T he N ews stands for • greater and better Falla City all the time FALLS CITY NEWS VOL. X FALLS CITY, OREGON. SATURDAY. APRIL 11. 1914 THE BEST A N D T H E WORST. It D i p m a Uptn th« U«« I t Whlah tli« Human T«ngu« la P u t It ia Mid by iEsop, the celebrated fabulist, that he wmi at one time the •erritnt of a philosopher named Xanthua. One day Xanthna wished to give a grand dinner to aome of hia distinguished friends, and ha in- etructed iCaop to buy for the occa- aion the very best things in the market. A£aop went to market, pur­ chased a great number of tonguea, and told the cook to serve them with different aaucea When the dinner was ready there was tongue in all styles and not one thing else. Xanthus was enraged. Ha called .iGaop to him and said: “ I ordered you to buy the very best things in the market. Why did you not obey meF* " I did obey you, in aster," j£aop replied. 'T s there anything better than ton gu e! Ia not the tongue the bond o f civil society, the key o f science and the organ o f truth and reason? Ia it not by means of tha tongue that citiea are built and governments established and in­ structed ? Do not man instruct, per­ suade and prcaido in aasetnblies by using their tongue»?” "III azeuaa you this time," said Xanthua, "fo r your reasoning ia truly good ; but these ume friends will dins with roe tomorrow, and m I wish to diversify my entertain­ ment, go to tha market again and buy the worst tbinga you can find." The dinner the neat day consist- ad o f nothiakg but tonguo. Xanthua, violently angry, demanded an ex­ planation of iEeop. “ Master," aaid the servant, “ you told me to buy for thia dinner the w on t tilings I could find. Ia there anything woraa than tongue ? Is not the tongue the instrument o f strife and contention, tha fomenter of lawsuits and the source o f divisions aani wars? Is not the tongue the organ o f error, e f falsehood, o f cal­ umny, of blasphemy F’ ifiaop was not puniahod, for he convinced Xanthua that the tongue, when used aright, is the beat o f all things, and tha rery worst when put to a wrong use. Warned |n a D ru m . On the occasion of a fatal acci­ dent to a lift in a Paris hotel aome years ago a lady who was just going up in it started back, suying, “ Oh, there is that dreadful man again I" and tried to induce her husband to come off it, too, but he refused and was among th«*. killed. The “ dread­ ful man" to whom she referred she had seen in a dream, which the niece of the friend who told me the story had heard her relate a day or two before tha accident. It was of a funeral drawn up at her door, so pompous as to produce a great im- ression on her, presided over by a ig dark man in a strange sombrero h at This man she aaw, or believed ■he m w , in the lift and the coinci­ dence terrified her from going up in it.— London Notea and Queries E Wh«n Children Smoked. In Anne’s reign almost every one in England smoked. In Charles I l.’a reign “ children were sent to school with their pipes in their satchels, and the schoolmaster called a halt in their atudiea while they smoked." In 1702 Jorevin spent on evening with his brother at Uarraway’ a co f­ fee house, Leeds, and writes: “ I was surprised to too hia sickly child of throe years old fill its pine o f to­ bacco and smoke it as auafarandly as a man of threescore. After that a second and third pipe without tha least concern, aa it ia M id to have dona above a year ago." But Y «t ■ Man. “ I suppose I have about the moat thoughtful, kind and considerate husband in the world," alie was say­ ing sadly. “ When he comes home at about 2 o f the morning, turns all the lights on and wakes me out of a sound sleep ho always Myt in the moat polite way imaginable: “ ‘ Don’t let mo disturb you, dear. Dut will you plcaso help tne unfas­ ten this collar button?*” — New York Preaa. TH* Child’« Advic«. Littlo Arthur stood peering down into tho countenance o f hia babv ■iater, whom the nurse was singing to sleep. "Say, nurse," he finally whispered, " it’s nearly unconscious, isn’t it?” The nurse nodded in the affirma­ tive and song on. "Then don’ t sing any more or you'll kill it!” — Lippincott’s. Frorty! "Dora, would you ho willing to marry a young man who has to make hia own way in the world and who has nothing but hi« love for yon to recommend him ?” "Certainly, Gerald, if I cared enough for him, but at present I don’t know o f ony stirh young man Frosty weather, isn’t it?” — Chicago Tribune. SHRAPNEL CASES. SCALES OF FISHES. A b iy « Couldn’t Understand It, F«r H« Did His Bast to Kill. FaaWut Foreaa Thay Muat Raaiat Ba- fora Tima For Explosion. l o m i Too Tiny to Bo Soon, Othara aa Big aa Silvar Dollar«. A story thut illustrates one o ! the extraordinary points of view with which