Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, February 07, 1914, Image 1

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T h * N ew * «Und* for
irreater and bettor
Kalla City all the time
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P » w ir In ISM.
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Council Proceedings
Cornell met In regular session,
The first attempt to apply gaso­ Inst Monday evening, with nil the
line as a motive power was made officers present except Grier. Hop­
by a Frenchman, Pierre Joaeph Ra­
kins and Tooze.
vel, » h o putented in the veer 1808
Action on the apportionment
“ a steam generator heated by min­
eral oils, to be applied to steam and assessment o f cost in the
locomotion on ordinary roads." Ra­ sidewalk improvement matter
vel’s engine was fitted to a small was postponed until Feb. 16.
carriage and developed three horse­
Petition for Montgomery street
w a s tabled until
The Kranco-Oerman war put an
end to Ravel’s experiments for a next council meeting, and the
time, but years later he built a mo­ mayor was suggested as a com­
torcar in which petroleum was used mittee o f one to get more signa­
for the direct generation of motive
tures to the petition.
power. In 1870 I^ntz invented a
Action on the petition for arc
burner by which a nurture of gaso­
line and other naphthas, called mas- light at 7th and Mitchell street
scut, was used as fuel on steamships. was postponed until the meeting
About the same time gasoline was on Feb. 16.
used as an illuminant in strpot
Petition for a log house in Mill
lamps, and later a new use wa.
found for it in the manufacture of street at the south end o f Bound-
' ary street, for the Boy Scouts,
varnish and oilcloth.
(lasoline, amounting to 8 per cent I was read.
Council agreed that
of the distilled product of the crudo ground at the northeast corner of
petroleum, continued to be a drug
o f the city park could be used, but
on the market until tho invention
of the gasoline motor and its appli­ that the u b c o f a street for such
cation to the automobile, boats, purposes would not be good pub­
aeroplanes and hundreds of indus­ lic policy.
trial uses. Several inventors help­
Teal, for the water board, re­
ed to inaugurate the "age of gaso­
ported that the survey for the
line," but the chief of them was
Oeorge B. Selden of Rochester, N. proposed additional water supply
Y _ the father of the automobile.— had been completed, and that
rights o f way had been offered
M ev* ths Carpet.
Every now and then, instead of by John B. Teal at $200; by Otto
allowing the stair carpet to remain Teal, for use of enough water to
in exactly the same position as first operate a small ram; and by
placed, the tread of the carnet Fred Dueltgen, f o r domestic
should lie moved a couple of inche»
water supply. Further proceed­
or so either up or down. This has
the effect of keeping the pile of the ing in this matter was delegated
carpet in a uniform condition, and, to the water board.
besides retaining the fresh appear­
Irving Matthews sent the coun­
ance of the carpet, it helps it to last cil a letter bristling with gems of
much longer tnan it would if left
The council were so
exactly as laid. It coats nothing to
with this letter
do this, but sa v e s much.
that they decided to find another
■•w lldaring Frans*.
location for the reading room,
There are in France two Bor­
ordered Mr. Matthews’ let­
deaux, the one in the Gironde and
a tiny place in the Ix>iret. Thcro ters framed and hung in the
are two Toulouse«, the old town council chamber.
in the Haute-Garonne and Tou­
The health and police commit­
louse du Jura, a village with COO in­
tee was ordered to investigate
habitant«, near
There is Toura in Tourainc. Bai­ certain places reported to be in
le e’s Tours in the lndre-et-Ix>ire an unsanitary condition.
and Toura, a village in Savoy, near
Council ordered the “ school
Albertville. There are seven St. house steps” (from Pine a n d
Cyra, simple 8t. Cyre, that is, and
Third to K street) repaired.
twenty-four with something tacked
The marshal made a report on
on to them; seven St. Denises and
forty-seven with some addition, the electric light matter.
fourteen St. Germains and 114 with
The council decided to purchase
something tacked on.
or take over by law, a strip of
land 10 feet wide along present
location o f footbridge, for use as
a public passage way.
Teal, Sampson and Meyer were
appointed as a committee to con­
sult with the county court on the
rock crusher matter.
Current bills were approved.
Council adjourned, t o meet
again Feb. 16.
A Curious Mamorial.
