Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, April 18, 1914, Image 1

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    T he Naim Htands for
a groatwr un«l better
Falla City all the time
Falls City High School Play
D avy and Faraday Mada On# Blaia
T ill It Vamahad.
That diamond» wilt not only burn,
No. 33
M »a »u r»» th» Mott Infinitaaimal
Changaa of Tamparatura.
It is no matter for great surprise
but will blaze, uua proved us Jong to be told that the different portions
Saturday Eve., April 18 , Wagner Hall
..................... Elvin Snider
...................... Ted Cochran
..................... Harry Taylor
. ................. Ronald White
.......... Conrad Cockerline
................ Lester Bowman
................. "B ill” Grayum
...................... George Otte
Lucille Tichenor
Mrs. Edyth Meyer
Mrs. Florence Cochran
................... Clara Sampson
Harvey Wells, Colonel in the Federal A rm y........
George Washington Hungs, “ H erald" Reporter
Major Bradley, o f Confederate Army
Corporal Hooligan, a True Blue vet
Hon. 0. J. busts bury, It. C .
Hezekiah Sniffios, a degenerate Yankee
U nde Mosley, faithful slave
Billings. Bradley’s henchman
Helen Trevoir, a Southern heiress
Molly Martin, lively friend of Helen
Mrs. Dusenberrv. a business woman
Susannah, 'just a brack nigger’
Act I Scene at Congressman Dusenbury’s residence in Washington, 1).
18*11. A rascally \ an-
kee presents his scheme for profiting from the impending issue of Civil War.
The crisis comes, and
Harvey and Helen are separated by the issue.
Act II Scene, Trevoir plantation, Virginia, Summer o f 1864. The unexpected meeting. Helen
speaks her mind. Harvey made prisoner.
Act HI Scene, room in Libby Prison, Spring o f 1865. In Bradley’s power. The jaws of death.
A desperate game. Helen’s bravery.
Act IV Scene, back on the old plantation. The last round. Good news.
Admission: Children under 1 2 ,15c,* General, 25c; Reserved Seat Tickets (at
Harrington’s) 35c. Doors open at 7.45 p.m.; program begins at 8.30 p.m.
T ry a Sack of
and watch results
ago u» 1811 by Sir Humphry Davy
and Michael Faruday. The experi­
ment was carried out ut Florence,
wb"Tq the two scientists were visit­
ing the great Dube of Tuscany,
whoso burning glass wait the medium
through which the auu was induced
to operate.
This burning glass consisted of a
couple of convex lenses, distant from
<-ai li other about three and a half
feet, the large lens being some four­
teen Indies in diameter, the smaller
about three inches.
• The diamond rested on a rod of
platinum which had a cup shaped
receptacle at the top pierced with
holes to admit of free circulation of
gax This rod was fixed in the cen­
ter of a glass globe of twenty-two
cuoieal inches capacity, exhausted
of air and filled with pure hydrogen.
Intense heat was brought to bear
upon the diamond when it was ex-
po-cd to the sun, the second lens
greatly reducing the focus. In the
course of three-quarters of an hour
it was necessary twice or thrice to
cool the globe. Then it was noticed
that the dpmond was slowly dimin­
ishing and becoming gradually
Suddenly it burst into
flame. They removed the stone
from the focus, and it blazed away
merrily. It glowed brilliantly, with
a scarlet light inclining to purple,
cm! continued to burn for about
four minutes.
The glass was then cooled and the
diamond ngain submitted to the ac­
tion of the sun. Again it blazed,
but for not so long a period as at
first. Twice more this was repeat­
ed, and then the diamond was total­
ly consumed. This was the first oc­
casion on which, so far as is known,
a diamond has been seen to burn.
Puzzling Difference * In Weight».
Which is heavier, a pound of
feathers or u pound of lead? They
weigh the same.
Which is heavier, a pound of
feathers or a pound of silver? The
pound of feathers is heavier, be­
cause feathers are weighed by avoir-
i dupois weight, which has 7,000
grains to the pound, while the pre­
cious metals are weighed by troy
weight, which has only 5,7G0 grains
to the pound.
Which is heavier, an ounce of
feathers or an ounce of silver? An
ounce of silver, because in the troy
ounce there are 180 grains, while in
the avoirdupois ounce there are only
437G grains.
The avoirdupois
pound of 7,000 grains is divided
into sixteen ounces, while the light­
er troy pound of 5,700 grains is di­
vided into twelve heavier ounces.
