\ T hr F all » C ity N ew », J anuary 81, 1914 FURNITURE House Furnishings, Hardware Everything up-to-date and at prices to please J.C. T A L B O T T A. C O M PA N Y fj Buy the Best The best is always the cheapest. Cheap (roods anywhere a r e never cheap at any price. But if you are not a judge, you must rely on the judgment o f others. We have built up the largest Drug business in this locality bv sell­ ing only goods of the highest character and never abusing the con­ fidence» of those plac­ ing reliance on o u r judgment. Buy the Best M. L Thompson Twentieth Century Prosthesis Anatomically Articulated Dentures Will not slip or slide when you chew. If you are from Missouri, call A . G. Atwood, Dentist. Office, North Main St over Frin k's con f. store =n= SALEM, FALLS CITY & WESTERN Passenger Train Schedule Effective Dec. 1,1913 W KMT HOUND I ll am . III am . 1S7 pm . Ml pm . Salem . . . 8.35 9.45 1.40 3.25 Dallas . . . 7.45 11.00 2.50 5.00 Falla City . 9.20 11.85 3.26 5.35 Bl kRock. 11.55 BASTNOUKD 112 am . IV* pm . HI pm . IN pm . 1.05 Bl’k Rock Falla City. 9.35 1.25 3.45 5.40 Dallas. . . 10.15 2.00 4.25 6.40 Salem . . . 11.25 3.15 5.80 7.45 I. u »iNaLrroN, A hknt i,,«* i a i C a lci tfcar— J a n u a r y , 1 0 1 4 Isa. Mon. Tan. Wtd. Tkar». Fri. Sat. 2 1 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 II 18 25 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 7 14 21 28 Watches At Pcrsey’s 7 Jewel E lgin or Waltham, . $ 4.75 15 Jewel South Bend,............ 8.50 17 Jewel Elgin or Waltham, . 9.00 17 Jewel adjuated’Seth Thomas’ 10.00 2] Jewel adj.,5Po88. Hampden 19.50 Above in Silveroid cases. Every watch guaranteed by us, and we are right here to make the guar­ antee good. W .A .P u r it y T h o J o 'v ilir Pencil tablets, 6x8 inches, 800 sheets, for 10 cents. Every home should have one. IRcwsof it had entirely disappeared by noun Wednesday. After a few houri rain The Gem Theatre News (he weather became pleasant. Manager Pugh, of the Gem, has Very high winds prevailed in made a deal for the United Feature Hakm and other river towns, Isst Film Hcrvice, whereby a better class Ha turd ay and Sunday, hut did not of shows will be on tip. extend to Falla City. Tonight the feature will be ‘Tbe Mrs B. W. Robison and daugh­ Queen of Carnargue,” or a Gypsy’s ter returned home Thursday of last Vendetta, in three parts. It is a week, from a mo ith'a visit with thriller, full of life and action and While the fashions for the season will appeal strongly.to her mothei at Tillamook. will phase yon, men who like clothes that are conservative in design and J. L. Sweeney and son J. L. Jr., Thursday, Fab. 5, will be shown reasonably comfortable and roomy in shape, there will be of Dallna, were in town Mondzy, the tragedy, fears of Blood,”—a found plenty of neat novelty ideas to piease the young man arranging for the sale of Sweeney story that has its counterpait in the in college, business or society who prefers his clothes a bit tiros, flour in Falls City. experience of some of you who will more ultra than the average, Miss Kiln Mehrling, ot Pioneer, see tlii* show. Those who desire the so-called English effect will secure and Misa Inez Ridgeway, of Broad- a tight-fitting coat, with short, narrow shoulders having no Friday, Feb. 6, two comedies and n.t-ad, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ira a drama—titles not yet announce«!. padding; small sleeve, soft ftentand roll lapels. Meurling Saturday and Sunday. The vest will be cut high, with six buttons, and the trous­ Saturday, Feb. 7, feature, “ Re- ers will be from 1 to 14 inches narrower than regular style. Dennis McMurry, who was badly deption,” a story utth a moral, the It may here be remarked, however, that soft-front coets injured by a fall from an electric romance and tragedy in one wo­ will not hold their shape as well as the other styles. light pole, is improving rapidly. man’s life. Geo, Brown is taking care of him Correct length of sack coats for men of average height The management is striving all remains at 30 inches, and vents will be left open only when Drs. Lowe & Turner, eye the time to improve the character so ordered. Most of the designs will fit moderately cloae at specialists, of Portland, will of the shows, and the new service is waist, shoulders will be narrow, and Bleeves will have little be in Dallas again Monday and a decided improvement. padding in the shoulder tops. Lapels will vary from fancy Tuesday Feb. 2 and 3, at hotel Gail. and broad effects to rounded corners. Birthday Surprise Party A 10 cent Tea will bo given in the A feature of the season will be the increased use of the W. P. Lewie, E. R. Lewis, and basement of the Christian church, Norfolk styles, which are adapted to outing, vacation and by three ladies, next Thursday, Feb. P. N. Lewis, with their families, general negligee wear. Our numbers 929 and 931 will be 5, from 2 to 4 30 p.m. You are in­ surprised their father