Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, April 11, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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T he F a m * C i t y N e w s , A p r i i .
Œljr 3 FaU« (£iti( Nruts COUNTY TEACHERS MEET
o. w
L IE .
Nearly One Hundred Polk County
Teachers Visit Falls City
atcoml e l i « mail ■( th*> poatofftc»
K filia City, Folk »'«nini.». (*w*ia. uudor tba
Act of Congro « 0 of March S. 18T9.
On Saturday. April 4. a local
teachers’ institute was held at the
Ttlvghaavs fkws Omet. I)i ItsMtict. Ri
Falls City school house.
Subscription R*too: Onoyoor. 11.00; aia montha
The principal features o f the
50 conta; throo mont ha. 25 conta; *in*to copy. 5 cta.
were as follows:
A bluo-ponci! m\ k on tho ft rat p*** of Tho Nowa
moona that your aubreription ta duo.
Address, by State Supt. J. A.
Tho Nows ta ropraoontod for foreign advorttomc by Churchill, on " The Course o f
T h « Amoricon Pros« Association
Study;” "Prim ary Reading.” by
General officaa, Now York and Chicago.
Miss Lelah Nelson, and an address
Ad vernal n* Ratoa: Display. 10 conta an Inch ;
M. S. Pittman o f the normal
Butine»» Notice«. 5 cents a lino. For Bale. Rent.
K ic hange. Waul and Fay Kutertslnmeut No school.
tlcoa. & cta. a Une. 10 cta a lino for three iaauea.
The program was interspersed
Card of Thaukt 50© U . Legal Notlcea.lcgal rate»
musical numbers by the
Copy for new ads and changes should be sent
to The New» not later than Wednesday.
Falls City school.
The institute was a success in
F K Hubbard. Mayor.
every respect and was one o f the
T. D Hollo well. Councilman at Large
best o f the year.
W T Grier,
H C Brown.
Among those present, in addi
Albert Teal.
to the home teachers and
A. Samplbti.
C L. Hopkins.
those on the program, were the
A. E Meyer.
C. W l^ee. Auditor and Folbe Judge
W p Lewis. Marshal aud Water Bupt.
W. 1. Ford. Supt. Dallas schools;
M. L Thompson. Treasurer
L. Keezel, principal Monmouth
J. J. Sammons. Engineer
Dr. F M Hellwarth. Health Officer.
high school; G. W. Montgomery,
1 he Council meets in regular session on the first principal. Perrydaleschool; W. E.
Monday evening of each mouth, at 7 90 o’clock.
Buell, principal Salt Creek school;
In the office of the Falls City News.
L. V. Mackin. rural supervisor;
S a t u r d a y . A p r il )1. 1914
F. S. Crowley, principal Rickreall
school; Miss Grant. Miss Nunn,
Falls City Election Results
Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Dempsey. Mrs.
and Miss Lynch, formerly
For Councilmen—3
in the Falls City school;
H. A. Bowman. 126
Miss Deal, Miss Henson, Miss
H. C. Brown.
Dodd, Miss Snider. Miss O ’Con­
W. T. Grier.
nell. Miss Mehrling.
R. A. Titus.
Several o f the parents and pat­
Eight votes were given for six
were in attendance, and all
names written on the ballots.
were highly pleased with the ex­
The Amendments
300— Y e s —79 3 0 2 -Y e s - 7 6
Gatherings o f this nature are
301— N o -1 2 2 3 0 3 -N o — 124
o f great benefit to any community
Lost by
Lost by
and Falls City cannot have too
Total vote. 216.
many o f them.
Annual school meeting. June 15.
The road petitioned for by J. C.
Reynolds is being constructed.
Birthday Party
11 .M 914
List of Letters
R. K.W iu j a m s , M. L. T hompson , W. F. N ichols ,
A. J.V ic k .
t’aahier Assistant Cashier
Bank o f Falls City
F a l l s C i t y , P o l k C o u n t y . O regon
Does a General Banking Business.
Interest Paid on Time
Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States.
Notary Public officially connected with the Bank.
(political Hnnouncemente
Announcement» by candidi!«« of any and «li l'arile» will l*e |>ub
1 1 »heil In Un-»« column» al Iba uniform price of Ac a line par U»ua.
I wish to announce my candidacy
for the Republican nomination for
Sheriff o f Polk county, Oregon, sub­
ject to the will of the voters at the
primary election, to lie held May 15,
Respectfully yours.
Rickreall. Or.
J ohn W. O r r .
