Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, January 31, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Tu « ¡ F a l u C it v N ewb , J a m
; M erry Moments;
| Aa We Journey Through |
Life Lei Ua Laugh
by the Way
1 ♦ ♦ ♦< ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ » »♦ '
E x h ila r a tin g
S p o rt
First Tourist Abroad — Ha, ha,
ha! This is worth all the time,
money and bother I've spent over
Second Ditto— How’s that?
First Tourist— I deliberately kiss­
ed the little servant maid with the
worst gossip in town looking on.
There she is over there telling my
wife about it, and the old lady can’t
understand a word of the language.
Tha Naar Prize*.
“ Some men seem to enjoy bad
luck,” remarked the cynical ob­
“ I never met any such person.”
“ Oh, yes, you have. Every fisher­
man you ever knew took more pride
in the fish that got away than in
those he actually caught.” — Wash­
ington Star.
•'lHirling* will you marry mer
“ This it so sudden 1 Why, you old
confirmed bachelor, when did you
ever get the idea that you ought to
get married?"
“ 1 decided it yesterday."
“ But what decided you?"
“ I won a sidesaddle in a raffle.“ —
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
In V inity T «m *
Tapper— What is it a man long*
most for after he’s been married a
few years?
Capper— A bachelor’s degree.—
Wosinj tha Wind.
Mary Stuart’s house at Koacoff,
a little village on the coast of
Finisterc, now the property of the
French nation, was built as a chapel
marking the spot where Mary,
queen of Scots, landed in 154S to
marry the dauphin In the chapel,
which is named St. Ninian, a curi­
ous custom has grown up among
the Roscof women. They gathei
the dust from the floor and care­
fully blow it in the opposite direc
tion from where their husbands and
sweethearts are out fishing. This
they believe, will assure a fair wind
Japan'. Sacrad laland.
Kinkazan, the aacred island of
northern Japan, now one of the
most attractive spots for sightseers,
was held so holy in the ancient days
that no woman was allowed to land
upon its shores, although it was
visited yearly bv hundreds of devo­
tees from whom the priests reaped
a rich harvest. But in 1873, when
the temples were handed over from
Buddhism to Shintoism, it lost
much of its sacredness, and since
that time the buildings have been
gradually allowed to fall into decay,
several having been completely de­
stroyed by fire.
Tha Qraataat Qanaral.
A ll things duly considered, the
greatest general of whom we have
any knowledge was in all probabili­
ty the Carthaginian, Hannibal. All
the information we have of Hanni­
Bill— I hear Gill is looking for bal comes from his enemies, and yet
what achievements they were forc­
Jill— No, he’s not. He’s trying ed to credit him with! The second
to get a political job. — Yonkers Punic war— the most brilliant in
history— was practically one man
against a whole nation, and that
An Alibi.
the strongest then known.
“ You'made a break in making so the army that he had molded out of
much noise when you came in early raw and barbarous levies Hannibal
this morning,” she remarked, with a had to fight a nation of the stoutest
stony glitter in her eye.
and best trained warriors of ancient
“ No, dear,” he answered meekly. times, and he had to do this without
“ That must have been the day’s any assistance from home. It has
break you heard.” — Baltimore been well said that there is nowhere
else so good an example of what a
single man of genius may achieve
Hie Job.
against the most tremendous odds.
“ Whv does a man have to hire a
— New York American.
lawyer for every little thing? Ain't
the lpws plain ?”
Cedar, of Lebanon.
“ You don’t understand. A good
Only some 400 of the fkmous for­
lawyer can take any law and prove est of cedars of Lebanon remain,
that it doesn't mean what it says.” and they have been inclosed by a
— San Francisco Chronicle.
stone wall, necessary to protect the
smaller trees from the ever hungry
‘rBefore we were married you «aid mountain goat. The cedars stand
yon would obey my slightest wish,” on a small plateau at an elevation
of slightly over 6,000 feet. A wind-
said- Mrs. Gab.