American official« in the Philippines have to deal ia told by former Commissioner Dean C. Wor­ cester in the Nationu! Geographic Mugazine. A wild Tinguiun named Abava bad a comiaiouado or agent who sold hia products for him at the provincial capital of North Uocos. The comision&do in turn had a Ne- rito slave, whom lie suspected of esigning to escape. When Abaya came in with a black load of tobac­ co, the comiaionado told him to take hia head ax and kill the slave, who was cutting firewood in (he neighboring grove. The comision- ado further told Abaya that ho him- aelf would kill a big hog and give him half of it in payment for the service. Abaya cheerfully sought out the unsuspecting Negrito, whom he attempted to decapitate with a terrific blow. The Negrito jumped in the nick of time, and the keen edge of the head ax struck his shoulder instead o f his neck, inflicting a dreadful wound. Why he did not drop in hia tracks and die no one can explain, but in point of fact he ran away so fast that his would be executioner could not catch him. When Abaya returned from the unsuccessful pursuit he was immedi­ ately arrested on a charge o f at­ tempted murder and incarcerated in the provincial jail. When he came before the judge and was asked whether he had tried to kill the Negrito he replied that he had made an earnest attempt to carry out the instructions of hia comisionado, since it was his cus­ tom to obey the “ authorities.” He insisted that he was not to blame for the Negrito’s escape; any ordi­ nary man would have aied promptly o f the injury he had managed to in­ flict, and it was no fault of his that the Negrito had displayed such ex­ traordinary vitality. He added that he had done his best to run the Negrito down and was guiltless o f any intention to let him escape. What was the judge to do in such a case? What he did do was to give Abaya the minimum penalty under the law for having inflicted lesiones graves (serious injuries) on the Ne­ grito. When I got Abaya pardoned some time later he still believed that he had been in prison for fail­ ing to kill the Negrito. The shrapnel is really a flying cannon which shoots its charge while in flight or explodes on impact. Its design involves many interesting features, us the case must be strong enough to withstand the bursting pressure and the stresses developed in firing. The smaller cuses are now made from bar stock on auto­ matic turret machines at lesa than the cost of the forgings previously used. The design and making of a shrapnel case have more behind them than appears on the surface, for, in addition to being a piece of steel turned and bored to the right dimensions, the case must have ape- cial mechanical properties. It must be able to withstand a pressure of from 30,000 to 35,000 pounds per square inch from the powder which drives it ont o f the gun, though it is tested to 40,000 pounds. In addition to this, it must resist tho charge o f explosive in the base of the case. This base charge drives the head and balls out of the case when a time or distance fuse is used or explodes it on im­ pact with the earth or any other resisting substance. This expelling or bursting charge exerts a pressure varying from 20,- 000 to 25,000 pounds per square inch. Further than this, the ten- sional stress when the case is start­ ed whirling through the rifling of the gun by the force behind it must be counted. This rotation starta the instant the shell begins its movement from the breech o f the gun, and when we consider that by the time it leaves the muzzle it must have attained a velocity o f 1,700 feet per second we can begin to aee how an acceleration of 600,000 feet per second is attained. These pressures explain why it is necessary to make the cases o f such high quality material, a tensible strength o f 135,000 pounds to the square inch, an elastic limit of 110,- 000 pounds per square inch, an elongation in two inches o f 11 per cent and the contraction of area 25 per cent.— American Machinist. All true fishes have scales, but in some they are ao minute or so deep­ ly imbedded in the skin as to be im­ perceptible. In most kinds, how­ ever, they are distinct enough, and in the pompano and the kingfiah of the gulf o f Mexico, which affords magnificent sport to anglers, they are aometimea almost as big as sil­ ver dollars and are used to make orna ments. Scales vary greatly in thickneos and strength as well as in size. They serve as an armor for the fish, not only against the attacks of enemies, but against parasites and infections of all kinds. When a fish’s scales are torn by wounds or accident a fungus is almost certain to take root, develop and finally kill the fish. It is to protect the animal still further that a sort of alime