4 T h k F a i i s C it y N e w », F u m i aky 14. U n i j f a lle C itç telephone SHrcctorç, 2 / 12/14 FALLS C I T Y , OREGON 2811 Bancroft. H \V -•*1 Bank of Falls Cilv 1S1 Barnhart. L . meat tukt. 271 Beetley. J. E. 311 Hedteut, H 158 Bell. J L. 333 Bell. Till 403 Black Rock P. O. 711 Bohte. bar her shop 220 Bohle. res 4310 Roje. D 50 Bowman, H A. 155 Bowman. J. A. 2211 Bradley. C J 348 Brentner, G. W.. grocery white 52 Bronson. D. C., farmer white 5551 Brown, A. B.. farmer 81 Brow n, H C. white 551 Brown. Win., farmer 2201 Brown. W. T 501 Buell, Bert 2411 Buell. H., farmer 110 Bungalow white 555 Burns. J H . farmer white 3 Burns. W K . farmer 143 Butler. Mrs F. * * . • t H 191 146 2721 1221 120 white 54 150 301 303 white 51 287 51 3411 345 138 rJ 291 101 118 3921 171 83 F F. F. F. F. F C. C. C. C. C. C. li ► ■ Hotel Lbr. Co«, office Lbr. Co., store Lbr. Co.. Mach. Shop Mercantile Co., store News Ferguson, N. fc Flcklin. C. S. hi Fisher. A. G A* Ford, Win., L*rmer Foster, T. J.^ farmer Frink, Char,, Frink, W .. farmer 2421 197 437 91 135 1911 2711 S8 338 3331 141 bluet 2716 1331 277 331 396 Poatofflce. MehrllnK Powell. C. E. Powell's Pump Powell. J B. S Pugh, C. J Puitli, l ’. J . res. Purdy. Jack 433 398 white 15 321 1511 273 Baines. A. E Reading Boom Bobertaon. J E.. farmer Bobison. B. W Itvan. J Rusk. Paul March. J C. Marcy, M. A. Martin. J. E. Matthews.C W. The Oregon Mehrling, Ira Miller. A M. Mix, Chas. Montgomery, Mrs. H. S. Moyer, J D Moyer, J R Munscn. C. Murray, W. H , farmer Myer. A. E. McKown, W. B. McMurphy, G. L. McMurphy. Krank McPherren. C. E. 1321 Talbott. Fred 293 Talbott. J C. 293 Talbott. J C . store 4321 Teal. Albert white 25 Teal, John 148 Tetherow, S. H. 77 Tice. Chas. 1961 Tice. Geo. M. 244 Tlderinan. 131 Titus, R.A.. drayman 336 Thompson, M. L. • 125 Thompson, M. L.. drugs 12 1 Tonar, D . Bakery white 151 Trueax. W. E . farmer 436 Vick, C F 153 246 435 347 151 131 3416 white 553 3511 54 Wooden, Wm C o llie r ’s The • N a t i o n a l • W eekly F ir s t T im e Office hours: Daily, except Sun­ day, 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Mail arrives, from Salem-Dallas,9.ft5a.m , 3:45 p.m. Black Rock, 1 oO p.m. Mail closes, for Salem, 9.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. D s II as . 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. Black Rock. 11.00 a.m. Office hours: Sunday only, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m: Mail arrives from Salem 8.85a.m. Mail closes for Salem 9:00 a.m. Exclusive rights for the sale o f Russell & Gilbert Candies. Ellis Confectionery Store Clubs U n til this year Collier's has been sold at $5.50. Now the price is $2.50 'and we have secured atoncession w here­ by we can offer it at a still further reduction in con­ nection with this publication. H re n o v Special Offer to Our Readers R e c o g n iz in g the g re a t de m a nd fo r Collierg at the new p ric e , we h a ve m ade a rra n g e m e n ts to o ffer it and o u r o w n p u b lica tio n e ach one year fo r the p rice of Collier ’*alone. T h is is a lim ited o ffer and m u st b e ta k e n ad va n ta g e o f p ro m p tly . What You Get in Collier’s OVER 66 YEARS' EXPER IEN C E P atents I RADE ÏVIAHKS D e s ig n s C o p y r ig h t s A c . Anrone sending a sketch and description roar quick If ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention ts probably Patentable, Communion- UOMstrictlyconTdentlal. ---- -------- - HANOBOO* ..... ......... —- on Patenta •ent free. Older, agency for securing patents. ■ __ ___ Patents __________ taken _ through ugh tfiunn iiurin à & < Co. re^eWe spretai notice, without charge. In the Collier *s ¡1 the one b ig . in d e p e n d e n t, fearlr* s w e e k ly of the w hole c o u n try . N o t o n ly is it the good c itiz e n ’ s h a n d b o o k b ut it is also a m agazine fo r the w h o le fa m ily . A m o n g the th in g s that a y e a r’ s s u b s