(Haiti advertisement!
I am a candidate for the Republican
nomination to the office o f Circuit
Judge of this district. I f nominated
and elected. I shall ever keep in mind
the principle that Ju.sUce is the ulti­
mate end in view. All I ask is an op­
portunity to "make good.”
(PaM ■i1v<>rtt<«meiil1
I hereby announce myaelf as a can­
didate for the office of County Treas­
urer o f Polk County, Oregon, at the
primary election. May 15,1914, on the
IVmocratic ticket.
(Halil a<!vrrtt»cmcnt )
I am a candidate for the Democratic
nomination for the office of County
Surveyor o f Polk county. I have been
engaged in surveying and civil en­
gineering for 14 years; have been a
resident o f Polk county for eight
years; was chief engineer of the Sa­
lem. Falls City & Western Ry. for
six years; at the present time 1 have
an office in the Dallas national bank
building, and am prepared to do farm
surveying and general civil engineer­
ing work o f any character.
I hereby announce my candidacy as
S a n d f o r o B. T a y l o r
a Republican for the office o f County
(Paid advertisement )
Treasurer o f Polk county, subject to
the decision o f the primary election in
I hereby announce myself as a can­
F r e d J. H o l m a n ,
( PaKl adTtrtiarment)
Black Rock. didate for the office o f Sheriff of Polk
County. Oregon, at the primary elec­
tion May 15, 1914, on the Democratic
I hereby announce myaelf as a can­ ticket. I f nominated and elected, I
didate for County Surveyor o f Polk will enforce the law and perform all
county, subject the decision o f the the duties o f Sheriff to the best o f
W. J. W h it e ,
Republicans at the primary election my ability.
(better known as Hill)
Dallas, Or.
on May 15th.
C. R. C a n f ie l d .
(Paid advertisement 1
W. P. and E. R. Lewis cele­
Mrs. J. P. Newkirk, o f Salem,
brated their 34th birthday, last
is visiting friends in Falls City.
A fter consulting with many o f the
Sunday, at the home o f marshal
The county court is advertising Lewis.
voters o f Lincoln and Polk counties,
for bids for crushing 9.000 yards
A bountiful dinner was enjoyed I have consented to announce myself
o f rock for use on the roads.
by the two dozen persons present. as a Republican candidate for Joint
Representative in the Legislature for
The Fails City Lumber Co. store
the counties of Lincoln and Polk, and
was broken into and robbed o f
A Communication
most respectfully solicit the support
a small sum o f money and other
of the voters o f the two counties at
articles, last Saturday night.
The people have for the second the primary election. May 15, 1914.
The voters o f Falls City decided time defeated amendments to the (Paid advertisement.)
at the election last Monday that city charter that seem to be nec­
the present city charter if, a good essary in order that the council
Church of Christ
enough garment for present use. may proceed to make street im­
The editor hereof dined with provements.
Sunday morning: "T h e Origin
According to present plans, the and Spirit o f Easter.”
Mr. and Mrs. Singleton. Mrs. J.
P. Newkirk and Misp, Hammond, council seems to be determined to
Evening service will be devoted
at the Singleton residence, yes­ make the improvements, and the to songs, recitations, etc., by the
property owners may pay or go to Sunday school.
law, which is expensive and un­
The church is preparing for the
One o f the m alt teachers in at­
satisfactory. I f the property own­ greatest series o f meetings ever
tendance at the institute in Falls
ers win, who pays for the im­ held in Falls City. G. E. Williams
City last Saturday, remarked that
o f Milwaukee is to direct the
‘ ‘there are an abnormal number
I f we could make the council- services.
o f females attending the normal.”
men pay for the improvements
Don’ t miss the Sunday school;
The Oregon equal taxation league they order made, there would be
make the attendance 125 to­
went out o f business last month, some satisfaction in fighting ev­
Lee Sadler, minister.
presumably because there is now
ery move they make for the bet­
no financial ‘an gel’ o f the single terment o f the town. But the
M, E. Church
tax delusion. There is little dan­ taxpayer must finally pay the
ger o f single tax if its advocates
An Easter program will be given
see no pay prospects.
It seems to us that if the pres­ by the Sunday school tomorrow
The Dallas Woman's Club will ent system is unjust, why not morning, at the close of the regular
give a ’made in Oregon’ banquet, make a change before we go any session o f the school. A ll are in­
assisted by the state manufactur­ further. There is no question but vited.