oozes continually from pores in the skin and spreads over tne surface of the scales. The size and strength of the scales o f a fish are in direct relation to its habits of life. The eel and catfish, which have no external ar­ mor, lurk near the bottom and among weeds and escape assault by floundering in the mud. Perch and trout, which live in clear water, have stronger and bigger scales, and the best armor belongs to those fishes which are themselves preda­ tory. Most scales show lines of growth on the upper surface, and the number of spawning periods it has passed through and the injuries it has suffered can be read by those who understand the markings. The most complete and effective armor among fishes is that of the gars or billfish of our American and some African rivers. Here the scales do not overlap, but are lozenge shaped and joined at the edges, like the pieces of a mosaic. Instead of being rounded and horny, they are composed of an ivory-like enamel. This was characteristic of the fishes of that very primitive age called Silurian. The seas were then filled with fish, some of great size and ferocity, which had solid, pavement­ like armor of this kind and are known as ganoids. A few small species o f this primitive type have survived to the present. One rea­ son may be that, except in infancy, they are safe from ordinary enemies. — Y outh’s Companion. Try a Sack of HIGH FLIGHT FLOUR and watch results All Goods and Prices Are Right - ' i t A 1 ___ _______ ____ _____ - Falls City 1 Lumber Co. ST<3RE No. 32 QUEER JUSTICE. 5 Buy all goods o f home merchant! and help to make Falla City greater OVER AN ABYSS. A Htrrow Eacapa F.-om a Broken I Bridga In th« Arctic. The perils of travel over the ic« rap of Greenland are often mention­ ed in “ Loet In the Arctic” by Cap­ tain Kjnar Mikkelsen. Wb u r n he and hia companions made a ledge journey they met again and again with uncomfortably narrow esrapea. Often the treecheroua m ow collaps­ ed beneath their feet and left them gasping on the edge of a deep ice fissure. Some o f the snow bridges over wide crevasses are ta le; others suddenly and unexpectedly break. Naturally it was not pleaMnt to crawl out on these bridges to teat their strength before sending the dog team over. But it had to be done. Captain Mikkelaen tells the story o f one snch crossing: I pull myself together, tie a rope round my waist and give Iverson the other end. He aita down on the edge of the crevasse with hia feet braced hard against the solid snow and bangs on to the rope, while I creep out slow l/ and cautiously dis­ tributing my weight over as large an area aa possible. Every tim t I drive the ice spear in I can hear the hollow sound beneath me. It means a fall of perhaps a thousand feet if the snow gives way. I f the bridge bolds up to the middle wa reckon that it ia safe, and if it bean me as I walk back we reckon that we can take the sledges over. Slow­ ly and cautiously I get up, stand m moment balancing on my feet, and then back I go, while Iverson hauls in on the rope. I tread aa heavily as 1 dare and try not to think about what will happen if'it does not bear. We get the sledgea over somewhat to our surprise. We drive over oth­ er fissures and, growing bolder, cease to think of danger. There ia a very broad one ahead, which I gat over all right with my sledge, but just as I am turning round to see how the other sledge is getting o a l hear a shout from Iverson. As I look round he ia hang ing down halfway through the snow of the bridge, a good ten feet o f it has fallen away behind him. He clutches the sledge, which ia still hanging over the abyaa, but the dogs do net Obasity Saved England’s Liberty. seem to notice anything, they aimply keep on pulling, and soon Iverson The mode in which that bulwark and the sledge are once more on of England’s constitution, the ha­ firm ground. beas corpus act, became a law is "See thatF ’ Mid Iverson, glanc­ very remarkable. So grave a his­ ing back at the hole and looking torian as Bishop Burnet relates Man and Earring«. quite pleased with himself. “ Near that it was carried by an “ odd arti­ Earrings were largely affected in go, wasn’t itF ’ fice.” Lords Grey and Norris were named to be tellers. Lord Norris, England by the male courtiers of Slaap Talkara. being a man subject to vapors, was the sixteenth and seventeenth cen­ It is a curious fact that people turies— a fashion which seems to not at all times attentive to what he was doing; so, a very fat lord have been imported from Spain and when talking in their sleep are al­ coming in, Lord Grey counted him which mightily shocked the Puri­ ways truthful and never evaaive, but for ten, as a jest at first, but seeing tans. Usually only one ear was if their feelings are played upon by that Lord Norris had not observed ornamented, as in the portrait of their questioner they will betray it he went on with his misreckoning the Earl of Somerset in the Nation­ great anger. Their eyes are always of ten, so it was reported to the al gallery. The Duke o f Bucking­ tightly closed, and the intonation house and declared that they who ham was famous for his diamond of the voice is very different from were for the bill were in the ma­ earrings, while other great men the tones used when the person ia who followed this mode were Shake­ fully awake. Sleep talkers may by jority.