c rip tio n g iv e s a re : The city of Falls City owns the gravity water system, ft* flrst cost was $80,000. Pure mountain water i* piped from soring« on Judge Teal’s ranch, 8 miles sway, at an elevation o', about 300 feet above city level. Oak and fir tire wood is plentiful and cheap. S c h o o ls , C h u rc h e s , Societies, C lu b s Falls City has a 12-grade school with a four-year high school course, with principal, assistant, and eight grade teachers. Its diplomas are accepted hy the higher schools in lieu of examina- ations. The entire community is justly proud of the school, T he Religious organizations are: Adventist, Catholic, Christian, ’ Free Methodist, Methodist Episcopal, Get man Lutheran. The Fraternal societies: Ind. Order of Oddfellows, Rehekahs, Masons, Knights of Pythias, Pythian Sisters, Modern Woodmen of America, Royal Neighbors of America, Woodmen of the World, Women of Woodcraft. Free reading room. Gent theatre, photoplay. Hydro-electric light generated hy the |>ower of the falls: owned hy W. E. Newsom; H. C. Brown, manager. Telephone system, with l.-d. connections. C. J. Pugh, local manager. Extra copies of The News are irinted each week, and will be sent o any address desired, postpaid, or 5 cents per copy. This offer is made with the hope hat our citizens will send these ex- ra copies to people who may be, r who may become interested in ralls City. Now that the rapid and perma- ent development of this section is ssured, it becomes the duty of all ur citizens to take new courage nd boost for a greater and better alls City. A handsomely Illustrated weekly l argest rlr- culatlon o f any scientific Journal. Term *.|:ia — ** by all newsdealers. ur months, |L Told Sol b; Q 3 6 1 Broadway. New York T H E N E W S , . $1.00 j ( Bakery, D. Toller, Bank of Falls City, W. F. Nichols cashier. Barber shops, Wm. Bohle. Carpenters and Builders, Kile & Elio, S. Ouderkirk. Clothier, T&ilor and gents’ furnisher, Chas. Ifarlung. Drug store, M. L. Thompson. Dentist, Dr. A. G. Atwood. Department store, N. Selig, Funeral director, R. L. Chapman. Furniture, J. C, Talbott & Co. General stores, N. Selig, F. C. Lumber Co., F. C. Merc. Co. Hardware store, J. C. Talbott & Co, Hotel: Falls City Hotel, American plan, J. B. Tawney. Jewelry store, W. A. Porsey. Land company, Falls City Orchards Co. Laundry, N. W. Crandell. Newspaper, the Falls City News, C. W. Lee. Photoplay theatre, the Gem, C. J. Pugh. Physicians, Dr. W. B. Officer; Dr F. M. Hellwarth. Pressing and cleaning parlor, I, A. Johnson. Railroads, Salem, Falls City & Western, Southern Pacific. Beal estate agent, C. W. Lee. Saloons: The Oregon, C. W. Matthews; The Idaho, Chas. Mix. $ 2.50 Mr. H o m a S a e k a r - ■nd Buy O r c h a r d Land * . * T h e S A F E b o y s’ m agazine huil^uZiniooIOnlySl a ye ar A ll bny fo r all bora, n o t a r h 'ld ’apnper. Clean as a whistle, fu ll o f plrtnrew, 31 to f >'£pages ©very month. M a n lr.ln spfrin getoriesof travel, ad ten » turn, afhl' t i o , history, ©r-hcol lifo , written by moRt nopal->r t«oyn‘ nnthors. Instructive rporln] article*. F ln o articles on football and o th er snorts. D erailm ents o f Mechanic«, Fle< trlclty , rhotorrranhy, Popular Beicnce, How to Make Thlnr.s, Htnmp C’ollcctln*, Chh ken«. Pets, Gar dcnlnrr. Inventions and Natural V/onders. — - __ ___ ___ __ - . ■ ___________ Dr. A.G. Atwood D E N T IS T Ph an » 1031 Falls City. Or. f v n k k a l n iR K ir r o a R. L CHAPMAN Funeral Director W » » t t » a « « • »I I w a r t y --- 1 , % Dalla* u 4 Fatta 0 *y. Or S u e tn e e e C a r ta _ I jFallôCit\> 1 footcl S a m p lo R a t a s B »a t A aoam m aS atlan a J. B . T a w n a y , P r a a r la t a r IIAHHKH SHOPS Bohle’s Barber Shops Falla City, O r a i * * Whrit yaa cua fr« * ttsrt. Bak Cst. Bslh •r SMar llU I L b lM i CONTWACTOB Saul Ouderkirk Bu ilding C o n tra s ta r. Mada. Phone 194 Ragalra Falla City. Ora. t'O N T k A C