J. H. Lewis, found unusually interesting styles of this character. last Snnday by calling on him un­ vited. Most of the waistcoats will be cut high enough to show The News will give $1 00 to any expectedly, the day being his 65th above the lapel opening. student of the Falls City school birthday. Trousers of the correct dresser will be cut principally on J. H. Lewis was born 65 years who Kubmits the best drawing of the leg-form style, with a 19-inch knee and 154 to 13-inch the school house. P articu lar at ago, at Lewisville, Polk county. bottom, and no fullness over the hips. Oregon, where hia father, David R The News office. It is well to bear in mind the fact that stout or corpulent Lewis, located in 1845, and a post- Mrs. F. J. Holman and Mrs. Paul office known as Lewisville was es­ men should adhere closely to single-breasted styles and the Rusk, of Black Rock, were in Falls tablished on his place. marked stripe effects, or novelty mixtures. On the othar City Tuesday. The Rusks have hand, slender men are given a larger appearance through rented (he J. Lowe property, and the aid of checks, plaids and double-breasted styles. Oakdale News Items will take possession in a few days. Last Sunday the Junior league Oakdale school enrollment is 24. of the M.E.otiurch presented their Mr. White has moved ir* the Nel­ superintendent, Miss Lillian Per­ son house. In our Spring assortment of over 2,000 patterns, one half kins, a very handsome souvenir Miss Carrie Dunn is spending of which are exclusive, the colors most favored are subdued spoon beautifully engraved “Junior the winter in Salem. greens, jlacks, and white silk effects, gun metal, and stone League.” It was a very delightful grays, vigoreux mixtures, and brown, tan and blue, in neat Mr. Taylor and sons are chop­ surprise. checks, split basket weaves, all - over effects, Tartar and ping wood for Mr. Dunn, An open meeting will be held in Glenurquahart plaids, shepherd checks, and needle and Estley Farley is visiting his I. O. O. K. hall tonight, followed by pencil stripes. cousins, the Dennis boys. a banquet at the Falls City hotel, Our school has won another pen­ at 50c a piste. Judge Galloway .dep­ nant by having a standard school. T a ilo r uty grand master, will be the prin­ Miss Edith Barnhart is at home cipal speaker. Ac enjoyable time this winter taking a review iu her is anticipated. school studies. Give the editor of The News your Wm. Finley will retire from the knows what a good cook Bill is, and Miss Fay Henson, Joe Johner subscription to the semi • weekly Falls City hotel as chef, after the always ready to provide a feed. There Journal, the weekly Oregonian, the and the Barnhart family spent Sun­ banquet this evening. On or about is no doubt of hia success in the new Evening Telegram, or the three day at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Feb. 10 he will again open a restaur- venture, as he and Mrs. Finley know of them if you like. Whichever you Olcott in honor of the birthday of ant in the Tice building. Everybody j the business and are workers. take, you will get a good paper at their son and daughter; a delicious dinner was served to suit the occa­ an unusual bargain price. A recent lest of milk furnished sion. l,«t Hurtling Huit you. Fred Kau went to Salem, Sunday. Let Persey put a Watch on you. A good allow at the (¡cm tonight. Selig has a rneaaagc (or you—read hia ad, C. L. Starr was in Falla City, Saturday. Head the want ada in 4th column on page 2. Job printing “as you like it” at The News office. Chas Hariung, the clothier, went to Portland, Sunday. 800-alieet pencil tablet 6x8, for 10 cents, at The Newa office. Regular city council meeting at 7 30 next Monday evening, Mr*. J. P. I)eWitte wa* a Mon­ mouth visitor, over Sunday. Misa Lois Omart, of Salem, vis­ ited the Singletons, Sunday. I). E. McDonough, of Rocca, was a Falls City visitor. Tuesday. Mrs. M. A. Marcey and child are visiting relatives in Portland, Chas. Norris has rented the Bert Estelle place, southeast of town. A new Christian church in Mon­ mouth is to be dedicated, Feb. 8. J. F. Cruzan, of Dexter, ie here visiting hia siater, Mrs. J.T. Hughes. Wanted, large or small contracts for pulling stumps. Grayum A Son. The Bert Dennis home is to let, at $10 per month. Particulars at ♦his office. J W. Sweeney, of Dallas, was in Falls City on flour business, last Satu'day, Carl Anderson will take the posi­ tion of chief cook at the Falls City notel, tomorrow. If you own a houro that is for rent, ’ist it with The News, and we by dairyman A. G. Fisher showed will find a tenant. 