2 T he F alls C m ÿ r „ Î Â Si?.. C W. LXC. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER E n trM mb «ro tm l-c lM t mall at th * p«>at« ffl< v at Valla City. IM k Cwntjr. Ori'toa, uml»»r th# A«T v f C of Mar> h 3 , l!»TU, T d tp h o n ts N tw s Office. 83; R t s id t ic t , 821 Sohwrii.tkwi R ain: On* y««r. 11.00: «U month*. H c*nt*:thr** month«. Z& cent*: single eofiy. tot*. A bhi*-p*n*il mark on th* first pass of Tl»* N*w* mpan* that ywir subscription is due. Th* Now» i* r*rra**nt*d for forrtarn advr^Uine by T h e A m erican P re e * Association Ornerai offlo**. New York and Chic«*». Advertising Hat*»: Display, 10 centsan inch ; Business Notice*. ' rrnla a line: Por Sale. Rent, ■exchange. Want and l “av Kntertsiumrnt So­ tte**, 5 eta. s Une, 10 eta. a line lor three l«*ues ; Card of Thanka Meta le ga l Nolteea.Ugal rate* Copy (or new ads. and changes should be aent to Thé News not later than Wednesday._______ O FFIC IA L DIRECTORY OF FALLS C ITY F. K. Hubbard. Mayor. T. D. HoHowell. Counetlman-at-Large W. T. drier, H.C. Brown, Albert Teal. Counctlmen A. Sampson, C. L. Hopkins, A. K. Meyer, C. W Lee. Auditor and P oll«* Judge W. P. Lewis. Marshal and Water Supt. M. L. Thompson. Treasurer J. J. Sammons. Engineer Dr. F. M. Hellwarth. Health Offleer. The Council meets in regular session on the first Monday evening of each month, at 7 30 o'clock. In the office of the Falls City N e w s .________ S a t u r d a y . A p r il 4. 1914 Falls City News Annual school m eeting, June 15. The Falls C ity Lum ber Co. sent out 1,900,000 fe e t o f lumber last month. Mrs. A ddie M ontgom ery moved from Dallas to Falls C ity, this week. Th e county court is said to have announced that Falls C ity w ill be paid only h a lf o f the $1,344.19 road tax money to be collected from our citizens this year. W hy not also keep h a lf o f the $2,688.37 general tax money and h a lf o f the $7,229.37 school tax money to be paid by Falls City and district 57? Th e K . o f P . home-talent show at W a gn er hall A p ril 11, w ill p re­ sent “ H ow to Find Out H ow You Stand,” “ The T e le g ra m ,” and “ The S ervan t” - a l l comedies — w ith Madaline Thornton in the title role, assisted by Falls C ity ’ s best home talent. V ictor A llyn is business manager. Admission 20 and 30c. Tickets at E llis’ and at H a rrin gton ’s. Result of Manual Training Th e manual training class at the Falls C ity high school has recently constructed a D irector’ s Table fo r the Bank o f Falls C ity that is an excellent piece o f work, and could hardly be equaled by experienced workm en. The officials o f the bank in vite the public to call and inspect this splendid exam ple o f high-class m ade-in-Oregon school work. Th e class is now at work on a com plete outfit o f Mission fu rn i­ ture fo r the bank. P ro f. Barnhart is entitled to much credit fo r the careful train­ in g he has given the class in this work, and the school directors, al­ so, are to be commended fo r hav­ in g made it possible fo r such work to be done in connection w ith the school. ________ In this connection, it is proper to remind our people that they have a duty to p erform at the next school m eeting, June 15th, and that is to authorize the directors to erect a suitable building, large enough to provide rooms fo r the manual training a n d domestic science classes, and also a g y m ­ nasium. Th ere is not sufficient room in the present building fo r th e school work that must be done n e x t year, as it w ill then be nec­ essary to em ploy an additional g ra d e teacher. T h ere are other good and sufficient reasons w hy this m atter o f a new building should be acted on this year, which w ill be discussed before the date o f the annual m eeting. $25~00~Reward F o r inform ation leadin g to the arrest and conviction o f the p er­ son w ho m aliciously cut o ff the choice clim b in g rose bush that g r e w in m y fr o n t yard. O. Aurland. N e w s , A pril 4 , 1914 : political announcement* Crandell’ s lace Curtain Special A Lace Curtain Special at ( ’ran- , dell’s Laundry. Th# name this year ' Annoanormetit» by enmttdsto* of any *n«l *11 i>*rtl«'« will t*a l'M 4 new company has this week hs last, w# are making a special listini in tinse colutimi» at th# uniform eric* ol 3c a Una par U»uc. completed the purchase of the h eal price right in th# season fur Lac# electric light plant, and the new Democratic Curtains— »5 to 00c per pair— ami Republican concern has been incorporated un­ the I test work anti satisfaction to he FOR TREASURER der State law, with the following! FOR SHERIFF hail from any plant in tint North­ I hereby announce myself as a can­ incorporators and officers, citizens i I wish to announce my oundidacy west. CrandeU’s Laundry. o f Falls C ity ; for the Republican nomination for didate for the office o f County Treas­ urer of Polk County, Oregon, at the W. B. Stevens, President. Sheriff o f Polk county. Oregon, sub­ primary election. May 15,1914, on the H E A L K S T A T K F O R S A l i K H. C. Brown, vice-Pre*. and Mgr. ject to the will o f the voters at the J. E. RlCHTER. primary election, to I k - held May 15. Democratic ticket. A. W. Stevens, Sec. and Treas. 1 Lots l. 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, block E. (Paid adverllMment.) Respectfully yours, The new company took posses­ 1914. 2 T w o fino building lots in block FOR SURVEYOR Rickreall, Or. J o h n W. O r r . sion o f the business on April 1, [Haiti tilvcrtlsomonl] O, East View add. 1 am a candidate for the IVmocratic W hile no definite plans Lave so nomination for the office of County 8 For rent, bous»«, barn, 3 lots; $6; far been decided upon as to im FOR CIRCUIT JUDCE Surveyor o f Polk county. I have been Ellis street, Property for sale. provements, it is understood that a I am a candidate for the Republican engaged in surveying and civil en­ 4 For Sale, 2 good lots, on Pine day service w ill bo established at an nomination to the office o f Circuit gineering for 14 years; have been a etruot in block K, cultivated. early date, additional power will Judge o f this district. If nominateli resident o f Polk county for eight be developed for factory use when ami elect ini, l shall ever keep in mind years; was chief engineer o f the Sa­ 5 Lots 13. 14, 15, 16, block O, at a needed, and other betterments are the principle that Just;ce is the ulti­ lem, Falls City & Western Ry. for bargain; $100 cash, bal, on terms mate end in view. All I ask is an op­ six years; at the present time 1 have at 8%. to be made from time to time. An office may be established in portunity to “ make good.” an office in the Dallas national hank t> Two lots, O r. house; fruit, ber- [P*1T advertisement] HARRY H. BELT. building, and am prepared to do farm rii«s, city water, electric light; cl >se some store, for the convenience of surveying anil general civil engineer­ the patrons. in, bargain. FOR TREASURER ing work o f any character. The business of the company is I hereby announce my candidacy as 7 For sale, óno acre, adjoining city S a n d f o r d B. T a y l o r constantly increasing, and the new a Republican for the office of County limits, with 5-room house. A bar­ (Paid 4ilv«rtts«inenl.) owners are to be congratulated for Treasurer o f Polk county, subject to gain at $425, terms. House to rent. FOR SHERIFF having made a good buy. The peo the decision of the primary election in 8 For sale— 10 acres, partially im­ pie o f Falls City are also to be con­ May. 1 hereby announce myself as a can­ F red J. H o l m a n , gratulated for the fact that home (Paid advertisement] Black Rock. didate for the office o f Sheriff of Polk proved; house, timber; spring and county, Oregon, upon the Ilemocratic living stream; near western city business men have control of this FOR SURVEYOR ticket, subject to the will o f the vot­ limits; price, $13(X), cash. important enterprise. I hereby announce myself as a can­ ers at the primary election, and if 9 For sale, one acre, cultivated, didate for County Surveyor o f Polk nominated and elected I will, to the fruit, berries; 6-r. house insured The Domo Cream Separator county, subject the decision o f the best o f my ability, enforce the laws for $1400; elec. light, city water, 450-pound capacity, - - $45.00 Republicans at the primary election on our statute books without fear or cesspool; pi ice $1050; all cash, or 300 “ “ . . . 