Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, January 24, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    T u ie F a L U C i t y N*we, J a n u a r y 24, 1914
year, bad hii offer of 11500 a year
by tbe Seattle Har.d A Gravel Co .
Iiesides other offers at $1000, He
considers that Ida duty lies in Falls
Who got water receipt No. 117,
Wed. Jan, 14, 19147 Please notfiy
this office, so that credit may be
Miss Minnie O rloff of Falls City
visited Mr and Mrs. D. N. Kangl,
Saturday and
Sunday.— Dallas
House Furnishings, Hardware
Everything up-to-date
and at prices to please
J .C .T A L B O T T & C O M P A N Y
i '.- li'.ò
Buy the Best
tsi.ò \
à ;. M ; m u !
flew s of Jf alls
Let Hartung Suit you.
Tbe search for tbe body o f Chaa.
Mayes, who was drowned in a
stream near Bocca, several months
ago, has been abandoned,
Mr. and Mrs, W ill Jones, o f
Bickreall, visited Mr. and Mrs.
John Waters and Mr. and Mrs. C,
J. Pugh, Friday to Sunday.
E. Beezley, O. L. Carey, A. B.
Brown, T . I). Hollowed, W illis
Frink, W .B. Stevena, J.C. Talbott,
Geo. M. Tice, Wm Ellis.
Mr. Burke o f Portland and Mr.
Hiscoe of Salem were in Kalla City
this week, on business connected
with tbe Building and f/ian Assoc­
iation of Halt Lake City.
A local
has been organized. Tbe business
of the company is to loan money
for home-building purposes.
A few days ago, while cutting
down a tree with a crosscut saw,
John Sumpter fell and his right
arm was severely injured by the
saw-teeth. Mrs. Sumpter was help­
ing him, and she managed to help
him to Mr. Valentine’ s, where’ first
aid to the injured’ was applied.
The wound ia healing rapidly.
Let Persey put a Watch on you.
The beet is always the
cheapest. Ch«ap goods
anywhere a r e never
cheap at any price. But
if you are not a judge,
you must rely on the
judgment o f others.
W e have built up the
largest Drug business
in this locality by sell­
ing only goods o f the
highest character and
never abusing the con-
fiduiie* o f those plac­
ing reliance on u u r
judgm ent.
Buy the Best
M. L. Thompson
Twentieth Century Prosthesis
Will not slip or slide when you
chew. I f you are from
Missouri, call
A. G. Atwood, Demist,
Office, North Main St.
over Frink'sconf.store
----- ---
Passenger Train Schedule
Effective Dec. 1,1913
• ■ 3
Salem . . . 6.35
Dallas. . . 7.45
Falle City. 9.20
Bl’k Bock.
B l’ k Bock
Falle City. 9.35 1.25
Dallas. . . 10.15 2.ÜÜ
Salem . . . 11.26 3.15
1 nt
. !
pm. pm .
3.45 5.40
4.25 6.40
5.30 7.45
I. (J. H inomttom , A gent
C a le n t a r — 3 a n u a r t , 1 9 1 4
S m .
N «*.
9 IO
15 16 17
21 22 23 24
28 29 30
12 13
19 20
26 27
-- ------------------- -—
! _ ■ » " ■ ] ____________ !!
W ath es
At Persey’s
7 Jewel Elgin or Waltham, . $ 4.75
15 Jewel South B end,...........
17 Jewel Elgin 6r Waltham, .
17 Jewel adjuatsd’Seth Thomas’ 10.00
21 Jewel adj., 5Poss. Hampden 19.50
Above in Silveroid cases. Every
watch guaranteed by us, and we
are right here to make the guar­
antee good.
W .A .P « r*e y T h e Jew eler
Pencil tablets, 6x8 inches, 800
sheets, for 10 cents. Every home
should have one.
For Bent, the G. W. Kendnll
Stevens Teal Wedding
A good show at the Gem tonight. property on Parry street; $8 per
Mr. Alex. W. Stevena and Miss
Mrs. M. E. Miller is ill, o f la- mouth. W ill sell at $1050, Call at
News office for particulars.
Pearle Teal were married Jan. 16
Bert Knnher, who with Lew at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
C. H. Cochran is ill, of pneu­
Crawford, Is cutting wood for L. B. Reeder, Portland, Ore.
Murray, injured a band on the
The bride was attired in blue
Supt. Seym >ur visited our school
saw, Wednesday o f last week.
satin and curried a bouquet of white
Mrs. J. H. Flower w ill remove carnations.
Head the want ada in 5th column
The Reeder home w as beautifully
to Salem aa soon as business affairs
on page 2.
can be arranged. Miss Marguerite decorated for the occasion.
Mrs. J. A. Bowman is reported
An elegant wedding dinner was
will make her home with Mrs.
on the sick list.
given the bridal party at tbe home
Job printing “ as you like it” at
Miss Lillian Perkins baa resign­ of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Stevens at 7
The News oflico.
ed h e r position as tilth-grade oclock p.'m .