5.10% butter tat. The legal require­ Mrs. C. M. Osborne, of portland, ment is 3 5. The test was made by is visiting Mrs. J. B. Tawney, at the high school students, with the Babcock tester. Result shows that the Falls City hotel. Mrs. Alma Dempsey of Rickreall Falls City’s principal milk supply visited the Aurlands and Sampsons is of high class. Mrs. Mae Wright, teacher of the Saturday and Sunday. sixth grade, has resigned on ac­ Subscriptions taken at The News count of ill health, and will go to office for the semi-weekly Journal Poitland, This was Mrs. Wright’s and the Evening Telegram. second year of successful teaching Attorney Fletcher Mclnturff, of Salem, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert here, and her pupils and other friends are sorry that she cannot Dennis a few days last week. continue. We all wish her success For Sale, Team, harness, wagon, wherover she may go. driling harness,topbuggy,woodrack The News will take your subscrip­ rock bed. Call on O. H. Hudson. tion for any publication, saving C. W. Lee visited Salem, Sun­ you postage and other fees, besides day and Monday, and found Mrs. giving you assurance that you will Lee very much improved in ’ ealth. get what you pay for. We have on Miss Edith E. Montgomery se­ our list, among others, the semi­ cured a life-term license as a school weekly Journal at $1, the weekly teacher at I he December examina­ Oregonian at 75c, and the Portland tion, Evening Telegram, $3.50. Ilartuog tells you in his ad what The annual K. of P. ball, held at will bo the styles in men’s clothes Wagner hall Friday night of last this season. Read his ad on this woek, was the usual brilliant suc­ page. cess. People were in attendance Who got water receipt No. 117, from Salem, Dallas, Independence, Wed. Jan, 14, 1914? Please notfiy Black Rock, and other places, a this office, so that credit may be special train coming f'om Salem given. V and Dallas. The financial returns B. M. Webb is preparing to go were satisfactory, leaving a surplus to Paso Robles, Calif., to work at after all expenses were paid. A the carpenter trade with his broth- splendid supper was served at the erinlaw. Falls City hotel, cooked by that The truly smart man will not brave knight, Wm. Fiuley. knock his horns town. Read the Geo. Hegler has sold his 6-acre last item in the second column on poultry ranch to Mrs. Edith Wam- 4th page. bangh, of Albany, who will take Qua Anderson had a foot smash­ possession in a few days. Mr. and ed by n log falling on it, at Falla Mrs. Hegler are preparing to tak6 City Lumber Co.’s log yard, last rooms at G. W. Hubbard's until Saturday. they decide on plans for the future. J. B. Tawney, of the Falls City The Heglers are energetic, progres­ hotel, went to Portland, Monday, sive people, who have made a new on business, and returned home home in Falls City. Their many Thursday. friends regret that they have so'd There was a mantle of snow on ont, but wish them success when­ Falls City, Tuesday morning, but ever they may finally locate. Dictum of Fashion M E N ’S TOGS Spring-Summer 1914 FABRICS H Chas. Hartung, Clothier and Druggist Has Valuable Agency M. L. Thompson has the Falla City agency L r the simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler-i-ka, the remedy which became famous by curing ap­ pendicitis. This simple remedy has powerful action and drains such sur­ prising amounts of old matter from the body that j u s t one d o s e relieves eourstomach,gason thestomacli and constipation, almost i m m e d i a t e l y . The quick n c i i j u o f Adler-i-ka is astonishing. List of Letters Remaining uncalled for in the Falls City postotfice for the month ending January 24, 1914. LADIES Mrs. Lcla Whitman. GENTLEMEN Burt Master Curtis, Chas. W. Curtis, E. B. Hubbard Gust Hoilman, A. Mitchell, Stephen McKenna. James McKenna, 8 Curtis Newton, Wm. Swanson. These letters will be sen', to the dead letter office, Feb. 7, 1914, if not delivered before. In calling for the above, please say,“ Advertised,” giving date of list. Ira C. Mehrling, Postmaster. Staff. of Ohio, c ity o f Toledo, I _ L u cas County. I* F ra n k J. C heney m akes o a th th a t ha ta senior p a rtn e r of th e Arm o f F. J. Chaney A Co., do ln s business In th e City of To­ ledo. C ounty and at*'.a aforesaid, and th a t eald firm wilt p a y th e sum of ONE H U N D R E D DO LLARS fo r aach and av- ery ra s e of C a ta rrh th a t can n o t be cured by tha usa of H A L L 'S C A T A R R H CU RS. F R A N K J. C H E N K T. Sworn to before m e a n d subscribed In m y presence, th is *th d a y of December. A. D 1S8C (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. N o ta ry Public. H a lt's C a ta rrh C ure la ta k e n Intern ally and acta directly upon th a blood a n d m u­ cous eurfacea of th a system . Send fo r teeUmontata. free. F. J . C H E N E T A CO.. Toledo, O . Sold by a ll D ru c tflts . tie . Take H alt's Fam ily puis for eaallpaMec. Business for January Has Been Good For 1914 weexpect to nearly double our 1913 sales There .is a reason Honorable business methods, Reliable Goods, Correct and just Prices, Solve the problem. If you are not now one of o u r customers, better g e t in line — w e believe y o u will some day; the sooner the better for both of us. SELIGs fa lls Cite Department Store