Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, April 04, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    T u F alls C ity New», A prii . 4 , 1014
With the Independence high school
team, May 2,
A Spring Suit are now in order.
“ Bedford’s H o i«.” (3-reel Bison
C. Hartung about it.
L. 8. Frink has moved from Or-
gon City to Newberg.
Jr. and H. if. Beit o f Dallas were
For sale, 2-in. rough lumber; 17 the attorneys. The jury — N. A.
Lunde, W. R. Hinshaw. Z. Hin-
per 1000. B. F. Young.
A. G. Lineback, A. E. Meyer,
1!. Bedient has been doing some
rendered a verdict
eernent work at (he mill.
of 137 and coats in favor of Spencer.
City election next Monday, at the
Carlin A McChesney, of Port­
News office, 9 a.in. to 0 p.m.
land, painted a big sign “ The .Wa­
Randolph Butler visited a friend
dena Hotel and Restaurant,” on the
in Forest Grove, last Sunday.
south end of the Mueller building,
Irving Matthews of Portland, was Thursday.
a Falla City visitor, this week.
Mayor Hubbard and councilman
M. W. A.— Don’t forget to attend Ilollowell inspected the Glaze creek
tiie meeting, next Tuesday night. water pipe ditch, Tuesday after­
J. W. Finn, county road super­ noon. As mountain climbers they
visor, was in Falls City, Tuesday. have no equals.
The W. C. T. U. met at the Chris­
A train on the Teal Creek log­
tian church, yesterday afternoon. ging road, Thursday evening, was
Big K of P. home-talent show and wrecked, three cere were derailed
dance, at Wagner hall, April 11th. and bridge No, 9 was broken down.
To rent, fine little office, Mitchell One workman was injured.
The Gem Theatre Tonight
House Furnishings, Hardware
Hunting and Fishing Outfits, and Lloanses
Everything up-to-date
and at prices to please
J. C. T A L B O T T 4, CO M PANY
Falls City Mercantile Co.
They’re Here
New Spring Shoes for Ladies
New Tango Slippers Mary Jane Oxfords
Colonial Pumps in patent leather
Colonial Pumps in velvet
Colonial Pumps in gunmetal
Velvet Boots
Patent Boots Gunmetal Boots
Suede Boots
Baby Doll Shoes in patent Baby Doll Shoes in gunmetal
New English last inpatenland gunmetal
Florsheim Shoes for Men
Shoes for Boys, Girls and Babies
Falls City Mercantile Co.
Between the Bank and the Poatoffice
A new waste burner will be built
the mill. Some day sawmill waste
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McKnown
be too valuable to be destroyed
were Dallas visitors, last Saturday.
in this manner, but at present there
Ore. Fire Relief Associ’n,McMinn­
is no other way to dispose of it.
ville. F. K. Hubbard, local agent.
Mrs. E. C. Osborne, mother of
Mr. and Mrs. Fisk of Monmouth
Mrs. W. T. Harris, died at the Os­
are visiting G. D. Treat and family.
borne hone near Lewisville, April
For sale, settings of eggs; 16 for 50
1. Tiie bereaved family has the
cents. Inquire of Mrs. Frank Butler.
sympathy of a large circle of friends.
Hartung has just received a large
Martin Deal has purchased the
shipment of Copeland A Ryder
dairy business of J. E. Beezley, and
took possession April 1. Mr. Beezley
A. L. Raines of Falls City is a
will devote his time to tiie improve­
Republican candidate for county
ment of his place, with the poultry
business ns one of the side lines.
Fresh Bread, Cakes, Cookies,
Cleve Powell and the Youngs are
Pies, etc., every day, at the Falls
grading aud improving East ave­
City Bakery.
nue Pine street is getting a scrap­
W. L. Barnhart, being a Social­ ing and Parry street is being turned
ist, visited friends in Socialist Val­ upside down, by interested citizens.
ley, Thursday.
That’s the kind of public spirit
Will not slip or slide when you
chew. If you are from
Missouri, call
A G. Atwood, Dentist,
Office, North Main S t
over Harrington’s conf. store
Come to the
Drug Store
For Patton’s Paint
Rogers Stain Floor
for furniture and all
interior work. Floor
P aint Wagon a n d
Buggy Paint Screen
Paint. Lead and Oil
— Kalsomine; also a
good assortment of
Passenger Train Schedule
Effective Dec. 1,1913
wear euren
am. am. pm. pm.