“ And I will as soon as you make i ing road from Bsherreh leads up
a wish that is slight enough,” re­ the slope to the spot where the an­
plied Mr. Gab.— Cincinnati En­ cient trees excite the wonder and
admiration of tourists. The high­
est rears its top eighty feet sky­
ward.— Argonaut.
8 « lf Sufficiency.
“ Why should anybody try to up­
Tha Oldaat Tuna.
lift the stage ?”
What is the oldest tune in the
"W hy not?”
“ Hasn’t it got wings of its own?” world? At the battle of Leipzig,
about 100 years ago, where Napo­
— Baltimore American.
leon was beaten, Bonaparte walk­
ed about softly whistling the tune
The Spur.
of "Malbrook s’en va-t-en guerre.”
It is a very old tune and has many
words put to it. It is the tune that
has acquired “ We Won’t Go Home
T ill Morning” and “ For He’s a Jolly
Good Fellow.”
I %
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81. 19)4
H it VB1>'I AN
B flc n c g
o r ----------------- ---------------------
-------------------------------------------------------- —
C o -O p e ra tiv e C annery
C o -O p e ra tiv e C ream ery
W o o d -w o rk in g Factories
F ru it and B erry O rchards
Manufacturers and Homeseekera who want to know the facts con­
cerning Falla City and its poaaibilites for future development are
requested to read the information given in these two columns. For
further and more particular information, address The News.
N am *
The city derives its name from the fa ll» of the Little Luckia-
mute River, which flows through tin* city from the Weat.
The first sale of town lota occurred in 1889, though donation
land-claiiu settlers CJtne here many years before that date. In
1900 the population was 269; in 1910, 1)69; 1914. about l , ’2f0.
T h e L o c a tio n
Falls City is situated in the south central part of Polk County.
Oregon, in eectiou 21, township 8, S., range 6.W.. Willamette mer­
idian. 27 rail miles southwest of Salem, and 73 rail miles south­
west of Portland, in the narrow western end o f the L ittle I.ucki-
amnte River valley, surrounded on the north, south, and west by
the foothills of the Coast Range mountains. Elevation, 886 38 ft
above sea level. Transportation— Salem, Falls City A Western
Railroad, which extends from Salem to Black Rock, a rail
distance of 30 miles, with S. P. mam line connections at Dallas,
Gerlinger, and Salem, and with the Oregon Electric at Salem
Falls C ity is incorporated as a city, contains about 800 acres,
valuation for taxation 1252,000. The city administration is com­
posed of mayor, seven councilman, auditor and police judge, mar­
shal, treasurer, engineer, health officer.
Salaries: Marshal and
water superintendent, 160, auditor, $25; attorney, #25.
W a te r and W ood
The city of Falla C ity owns the gravity water system. Its first
cost w as #80,000. Pure mountain water ia piped from springs on
Judge T eal’s ranch, 8 miles away, at an elevaticu ol about 300
feet above city level.
Oak and fir fire wood is plentiful and cheap.
L u m b e r, F ru it, V e g e ta b le s and B e rrie s
Electric-power planing and saw m ill, log pond, dry kiln and
lumber yard in the city, lumber flume, logging roads and logging
outfits, all owned and operated by the Falla City Lumber Co.
The surrounding bench and hill lands are as well adapted to
the production of fruits and berries as any other section of the
Pacific Northwest, and development on these lines ia going on.
Vegetables and berries of many kinds grow to perfection in
aud adjoining Falls C ity, and many acres are planted to straw*
berries and loganberries. Market conditions are improving stead­
ily, as production is increased.
W . B . O f f ic e r , M . D .|
Falls C ’ty is well provided with the usual business enterprises.
The News contains the announcements of the following business
and professional men of the city :
Bakery, D. Toller,
Bank of Falls City, W. F. Nichols cashier.
Barber shops, Wm. Bohle.
Carpenters and Builders, E lle & Elle, S. Ouderairk.
Clothier, Tailor and gents’ furnisher, Chas. Härtung.
Drug store, M. L. Thompson.