A love feast will be held at 6 a m.
ers association, at the armory on what the assessment plan is un­
We ask you to come.
the evening o f April 22. Exhibits just. The public wants and de­
Sunday at 8 p.m.
will be shown o f Polk county mands streets.
Business men,
Maroy, Pastor.
manufactures.and also from Port­ manufacturers, teamsters a n d
land. A good attendance is an­ even auto owners want good
streets. Under the present plan,
W it h a n E y a T o w a r d E co n o m y .
R. A. Booth, o f Eugene, Re­ how much do they pay for what
Mr. Perry had been out for. a
publican candidate for U. S. Sen­ they want? We are quite sure day’s fishing. As he proudly dis­
ator, was in Falls C ity Tuesday, they would be glad to help pay played the contents of his basket
getting acquainted with mem­ by taxation, to the amount o f tax­ to his wife she exclaimed:
"Oh, Alva, aren’t they beauties I
bers o f ti e party in this section. able property they own.
But I ’ve been so anxious for the
Mr. Booth is a capable man, thor­
Owners o f property fronting on past hour, dear.”
oughly posted on the questions re­ the streets improved are benefited
“ Foolish little one!” said Alva
quiring Federal legislation, and more than the public, and should caressingly. “ Why, what could have
his personal character is above be assessed a reasonable amount, happened to me ?”
“ Oh, I didn’t worry about you,
reproach. The party m ay well be but to pay the whole cost is as dear,” said tho woman, “ but it grew
proud o f such a candidate.
unreasonable as it would be to so late I was afraid that before you
The city council, at its meeting compel the farm owner to pay all got back to town the fish markets
April 7th, attended to the usual the cost o f the road on which his would all be closed.” — National
business, ordered that prepara­ farm fronts.
This is only for a starter, and
tions be made fo r im proving Lom­
L e e k s A g a in a t H im .
bard Btreet, Butler, Clark. Bridge, if the people become interested,
“ That’s the young man at the ta­
Chamberlain, South Main, Shel­ a plan may be worked out that ble over there. He’s going to in­
don, Montgomery, Fifth , Parry will be more just, and whereby herit $10,000,000.”
“ I see two young men— dressed
Btreets, ordered the attorney to property owners would petition
precisely alike. Which is it?”
prepare papers for condemning the council for street and side­
“ Good gracious! Why, the one
the foot-bridge righ t o f way. and walk improvements.
sitting down, of course. The other
Six Taxpayers.
is the waiter.”
to proceed to coLlect money on the
"Indeed! So that’s the heir, eh?
1910 street improvement from the
Have you caught your Easter I was in hopes he was the waiter.”
few who have not paid anything
— Cleveland Plain Dealer.
on their bonded debt.
(Paid advertisem ent)
I hereby announce myself as a can­
didate for the office o f Sheriff o f Polk
county, Oregon, upon the Democratic
ticket, subject to the will of the vot­
ers at the primary election, and if
nominated and elected I will, to the
best o f my ability, enforce the laws
on our statute books without fear or
favor, and especially the laws regu­
lating the sale o f intoxicating liquors,
and 1 will practice the utmost econ­
omy in the management o f the coun­
ty ’s business.
J. H. S a v e r y .
(Paid advertisement.)
For Commissioner
I respectfully announce my candi­
dacy for the Democratic nomination
for the office o f County Ccmmisaioner
o f Polk County, at the primary elec­
tion to be held on May 15, 1914.
Paid advertisement )
Notice of Appointment
Notice 1» hereby given that the undersigned,
Henry C. Brown, ha» been duly appointed as Ad
minlstralor of tho eniate of Thomas D. Brown,
deceased, by the County Court of Polk county.
Oregon, and he has duly qualified as such Ad
Therefore, all persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified and required to
present the same duly verified to the under*
signed, Henry C. Brown, at his residence at
Willamina, Oregon, within six months from the
first publication of this notice In the Falls City
News, naid oatebeing the 11th day of March 1914
Dated this 7tb day of March. A D 1914.
H enry C. B rown ,
McCain. Vinton A Burdctt.
Attorneys for said estate.
of said estate.
Notice of Appointment
Notice la hereby (Ir e n , that the undersigned.
Henry C. Brown, hea been duly appointed ea Ad
mlnlatrator ol the eatate of Amy J Brown, de
ccaaed, by the County Court of Folk county,
Oregon, and he haa duly qualified ea auch Ad
Therefore, ell peraona haring c laim« againat
aald eatate are hereby notified and required to
l>reaent the aam eduly refilled to the undcr-
algned, Henry C. Brown, at bla realdence at
W illam ina, Oregon within ala month« from the
Arat publication of thla notice in the Falla City
New», aald date being the 11th day of March I9H.