Projecting from the wall of a
house overhanging the Lake of
Thun, in Switzerland, may be seen
the bow of a small rowing boat
with the name Petronella painted
upon it. The wife of the owner of
the houso was drowned from this
boat while rowing on the lake, ller
husband determined, as a memorial
to his wife, to build the boat into
his bouse. The room destined to
contain it, however, proved too
short for tho whole length of the
boat, and the bow project» from the
wall, just beneath the bulcony. The
houso is close by one of the steam­
boat piers, and the unaccountable
appearance of this strange memori­
al excites much curiosity among
tho passengers on the steamers.—
Strand Magazine.
B*nfir* O riginally "B on * Fir*.”
It is doubtful, however, whether
any bonfires contain even a propor­
tion o f the matter whereof bon­
fires were primarily constituted, to
wit, bones; for originally “ bonfire”
was “ bone-fire," signifying “ a fire
of bones," and the older method of
spelling the word was common
down to near the end of tho eight­
eenth century. The real, old fash­
ioned meaning of the “ bone-fire"
(or “ banc-fire," as it was there call­
ed), survived longer in Scotland,
and we learn that old bones were
regularly stored up for the annual
conflagration in the burgh of Ha­
wick till about the year 1800.— Liv­
erpool Courier.
W *m «n O ystar Gath*r*rs.
The work of oyster collecting
and culture is most unsuitable for
women, but in France, owing to its
tedious nature, it does not appeal
to men. Often from an early hour
in the morning till late into the
evening the women are standing up
to their knees in water, with a
strong sun heating down on them.
The result is that never a year
passes without some of them going
mad and having to be hurried away
to the asylums. The work is well
paid, as, indeed, it ought to be,
while in the ease of the few who
own beds the profits nre large, and
small fortunes are quickly amassed
T r y a Sack of
and watch results
All Goods and Prices Are Right
--------------- ----------------- ■
Falls City 1 Lumber Co.
j Mistaken
By A D D IE F. M IT C H E L L .
Mrs. Vaughn put down the let­
ter she hud been reading, with a
troubled little sigh. Her daughter
Madge looked up from the step.
“ What's the matter, mother?
You look as if you had bceu read­
ing your death warrant.”
“ 1 have— the death warrant of
our peace. Aunt Mary North writes
to. ask if we won't keep her Tom
while she und Mr. North go
“ Who’s her T om ?" asked Madge
“ Her stepson.
I ’ ve not seen
Aunt Mary since she married Mr.
North, nnd I know next to nothing
of the North family. But Mrs. Wil­
son knew Mr. North when they
were living in Chicago (that was in
the time of the first Mrs. North),
and she said there were two girls
and a boy. The boy was in kilts
then, and that was five years ago,
so he muft be about eight or nine
years old. Aunt Mary says he has
been ill with typhoid and that sr.e
remembers with hope for his health
that the air at Pinecroft is heal-
tM .
“ But we can’t have him, moth­
er. Think o f having an eight-year-
old boy on our hands the whole
summer! We can never get enough
cooked for him to eat, and he’ll be
drowned regularly once a week and
break all his arms and legs on the
other days. And I wanted a quiet,
heavenly rest this summer before I
have to go back to that awful of­
“ But, Madge, I can’ t refuse Aunt
Mary. She was your father’s fa­
vorite nunt and always so good to
No, Tommy will have to
come, whether we want him or not.”
“ Well, then, when ?”
“ The letter says next Tuesday
unless they hear from us that it is
not convenient.”
“ Tell Aunt Mary I have the
smallpox or that I died suddenly
at the news — anything. Please,
m other!"
“ 1 was wondering,” said her
mother, “ whether an eight-year-old
boy would be afraid to sleep in a
room by himself. Shall we put a
bed in the alcove off my room or
fix up the south chamber?”
Still grumbling, Madge helped
her mother get ready the south
chamber. As she worked she grew
interested and even took from the
walls o f her own room some in­
teresting prints which she thought
would be suitable for a boy’s room.
“ I can’t see, though, why Aunt
Mary didn’t take the little wretch
abroad with her— the sea air would
do him good. Take out all the
fancy things, mother, as you value
“ If you only understood big hoys
ns well ns you seem to understand
the small ones you would not he
twenty-four and still single,” teased
her mother.
“ I do, mother,” said Madge vehe­
mently. “ I understand them alto­
gether too well, and that’s the very
reason I am still single.”
There was no immediate reply
to this, and Mrs. Vaughn turned
her attention to the room.
“ Get all your old picture books
and put them on that shelf, Madge,
and I think I ’ll bring Jim ’s old
hobbyhorse down from the attic,
lie may despise it, but you never
can tell.”