Unusually heavy rains have teacher, and lias returned to her
A fttr a few days o f eight seeing
the city, the bridul party return­
fallen here this week.
home at Carlton. She has been ill
to their homo in Falls City,
Joe Sampson returned Monday, for some tiu.e.
a reception w ill be given
to hia Siletz homestead.
The News will give $1 00 to any
800-sheet pencil tablet 6x8, for 10 student o f the Falls City school
Alex. Stevens is the son o f Mr
cents, at The News office,
who submits the best drawing of
and Mrs. W. B. Stevens, and is a
attractive, and you aro sure of a tbe school house. Particulars at
young man of excellent reputation,
Tbe News office.
square deal. Bead his ad.
with many friends.
Attorney H. G. Strayer has been
Mrs. Sadie Tooze, of Salem, is
Mrs. Stevens is the youngest
appointed justice of the peace for
visiting Mrs. W. K. llinshaw.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Selig invites you to visit his store. this district, by tbe County Court, Teal and is a capable and ener­
You will find his prices and goods to fill the unoxpireii term of J. H . getic young woman with a host of
Flower, deceased.
Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Carey were
The Jonah Lowe home is for rent
in Falls City, on business, Monday.
The friends of these young people
W’ m. Wooden and fam ily moved at a reasonable reutal. This is one The News included,extend congrat­
down from Black Bock, last Satur­ of the best homes in Falls City, and ulations and good wishes, with the
immediate possession will be given. hope and belief that they may
Apply a j The News office.
“ live long and prosper.”
Singer Sewing machines at Per-
The Falls City Lumber Co. is
aey’e, also needles and extras for
having all the steam pipes covered
Sixth Grade News
all makes,
with asbestos, to prevent unneces­
ending Jan. 17, Geo.
Ira Hammond is now employed
sary loss of power. It is a decided­ Paul, Charles Bowman, and Thel­
as man of all work at the Falls
ly economical improvement.
ma W ilbur bad the most credits.
City hotel.
Dennis McMurry, a logger, now
We are very sorry to lose Ruby
Born to Mr. and Mrs.
working for H. C. Brown, received Kendoll from our giade, and hope
Vashaw, in Dallas, Jan. 19, an 8-
700 volts of electricity at the cen­ her stay in Ballston will be pleas­
pound girl.
tral station, Thuesday night, with­ ant.
If you own a house that is for out further injury than a big scare,
Lena Buell and Ruby Crowley
rent, list it with The News, and we
Mrs. Dr. Hellwarth returned have relumed to school after long
will find a tenant.
from Portland, Wednesday. Mrs. absence.
C. L. Hopkins went to Newberg, A. A. Quick is still in the hospital
Monday, lo look aftersome property there, but is getting along nicely Local Druggist Makes Many Friends
he owns in that city.
and expects to return home in a
M. L. Thompson reports they
For Sale, 2 good lots, ou Pine few weeks.
are making many friends through
street in block K, cultivated. In ­
For sale, one acre, cultivated, the q u ic k benefit which Falls City
quire at The News office.
fruit, berries; 6-r. house insured people receive from the simple m ix­
I. A. Johnson and Glenn Hunt- for $1400; elec, light, city water, ture of buckthorn bark, glycerine,
ley went to Independence last cesspool; puce $1050; all cash, or etc., known as Adler-i-ka. This
Sunday, to visit friends.
$700caeh, terms on balance. Par­ remedy became famous by curing
appendicitis and it is the most
For Sale, a heifer calf, about 4 ticulars at The News office.
weeks o ld ; also a femaleshoat about
The wind blew down several elec­ thorough bowel cleanser known,
mos. old.
G. W. Hudson.
tric light poles, Wednesday after­ acting on iio t h the upper and low­
er bowel, j u s t o n e dose of Adler-
For Sale, Team, harness, wagon, noon, one falling across tbe rail­
dritin g harness,topbuggy.woodrack road track at the Montgomery street i-ka relieves constipation and gas
on the stomach almost i m m e d i a t e l y
rock bed. Call ou O. II. Hudson. croising. Section foreman W alker
Bert Dennis and fam ily return­ removed the obs’ iuction at once.
M. and Chas. Norris moved here
ed from Salem last Saturday, and
of Inst week, from Lebanon,
have moved into their own house.
and w ill work for Young Bros.,
Jacob Cabe, an old-time resident
cutting cordwood. They are broth­
o f Falls City, was in town last
ers of Henry Norris, and they are
Saturday, on his way to the Siletz.
all hustling working men with
Hartung tells you in his ad what
will bn the styles in men’s clothes
The county high school debat­
this season. Bead his ad on this
league consists of Dallas, Inde­
pendence, Falls City, and Mon­
M. L. Thompson is invoicing his
mouth. The first debates w ill be
stock of goods this week, Mrs.
March 17, with oue Falls City
Thompson and Mrs. Geo. Lowe are
at home, and the other at
assisting in the work.
