Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, January 17, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    T h *
Buy the Best
The best is always the
cheapest. Cheap (roods
anywhere a r e never
cheap at any price. But
if you are not a judge*,
you must rely on the
judgm ent o f others.
We have built up the
largest Drug business
in this locality by sell­
ing only goods of the
highest character and
never abusing the con­
fidence of those plac­
ing reliance on o u r
judgm en t
Buy the Best
M. L Thompson
Twentieth Century Prosthesis
Will not slip or slide when you
chew. If you are from
Missouri, call
A. G. Atwood, Dentist,
Office, North Main St.
overF rin k 'sco n f.sttre
--------- »
Passenger Train Schedule
Effective Dec. 1,1913
«wraoiKD am.
am. pm. pm.
Salem . . . 6 35 9.4511.40 3.25
Dallas. . . 7.45 11.00 2.60 6.00
Falla City. 8.20 11.35 3.25 5.35
114 MA Ml
BAftTMM-RD am. pm.
pm. pm.
Bl’k Rock
Falla City. 9.35 1.25 3.45 5.40
Dalla». . . 10.16 2.00 4.26 6.40
Salem . . . 11.25 3.16 5.80 7.45
1. U
S lN U U tT 'N , AO XXT
Calentar—3anuarç, 1014
laa. JUa. Tan. Wed. Tkan. fri.
15 16
22 23
29 30
of jfallsGit\>
.n. i i . . . . i .
Let Hartung Suit you.
■A good show at the Gem tonight.
City council meets next Monday
Read the want ada in 5th column
on page 2.
Job printing “as you like it” at
The News office.
Russell A Gilbert highost grade
candies, at Ellis’.
Roy Me Murphy has recovered
from a recent illness,
Bert Dennis of Salem, was a Falls
City visitor, Tuesday.
800-sheet pencil tablet 6x8, for 10
cents, at The News office.
Best home-made Candies, a t the
Ellia confectionery store.
A big dance was given at Black
Rock last Saturday night.
B. F. Boughey of Salem was in
Falls City on business, Tuesday,
Hartung’s Rod “D” Loggers are
standing the test. Read his ad,
Jonah Lowe will make his borne
with his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Lowe.
The school board is asking bids for
3Q cords of fir and 30 cords of oak
Ed. 8. Rich started to Sparta,
Wis^T.iesday afternoon in response
to it telegram that his father is not
• xp«<t«d to live longer than a few
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Roaco«
Mod«, at Lewiaville, la«t Sunday,
a girl.
Mr. and Mra. W. F. Nichola vis­
ited frienda in Salem Saturday and
Singer Hewing inachinoa at P«r-
aey’s, alao needle» and extras for
all make«.
Talliott for furniture, hardware,
kitchen ware,carp«U,»port inggooda,
Fred 0 . Brownof Crystal Chriat-
ma» visited friends in Falls City a
few days ag >.
It is th« intention to hold a
dance at the homo of Frank De
Witte tonight.
Anyway, there is not a» much
mud on North Main street aa there
was a year ago.
Bom, to Mr, and Mra. W. H.
Dorman, Wednesday Jan. 14, 1914
a 11 pound girl.
If you own a house that is for
rent, list it with The Nowa, and we
will find a tenant.
Donald Hodgea is III with the
croup, at the home of his aunt,
Mia. C. L. Hopkins.
A childrens party was held at
the home of 11. Van Den Bosch, last
Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Perkins of Carlton visited
her daughter» Mae Wright and Lil­
lian Perkins, last week.
Mrs. Anna Swinney of Grants
Pans, is visiting the families of 11.
A. and J. A. Bowman.
Mr. and Mra. Harry Lowe re­
turned to their home in Portland,
Thursday of last week.
Glenn Huntley, of Independence
is in charge of the Johnson clean­
ing and pressing parlor.
Jonah Lowe and son Ira and
daughter Mrs, Vina Miller went
to Portland last Monday.
Merl Potter, F. C. L. Co. team­
ster, moved into the Addie Mont­
gomery house, Thursday.
For Sale, a heifer calf, about 4
weeks old; also a femaleshoat about
4j mos. old.
G. W. Hudson.
Mra. F. K. Hubbard, who has
been ill for some time, is very much
improved at the present time.
The young folks of the vicinity
held a dance at the home of John
B. Teal Jr. laat Saturday night.
For Sale, Team, harness, wagon,
driving harness, tophuggy, wood rack
rock tied. Call on 0. II. Hudson.
I. A. Johnson returned last Sat­
urday from Voder, Wash., where
he visit'd his sister for a few days.
Little Miss Helen Selig gave a
party to a numler of her young
friends on Friday evening of last
Who got water receipt No. 117,
Wed. Jan. 14, 1914? Please notfiy
this office, so that credit may be
G, K. Htdges returned to his
homestead near Falls City the first
of last week.—Sherwood News
A. Sampson has been reappoint­
ed supervisor of road district No.
21 (which surrounds Falls City)
for 1914.