Arrangements were finally com­
pleted. and Madge rather looked
forward to the coming of the little
boy, so that when Tuesday came
she willingly drove to tho station
for him, though she protested that
St. Lawrence and his gridiron were
as nothing to the torment she was
undergoing. She took along a bag
of cookies, “ just to stop up his
mouth so he can’t ask questions,”
she explained.
The train was late, and Madge
got a little cross ns she waited in
the open trap with the hot sun
beating down upon her. The pony
was restless, and she dared not
leave him to go inside of the sta­
tion. When the train finally steam­
ed in, however, she gave the reins
to a porter and went to find her
young charge. She watched the few
who came out of the coaches nerv­
ously, with one eye on the dancing
pony, but ns far as she could see no
small boy was on tho train.
"W ell,” she thought, “ I suppose
T should be glad of it,” and was go­
ing back to tho trap, when it oc­
curred to her that he might some
Buy all (roods o f home
merchants and help to
make Falls City (Treater
No. 23
way linve got pnst her into the sta­
tion and might lie waiting for her
there. She looked in. No one was Picking a Fac* Out o f th* C row d By
tho 8eiontific Procaaa.
there but a very tall young man, |
who wa* leaning back rather limp-
“ For the first time in its his­
ly against the seat, pale as from a tory the New York detective force
recent illness.
Madge gave him I found itself with a real, scientific
more than a passing glance because criminal hunter as its i .ief when
•he wondered who he might be. Detective Captain Joseph A. Faurot
Young men at Pinecroft at this aas made acting inspector during
season were a rarity.
the graft revelations which came on
“ Looks sick,” she muttered, "or the heels of the murder o f the gam­
a little daffy.” She was getting into bler Rosenthal,” saya a writer in
the cart when a quiet “ I beg your the American Magazine.
pardon” caused her to wheel around.
"In days gone by the detective
The strange young man, hat in arm of the city’ s police system de­
hand, was certainly speaking to her. pended on such men as W. P. Sheri­
She merely looked her surprise.
dan, the ‘ man with the camera eye,*
“ Are you not Miss Vaughn, and as he was called, to identify crooks.
weren’ t you expecting m e?” lle r Sheridan had a wonderful eye and
blue eyes widened into a positive a freak memory for faces, but there
stare o f amazement.
arc few men with such unusual
“ I— I am Madge Vaughn, hut you qualifications, and the underworld
— you must be mistaken,” she said. has a tremendous population that
“ I am Dr. North— Tom North, seems to grow with each generation.
my mother wrote.” He was blush­
“ Faurot, a handsome, soft spok­
ing a little at the queerness of her en man, is the American Bertiilon.
He has taught New York’s 700 and
“ You— you are little Tommy? more detectives how to pick a face
Why” — She began to laugh merri­ out of the crowd by modern, scien­
ly, and the young man laughed, tific methods.
too, a hit stiffly, for he did not un­
“ The ‘ bull,’ as the New York de­
derstand the joke. “ You have the tective is known to the crooks, does
advantage of me,” he said.
not depend upon a photograph. I f
Madge sobered at his tone and the crook he is after has ever been
realized that she was not displaying in the hands of Faurot’s headquar­
any marked hospitality. She held ters men his Bertiilon record will
out a repentant hand, which the show that he has one of three kinds
young man took eagerly. “ We’re of human nose, ‘vexe, rcct or cave,’
sort o f cousins, 1 guess,” she said. as Bertiilon classified them. If he
“ Anyway, if you are Tommy North has a concave nose, say, then his
we’ ve D en looking for you, so get search is confined to faces showing
in, und we’ ll start.”
that particular form of feature. AU
“ 1 can go away if it is not con­ the others are eliminated.
venient,” protested the man.
“ Then there are only four kinds
“ Convenient! After I’ ve worked of human ears, the triangular, oval,
for three days getting picture books square and round. Say his crook
and kites and little blue overalls has an oval ear. This eliminates
ready for you! No, sir; you will all those who have ears of the other
have to use all those things.”
sort and brings his field* down to
“ You see,” she explained as she those who have concave noses and
drove along, “ we got the impres­ oval ears.
By this weeding out
sion from some one that you were process the Bertiilon detective has
about eight years old. Your mother put aside the thousands who have
never mentioned your age or height, any of the combinations of ear and
and so we got ready for a small boy, nose that might be made with these
and— and here are some cookies I «even types of features save the one
brought along so that you would combination of concave nose and
not ask questions on the way home.” oval ear.