Salem . . . 6 .3 5 9 .4 5 1.40 3 .2 5
Dalian. . . 7 .4 5 11.00 2 .5 0 5 .0 0
Falla City. 9 .2 0 11.35 3.2 5 5 .3 5
■ AUTBOttlfD am.
pm. pm. pm.
1 05
Bl’ k Rock
Falls City. 9 .3 5 1.2 8 3 .4 5 5 .4 0
Dallas. . . 10.15 2 .0 0 4.2 5 6 .4 0
Salem . . . 11.25 3.1 5 5 .3 0 7 .4 5
M. L Thompson
flews otjfalia Git?
The F. K. Hubbard Realty Co. Falls City needs.
moved their office to the News build­
The trial of A. Edick, Monday,
ing, Thursday.
before the auditor, for allowing the
Sample ballots for next Monday's accumulation of manure in the rear
election, now ready, at the city of his livery stable, resulted iu the
auditor’ s office.
dismissal of the case, owing to the
A surprise party was given in fact that the place had not legally
honor of Mrs. G. Fry at her home, been declared a nuisance, as re­
quired by city ordinance.
yesterday afternoon.
C. J. Moyer moved to Gladstone
last week, where he will engage in
the carpenter business.
Falls G ty Hotel Sunday Dinner 25c
Bill of Fare
How often have you sung this tune?
For H e ’ s a Jolly Good Fellow
H e’s a Jolly Good Fellow
H e’ s a Jolly Good Fellow
He lets us make his Clothes.
Come in and look around anyway, even if you don’ t buy.
You’ re as welcome as the flowers in Spring.
¡¡ Chas. Hartung, Clothier and Tailor
I. A. J O H N S T O N
French Dry Cleaning, Repairing
and Alterations. Buttons made
for ladies clothes. Work called
for and delivered. Phone 126
Sample Room a
Mueller Building
tlbe fl&abena
Falls City’s Best Hotel
.n a f.,, Mri
Mrs. Mae
Dena Nichols
F or g o o d e a t s , g o to t h o
Madena Restaurant
W m . F
Commercial Trad«
a Specialty
in l e y
. Prop.
Meals at all hours —beat on the market.
F. K. Hubbard Realty Company
Real Estate bought, sold, and exchanged.
Collections. Insurance, Abstracts.
Notarial work; Legal Documents Prepared.
Office, In the Falls City News office.
Abstracts of title promptly fur­
nished. Rates reasonable. Brown A
Sibley, 610 Mill St., Dallas, Or.
S.C. Brown Leghorns. Barred Rocks
and English Penciled Indian Runner
Ducks, Homer Pigeons; also Eggq,
day-old Chicks and Ducklings for
sale. Phone white255.
W. F. L e e , Falls City, Oregon
Green Onions
For sale, my entire herd of dairy
Schrimp Salad Mayonaise
cows, Jerseys, Holsteins and Dur-
hatns. J. E. Beezley, phone 271.
Roast Chicken, with dressing
Stewed Chicken with dumplings
I* U. Ingram lias returned from
Estacada, and will go to Hoskius
when the sawmill is again started.
Cauliflower, cream sauce
The Falls City hotel and the Striug Beans
Mashed Potatoes
Madena hotel and restaurant are
doing a good business, these days. Pies— Apple
0 , B. Morrison, having about Snow Pudding, with whipped cream
completed his contract to get out
4,000 cords of wood, will return to
Falls City Folks Astonish Druggist
H. C. Brown and I, A. Johnston
We sell many good medicines
were at Independence last Satur­
but we are told that buckthoru bark
day, on business for the city of
glycerine etc,, known as A dler-i^s,
Falls City.
is the liest we ever sold. Falls Citians
We must have your Rough Dry astonish us daily by telling us how
and Flat Work by Monday noon; q u iC K L V Adler-i-ka relieves sour
we can have it ready by Thursday. stomach, gas on the stomacli and
Crandall's Laundry.
constipation. Many report that
Albert Teal and a bunch o f help a s i n g l e do se relieves thsse troubles
era are digging the ditches for the almost i m m e d i a t e l y , We are glad
4200-foot water-pipe line from Glaze we are Falls City agents for Adler
creek to the reservoir.
i-ka. M. L. Thompson.