Dated thla 7th day ol March. A.D 1911
H ik r v C. D rown ,
McCain, Vinton A Bordetl
Attorneya for aald eatate
of aald eatate
Call for Warrants
Notice la hereby gl ven. that all flehool Dlatrlct
No. 57 warrant« that hare been presented for
payment and endorsed "n ot paid for want of
funda," w ill be paid upon preaentatlon at my
office. No Intereat will beallowad after the date
of thla notice on warrenta bearing the abore
endorsement Dated thla 10th day of April, 1914
J. C. T albott , clerk.
The K. o f P. home-talent show
at Wagner hall tonght, will pre­
sent “ How to Find Out How You
Stand,” “ The Telegram ,” and
“ The Servant.” Admission 20
and 30c. Tickets at Ellis’ and at
Remaining uncalled (or in the It OagenUe Upan tha Tam paralura at
tha Surraundlng A ir.
Kalla City poatoftice (or the week
colder in winter than it 1»
ending April 3, 1914.
in summer ? Many persona auppoee
not. T o the unthinking ice ta lea
Mies Sybil Baitli
and cannot be any colder or warmer.
Try it and see. Take a ther-
niomoter and bury it in a large cake
Mr. Chick Barker
•f ico in lummer or in a houae
Mr. Harry Mason
where summer temperature obtains.
John B. Rotxer
It will indicate 39 degree*. Thia ia
Chat* W a u l
not under all circumstances the*
Mr. Berl Woodbury
( r e e l i n g point of water.
Under normal conditions whan
These letter j will be auit to the
the tciuperaturo of the air ia hover­
dead luttir office, April 17, 1914, if ing about 32 degree« for eeveral
not delivered before. In calling lor hour« the formation of ice may be­
the above, please May,” Advertised,” gin at that exact degree on the
thermometer. On the other hand.
giving date of list.
Ira C. Mehrling, I’oetina>itor. a bucket of water exposed during
the oncoming of a cold wave may
not show a thin film of ice for some-1
times an hour or more after the
mercury haa passed below the St
I I-Ota 1.2, 3, 4, 13, 14, block E. degree mark.
Rut 39 degrees ia the temperature
‘2 Two line building lota in hloek
of melting ice. I f a piece of ice be
U, Enid View ndd.
thrown into boiling water and left
H For rent, house, barn, 8 loth, $6; there until it is almost gone, the
•mall particle extracted will still be
Elba atruet. I’roperty (or Bale.
4 For Sale, 2 good lota, on I’ ine at 32 degrees. Ice can never be
got above that temperature.
atreet in block K, cultivated.
Mixing salt with ice makee H
5 Lota 13, 14, 15, 10, block O, at a much colder. Thia ia illustrated in
bargain; $UX)caah, bal, on teruia tho making of ice cream. The ice
in tho freoier goee down to near
at 8%.
6 Two lota, fi r. houae; fruit, ber­
Rut while ice never can be warm­
ries, city water, electric light; cl »ee ed above 32 degrees it will become
chilled as much below that point aa
in, bargain.
the aurrnunding atmosphere dose.
7 For sale. One acre, adjoining city
Ice will cool down like anything
limits, will) 5-room houae. A bar­ else on a cold night to zero or be­
gain at $425, terms. Houae to rent. low. What should prevent it? On
8 For aale— 10 scree, partially im­ a day when it is juat freezing tem­
perature a block of iron and a oaks
proved; houae, timber; spring aud
of ice in the open air will stand at
living stream; near western city 32 degrees. I f the weather become«
limits; price, $1300, cash.
warmer the iron will warm up with
9 For sale, one acre, cultivated, tho weather, but the temperature
of the ice will remain at 32, al­
fruit, berries; G-r. houae insured
though in the bulk it may diminieh
for $1400, elec, light, city water, appreciably in the melting proceee-
cesspool; puce $1050; all cash, or Hut with a falling temperature the
iron and the ice will become colder,
$?00cash, terms on balance.
too, and the one juat •• much aa
lOFor sale, 7 lots (all o f block A )
the other.
in Montgom ery’s addition to Falls
A* the ice grows colder it be­
C ity; good garden ground, fenced; comes harder and more brittle.
city water; price $1100 if bought Thia fact ia observed by skaters on
the ice on a clear night when the
within the next 30 days.
thermometer stands at 10 degrees
II For sale, tine home m city, will) above zero o* lower. They roeliae
25 acres, 10 cultivated.
there ta something out of gear
12For wale, lota 7, 8, 14, 23 block K, when they cannot with ease and
graco describe the figuro 8 or the
and lota 11 aud 12 block E. W ill
“ hickory bend,” aa it ia called in tha
trade for Portland property.
country. The ica has become too
brittle and chips.
lHFor sale, lot 2 block M, M. ad.