T O R S A M I H U IM IK k S Have your house repairing done in the Winter, and save money. We do all kindsof building and repairing. Will be glad to rive estimates. Phone 1411 Falls City E LLE & ELLE, Contractors and Builders MONUMENTS G . L. H A W K I N S M A R B L E A N D G R A N IT E M ONUM ENTS Z h c © re g o n C. W M atth aw a, P ra arla tar __ M i Evening Telegram, and the F. C. News, one year, 3.75 | H Our Special price far both, $1.54) If paid to The News, Falls City, Oregon • ■ • W « * - W - N U r < '— « « DKNT1ST ®j Special Subscription Bargains i m Both, regular.................... $2.00 T V S a la m . O r » § » n ' The American Boy, price per year, Ji.Ofl The Falls Cily New s................ MW f>iwt endorsed . n ir t fw i by hy Ib «Heir rlr parents pwurti I’ r a r t lr « In a ll Ih , Stola court» H u it» I l lilia li H r»)iin o ii R litg.. p h o n » tM V. C O M E TO FA A I L L S C I T Y , O R E G O N T Read b y 500,000 boys ■V 1IW J3 J A S . Q. M E L T Z E L , A tt o r n », ■ « Law Falls C'ty is well provided with the usual business enterprises. The News contains the announcements of the following business and professional men of the city: jh e A m e r ic a n ß o v *" — FALLS CITY, OREGON D a lla s , Oragan Effective Dec. 1, 1913. I ra C. M k h r l in g , Postmaster. Falls City, Polk Co., Or. Send The News to Your Friends Office in Toller Bldg.. B u s in e ss Enterprises Scientific American. Branch Office, *25 F 8t.« Washington, ngtoQ, I). C. F. M. H EL L W A R TH H O T R I« W a t e r and W o o d 1000 Editorials 600 News Photos 250 Short Articles 150 Short Stories 100 Illustrated Features 2 Complete Novels Collier’s ____ $2.5« I Falls City is situated in fhe south central part of Polk County. Oregon, in section 21, township 8, S., rangeO.W., Willamette mer­ idian, 27 rail miles southwest of Salem, and 73 rail miles south­ west of Portland, in the narrow western end erf the Little Lucki- umnte River valley, surrounded on the north, south, and west by the foothills of the Coast Range mountains. Elevation, 386 38 ft above sea level. Transportation— Salem, Falls City it Western Railroad, which extends front Salem to Black Rock, a rail distance of 3U miles, with £. P. main line connection« at Dallas, Uerliuger, and Salem, and with the Oregon Electric at Salem Falls City is incorporated ns a city, contains about 800 acres, valuation for taxation $252,000. The city administration is com­ posed of mayor, seven counctlnien, auditor and police judge, mar­ shal, tieasurer, engineer, health officer. Salaries: Marshal and water superintendent, $60; auditor, $25; attorney, $25. Electric-power planing anti saw mill, log pond, dry kiln and lumber yard in the city, lumber Hume, logging roads and logging outfits, all owned and operated hy the Falls City Lumber Co. The surrounding bench and hill lands are as well adapted to the production of fruits and Iterries as any other section of the Pacific Northwest, and development oil these lines is going on. Vegetables and berries of many kinds grow to perfection in and adjoining Falls City, and many acres are planted to straw­ berries mid loganberries. Market conditions are ithproving stead­ ily, as production is increased. 243 Wonderly, L. B. 247 Wurtzburgar, A. J. IReal Es-tatc Post Office Time Card r i l Y S I l ’ IAN L u m b e r , Fruit, V e g e t a b l e s and B e r r i e s Wade. A A. Wagner, V., farmer Walker. J. Wambaugli. Mrs. E. Ward. W W. Waters. J. Webb. B. M. White. E. G Whyte. W. M in Nam© The city derive» its name from the fall» of the Little l.uekin- mute River, which Hows through the city f r o m the Weut. The first sale of town lot» occurred in 1X89, though donation land-claim settler» ctuie here many years before that date. In 1900 the population was '260; in 1910, 960; 1914, about 1,5160. W 4311 Young, B. F. Registration The T h e Lo c a t io n V I will be at roy offica over Hail'd