Many readers may not be aware
of the fact that the full moon gives
several times more than twice the
light of the half moon. They may
be still more surprised to learn that
the ratio is approximately as nine
to one. The reason for the remark­
able difference is to be found in
the varying angles of reflection pre­
sented by the roughened surface of
our satellite to the sun. The moon
is brighter between first quarter
and full thau between full and last
quarter. The cause of this is evi­
dent in the more highly reflective
character of that part of the moon
which lies west of its meridian.
H e W a i Detained.
All Goods and Prices Are Right
Falls City Lumber Co.
of the spectrum into which a beam
of light is spread out show different
degrees of temperature when tested
by an apparatus of sufficient deli­
cacy. It appears, in point of fact,
that the dark lines in the spectrum
are also areas of relative coolness
and that the spectrum may tie chart­
ed by moving a sufficiently delicate
heat measurer along it.
The instrument with which this
feat of measuring infinitesimal gra­
dations of temperature ia accom­
plished is known as a bolometer
and was invented by the late Pro­
fessor I^ingley of the Smithsonian
The principle on which the bolo­
meter is constructed demonstrates
that any change of temperature in
a metal changes the capacity of that
metal as a conductor of electricity.
By using an excessively tenuous,
flattened thread of platinum for his
conductor and an exquisitely sensi­
tive galvanometer to register the
effects Langley produced an instru­
ment w hich will respond to changes
of temperature so slight in degree
that no one could reasonably have
supposed them measurable.
Indeed, th« feats accomplished
by the little instrument are us in­
credible, not to say fantastic, as the
feats of the spectroscope itself. A
generation ago instruments for
physical research had attained a
high stage of development, but to
measure n change of temperature of
one-thousandth of a degree was con­
sidered a remarkable feat. But the
perfected Langley bolometer meas­
ures a change of one hundred mil­
lionth of a degree. It is competent
to deal with the infinitesimal quanti­
ties of heat that come to us from
such bodies as the moon and the
brighter stars.—Harper’s Magazine.
Little Bobby heard his father say
one evening:
“ Pshaw, I wish young Sparks
would go. It’s nearly midnight, and
I'd like to lock up the house aud
get to bed. What on earth can
Sparks and Mabel find to talk about
all these hours?”
Bobby tiptoed to the parlor door,
peeped through the keyhole and
then, tiptoeing hack to his father,
“ It isn't Mr. Sparks’ fault, pa.
He can't go. Mabel’s sittin’ on him.’’
— Exchange.
H i » Te m p e r.
Lord Kenyon, a ouee famous
judge, was a favorite with King
George III., but had nil evil temper,
and on one occasion made a scene
in court by an extraordinary out­
burst. He went to tho levee shortly
afterward, and the king took the op­
portunity of giving him a word in
“ My lord chief justice,” said his
majesty, “ I hear that you have lost
your temper, and from my great re­
gard for you 1 am very glad to learn
it. I hope you will find a better
one.” — London Mail.
Th e Angler Fiah.
Curieua Story of Marshal Sautt mm4
King Louia Philippa.
In the reign of Louis Philipps
Victor Hugo was a frequent and
welcome guest at the Tuileriee.
Here is one of his anecdotes of tha
time as told in Victor Hugo’s mem­
“ A few days ago the king said to
Marshal Soult in the presence of
others, ‘ Marshal, do you remember
the siege of Cadiz ?’
“ ‘Rather, sire, I should think so.
I swore enough before that cursed
Cadiz. I invested the place and
was forced to go away as I had
“ ‘ Marshal, while you were befora
it I was inside it.’
“ ‘I know, sire.’
“ ‘The cortes and the British cab­
inet offered me the command of tha
Spanish army.’
“ T remember, sire.’
“ ‘The offer waa a grave one. I
hesitated long. Bear arms against
France? For my family it is pos­
sible, but against ray country! I
was greatly perplexed. At this junc­
ture you asked me through a trust­
worthy person for a secret inter­
view in a little house situated on
the Cortadura, between the city and
your camp. Do you remember the
fact, M. Marshal?*
“ ‘Perfectly, sir. The day was
fixed and the interview arranged.’
“ ‘And I did not turn up ?*
‘That is so.’
