T u r F a m * C it y N ews , A rn i. 4. 1914 4 CONJURED A TREATY. Huucbn, the Magician, Ju at Aw ed the Araba Inta Submission. LICENSED TO Registration MURDER. P ri m itive Justice In the E a r ly Day s the Auetrelien Bueh. In Near by one Australian town, long ago, a savage tribe had mur­ dered a family of settlers in the night save one lad, who escaped death by opportunely tumbling to the floor between the bed and the wall, himself wounded, unconscious and left for dead. What the provo­ cation was nobody knows. It is probable that there was no specific provocation. I t had doubtless been undertaken upon savage impulse and accomplished for nothing more than the momentary pleasure of dealing death to some living crea­ ture. This was the inspiration of many similar deeds— neither venge­ ance nor spoil, but the swift bes­ tial, wanton blood lust, indulged, celebrated, laughed over for the time and forgotten. And therein lies a sufficient explanation of the terrible character of the retaliation. Whatever the case, the boy, having thus narrowly survived, made bis way to Brisbane, where he related his story to the authorities, and to 6uch good purpose, ns it turned out, that he was given a rifle and free leave to return to the district and shoot as many black fellows as he could manage, being heartily assur­ ed that the law would not molest him. “ You see,” said our fellow travel­ er, “ he was regularly licensed.” “ By the department of game and fisheries?” I scoffed. “ Ah, come now!” he replied. “ I am not joking. I do not mean to say,” he went on, “ that the au­ thorities gave this boy an engraved license, suitable for framing, but I do assert that they commissioned him to kill black fellows and that his commission was not altogether sin­ gular, but one of a good many. And he did kill black fellows— hundreds of them, possibly. He killed them where he could find them, running the bush or employed on the sta­ tions, not even hesitating in the presence o f their white masters. Artificial Flower*., And by and by the thing became a Fashion is responsible for many nuisance. I t was awkward for the inventions. This is the case with station owners to have their black the manufacture of artificial flow­ boys disposed of in this way. There ers, fo r their demand was due to a were complaints. I recall that one caprice of fashion. In Italy during station owner had his best black festival time it was decreed that servant shot from the saddle on the flowers should br.- worn in and road. He was very angry, but the out of season ar.d that their color boy flourished his commission, and should be retailed. Many plans for the station owner could do nothing solving this r.roblem were brought about it.” — Norman Duncan in forward am’, at last some one hit Harper’s Magazine. upon the idea of making them of Fish, Psn and Ink. various materials which would re­ semble the real flowers. Later, in ‘‘One year I found a lot of cut­ the middle ages, the artificial so tlefish that ran into the surf,” said far superseded the natural that men a worker on one of the California and women decked their he.»da with beaches. “ I was riding along the imitation flowers o f cambric, glass, beach, and I got a pole and rode paper, wax and metal. The most into them and killed about twenty, beautiful artificial blossoms were I guess. Some were eight or ten feet long. I hauled them up and made in Pari?.— Sew York Snn. showed them for four or five days in my whale tent; then I sold them Yakamika of Venezuela. Found wild in the forests o f V en ­ to the fishermen, who 6alted them 1 ezuela, the yakamiks, a kind o f down for bait, taking out the bills, I crane, are readily tamed, becoming eyes and pens, which I sold as valuable servants to the Indians, curios. Each cuttle, besides a sac who domesticate them. Their pow­ of indelible ink, had a pen a foot er of flight is limited, and they sel­ long, a beautiful object, as delicate dom attempt any distance in the air. and fragile as a feather pen. The Not only are they intrusted with the eyes when hardened looked like care of the flocks, herds and poultry, pearls, and they are mounted as but they are left as sole guardians pins. The bills are chestnut color o r the babies. Certain species of and look like a parrot’s bill.” the tribe found in Brazil farther to Pearl Pills. the south are protected by law be­ Scotland still produces pearls, cause of their recognized