barber.shop during the day, and at Thus Xtws office evenings, from 7 to 71, to take your registration. F. K. Hubbarcl, Registrar. Owing to the numerous request* jouiing to The News in regard to realesiate transactions, renting and jther business matters, from non­ residents, we have decided to en­ gage in the realestate business to a limited extent. List your property with The News and get results. Physician ■■« >«*•••■ OBIr« o » » i Ttiuniwui)'« itra* alon. Mu­ tual iiltuu* tvI fa o n « N tgh u ull 44 , PBYSICIAN AND SURGEON Manufacturers «ml Homeaeeken» who want to know the facta con­ cerning Falls City and its posaibilttea for future development »re requested to read the information given in these two column«. For further and more particular information, address The New*. 2810 Sammons. J. J. 284 Sampson. Ed. 1931 Sayre. E. A. 335 School House blue555 Sears. D. W., farmer 301 Sellg. N . store 198 Sellg. N , residence 57 Seymour. A. E. BlueSS Shepard, I»., farmer 113 Shepard. P J 221 Silctz Station 3931 Singleton. 1. G. 73 Skeels, S R white 35 Smith, E. M .. farmer white 615 Smith, Osi il 354 Spaulding, cook house B.R 353 Spaulding Loggiug Co. 1311 Starr. H E 4 161 Stevens. W. B 149 Stewart. Al. 213 Switch Back M 76 F. C. Restaurant 276J Ferguson. R S 288 324 336 blue515 blue52 133 blue., 137 Porter. A. \V. 294 394 213 193 l ’entrai 161 1.16 C o -O p e ra tiv e C a n n e ry C o -O p e ra tiv e C re a m e ry W o o d -w o rk in g F a c to rie s F ru it and B e rry O rc h a rd s ATTOHNMY 1921 Campbell. J A. - d blue25 Campbell. S. 210 Camp No. 1 ¡141 Hubbard. Chas 217 Camp No. 8 340 Hubbard. F. K bluelS Carey, B. I., farmer 154 Hubbard. G W 327 Carey. Ora 221 Hudson. O 11 53 Chamberlain. J O. 323 Hunter. C. A. 531 Chamberlain. J T. 278 Chappell. Mrs. 371 City Livery Stable 721 1. O O F Hall — u LI. ( v t 127 The Idaho t- 43Î4 Cobb. Jennie 337 Cook. S S 1 1 J 1131 Johnson. C. 1 521 Courier. Alex. ft blue53 Jones. Floyd 9- > 24S Courier. D F 391 Crandell. N. \V K 2731 Kerr. H G. f «¿Triti 247 Rimes. Ray. 356 Dallas Lbr & L Co. 195 Kneeboue. Thos 1S1 Dallas Meat Co. 280 Krebs. Harry 1516 Davis. C W blue35 Deal. M L ' 41 Depot 2831 l^arson. Gus 351 Depot. Black Rock * 391 Laundry blue5 DeWitte. F. a? 821 Lee. C. W 343 Dill. C. blue251 Lee. E E . farmer 313 Dodd. A. H. bluelSl Lee. J. H.. farmer 147 Dorman. W . H K white 255 Lee. W. F . farmer white 4 Levee. J J.. farmer 117 Dueltgen. F 219 Lewis, E 196 Lewis. W. P. i > (k. 1 1316 Edick. Alex. 1421 Lineback, A. 84 Electric Light Plant white 53 Linderman. A. A . farmer 1411 Elle. Ole 1 281 Loftus, Geo. 71 Ellis, B L.. oonf. U 139 Lowe. Geo. 1916 Ellis. Wm )f 121 Lunde. N. A , blksmithing 144 Estelle. Wm Offleer. Dr W. 11. Oracoli Suloiui Otto. Honry Oudorklrk, S. 434 Paul. B blue45 Pickett. D W blu«6555 IManktngtim. A. W.. fartnor » Mall. Ralph Hallstod. F B. Harris. W. T. Harrington. R . conf. Hartuug. Chas., tailor Hedgepeth. June, fanner Heistand. H E. Hellwarth, Dr. Hellwarth. Dr., otfloe Hoislngton. W m , farmer Hollowell. T D Hopkins, C. L. Hinshaw Feed Store HtnBhaw, w R Hinshaw. Zintrl W . B. Officer, M. D. OF 441 9t 157 194 white 552 Cage. H.. farmer white 554 Gardner, C c., farmer 341 Gardner, Geo. 314 Gibson. M B. 140 Graham, Albert 283 Grahani, Joe 310 Graham, Roy B.R.358 Gt. Western Lbr Co. 357 Gt. Western Lbr. Co., store 103 Grier. W. T 2821 Uriffln. U 58 Gottfried. K. II blue551 Guthrie, F. r ilY S I l'I A N Offers exceptionally tine opportunities for the establishment P l e a s e M a k e Y o u r C a l l by N u m b e r B p r o f c w lo n a l C a r t a Daily Journal ....................................... Semi-weekly Journal” ” ” “ ” iy Weekly Oregonian, with 34-piece dinner set, ^ • a w # - U « 4 r - ^ i r , 4.50 * 1.50 . 3.70 Notice to News Subscribers A blua-aancll aroaa mark oa tkla nauaa m a n u « h a « yarn» aukaarto* «Ion to Tho N a w a hao aaalrad and naada fining. Da M now. ; I U B