— London Chronicle. speare and Sir Walter Raleigh. conversation be brought to remem­ The last notable example of men ber a dream within a dream, and Anciant Enamel«. It is certain that glazes having wearing earrings seems to have been they will recollect what happened tho composition o f good enamels Charles 1. himself, who hung a in preceding dreams. Very often were manufactured at a very early large pearl in his left ear, which he mental anxiety will make people date. Excellent glazes are still pre­ presented upon the scaffold to a talk in their sleep when under other conditions they would never do it.— served, and some of the bricks which faithful follower. have been found among the ruins of London and Paris. Willing ta Advis« Him. Babylon have been ascribed to the There is evidence to show that Excited Individual — See here, seventh or eighth century B. C. The glaze on the Babylonian bricks was London was a considerable town Mr. Bangs, you are a scoundrel o f Its the first water. When I bought that found upon examination to have a before the Roman invasion. base of soda glass or silicate o f sodi­ Celtic name was Lyndin (lake fort). hoss I supposed I was getting a good um. Glazes of a similar character Tacitus, in the first century, calls it sound animal, but he’a spavined and were also manufactured by the Londinium and describes it as a blind and got the heaves. Now, I Egyptians as early as the sixth dy­ flourishing place. The earliest no want to know what you’re going to do about it ? nasty. There can be little doubt tice o f Paris is in Caesar’ s “ Com Bangs— Something ought to ba that the Greeks and Etruscans were mentaries.” Caesar called it Lute- also acquainted with the art of en­ tia and described it as a collection done, that’s a fact. o f mud huts. Lutetia began in the Excited Individual— Well, I should ameling. fourth century to be known as Pa- say there had. risia or Paris, and in the sixth cen « No Naad to Call Him. Bangs— Well, tomorrow I'll give A curious person of a certain tury was selected by Clovis as the you the name of a good veterinary town, who loved to find out every­ 6eat of government. Of the two surgeon. It’ s a shame to have that thing about the new residents, espi­ cities London is undoubtedly the horse suffer in that way. — Naw ed the son o f a new neighbor one more ancient, though how much York Globe. older it is impossible to say. morning in a doctor’ s office. A Triek #f th« Trad«. "G ood morning,” he said. "L ittle Raal Rattlar. “ Stop I” thundered the client at boy, what is your name ?” Jimmy— I was walking In the the barber, .'ho was cutting hia hair. “ Same as dad’s,” was the quick woods when all at once I came on Then, Mys the New York Staata reply. the biggest kind o f a rattlesnake. Zeitung, he continued, in somewhat "O f course, I know, little boy, but Pa— How do you know it was a rat­ milder tones: what is your dad’s name, dearF' tlesnake, Jimmy? Jimmy— By the “ Why do you insist upon telling “ Same as mine, sir.” way my teeth rattled as soon as 1 me these horrible, blood curdling Still he persisted. " I mean what saw him.— Eichange. stories o f ghosts and robbers while do they say when they call you to you are cutting my hair F’ breakfast ?” Brutal T m very sorry, air," replied tha “ They don’t never call m e; I alius “ Why are you always saying that barber, "but, you see, when I tell gets there first.” — Exchange. I am so changeable?” complained stories like that to my clients their Th* W ord ” E xa-juta.” Mrs. Gabb. hair stands on end, and it makM it T o “ execute” means “ to carry out “ You never wear (he same com­ or to perform.” The law, for ex­ plexion twice,!’ returned Mr. Gabb. ever so much easier to cut.” ample, may be “ executed” on a Paw Know« Everything. prisoner. But to say that the pris­ Willie— Paw, what ia the mother A F«e«r. oner is “ executed” iu a blunder aa tongue? Alice— My face is my fortune. inexcusable as it is frequent. The Paw— The language of Mars, my E th el— io n 'll bare no income sentence if executed. But the man son.— Cincinnati Enquirer. tax to pay, dear. himself ia killed, not “ executed.” __