value as found mainly in the fresh water snake killers. mussel. Cleopatra was not the only During the French conquest of Algeria (1S30-3) negotiations for peace were entered upon with the sheiks of certain Arab tribes, and a meeting for the settlement of terms was srranged to take place at the French headquarters. The French officers received their guests with great hospitality, and after the ban­ quet given in their honor, at which the utmost splendor was employed in order to dazzle their eyes and captivate their simple minds, an ad­ journment was made to a large hall, where M. Iloudin, the celebrated conjurer, who had accompanied the French forces, gave an exhibition of his skill. They stared in open mouthed wonder at all the tricks that were performed, and a feeling of awe crept over them as they witnessed the mysterious appearance and dis­ appearance of various objects. But what appeared to them most mar­ velous was the apparent manufac­ ture of cannon balls. M. Houdin passed round among them a high hat, which they exam­ ined very carefully, but without sus­ pecting anything unusual in either its make or its appearance. When the hat was returned to him the conjurer placed it on the floor in the middle of the stage in full view of his audience. He then proceeded to take from the hat cannon balls apparently without number and roll­ ed them across the floor into the wings. With this the performance terminated. The chiefs then consulted among themselves and came to the conclu­ sion that it was useless to offer any opposition to an army that could turn out its ammunition in so easy a manner. They therefore signed the required treaty and departed to tell their friends in the desert of the wonderful power o f the invad­ ers. The Depreciated Area. Two old colored women were hav­ ing dinner together in the cabin. The pot of boiled cabbage was on the floor, and the dog walked into the room and started to drink out of it. Old Aunt Easter drove him out with the broom, and, coming back, she gave the other old woman a spoon. “ Liza,” she said, “ take dis spoon and dip dem dog laps out o’ de cab­ bage!” — New York Poet. Bru n sw ic k's Fama. The little duchy of Brunswick oc­ cupies in more thin one respect a unique position in the German em­ pire. I t is one o f the oldest prin­ cipalities of the great Teutonic na­ tion, and its inhabitants have a cer­ tain right to call themselves the ab­ origines o f the country. They form a part o f the Saxon tribes, and theii forefathers helped to crush the Ro­ man legions by the battle in the Teutobnrg forest. According to Inatructions. Nervous Old Lady (to druggist) __ A re you sure you have mixed that medicine right ? Conscientious drug gist — No, m’ra; I wouldn’t go as fai as to say that. But I ’ve mixed il the way the doctor ordered it! Possible Souvonir. " I had something to say to thal matinee idol, but the girls mobbed him, and he was almost tom tc pieces.” .. “ Well, did you get his ear?” - Washington Herald. person who swallowed a dissolved pearl. Until comparatively recent times they were used medicinally in Europe and still appear in the ma­ teria medica of China. According to one Chinese authority, a pearl, after being treated with pumice stone and honeycomb, mixed with the gall of a serpent, “ might be drawn out to the length of three or four feet. Make it into pills and swallow them— henceforth food will be unnecessary." The suggestion is not that the patient would be finish­ ed off, but that he would live, food­ less, forever. H i t Prayer. O’ Connell had got a man off at one time fo r highway robbery and at another fo r burglary, but on a third occasion, for stealing a coast­ ing brig, the task of hoodwinking the jury seemed too great for even his powers of cajolery. However, he made out that the crime was committed on the high seas and ob­ tained an acquittal. The prisoner lifted up his hands and eyes to heaven and exclaimed, "May the Lord long spare you, Mr. O’Connell, to me I” I f you have not yet registered «a a voter this year, please call on me at The New s office during w eek days and evenings. Registration closes April 15. F. K. Hubbard, Registrar P H YS IC IA N Everybody writes letters. Many letters go astray iu the mails be­ cause the postoffice ptople cannot locate the receiver nor the sender. Printed envelopes would help in handling mail. We will print 250 note heads (5 jx 8 | ) and 250 envel­ opes, for 13 00, any wording you wish. O ffers exceptionally fine opportunities for the establishment ----------------:-------------------- - o r ------------------------------—------ P h ys lo ia n i s S t s r « « H Co-Operative Cannery Co-Operative Creamery Wood-working Factories Fruit and Berry Orchards OHes o v .i Ttiosipeon'e d m * «lore Mu I'hone N ight C .ll M l PH YS IC IA N F. M. H E L L W A R T H PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Toller Bldg., r.n, City KoaUlem-e « none 368 orrgou OIBee . 