Miss Ella Bobinsnn, of Indepen­
A dance was given at the home
dence, began leaching the fifth
of Frank De W itte, last Saturday
grade, Monday, taking the place of
evening, in honor of the birthday
Miss Perkius, resigned.
t)f the De W itte twins— son and
B. I. Carey has made a sale of daughter. About 50 guests attend­
80 acres o f his farm to A. H. Ben­ ed. Many presents were received.
ton taking a quarter block in New­ A midnight supper was served.
berg in the transaction.
W m . Finley, chef at the Falls
Mrs. Lee Sadler who is visiting City hotel, had serious trouble
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. with his eyes from some unknown
Thomas, in Tacoma, will return cause, Monday, and was unable to
home eatly in February.
see for two days. There is some
The first statement of the year improvement now, and Bill will no
by the Bank o f Falls C ity shows doubt be all right again in a. few
that local financial conditions are days.
normal and satisfactory.
Sheriff J. M. Grant was in this
Lee Sadler, who has recently section Monday, rounding up ju ry­
been engaged as minister of the men for 1914. The Falls City se.
Christian church for the second lections are: C, R. Armstrong, J.
Dictum of Fashion
Spring-Summer 1914
While the fashions for the season will appeal strongly to
men who like clothes that are conservative in design and
reasonably comfortable and roomy in shape, there will be
found plenty o f neat novelty ideas to please the young man
in college, business or society who prefers his clothes a bit
more ultra than the average.
Those who desire the so-called English effect will secure
a tight-fitting coat, with short, narrow shoulders having no
padding; small sleeve, soft front and roll lapels.
The vest will be cut high, with six buttons, and the trous­
ers will be from 1 to 14 inches narrower than regular atyle.
It may here be remarked, however, that soft-front coata
will not hold their shape as well as the other styles.
Correct length o f sack coats for men of average height
remains at 30 inches, and vents will be le ft open only when
so ordered. Most o f the designs will fit moderately cloae at
waist, Bhoulders will be narrow, and sleeves will have little
padding in the shoulder tops. Lapels will vary from fancy
and broad effects to rounded corners.
A feature o f the season will be the increased use of the
Norfolk styles, which are adapted to outing, vacation and
general negiigee wear. Our numbers 929 and 931 will be
found unusually interesting styles o f this character.
Most o f the waistcoats will be cut high enough to show
above the lapel opening.
Trousers o f the correct dresser will be cut principally on
the leg-form style, with a 19-inch knee and 154 to 16-inch
bottom, and no fullness over the hips.
It is well to bear in mind the fact that stout or corpulent
men should adhere closely to single-breasted styles and the
marked stripe effects, or novelty mixtures. On the other
hand, slender men are given a larger appearance through
the aid o f checks, plaids and double-breasted styles.
In our Spring assortment o f over 2,000 patterns, one half
o f which are exclusive, the colors most favored are subdued
greens, blacks, and white silk effects, gun metal, and stone
grays, vigoreux mixtures, and brown, tan and blue, in neat
checks, split basket weaves, a ll-o v e r effects, Tartar and
Glenurquahart plaids, shepherd checks, and needle and
pencil stripes.
Chas. Hartung, Clothier and Tailor
Subecrit« for The Oregonian'—
For sale, to buy, to trade, to ex­
daily, weekly, Sunday, or any com­
change, lost, found or wanted no­
bination desired— and get a 34-
piece dinner set as a premium. tices, printed in The Falla City
Full particulars at The News office. News, will bring resulta. Try it.
Do You Know C.L. Starr?
N o doubt you do; and, knowing him, you will
concede him a shrewd, careful business man.
This gentleman recently came up from
Portland, vfliere sale after sale is in pro­
gress. Strolling in our store, he acci­
dentally picked up one o f our heavy wool­
en Sweaters. Inquiring the price, he was
rather surprised, and bought the article.
The moral o f this is that
Resolutions of Condolence and
Whereas, The All-wise Creator
has seen fit to call our beloved
Neighbor, John II. Flower, from
this vale o f tears, be it.
Resolved, T in t we the members
of Falls City Camp S09 W . O. W
exte id our heartfelt sympathies to
the bereaved wife and other relat­
ives, and be it further resolved
that a copy of these resolutions be
sent to his wife Mrs. Flower, and
a copy spread on the minutes of
this meeting.
Done at Falls City, Oregon Jan.
21. 1914.
( T . B. Hooker
Committee ( E. C, Frink
( Chas. Hartung
State of Ohio, city of Toledo. I ._
Lucas County.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ha la
eenlor rnrtner of the firm o f F. J. Cheney
A Co., doing business In the City of To­
ledo, County and State aforesaid, and
that aald firm will pay the sum of ONE
H U N D R E D D O LLAR S fo r each and ev­
ery caae of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by lha use o f H A L L 'S C A T A R R H CURE.
F R A N K J. C H EN E T.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In
my presence, this 6th day o f December,
* D. 1881
You can do better at
Selig’s than at the
highly advertised
big-City stores
N otary Public.
Hall'a Catarrh Cure la taken Internally
and acts directly upon tha blood and mu­
cous surfaces of the system. Send for
tesUmonlals, free.
F. J. C H E N E T * CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 7Sc.
Taka Hall's Family Pule for constipation.
fa lls (titç Department Store