39.50 on May 15th. favor, and especially the laws regu­ C. R. C a n f ie l d . $700 cash, terms on balance. Other sizes, $25 up. Every one [Paid advertisement.) lating the sale of intoxicating liquors, guaranteed. Guy Bros., Dallas, Or and 1 will practice the utmost econ­ lOFor sale, 7 lots (all of block A ) FOR JOINT REPRESENTATIVE omy in the management o f the coun­ in Montgomery's addition to Falls A fter consulting with many o f the ty’s business. J. H. S a v e r y . C ity; gtxid garden ground, fenced ; Notice voters o f Lincoln and Polk counties. (Paid advertisement.) city water; price 91100 if bought H aving sold our feed business to I have consented to announce myself within the next 30 dtya. G. D. Treat, we ask all who owe For Commissioner as a Republican candidate for Joint us on account to call and settle at I respectfully announce my candi­ 11 For sale, fine home in city, with Representative in the Legislature for once. Hinshaw A Sons. the counties of Lincoln and Polk, and dacy for the Democratic nomination 25 acres, 10 cultivated. most respectfully solicit the support for the office o f County Commissioner 12For sale, lots 7, 8, 14, 28 block K, Stumping Powder, 1 11, f o.b. Dal­ of the voters of the two counties at of Polk County, at the primary elec­ and lots 11 and 12 block E. W ill las. W e have a powder magaziue the primary election, May 15, 1914. tion to be held on May 15. 1914. trade for Portland property. here and can ship every Thursday. Paid advertisement) GE O RG E C l A N F IE U ) (Paid advertisement.) S. G . IR V IN . IHFor sale, lot 2 block M, M. ad. Guy Bros., Dallas. Ore. 14 F or sale, 80 a. 1J mi. north of city 20 a. improved; 25 a. good timber; M r. and Mrs. J. R. W alker en R . E . W i l l i a m s . M. L . T h o m p s o n , W. F. N ic h o l s , A. J. V i c k , plenty of pasture and water. tertained Mr. and Mrs. Singleton President Cashier Assistant Cashier Vice-President 15To rent, 12-r. house, and Miss Lois Om art at dinner, last Sunday. 16Two aerea, cultivated, fruit, ber­ Information for Cow Owners One o f the finest Jersey cows in Falls City, owned by G. W. Hudson, died Friday night o f last week, o f indigestion, and not “ milk sickness,” as reported. Th e cow had been fed on mill feed once a day, w ith grass and hay as other feed. Mr. Hudson would recommend that when a cow ’s nose gets dry and she appears to have fe ve r, to g iv e raw linseed oil in liberal doses. W h a t a W o m a n Lik ed . Bank of Falls City F a l l s C it y , P olk C o u n t y . O regon 8h#«Min# Hew Mueh Belter le the Gee# Old FeeMened Latehetring. A door key ia en inconsistent if sot an altogether eenscleea affair. It may bo all right in iteelf, but it ts often used to lock doors, snd a locked door is a very foolish thing. Somo doors, you nisy remark, Iocs themselves, snd s door key is neces­ sary to unlock them. That might be a reasonable excuse for the ex­ istence of the key, but such a key, if it is not lost or on the wrong aide >( the door, frequently gets stuck snd refuses to open the door. If there were no door key# there would in all probability be no locked doors, and that would bo a very enjoysbls •tate of society. With the door locked end the key inside, it is difficult for anybody except a burglar to get inside, and of course a burglar is the only per­ son we want to seep out. Burglar# can get in just aa easily with the door locked as with it unlocked, but thq rest of us are not so clever. You know yourself how it is. You have carried ladders snd climbed into upstair# windows or Lave drop­ ped through basement windows into the coal bin or have tried to go through transoms snd been rescued by neighbor# from an embarrassing if not a dangerous position. Every­ body knows all about getting into e house without a key. Sometimes you cannot get in at all. One morning a woman follow­ ed her husband to the front steps, and tho door slammed and the night lock was on and the key was ineide, and her husband had caught the car. She was