Dentist, Dr. A. G. Atwood.
Department store, N. Selig.
Funeral director, R. L. Chapman.
Furniture, J. C. Talbott & Co.
General stores, N. Selig, F. C. Lumber Co., F. C. Merc. Co.
Hardware store, J. C. Talbott & Co,
H otel: Falls C ity Hotel, American plan, J. B. Tawney.
Jewelry store, W. A. Persey.
Land company, Falls City Orchards Co.
Laundry, N. W . Crandell.
Newspaper, the Falls City News, C. W . Lee.
Photoplay theatre, the Gem, C. J. Pugh.
Physicians, Dr. W. B. Officer; Dr F. M. Hellwaith.
Pressing and cleaning parlor, I, A. Johnson.
Railroads, Salem, Falls City & Western, Southern Pacific.
Real estate agent, C. W. Lee.
Saloons: The Oregon, C. W. Matthews; The Idaho, Chaa. Mix.
The SAFE boys’ magazine
hmibiii bra* food O nly
a year
A ll boy fo r »11 bora, not » c h i M ’s r per. Clean » »
a whfatlo. fu ll o f picture», M to 6T pages every
month. Manly, lnnpfrinc»t or lea o f travel, adven­
ture, at M o tif*. blstorv, school life, written by
t '- '
boy»* an* hor*. J natrortlve^rneelel
l u x l p lio u . ¿vi
H ko u . N l f l i i r . l l
____________l ' D Y i l C I A N ___________
Office lu Toller Bldg .
Office hours: Daily, except Sun­
day, 8 a.in. to 6.30 p.m.
Mail arrives, from
Salem-Da 11 an, U.tifi a.in., 3:45 p.m.
Black Rock, 1 fit) p.m.
Mail closes, for
Salem, 9.00 a m. and 1.00 p.m.
Dallas, 9.00 a m . and 5.00 p.m.
Hb.ck Rock, 11.00 a.m.
Office hours: Sunday only, 9:30
to 10:H0 a.m:
Mail ai rives from Salem 8.8f>a m.
Mail closes tor Salem 9:00 a.in.
Effective Dec. I, 1913.
I ra C. M e iir l i . nu , Postmaster.
Falls City, Polk Co , Or.
________ FUNERAL 1>I RECTOR________
Funeral Directo*
Send The News to Your Friends
Extra copies of The News are
print'd each week, slid will tie sent
to any address desired, postpaid,
for 5 cents per copy.
This offer is made with the hope
that our citizens will send these ex­
tra copies to people who m aybe,
or who may become interested in
Falls City.
Now that the rnpid and perma­
nent development of this section is
assured, it becomes the duty o f nil
our citizens to take new courage
and boost for a greater and better
Falls City.
W . •Heed to all war* priaap**.
D .IU . u J F .n . CM». Or
S u e tn e M £arO e
.falls dit? l 3 otcl
S a m p le N e e m e
B e a t A o e e m m e d a tle n e
J. S
T a w n e y , F r * * « « l* r
C o llie r’s
T he
N a tio n a l
W eekly
Fir«t Tim e
i n Cl u ba
U n t i l th is y e a r
Colli* r ’ i ha* been
•old al $5.SO. Now
i he p in i* $2.SO
•ndwehavr *rcurrd
■ concotion w here -
by we can olfrr it
at a Mill fuither
(eduction in con­
nection Will) till*
Special Offer to Our Readers
R e c o g n iz in g the grea t dem and for C o llier’» at
tfrt new price, v.r Lave m a d f a rran gem en t* to
o fle r it and our ow n publication eacn one year
for I h * p rice o f C o llit ’* alone. T h i* ia a lim ited
o ffer and must be taken a dvan tage o f prom ptly.
What You Get in Collier’s
CriNw’, is the one big. in depen den t, fearless
w eek ly o f the w hole cou ntry. N o t only is it the
good citizen 's h a n d b o o k but it is also a
m agazine for the w hole fam ily
A m o n g the
th in g* that a year's subscription g iv e s aret
Have your house repairingdone
in thè Winter, and nave money.
