T r « F all a C ity N ew », F ebruary 14, 1914 9. There were 26 adults present. The regular class paper by Mr. ft. M. Wonderly, was a pl«aiwe. served a delicious lunch. Twenty- To exchange, cedar fence posts, five parents were present. On Saturday evening Feb , 7, a for poultry. Phone 194. Mayor Hubbard and Geo. Heg- reception was given by Mr. and The Gem Theatre News F U R N IT U R E House Furnishings, Hardware Everything* up-to-date and at prices to please J. C. T A L B O T T ^ C O M P A N Y HKKHKMMtH i Buy the Best Th e best in always the cheapest. Cheap goods anyw here a r e never cheap at any price. But i f you are not a judge, you must rely on the ju dgm ent o f others. W e have built up the largest Drug business in this locality by sell* ing only goods o f the highest character and never abusing the con­ fidence o f those plac­ ing reliance on o u r ju d g m e n t 800-sheet pencil tablet 6x8, for 10 ler have opened an office in the cents, at The News office. rooms over the Hall barber shop, aud will engage in business under Marvin Lewis, son of Marshal the name of F. K. Hubbard Realty I-ewis, is ill, of pneumonia. Co. Both of these men are well For Sale, full blood white Orp­ known, and both are well acquaint­ ington roosters. Phone 811. ed with the real estate conditions For Sale, Mandy I ^Department Store