Wm. Woodiu oí Black Rock, has
rented the M. G. Ellis property
and will move to Falls City in a
few days.
11. A. Bowman is having a new
porch built on the front of his
house, R. S. Ferguson is doing
the fine work.
A. G. Linoback is heving a new
bungalow built on his property in
Southeast Falls City. Ello & Elle
are the builders.
G. W. Kendoll’s family moved
to Ballston this week. Mr. Kendoll
has been employed there for a long
time, on a ranch.
Supervisor A. Sampson, with a
crew of workmen, is repairing the
Black Rock road where it was dam­
aged by land slides.
Mr. and Mrs. Rico of Black Rock
went to California Thursday, for a
vacation. Mr. Rice is car repairer
for the 8. P. Ry. Co.
The handbag found by F. C.
Thomas of Rocca near Powell’s
old logging camp, Dec. 24, and ad­
vertised in The News Dec. 27, be­
longed to Mrs. Horne, and has
a l u
C ity N ew », J a h u a r y i t ,
been deliv« r«vl to her at the Fall»
Meycr-Harris Wedding
City Co.’a logging camp, by Bob
Pernal C. Meyer, only son of Mr.
Mrs. A. K. Meyer, and Miait
George Durham and wife left
K. Harris, daughter of Mr,
for North Yakima to vi»it hits re]-
W. T. Harris, were unit­
lives, Thursday. .
Hundny evening
Irving Matthews of Portland,
at the reridei.ee
was in town Friday and Saturday
of laid week. While here he re­
Cochran were
paired the footbridge.
the attendants.
The Falla City Lumber Co. has
The new lyweds are making their
put up an 1800-foot cable over a
home for the present at the Meyer
canyon in the woods for uae as a
trolly for carrying logs.
Peru Meyer is an industrious
For Sule—1G0 a. wheat ranch in young man, and Mrs. Meyer is a
Sherman Co., Or. Will take stock, talented young woman, and they
or small ¡dace near Fall» City. A. will no doubt establish a home
H. Benton, Ncwherg, Or.
where peace, content and happi­
Arthur Titu» i» helping O. P. ness will reign.
Briggs and Mrs. Ed Rich in the F.
The News, along with a host of
C. Mercantile »tore during the ab­ other friend», extends congratula-
sence of Ed Riuli in Wisconsin.
tionsand well wishes to these young
For sale, to buy, to trade, to ex­ people.
change, lo»t, found or wanted no­
Birthday Surprise Party
tices. printed in The Falls City
News, will bring results. Try it.
Thursday evening a number of
I have secured the services of a friends gave Mrs. W. T. Brow n a
»kiled workman, and urn better very pleasant surprise.
In r« memberance of her birthdsy
prepared than ever to do clothes
pressing and cleaning. 1 A Johnson »he was presented with a few pieces
J. C. Frink became quite ill on of china and silverware.
A very enjoyable evening was
Friday evening of last week, and
lunch being served at mid­
was confined to his bed for several
Those present were,
days. He is now able to be up
Mrs. W. T. Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Meyer,
By unanimous vote, last Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall.
the congregation of the Christian
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McMurphy,
church decided to employ Rev.
Mr. and Mrs. 8. S. Cook,
Lee Sadler for another year as
Mrs. C. D. Tice,
Miises Ruth Cook and Velma
Clarence Powell went to Oregon
City last Saturday for a week-end Miller, and H ill'd McMurphy and
visit with his family who have been Linus Cook.
visiting relatives thero during the
K. of P. Annual Ball
The Falls City K. of P. lodge
There have been several cave-ins
on the Black Rock road during the will give their annual ball on ti.e
recent rains. Supervisor A. Samp­ evening of January 113, 1914, in
son will do some work on the road Wagner hall. Music by Dallas
Moo.e orchtstra of seven pieces.
to make it passable.
Mr. and .Mrs. A. Sampson return­ Supper will be served.
ed from the Sib-tz Monday even­ This ball is one of the events of
ing, where they had been visiting the year in Falls City, and no doubt
their soninlaw Jas, Wright, who will he well attended.
Paul J. Shepherd has charge of
baa been seriously, ill.
transportation arrangements.
R. M. and L. B. Wonderly were
S S. Cook, \V. R. Hinshaw and
down in Benton county, south of
Airlie, the first of the week, mak­ N. A. I.unde have general charge
ing an estimate on a new school of the affairs.
The floor managtrs are: \V. R.
house in district No. 30.
Hinshaw, Falls City;
Mayor Hubbard represented the
\V. L.Tooze Jr., Dallas; Florence
Falls City council in the matter of
Burton, Independence; Paul Rusk,
the lease of the rock crusher, at the
Black Rock; Mrs. Walter Tooze,
meeting of the county commission­
Salem; Mrs. W. R. Hinshaw, Falls
ers, Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. C. W. Lee went to the hos­
Church of Christ
pital at Salem, Tuesday, where she
will be given medical treatment.
Regular services on Lord’s day.
