Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, February 14, 1914, Image 2

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C it y N
14,' 1911
Citisene whn Wlsh tu lli'lp Ilio Oregon Journal falls City News
News givi' the i i c ws of thè town O lii
Kt>| Ynr Kile 1% Itti Tb« Navi
render a go>>d sei vice hy seiuling or
nhoning any Information they may
nave ni locai doings, ospedaliv of
matterà thal are nut likely In come
Scmi-wcckly, 1.60
1.8G *
under thè personal obaervation ol
thè editor.
Subscriptions taken any time.
io Be Elected This Year
u, uml^r th*
, M; Residence. 921
> c»n.
Y M r.
St.00; « i x month*.
.(I*. 25 cent»; Ringle copy. 5 cts.
Ad veil.
. Kate» Duplay. 10 m t u an inch
Busiue«« Nolle««. 5 cent« a lin e . For Sale. Rent.
Kxchangt*. Want and Pay Knterlaimnenl No*
licet. 5 ett a line. 10 eta. a line tor three iaauea.
Card ol Thank« 50eta l.egal Notice«.legal rat««
I'opy for new ads. and changes should be sent
lo The News not later than Wednesday.
D IR E C T O R Y 0 T
jnittnl States Senator, $7,500.
Members o f Congress. First,
Second and Third districts. $7,500
State Treasurer, 14.500.
Attorney General $3.000.
State Labor Commissioner. 13,-
¡ 000 .
Four Justices o f Supreme Court
State Suprentendent o f Public
Instruction, «3.1X10.
State Engineer, $3.000.
One Railroad Commissioer. $4.
“ Safety First” Our Motto
Shasta Route Trains
R. K . W i l l i a m s .
Bank of Falls City
F a lls C i t y , P o le C o u n t y . O rkoon
Docs a General Bunking Business.
Interest Paid on Tim *
Exchange sold on all points in the United States.
Notary Public officially connected with the Bank.
K K Hubbard Mayor.
T D. Hollowell. Councilman at Large
m i •
H. C. Brown.
Albert Teal.
Council men
A. Sampson.
C. L. Hopkins.
A. K. Meyer.
C. W. Le«. Auditor and Police Judge
W. P. Lewis, Marshal and Water Supt.
M. L Thompson. Treasurer
J. J Sammons. Engineer
Or. F M. Hellwarth. Health Officer
The Council meets in regular session on the first
Monday evening of each month, at 7 30 o’clock,
in the office of the Kails City News.
S a t u r d a y . F e b r u a r y
14. 1914
News and Comment
Buy your 1915 ticket via Ore­
gon. F'alls City invites you to
Mrs. Ed Hamer went to A l­
bany to visit with her mother.
Mrs. A. L. Porter, o f that place.
—Toledo Leader.
Plans are under way for an S.
P. extension from Sheridan or
Willamina, to Newport, through
the Siletz timber.
Income tax statements must be
filed with M.A. Miller, Collector,
Portland, on or before March 1.
All persons having a net income
o f $3,000 or more must pay the
income tax.
C. H. Fisher, o f Eugene Guard
has purchased a half interest in
the Capital Journal, o f Salem.
Fisher is one o f the state’s best
writers, and the Review i s glaP
he has come to Marion county.—
Jefferson Review.
Well, it will be a mighty good
thing to “ clean up” the orchards.
A good fruit is always better
than a poor one for any purpose,
Now if the commission men can
only be put out o f business, all
will be well.— Estacada Progress.
Colonists rates will go into e f­
fect March 15, and continue 32
days. Rates from Chicago $33,
St. Louis 130, Denver 125. The
railroad companies announce that
they will make no special effort
to induce homeseekers to come
J. B. Pilkington. nurseryman,
corner Second and Main streets,
Portland, has recently issued a
manual o f tree, shrub, vine and
plant cultivation that is very
much more than a catalogue o f
nursery stock. Thos who are in­
terested in the subjects treated
will be very much benefited by
the information it gives. A copy
will be sent on request for cata­
log No. 6.