canning pcara end had put them on the stove to cook while she was getting breakfast They were still cooking and would soon ^bo burning. Tha baby was crying for his breakfast. She could not get in. None of the neighbors could get in. Somebody telephon­ ed to her huaband, and perhaps it was not more than an hour before he got home with his key. Am hour ia a long time, and tha pear* and tbs baby were in a terrible state. It would have been better if there had been a burglar in the house. He could have turned out tho gas and have fod tbs baby, end ho might have opened the door. A good old fashioned latchstring, al­ ways out, would reliave ua of so much responsibility and would be so much safer.— Indianapolis Neve. ries; Or. house, sheds; water, elec­ tric light; will divide. Ths Waist Cent# Bask. "T h e other day I hung my pretti­ est waist out on tho Tine at the 17Three acres, adjoining city. Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Tim e kitchen window," said tha del 18Fivt> acres, in city. Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the U nited States. dweller, “ after I washed i t Than N ota ry Public officially connected w ith the Bank. 193ix lots, no improvements; cheap I forgot all about it, and when I went to look for it two dart later it F . K. Hubbard Realty Company was gone. I rushed frantically In T h * News office, Falls Cl|y down to the janitreaa, and we climb­ ed together over the coal into the area to look for the waist. I lament­ ed deeply. I t was a beautiful waist M a r k (X) be tw een n u m b e r an d n a m e of each ca n dida te i n d betw een each n u m b e r a n d a n s w e r voted lor Wo couldn’t find it. Tha janitor cumo from tho next house and help­ F or Councilmen— V ote fo r T h r e e In it ia t io n . T u e s . A p ril 7 ed us look, but there was nothing 24 H IR A M A. B O W M A N A ll M e m b e r s C o m e doing. I camo sadly in at the win­ dow back over the coal and ascend­ District Deputy will be present. 25 H E N R Y C. B R O W N ed to my sixth story flat. “ Tho next day I looked in the 26 W I L L I A M T . G R IE R drawer of my chiffonier and found Services in the Churches of Falls City the waist thero. Say anything to 27 R E U B E N A . T IT U S the janitress? Well, 1 reckon not." Now York Prcsa. C h r is t ia n Sample Ballot, City of Falls City, Oregon, April 6,1914 M. W. A. A lecture by that brilliant crafts­ man and poet William Morris was not always a season of rare enjoy­ ment. Sometimes, according to Mor­ ris’ biographer, Mr. Conipton-Rick- ett, his lectures were dull, as on one particular occasion when he turned to one of the women in his audi­ ence and asked her how she liked the lecture. “ Not at all,” was the unexpected reply. “ But I thought the color of For your blue shirt charming.” Morris was delighted, for he had taken great pains to find the right dye. His love of color, particularly indigo blue, was as keen as his de­ 300 light in Gothic art. 301 Proposed by the C ity Council An Amendment to Section 63 o f the Charter of Falls City, Oregon, providing for a simplified method of collecting delinquent improve­ ment assessments; specifying the for” of notice to be given; and de­ fining the duties of the Auditor and Police Judge, and other cit^ officials in relation thereto. Vote YES or Yes No A Bank of th* Yaar 600 8. C. The very earliest banking firm of which there is any record was that of Egibi & Sons, an institution which carried on advance, exchange and general financial business in Babylon in the year COO B. C. Knowledge of this firm is obtained from certain records on clay tablets which have been found in recent ex­ cavations made by a party of Eng­ lish and French archaeologists near the site of the ancient city above mentioned. Bills of credit, drafts, etc., in the form of small burnt clay tablets, each bearing the character­ istic signature of Egibi & Sons, have been found in many other parts of Asia Minor. ONE VIEW OF THE 000R KEY. For An Amendment to Section 64 o f the Charter of Falls City, Oregon, providing in detail the method of executing a warrant issued for the collection o f delinquent improvement assessments; specifying how property shall be levied upon and sold for such delinquent assessments; and defining the duties of the marshal, Auditor and Police Judge, and City Treasurer, and other city officials in relation thereto. Vote YES or NO 302 Yes. 303 No Oakdale News Items Sunday: 10 a.m, . Bible School 11 a.in, Communion and Preaching 6:30 p.m., . . Chnstian Endeavor 7:80 p.m. Preaching(good singing) Wednes. 