Miss Murray, of San Francisco,
Why Work all Day Sunday
has opened The Fashion millinery
you can get a fine chicken
parlors in the McPherren photo­
the Madena restaurant for
graph gallery building.
and nothing to do but
Chas. Hartung, clotheir, is wait­
being alive? Try it.
ing, only waiting for the dusty days
of Summer so he can burn up the
roada with his new Maxwell auto.
W e ’ re jolly good fellows in here, and we’ ll make a jolly
good fellow of you if you order a L amm made Suit for Spring.
To Exchange
$1,500 equity in $8,000 bungalow,
Let Hartung Suit you.
A re-survey of Sheldon avenue
also clear lots, for Falls City prop­
Polk County Fair, Sept. 17,18,19 puts the water-pipe line and the
erty. Call or write, 934 Weidler
The best show at the Gem tonight electric-light poles in the center of
street, Portland.
Lee Sadler went to Central Or­ highway for a part of the distance.
I. O. SimiiaroN, A s i n t
More Falls City news on page 2,
egon, Monday.
W. H. Talman and wife, of Great
Job printing “ as you like it” at Falls, Montana, who have been in
Deafness Cannot B« Curad
Me. H «m , Saakar—
The News office.
by local application«, os they cannot
reach “ the diseased portion o f the ear.
For Sale, two black Jersey cows. visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Walker. There la only on# w ay to euro deafoeoi.
••Ml Muy O r o b a r e L a « ë
and that la by constitutional remedies
Call phone 2421.
l><»afn«aa la caused by an Inflamed condt
A basket social will be given at the tlon
o o(_th
f the
e mucous llnlns
o f the Eusta-
Prof. Barnhart was a Dallas vis­ Bridgeport school house, by that chlan Tubo. When
___ Uila
___ tube la Inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect
Calettar— Hprtl, 1914
itor, last Saturday.
and when It Is entirely closed.
school, the evening ol April 11th. hearing.
Deafness la the result, and unless the In­
Saa. Nss. Tats. «tal. Than. M Sat
Big meeting ol teachers at the Everybody invited. Take your girl flammation can be taken out and this
tubo restored to Its normal condition,
4 school house, today.
1 2 3
bearing will bo destroyed forever; nine
aud go.
out o f ton are caused by Catarrh.
8 9 10 II Wanted, young brood sow, A. The lawsuit of Sidney Spencer v. cases
which Is nothing but an Inflamed condi­
5 6 7
tion o f the mucous surfaces.
Sire One Hundred Dollars fon »nr ease of
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 H. Benton, Falla City.
Mrs. F, A. Wolfe for wages, in jus­ We will
„ (eaeeetby
____by ceterrh> that cannot Ibo rami br
catarrh Cere. Send for enrolare free.
r i . enarrar, a oo.Toieto.oua.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 The Falla City high school base tice court, Monday, attracted a Sold by Drnsgtste.
ball team will have a game at home good deal oi attention, W. L. Tooze TOSe Hälfe Family rule lbs coasUpaUoa.
26 27 28 29 30
For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow'
street at 6th. Inquire at News office.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Daniels
of Mill Creek, at the home of Mrs.
C. Aikm&n, March 27, a girl.
Twentieth Century Prosthesis
Songs You Have Heard
The “ M inaret ” L ady D oll
4 t i ! f i
W e will give a pattern ol this
beautiful doll's dress to every
child that cells at our Pattern
Dcpar ‘ men t, accompanied by an
adult, during the coming week.
Get one for your little girl
to-d-y. It's FREE.
In Addition to this free pet-
tern. we have on extensive
assortment of
Sirt ic i r o « 5
r’’ tylcs and sixes at our
' ' ern C ou n ter.
spragHa iiordon
Let Your New
The perfection of
Hat making.
Our new Gordons
are just received.
Come in, and look
them over. The best
Hat you can g e t ^
f a l l s CitY Department Store