“ James E. Godfrey, o f the Ore­
gon Messenger, Salem, having
been appointed Federal income
tax agent, with headquarters at
Portland, has sold his interest in
the Messenger to W. H. Parker,
and the firm name is now Dal-
rymple & Parker. Mr. Godfrey
is to be congratulated for having
received a square deal from the
Wilson administration, even if he
did fail to get it from Gov. West.
A fte r all, his new job is better
than that o f state printer for
A Harmless Poison For Rais
Poultry raisers a r e frequently
troubled with rats and mice. It is
difficult to put out poison because of
danger o f poisoning the chickens.
A good poison for rats and mice but
harmless to other animals is as fol­
Plaster o f Paris five parts.
Pulverized sugar, 1 part
Flour, 1 part
Mix thoroughly and keep in a dry
place. Put out a small quantity at a
time near holes and run-ways. Poul­
try raisers report using this with
very satisfactory results. The plaster
o f Paris “ sets” in the intestines of
rats and mice, and does no harm to
Eighth Grade Graduates
T h e Exposi ti on Llns--1916
January. 1914.
And now is the time to see California; to live out­
doors and enjoy the sunshine, flowers and summer
sports. It is a trip you cannot afford to miss.
District No. 2, Dallas
Clyde C.Schriver Helen Fletcher
James Garrison
Esther Brown
Robert Canoy
Carl LeFors
Frank McCann
including Shasta Limited, th# train o f modern ser­
vice all-steel up-to-the-minute equipment.
Burton Smiley
Eva Laliberte
Frank Addison
Martha Lockbridge
Hazel Calbreath
T h o C a l i f o r n i a and
S a n F r a n o l s o o E xp raaa
Election Officers, 1914-15
The court has appointed the fol­
lowing officers in the four Falls City
and for Black Rock;
i rair.S,
with Standard Tourist and Chair Cars, and dining
service that will please.
Call on nearest S. P. Agent and let him outline a
trip, quote fares and furnish Outing Literature on
California's famous resorts.
John M, Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland
Church of Christ
Two very important themes will
The new 8-hour work-day law for
be discussed next Lord’s day.
Oregon is meeting with much adverse
The morning subject will be
critisism. and some decided opposi­
Discipline.' Has the church
a discipline? You ccme
The News is under obligation to
what it is.
County Judge Teal for a large map
“ Tbe Personality of the Holy
of Falls City's four election precincts.
Spirit’ ’ is the evening theme. This
is the first of a series of sermons,
Minstrel and Musical Show
on this subject.
The minstrel show given at the
The S. S. attendance keeps above
opera house both Monday and Tues­ the hundred mark.
day evenings, under the auspices of
Three were baptized at the close
the Polk County Band, was well pat­
of Sunday evening service; a sim i­
ronized and both nights the house
lar service is expected next Sun­
was well filled. There has not been
a home talent show in this city in a
long time that has given such uni­
versal satisfaction as the one put on
this week. While the cast was quite
large, and it would be difficult to
mention each individual taking part,
all showed careful training and exe­
cuted their parts admirably. Harry
Ennis under whoes direction and
training the minstrel was put on, is
certainly on to his job and as com­
edian he is an expert and keeps the
audience in a constant uproar from
start to finish. It was really a nignt
of laughs and the niggers reminded
one of the old times away down in
Tennessee. The singing by the young
ladies was good. Altogether it is one
of the best shows our people have
had the pleasure of seeing in many a
day.— Independence Enterprise.
This show, “ A Night o f Laughs,”
is now being rehearsed nightly in
Wagner hall, by Mr. Ennis and a
company o f local young people.
The entertainment will be given,
February 20 and 21.
A nt
District No. 29, Independence
Candidates for Governor are be­
coming very numerous. Some are
good, some are fair and one is dan­
gerous. The belief is now, among
the knowing ones, that if Smith is
not nominated by the Democrats,
and if Bennett should be nominated
by the Republicans, there will be a
loud call for the present governor to
to become a candidate.