11,1 p i Extra copies of The News are printed each week, and will lie sent to any address desired, postpaid, for 2 cents per copy. This offer is made with the hope that our citizens will send these ex­ tra copies to people u ho m aybe, or who may become interested in Falls City. ‘Lend a Hand’ Citizens who wish to help The News give the news of the town can render a good service by sending or phoning any information they may have or local doings, especially of matters that are not likely to come under the personal observation of the editor. Post Office Time Card Office hours: Daily, except Sun­ day, 8 a.nr. to 6.30 p.m. Mail arrives, from Salem-Dallas, 0.35 a. in., 3:45 p.m. Black Rock, 1 50 p.m. Mail closes, for Salem, 9.00 a m. and 1.00 p.m. Dallas, 9.00 a.nr. and 5.00 p in. Black Rock, 11.00 a.m. Office hours: Sunday only, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m: Mail arrives from Salem 9.35a m. Mail closes tor Salem 9:00 a.in. Effective D ec. 1, 1913. I r a C. M e h r l i n g , Postmaster. Falls City, Polk Co.. Or. Oregon Journ a I=F a lls City News Journal, Ke* Year Rute. WHh The Nei $5.75 Daily, Sun. $7.50 5.00 4.50 Daily, Sunday, 2.50 2.25 Semi-weekly, 1.50 1.50 Subscriptions taken any time. Stop at Ellis’ Confectionery Manufacturers and Homeseekers who want to know the facts con­ cerning Falls City and its poasi bill tvs for future development are requested to read the information given in these two columns. For further and more particular information, address The News. ATTORNEY Send The News to Your Friends FALLS C I T Y , OREGON W . B. Officer, M . D. t u .l phone M l JA S. G. H E L T Z C L , Atto rney at La w The Name P rs cllee In .11 the S u t . court.. S u l l . l l B iu h -B rrym .ii HI,lg . phone ZVA S a la m , O roge n The city derives its name from the falls of the I.ittle I.uckia- mute River, which flown through th " city from the West. DENTIST The first sale of town lots occurred in 1HM9, though donation Innd-cJaiiu aeillers osnM hero munjr years before that date. In 1900 the population was 269; in 1910, 969; 1014. about 1,250. Dr. A.G. Atwood D E N T IS T P h o n o 1931 The Location F o lla C ity . O r. Ft’ NIC HAI. DIRECTOR R. L . C H A P M A N Funeral D i ree tot W o eilend to oil work promptly. Dallo, mod Falla City. Or business CarOs Falls City is situated in the south central part of Polk County. Oregon, in section 21, township 8, 8,, range ft,W.. W illamette mer­ idian, 27 rail miles southwest of Salem, and 73 rail miles south­ west of Portland, in the narrow wsstern end o f the L ittle Luckl- smote River valley, surrounded on the north, south, and west by the fool hills of the Coast Range mountain. Elevation, HH6.38 ft almve sea lev*I. Transportalion— Salem, Falla C ity £ Western Railroad, which extends from Salem to Black Rock, a rail distance of 30 miles, with F. P. main line connection, at Dallas, Gerlinger, and Salem, and witli the OreuoA Electric at Salem jfall 8 Cit\> 1 botd Falls City is incorporated as a city, contains about 800 acres, valuation for taxation 1252.(XX). The city administration is com­ posed of mayor, seven counci men, auditor and police judge, m ar­ shal, treasurer, engineer, health officer. Salaries: Marshal and water superintendent, $60; auditor. $25; attorney, $25. S a m g lo Room o Boat A c c o m m o d a tio n . Water and Wood HOTEL F. D roaoo. P r o p r i e t o r BARBER SHOPS Bohle’s Barber Shops Falla C ity, O regon Where yes css get s Shire. Heir Csl. leth tr 'Shine- BU ILD ING CONTRACTOR S a u l O u d e rk irk B u ilding C o n tra sta r. M odo. Phone 194 Rapairs Falls City, Ore. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS The city of Falls C ity owns the gravity water system. Its first cost was $30,000. Pure mountain water is piped from soring-) on Judge Teal’s ranch, 3 miles away, at an olevation ol about 300 feet above city level. Oak and fir fire wood is plentiful ami cheap. Lumber, Fruit, Vegetables and Barrloa Electric-power planing and saw- m ill, log pond, dry kiln and lumber yard in the city, lumber flume, logging roads and logging outfits, all owned and o|s>rated by the Kalla C ity Lumber Co. The surrounding bench and hill lands are as well adapted to the production of fruits and lierrieg as any other section of the Pacific Northwest, and development on these lines is going on. Vegetables and berries of many kinds grow to perfection io and adjoining Falls C ity, and many acres are planted to straw­ berries nnd loganberries. Market conditions are improving stead­ ily, as production is increased. Elle & Elle Schools, Churches, 8ooieties, Clubs Contractors and Builders See us before you build. W e may save you money. Phone 1411 Falls City has a 12-grade school with a four-year high school course, with principal, assistant, and eight grade teaaheis. Its diplomas are accepted by the higher schools iu lieu of examine- ations. The entire community is justly proud of the school, MONUMENTS 1 he Religious organisations are: Adventist, Catholic, Christian, Free Methodist, Methodist Episcopal, German Lutheran. G . L. H A W K IN S M A R B L E A N D G R A N IT E M O N U M EN TS D a lla s , O rogen The Fraternal societies: Ind. Order of Oddfellows, Rebekahs, Masons, Knights of Pythias, Pythian Bisters, Modern Woodmen of America, Royal Neighbors o f America, Woodmen of the W orld, Women of Woodcraft. Free reading room. '■ .......... — N P r o p s 01 and get a dish o f the famous M T. HOOD ICE CREAM Gem theatre, photoplay. Hydro-electric light generated by the power of the falls; owned by the Falls City Electric Co , W. B. Stevens president, H. C. Brown vice-president and manager, A. W. Stevens secretary and treasurer. Telephone system, with long-distance connections. C. J. Pugh local manager. Zhc Business Enterprises Stop! Look! Listen! O rego n C. W . M a tth ew s, P rogrln tor Hold the Train for I must have some of H A R R IN G T O N ’S H O M E -M A D E C A N D Y 1 P rone .............. 137 Zhc O V E R ea YEA R S' E X P E R IE N C E P atents Dignity. I ought not to allow any man be­ cause he has broad lands to feel that he is rich in my presence. 1 ought to make him feel that I can do without his riches, that I cannot be bought— neither by comfort, neither by pride— and, although I be utter­ ly pennilesa and receiving bread from him, that he is the poor man beside me.— Emerson professional C art's Iffcabo C H A I . M IX , P rch - pieton TR AD E N IA R R i D es ig n s o p y r ig h t s A c . A nron n •«n 'lln ir a oketrh and description may quickly aacertAtn our opinion free w hether an Invention is jm ^bablyretw itA ble. Communie*. tlona B trlctlf eonflfJentlAl. HANDBOOK on P At enta ------ m , Oldest Hffonoy fo r securing Dateurs. Patents i taken taken th through rr— K Alunn u & Cb. » recelv« — «ria l notice, notux, 1 without charge, is the tptruil C Scientific Am erican. handsomely Illustrated weekly. Li bandsoroelF Largest ------- dr- H ilatlon o f any scientific Journal. T .erm i, $3 m tar ; four months, $L Bold by all net-------- newsoealera. -- lUfiH ^Cojvr^:New Yprk Notice to News Subscribers A b lu e -p e n c il c ro s s m a rk an th is n o tic e m o a n s th a t y o u r s u b s c r ip ­ tio n to T h a N o w . h a s e x s lr a d a n d ne e d s fljtln p . D o It n e w . Falls C 'ty ¡ h well provided with the usual business enterprises. The News contains the announcements of the following business and professional men of the c it y : Bakery, D. Toller, , Bank of Falls City, VV. F. Niclutls cashier. Barber shops, Wm. Bohle. Carpenters and Builder«, E lle & Elle, S. Ouderkirk. Clothier, Tailor and gents’ furnisher, Chas. Harlung. Confectionery stores: II. I.. Ellis, R. B. Harrington. Drug store, M. L. Thompson. Dentist, Dr. A. G. Atwood. Department More, N. Selig. Funeral director, R. L. Chapman. Furniture, J. C. Talbott & Co. General stores. N. Selig, F. C. Lumber Co., F. C. Mere. Co. Hardware score. J. C. Talbott & Co, Hotels: Falls City Hotel, Fritz Droege, owner and manager; The Madena, Mrs. Mae Nichols, Mrs. Dennis, managers Jewelry store. W. A. Persoy. Land company, Falls City Orchards Co. Laundry, N. W . Crandell. Newspaper, the Falls City News, C. W . Lee. Photoplay Ineatre, the Gem, C. J. Pugh. Physicians, Dr. W . B. Officer; Dr F. M. Hellwarth. Pressing ami cleaning parlor, I, A. Johnson. Railroads, Salem, Falls City