“ TDo you know why ?*
“ T never knew.*
“ T will tell you. As I waa pre­
paring to meet you the commander
of the English squadron, apprised
of the matter I know not how, drop­
ped upon me brusquely and warned
me that I was about to fall into ai
trap, that Cadiz being impregnable
they despaired of seizing me, but
that at Cortadura I would be arrest­
ed by you; that the emperor wiahed
to make the Due d’Orleans & second
volume of the Due d’Enghien and
that you would have me ahot in­
stantly. There, really/ added the
king with a smile, ‘yoor hand on
your conscience, were you going to
shoot me V
“ The marshal remained silent for
a moment, then replied: ‘No, (ire.
I wanted to compromise you.’ The
subject of the conversation changed.
A few minutes later tha marshal
took leave of the king, and the king,
as he watched him go, said, with a
smile, to the person who had heard
the conversation: ‘ Compromise!
Compromise) Today it is called
compromise. In reality he would
have shot me.’ *’
A singular superstition about the
angler tish is entertained in some
parts of Sweden (Bohuslan), accord­
ing to Malm and Smitt. “ It is so
feared by many that the tackle is
cut as soou as the ‘ monster’ reaches
the surface, and its captor hurries
home in order to get there, if pos­
sible, before the misfortune por­
tended by the monster overtakes
him.” The extreme of misfortune
—death—is believed by some to be
indicated. Nilsson tells that the
Swedish fishermen on the banks
“ believe that on board the vessel on
which an angler is taken some one
is doomed to die soon. They there­
fore never or hardly ever take the
No Naad of Tham Soma Day.
angler on board, but prefer to cut
At a monthly examination a boy
the line and thus lose the hook with
of fourteen failed to spell 15 per
the fish.”
cent of his words correctly. The
tutor told him this was surprising
Origin of tha Postal Card.
In 1809, while Professor Emanuel and must not happen again. The
Herrmann of Vienna was seeking a boy replied that he thought he had
vast amount of information by cor- done pretty well on the whole.
“ You must study those words
resnonderfee for his notable book,
“ The Guide to the Study of Na­ over and over again,” replied the
tional Economy,” the thought oc­ tutor. “ This must not occur at any
curred to him that many advantages future time. Study them so that
would result from the adoption of you can remember them forever.**
The boy stood still in silent con­
a means of correspondence cheaper
than the sealed letter. On Jan. 26 templation for a few moments and
he went before the Austrian post then remarked:
“ I was just thinking that I
director with his idea, an open,
stamped card, and his suggestion wouldn’t live that long.”
was almost immediately adopted.
Har Tongua.
Within a month the Austrian post­
talking of figure« of
al authorities printed and 6old
1,000,000 postal cards and thus es­ speech.
“ Have you ever noticed,” said
tablished this indispensable means
of communication.— London Tatler. one, “ how fond people ara of vege­
table metaphors when they are deal­
Mistaken Courtesy.
ing with a woman ? Her cheeks are
An old Irish countrywoman going ‘roses/ her lips are ‘cherry/ her
to Dublin by train, says the London hands are always ‘lily* hands, her
Times, stepped into a first class ear- mouth is a ‘rosebud/ her complex­
liage with her basket and made her­ ion is ‘like a peach/ and her breath
self comfortable.
is ‘fragrant as honeysuckle/ ”
Just before the train started the
“ You’ve forgotten one,” said the
conductor passed along and, notic­ cynic.”
ing the woman and the basket, said
“ What’s that?”
“ Her tongue. It is a scarlet run­
“ Are you first class, my good wo­ ner.” —Exchange.
A Uaaful Sphara.
“ Begor, I am, aud thank you,”
“ What are your ideas about wo­
she replied with a smile, “ and how
men holding governmental posi­
do you feel yourself?”
tions ?”
‘‘I’m in favor of it, only, as a
No Chang».
The young men of the town hid guarantee of good faith, I think we
bought the vacant lot opposite Miss ought to get those English militant
Martha Billingsby’s “ fashionable suffragettes to join fire departments
scliool for young ladies,” purposing instead of starting blazes.” — Wash­
ington Star. ------------------
to build a clubhouse thereon.
Kind Action».
“ I’m sorry for you,” said one of
Each solitary kind action that is
Miss Martha’s friends. “ I fear hav­
ing those young men opposite you, done the whole world over is work­
instead of that empty lot, will seri­ ing briskly in its own sphere to re­
store the balance between right and
ously injure your school.”
“ Oh, never fear,” answered Miss wrong. Perhaps an act of kindness
Martha promptly. “ I can assure never dies, but extends the invisible
you that it will still be an empty undnlation* of its influence over
the brendth of centuries.
iot.” — Neale’s Monthly.