M. L. T h o m p s o n , W. F. N ichols ,
A. J.V ic e ,
Cashier Assistant Cashier
M lacal l a n t o u i
Ore. Fire Relief Aasoci’n,McMinn­
ville. F. K. Hubbard, local agent.
Meals 25c and up. Sunday dinners
a specialty. The Falls City Hotel.
Fresh Bread, Cakes, Cookies.
Pies, etc., every day, at the Falls
City Bakery.
Abstracts o f title promptly fur­
nished. Rates reasonable. Brown A
Sibley, 610 M ill St., Dallas, Or.
Come and worship with us
i Services in the
Lee Sadler, Minister, j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Churches of Falls City
________________ _
C h r is tia n
Free Methodist Church
Sunday: 10 a m,
. Bible School
11 a.m, Communion and Preaching
6:30 p in., . . Chustian Endeavor
7:80 p.m. Preaching(good singing)
Wednes. 7:30 pm . Prayer Meeting
Friday, 7:30 p.m. Choir Practice
You are invited to all these serv­
Lee Sadler, Pastor.
Tomorrow is quarterly meeting,
District Elder W. N. Coffee will be
in charge, subject of bible study at
6:30, “ The Judges."
Missionary conference, Salem
Free Methodist Church, 1218-30
North Winter street, Feb., 19-22,
1914, under the auspices of the W.
F r e e M e t h o d is t
F. M. S., Oregon Conference.
Sunday School . . . 10.00 a.m.
R. E, Nichols pastor.
sermon . . .11:00 a.m.
Young People’s Bible study 6 :30p.m
List of Letters
Evening sermon , .
7:80 p.m
Remaining uncalled for in the Prayer meeting Thurs., 7:30 p.m
Falls City postoffice for the month
If. E. Nichols, Pastor.
ending February 7, 1914.
Rosa Larg
Mary K. Whithead,
Alice Yost— 2.
B. C. Coker.
Ralph Harlan.
Jack Hillride.
James E. Jones— 3
Albert Lake.
R. E McDonald.
M e t h o d is t E p is c o p a l
Sunday School,
. . 10:00 a.m,
Morning Worship . , 11:00 a.m.
Epworth League, . . . 6:80 p ro
Preaching Service
. .7:30 U r n
Ladies’ Aid Society, Wed. aftofu^i
Choir Practice, Thur. 7:80 | k m.
Prayer Meeting, Wednes. 8:00 p in.
Milton A. Marcy, Pastor.
Preaching services in Toller hall
N. W. Falls City: No. 21
at 3.80 p.m., third Sunday of each
Judges.— A. E. Meyer, Chairman;
These letters will be sent to the month, by Rev. Groase, of Salem.
A. Sampson; Edith Wurtzburgar.
Clerks;— Jno. E. Beezley; Jessie dead letter office, Feb. 21, 1914, if
S eventh D a y A dvent
not delivered before. In calling for
Moyer; T. D. Hollowell.
Sabbath school Satuiday 10:00 a.m.
the above, please say,“ Advertised,”
S. W. Falls City No 22
Preaching service “
11:00 a.m.
Judges. Sam Tetherow, Chairman giving date of list.
Prayer meeting Wednes., 7:80p.m.
Ira C. Mehrling, Postmaster.
Geo. Gardner, Emma Hinshaw.
Clerks, C. W. Lee. Mrs. C h I o e
be Maas at the Cath­
Seymour. Frank Heydon.
Mary Magdalene,
N. E. Falls City No. 23
Sunset, and McCall’s
on the first
Judges, Geo. M. Tice, Chairman
G. D. Treat, Mrs. Maggie Thomp­
Clerks. E. C. Frink, Etta Waters, McCall’s a year, with pattern, .65 The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1914 Almanac
Town Houses, Lots, and
Acreage forSaleorRent
For sale, 15 acres unimproved, in Falls
City, on the new Siletz highway; water
and wood in abundance. Good place for
fruit, garden, and poultry. $500 cash.