7:30 p in. Prayer Meeting Friday, 7:30 p.m. Choir Practice You are invited to all these serv­ ices. I,ee Sadler, Pastor. F r e e M e t h o d is t Sunday School . . . 10.00a.m. sermon . , ,11:00 a.m. Young People’s Bible study 6:30p.m Evening sermon . . 7:80 p.m Prayer meeting Thurs., 7:30 p.m. R. E. Nichols, Pastor. M e t h o d is t E p is c o p a l Sunday School, . . 10:00 a.m, Morning Worship . . 11:00 a.m. Epworth League, . . . 6:80 p.m. Preaching Service . .7:30 p.m. Ladies’ Aid Society, Wed. afterii’ n Choir Practice, Thur. 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Wednes. 8 :00 p.m. Milton A. Marcy, Pastor Saturday and Sunday o f last week. GERMAN LUTHERAN Mr. and Mrs. Ellingsw orth have Preaching services in Toller hall Mr. Rake was a Dallas visitor, moved on the Smith place. ----------♦ ♦ * — at 3.80 p.m,, third Sunday of each Tuesday. Boy Scout Notes month, by Rev. Grosse, of Salem. Mr. Dennis visited our school, Good Reasoning. ast Monday. Th e fund o f $250 required fo r " I don’t see, madam, how you can S eventh D a y A dvent expect us to pay any claim under Hollis Moffit has returned home the proposed Boy Scout building, 8abbath school Satui day 10:00 a.m. your husband’s accident policy.” is grow in g rapidly, the total now :’rom California. Preaching service “ 11:00a.m “ Well, you see, it was this way: Mrs. Graham has been in poor amounting to $107.50. Prayer meeting Wednes., 7:80p.m. When he asked which it was, a boy Subscription papers at the Bank or a girl, and the nurse said that he lealth fo r some time. o f Falls City. Money payable on was the father of triplets he drop­ CATHOLIC CHURCH Leland Murphy and fam ily w ill ped. Now, his death was due to an soon m ove to Falls C ity, and w ill or before M ay 1, to M . A . Marcy. There will be Mass at the Cath­ accident.” occupy the B ancroft house. olic Church, Mary Mapdalene, Th e trouble with the troubles o f “ How do you make that out ?” Misses F ay Henson and Edith some people is the*' hints are not regularly, hereafter, on the first " I t was an accident of birth."— New York Press. Barnhart visited Dallas friends heeded and no bumps are missed. and third Sunday of each month. Turned th* Table*. Barry Sullivan, the Iriah trage­ dian, waa playing in “ Richard I I I . " some years ago at Shrewsbury. When he came to the line, " A horse I A horse! My kingdom for a horse I” some one in the pit called out, “ Wouldn’t a donkey suit you, Mr. Sullivan?" “ Yea," responded tho tragodian, turning quickly on the interrupter; “ pleaae come round to tho stage door." In “ Sancho Panza," a comedy in three acta, by Dufreni, the duke says at the beginning of the third act, “ I begin to get tired of San­ cho.” “ So do I,” said a wag in the it, taking hia hat and walking o a t his scaled the fate of the piece. t Lacked Hie FeekeL A Brockton man was seen stand­ ing at a corner, serene as usual aft­ er lunch. But a friend approach­ ing noticed that the flap on one aide coat pocket waa pinned down by a regular blanket size safety nin. "W hat’s the matter? ’ Fraid of pickpockets?” was asked. “ Not much. I got it locked up so I can't get in myself. Kept put­ ting things in it all the morning. The pocket has a hole in it big enough for a monkey wrench to drop through.” — Boston Record. Th* Oldeet Newspapers. The Swedish Official Gazette, the oldest newspaper in Europe, is cen­ turies behind (or ahcml of) it# Chi­ nese rivele. The Poking Gazette, containing official news, has appear­ ed regularly since the day« o f tha Tang dynasty, which finished in tha year 905, and the monthly Peking News, now e yellow octavo book of twenty-four page*, ia «aid to have been founded early in the sixth ocb - tury.