by their selection of Hats at the
cents. Inquire of Mrs. Frank Butler.
Born, to Mr. aud Mrs. Harry Fashion Milliney, located at Mc-
Krebu, April 11. a 9 - pound bey, Pherreu’a photograph gallery.
name Glenn LeR oy.
“ I t ia w hispered” that Irving
Mrs. E. Gilliam , of Salem, visi­ Matthews will put up another build­
ted her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. ing to front on the footbridge for a
Moyer, last Saturday.
barber shop. “ It's a cinch” that
The K. of P. home-talent shew three barber shops in Falls City are
last Saturday night was a grand two too many.
success, in every way.
Miss Romine, teacher of the 7th
Claude Cleaveland aud wife re­ and 8th grades, resigned last Fri­
turned Tuesday from a week’s visit day, and returned to her home in
with relatives at Buell.
Washington. Mr, Cady, of the Mon­
Mrs. W, A. Persey and Rosie Ot- mouth uormal, is uow teaching the
terbein visited friends at Salem and 7th and 8th grades.
McCleay, over Easter.
Mayor F. K . Hubbard was at
Black Rock Wednesday and Thurs­
day, registering voters.
Found, finger ring; owner may
have same by describing, aud pay­
ing 30c. L. B. Wonderly.
Bert Robison, owner o f the old
Starr place east of town, has planted
four acres of loganberries.
Several of our citizens have been
very busy, up to the 15th, circula­
ting petitions for candidates.
J. 8. S. Powell helped Mrs. Moyer
orgauize the Oakhurst school, Mon­
day, for work in preparing to make
exhibits at the county fair. Mr.
Powell also visited the Falls City
school for the same purpose.
A Lace Curtain Special at Cran­
d e ll’s Laundry. The same this year
as last, we are making a special
price right in the season for Lace
Curtains— 85 to 60c per pair— and
the best work aud satisfaction to he
had from any plant in the North
west. Crandell’s Laundry,
Why pay rent, when you can buy
Mr. and Mrs J. S. 8. Powell gave
a home cheap, on payments? For
an Easter-day dinner, which was
particulars, address S, box Q.
attended by the following: Mrs. C
Abstracts o f title prom ptly fur­
O’ Brien and children,of Philomath;
nished. Rates reasonable. Brown &
C. E. Powell and fam ily; Cleve
Sibley, 610 M ill St., Dallas, Or.
Powell and wife; Mrs, Hulburt, It
Mr. Bird moved to Falls City this was in the nature of a fam ily re­
week, from Indepeudence, and has union.
rented M. L Thompson’ s house.
W. E. Newsom was in Falls City
Mr. Race, of Portland, bridge Wednesday and Thursday, making
engineer for the Dallas Lumber Co. final settlement of his business here.
was a Falls City visitor, Tuesday. He still owns the strip of ground
Found, pair of spectacles h i case; along the river east of Bridge street,
owner can have same by describing, and intends, this Summer, to clear
and paying 15c for this notice. News up the rubbish, prune the youug
Wauled, 50 men to buy our 110 fir trees aud make it an attractive
guaranteed 17-jewel adjusted Seth place, We w ill then name it New­
Thomas Watches, Persey, Jeweler. som Park.
Let Hartung Suit you.
“ Down in Dixie” tonight.
Dance at Joe Gage’«, tonight,
Polk County Fair, Sept. 17,18,10
The beBt show at the Gem tonight Local Druggist Makes Many Friends
M. L, Thompson report? they
Born, to Mr. and Mr«. A. Marson,
are making many friends through
April 14, a girl.
the quick benefit which Falls City
Special council meeting, next
people receive from the simple m ix­
Monday night.
ture of buckthorn bark, glycerine,
C. L. Starr was a F all« City vis-
etc., kuewn as Adler-i-ka. This
itor, yesterday.
remedy became famous by curing
Job printing “ as you like it” at appendicitis and it is the most
The N owb office.
thorough bowel cleanser known,
Mrs. C. E. McPherren has been actiug on both the upper and low­
very ill, this week.
er bowel, just one pose of Adlsr-
Fritz Droege, of the Falls City i-ka relieves constipation and gas
hotel, went to Eugene last Sunday, on thestomach almost im m ed iately .
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
bjr local applicaUona, aa they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There la only one way to cure deafncee,
and that la by ronetltutlonal remedies.
Peafnesa la cauaed by an Inflamed condi­
tion of the mucoua llnlntt of the Euata-
rhlan Tube. When thla tube Is Inflamed
ou have a rumbling sound or Imperfect
earing, and when It la entirely closed.
Deafness la the result, and unless the In­
flammation can be taken out and this
tube restored to Its normal condition,
hearing will be destroyed forever: nine
cases out o f ten are caused by Catarrh,
which Is nothing but an Inflamed condi­
tion of the mucoua surfaces.
W e will ( I t s One Hundred Dollar« for any cars of
Haafncaa reaaaed by catarrh) that caanot be cared t>f
HallW Catarrh Care. Send tor circular* free.
F. J C H K IBT. * CO, Toledo. Ohio,
•old by Draasflxs.Wc-
• HaUW VaaaUy nils tor
More Falls City rçew» on psgs 2.
Songs You Have Heard
“Every Little Movement”
Every little movement on every Suit we make to­
tals up into one large word with 12 letters and a
large meaning — that word is S A T IS F A C T IO N .
W e ’ve got L amm & C ompany ’ s Line of Spring and
Summer Woolens to show you — and every little
thread in every little fabric is guaranteed by them
to be pure wool, and their guarantee i« as a good
as a government bond. Order your Spring Suit soon.
Chas. Hartung, Clothier and Tailor