Highly improved 10-acre home in Falls City;
good buildings, with all modern improve­
ments; fruit, flowers, berries, garden; big
money maker, und getting better as young
trees come into bearing; price $5,000; terms
Lots 7 and S. in block K; price $100.00
Lot 14. (8-r. house) “
** $1200.00 _
Lot 23.
block " - “
Lots 11 and 12,
” E.
Lot 2, block M, Mont, add., 78x78, house
and garden ; close in ; $650. cash or terms.
For Sale Lots 16, 15. 14. E. j o f 18, blk L;
good house, barn; running water; city wa­
ter. electric light; rents at $10, . . $1.600.
For Sale 5.82 acres in city; improved; rich soil.
Price $2,500, at least half cash.
For Sale 20 acres in city; improved; $3,200, half
cash. Good place for fruit and berries.
For Sale
good house, lot 150x150, rented. — . —
For Sale - 6-r. house, 2 lots, cultivated; fruit,
berries; city water, electric light; close in.
- *
For sale, One acre, adjoining city
limits, with 6-room house. A bar­
gain at $425, terms.
For sale— 10 acres, partially im ­
proved; house, timber; spring and
living stream; near western city j
limits; price, $1300^cask______ _
For Sale, 2 good lots, on Pine
street in block K, cultivated.
For sale, one acre, cultivated,
fruit, berries; 6-r. house insured
for $1100; elec, light, city water,
cesspool; pi ice $1050; all cash, or
$700 cash, terms on balance.
W ill trade 160 a wheat rarch in
Sherman Co. for place near Falls
City, or will trude for stock.
•)V ~ .
For Sale—2 1-3 a. adjoining city, $650.
For Sale -80 a. 1) mi. from town; 20 a. improved;
25 a. good timber; pasture; water. $5,200.
For rent— 12-room house, barn, etc.,
close in; good place for renting rooms
or for boarding house; $150 per year.
C.AV. LliK, A G E N 'I’
The Daily Oregonian
Ira Mehrling.
The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1914 A l­
Our bargain price to you, $8.00.
is now ready and will tie
Judges, J. C. Talbott, Chairman, Daily Oregonian, to Mar. 1, T5, $6.00
for only 35c. Pro­
Sunset Magazine, a full year,
Harvey Gage. Mrs. L. White.
Magazine, Word
Clerks, W. B. Stevens, Mrs. Ada J.
year, and a
Hooker, Cleve Powell.
only one
Our bargain price to you, $6.00.
Black Rock No, 18
Judges. F. J. Holman, Chairman, The more quickly you take advantage
S. G. Price, E. L. O’Connell. Clerks, o f this offer the more copies you will omy, and the correct forecasts of
storms, drouths, blizzards and tor­
W. T. Wallace, Paul Rusk, Mrs. Lou receive for your money.
This special offer made for imme­ nadoes, make these publications a
There are now 40 election precincts diate action, and will not be open necessity in every home in America.
after March 1, 1914.
in Polk county.
Send to Word and Works Pub­
Subscriptions, as above outlined,
lishing Company, 3401 Franklin
A workman named Dan Dewig was taken at The News office.
Avenue, St. Louie, Mo.
struck by a falling limb, yesterday
Word and Works and the Falls
Falls City wants aco-operativ can­
afternoon, and received injuries from
News, one year, and the A l­
which he is not expected to recover. nery. They ought to have it.— In
for $1.50.
dependence Enterprise.
He was taken to Frank DeW itte’s.
S. E. Falls City No. 25
G e t a Lucky H o rs e 8 h o e Bank
It Holds Just Ten Dimes ind she Trnth Dime Optus It
This null! bunk 1« made ol heavy nickeled braes, highly polished, and w ill Iasi forever
It can he worn on a key ring, watch chain, or caaily carried In Ihe pocket Send lOe lo f
sample, or 20c II gold finished Is preferred. Ask for terms ana open territory, whleh It
fast being taken, "fir s t come first served.”
Address, L U C K Y H O R S E S H O E B A N K , «IS F ltllrtu . New Vurfc. I . V.