She thrust a paper bag into his
“ If one of Faurot’s scientifically
taught men lands a suspect he can
They were both laughing like check up on him surely. The hu­
children as they drove in at the man face is divided into twenty-
gate, and by the time explanations seven sections and in each section
were made to Mrs. Vaughn the the Bertiilon chart will show its
young man was thankful that the peculiarities. The process of elimi­
surprise had happened. He felt that nation will gradually exclude every
it had been a good thing to take human being but this one man, us­
Madge by surprise, for when two ing the calculus of probabilities.
eople have laughed together they
“ Finally nature herself comes to
ave rapidly progressed in their the aid of the detective with the
finger prints, for she lias given to
On the very first day Mrs. Vaughn each of us one certain individual
had looked at the two with com­ stamp that never changes and that
prehension in her eyes, and as the cannot be changed— the rings, ‘ is­
weeks grew into months she felt lands,’ whorls and parabolas to he
reasonably sure that Madge would found on the inner cuticle of the
never go back to the office.
A Bit o f Blu* Sky.
The day before he was scheduled
Professor John Tyndall, who,
to go hack to the city, a new man
by reason of Pinecroft air and with many great gifts, possessed
agreeable companionship, they took a singular skill in devising and con­
the big red and blue kite to the top ducting beautiful experimental il­
of a nearby hill to ily it. It soared lustrations, actually produced in
clear above the trees as the man 18G9 a bit o f blue sky in the lecture
slowly unwound the long yellow room. In a glass tube three feet
string. The girl watched it rather in length and three inches in diam­
sadly, for as yet there had been no eter he exhausted the air until it
word of love between them, and she was less than one-tenth the density
realized that she had grown to care o f the atmosphere we breathe and
so much that it was hard not to let represented the rarer air high over­
him sec it. The tears had come head. Into this exhausted air he
into her eyes, and now they splash­ introduced nitrate of butyle vapor,
ed over. The young man looked up which is extremely volatile. Then
just in time to catch sight of them, a strong beam o f light in a room
and, letting the string go, he turned otherwise dark was passed through
the mixture, and in the glass tube
and caught her in his arms.
“ Dear,” he whispered, “ what is there glowed a beautiful blue cloud,
She did not speak, but she rivaling in color the finest Italian
did not try to get away either, and sky. Here was blue sky brought
down to earth.
after a moment he said:
“ Is it because I am going away—
A Patiant Judge.
is it, Madge?” She shook her head.
A western judge, sitting in cham­
“ Why, then,” he urged, “ tell ine.”
Suddenly she began to laugh— a bers, seeing from the piles of pa­
soft little laugh that made the man pers in the lawyers’ hands that the
first case was likely to be hotly con­
hold her closer.
“ I was only wondering,” she said, tested, asked, “ What is the amount
“ whether or not there was a girl” — in question?” “ Two dollars.” said
“ You bet there is,” he interrupt­ the plaintiff’s counsel. “ I’ll pay it,”
ed, “ and I’ve got her right where I said the judge, handing over the
want her.” Which sentence, slangy money. “ Call the next case.”
He had not the patience of Sir
ns it was, seemed to be wholly satis­
William Grant, who, after listening
factory to Madge.
fo r two days to the argument« of
Applas M ade S tud ying Easier.
counsel as to the construction of a
Apples make a better “ feed” certain act, quietly observed when
while you are studying than a box they had done. “ That act has been
repealed.” — Argonaut.
of chocolates.
A bright girl who took her four
P ictu rasqiA Maxio*.
year high school course in * three
The Mexicans have a turn fo rth «
years, graduating with honors, was
picturesque which displays itaelf in
asked how she did it.
“ Just ate apples,” was her an­ the street names of the capital.
swer. “ Seemed to me I could get There arc Sad Indian street, Street
almost any lesson if I had an ap­ of the Wood Owls, Lost Child
street, and a cautionary Pasa if
ple to eat while I was at it.”
It wasn’t merely “ something to You Can street. Shop names, too,
munch on.” Apples have just the in Mexico are out o f the common.
medicinal properties that nre need­ A drug stores calls itself Gate of
ed for the “ prevention.” No need, Heaven, and a drinking saloon de­
then, for a “ cure.” — Kansas In­ scribes itself frankly as the Bait o f
the Devil!