Those who have been in the ero­
14 For sale, 80 a. I j mi. nortli of city
tic region« tell us that water thrown
20 a. improved; 25 a. good timber; on the ice there will shiver it like
plenty of pasture and water.
pouring boiling water upon cold
tne ice being so much colder
15To rent, 12-r. house,
there than the water.— New York
lGTwo acres, cultivated, fruit, ber­ Press.
ries; O r. bouse, sheds; water, elec­
Barlsy Pudding.
tric light; will divide.
When making barley water for
17Three acres, adjoining city.
invalids do not throw tha barley
away after it ia strained off, bal
18Five acres, in city.
with the following ingredients make
19Six lots, no improvements; cheap
it into a pudding, which will be
both delicious and nutritious: Half
F. K. Hubbard Realty Company
a pie dish with the barley, add
In Tha Nawa offica, Falla Clfy
two tabloapoonfula of brown auger
and two ounces of currants. Beat
Services in the Churches of Falls City ono egg and one gill of milk; pour
over barley, etc., and atir all to­
gether. Sprinkle over a little finely
C h k is t ia n
chopped suet grated and a little
Sunday; 10 a m,
. Bible School
nutmeg and bake one hour in a hot
11 a.m, Communion aud (’ reaching oven. This is a very wholesome
6:30 p i n . , . . Chustian Endeavor pudding for children.— Detroit Free
7:80 p.m. Preaching!good singing) Prose.
Wednes. 7:30 p m. Prayer Meeting
A Good Definition.
Friday, 7:30 p.m. Choir Practice
A foreign journal says that •
You are invited to all these serv­ small bov who had been playing
Lee Sadler, PaBtor. nearly all day with a newly arrivea
acquaintance of the family, a gen­
F r e e M e t h o d is t
tleman who had nearly reached hie
Sunday School . . . 10.00 a.in. fiftieth year, said to hia father when
sermon .
. .11:00 a.m. the gentleman had gone away:
“ When will that young man coma
Young People’s Bible study 6:30p.m
again ?”
Evening sermon . .
7:80 p.tn
“ Young man!” exclaimed the fa­
Prayer meeting Thurs.,
7:30 p.m. ther. “ l i e ’s older than I am t W ill
you pleaao tell me what 'a young
R. E. Nichols, Pastor.
man’ mean« to you?”
M ethodist E piscopal
“ Why, a young man,” answered
Sunday School,
. . 10:00 a.m, the boy— “ a young man ia one that
Morning Worship
. , 11:00 a.m. has a good time I”
Epworth League, . . . 6:80 p.m.
Preaching Service
. .7 :3 0 p .m .
When General Lafayette viaitad
Ladies’ A id Society, Wed. aftern’n America in 1824 he waa aixty-sevan
Choir Practice, Thur. 7:30 p. m. years old. He returned to hia home
Prayer Meeting, Wednes. 8 :00 p.m. Sept. 28, 1825, after having been
the guest of the United States for
Milton A. Marcy, Pastor.
more than a year. He sailed from
theae shore* on the Brandywine, a
frigate named in honor of tha bat­
Preaching services in Toller hall tlefield of Brandywine, where Gen­
at 3.80 p.m,, third Sunday of each eral Lafayette had been wounded
forty-eight yeara before.— Magazine
month, by Rev. Groase, of Salem.
o f American History.
S eventh D a y A dvent
The Ir.truder.
Sabbath school Satuiday 10:00 a.m.
Sir Arthur Sullivan of the fam­
Preaching service “
11:00 a.m. ous Gilbert and Sullivan combina­
Prayer meeting Wednes., 7:80p.m. tion loved to hang about tha back
of the dress circle a few nights after
his first performance. One night
There w ill be Mass at the Cath­ he waa rather taken with on« o f hia
tones and started humming tha
olic Church, Mary Magdalene,
melody, when an angry patron crisd
regularly, hereafter, on the first out: “ Silence! 1 came here to
and third Sunday of each month.
Sullivan’s music, not yours.”