W f do all kindsof building and
repairing. Will be glad lo give
estimate». P h on eU ll Fall*City
Contractora and Buildera
_________ MONUMENTS__________
G . L. H A W K I N S
1000 E d ito ria ls
6 0 0 Nawa Photos
250 S h o rt A r tic le *
150 S h o rt S to rir*
D a lla » , O r e g e n
2 C o m ple te N ove l*
B u s in es s E n te rp ris e s
cm.. O,ri Tiii>B>|>.i,n'a itru« lier«. Vu |
Post Office Time Card
100 Illustrated Feature*
r 4
' I
e h p s le la n an d S e r * * * n
Owing to the numerous requests
coming to The Newa in regard to
realealate liansjetiuna, renting and
other business matters, from lion-
reaidenta, we have din ided to en­
gage in the realestate tiiisinesa to a
limited extent. List your property
with The News and get results.
S c h o o ls , C h u rc h e s , S o c ie tie s , C lu b s
Falls City has a 12-grade school with a four-year high school
course, with principal, assistant, and eight grade teachers. I t i
diplomas are accepted by the higher schools in lieu of examina-
ations. The entire community is justly proud of the school,
1 he Religious organizations are: Adventist, Catholic, Christian,
Free Methodist, Methodist Episcopal, Geiman Lutheran.
The Fraternal societies: Ind. Order of Oddfellows, Rebekahs,
Masons, Knights of Pythias, Pythian Sisters, Modern Woodmen of
America, Royal Neighbors o f Amtrica, Woodmen of the World,
Women of Woodcraft.
Free reading room. Gem theatre, photoplay.
Hydro-electric light generated by the power of the falls; owned
by W . E. Newsom; H. C. Brown, manager. Telephone system,
with l.-d. connections. C. J. Pugh, local manager.
p r o f e s io n a l d a rb e
IR c a l E s t a t e
Offers exceptionally tine opportunities for the establishment
A Good and Safa Rula.
It is a good and safe rule to so­
journ in every place as if you meant
to spend your life there, never omit­
ting an opportunity of doing a kind­
ness or speaking a true word or
making a friend.—.John Ruskin.
Collier’s . . . . $2.50 I
N E W S , . $ 1 .0 0
Bdk far « b
j $ 2.50
Best Candies and Home-made Taffy
tills Confectionery Store
P atents
' r a d c M a r k s
D e s ig n s
C o p y r ig h t s A c .
A nyon e sanding g skat eh and description may
quickly ascertain onr opinion fre e w hether an
Invention la probably pat «»«table, f otnmunlra-
tlon a*trictlrcon fid en tlal. HANDBOOK o n l'a ten ta
»an t free, oldest agency fo r securing patents.
I ' m ante taken through Munn h C o. receive
9ptruil notice w ith o u t charge, In th e
Th« Amencia Bay. grife per »»er. tl.M
T h « Fe lli CHy N « w i ................................
hath , r t f l e r ............................
< 2.M
0 «r Special prie« fa» both. I l M
Il paM te The N ew !, Felli CHy, Oreaos
Scientific A m e ric a n .
A handsom ely IlYnatrated weekly. Largest c ir ­
culation o f any actantIflc lournal. Term *, f j a
y e a r : fo u r months, $L Hold by all newsdealers.
fe-I E vening Telegram, and the F. C. News, one year, 3.75
Daily Journal
Semi-weekly Journal"
------------------- —
ead by
¡I Special Subscription Bargains
W eekly Oregonian, with 34-piece dinner set,
Notice ta News Subscriben
4.60 '
A b lu a - p a n a li
M r. H e m * S eek er
C O M E T O F A L L S C IT Y , O R E G O N
and Cu» O rohard Lend
n o d e * m aa n a «Rat r a w » » M aria»-
tlo n ta T ha N a w a R a a a a e lrd tf a n d
naada M aine- O» N n e w .