Mrs. Halsey accompanied Mrs. Lee,
Don’t send, but bring the child­
and returned home Wednesday.
ren to Sunday School. We have
Mrs. Vina Miller,of Vickeryville, suitable classes for the older ones
Mich., who was here several weeks as well as for the children.
The prayer meetings are grand,
during the sickness and death of
her mother, Mrs. Jonah Lowe, will and quite often we have as many
return to her homo in a few days. men as women in attendance.
Tho congregtion unanimously
Sam Wiest the famous foreman
of Spaulding’s Blaik Rock logging called us to remain with them an­
camps, has been in Falls City all other year. Let us boost and pull
week, gathering workingmen for together, that great good may be
the camp, which is to be opened accomplished.
Bro. Scruggs of Eugene was with
about Jan. 19.
There is a large crowd making us last Lord’s day and his solos
arrangements to Attend the K of P, were appreciated by all present.
Bro. Frink expects to bo at his
ball at Falls City the 23rd. .....
Lloyd Rice and Herman Hawkins post as S.S, Supt. next Sunday.
Try and be present at all the
were visitors at Falls City Sunday.
servic e.
Lee Sadler, Minister.
—Dallas Observer.
acre, cultivated,
W, E. Potter has traded his 73
house insured
acres east of town for land in Uma­
city water,
tilla county, and will move to Her-
cash, or
miston next week. Frod E, Wells,
the new owner, will not move here
until next September.
A number of people have taken
Mrs. H. E. Collins returned
home from Falls City where she advantage of my proposition of
had visited for a week with her Rough Dry Washing. You get it
daughter, Mrs, C, E. McDonald.... washed thoroughly clean, all star­
Died, at tho home of Henry John­ ched pieces are starched ready to
son, near Siletz, Oregon, January iron and the ladies say it irons
1st, 1914, Joe Lincoln, aged 106 better and nicer than anything
they had imagined. They say, why
years.—Toledo Leader.
its just fine. Try it. its done at
Surprises Many in Falls City
Crandell’s Laundry.
The quicic action of simple buck­
S ta te o f O hio, c i t y o f T oledo,
thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mix­
L u c a s C o u n ty .
e » o a th t h a t h e la
ed in Adl«r-i-ka, the remedy which » e F n r te a n r k p a J r . t n C e h r e o n f e y th e m ak
Arm o f
J . C heney
Co., d o in g b u sin e ss In th e C ity of T o­
became famous by curing appendi­ A ledo.
C o u n ty a n d S ta to a fo re sa id , an d
id firm w ill p a y th e au m o f O N E
citis, is surprising Falls City people. t H h U a t N sa
D R E D D O L L A R S f o r ea c h a n d ev­
e r y c a s e o f C a ta r r h t h n t c a n n o t be cu red
Many have found that this simple b y th e u se o f H A L L ’S C A T A R R H C U R E .
remedy drains so much foul matter S w o rn to b e fo re F R m A o N K a n d J . su C b H scrib
ed In
y p re se n c e , th i s 6 th d a y o f D ecem b er,
from the system that a s i n g l e d o s e m
a . d . im
A. W . GLEA SO N ,
relieves constipation, sour stomach (Seal)
N o ta r y P u b lic.
ta r r h C u re la t a k e n In te rn a lly
and gas on the stomach almost a n H d a l a l c 1» ts C d a ire
c tly u p o n th e b lood a n d m u ­
co u s s u r f a c e s o f th e sy s te m . S en d fo r
im m e d ia t e l y .
Adler-i-ka i s the te
s tim o n ia ls , free.
F . J. C H E N E T A CO.. T o led o . O.
most thorough bowel cleanser ever
Sold b y a ll D ru g g is ts , 75c.
T ake H all’s F am ily P ills fo r cooatlpaU oa.
sold. M. L. Thompson, druggist.
Ju st a fe w words in resp onse
to inquiries m ade about the
Red “ D” Logging Shoes
. .ask in g if the Red
* -“ D s” are reliable
I will say that out of the 72 pairs which I have sold this
winter, there has only been two complaints—(one pair
the customer burnt, and one shoe of the other pair had
a defective heel)- and in both cases I gave customers
new shoes in exchange for the others. You don’t take
any chances when you buy Red “ D” Loggers, for every
pair is guaranteed by the facUry and I stand back of this
guaranty. If you burn your shoes or misuse them, you
are the loser, and any shoe that goes wrong by the cus­
tom er’s fault will not be replaced. Any one that appreci­
ates good shoes should try RED “ D” LOGGERS.
Chas. Hartung, Exclusive Dealer
n^yncyi ïeyiicz
The Gem Theatre News
“ A Drama of the Air ” (A 2 real
“ Path«’’ productou)
“ flatly Audley’a Jewels” ( A
Always good shows at The Gem.
Give the editor of The News your
subscription to the semi - weekly
Journal, the weekly Oregonian, the
Evening Telegram, or the three
of them if you like. Whichever you
take, you will get a good paper at
an unusual bargain price.
s S s
Every one guaranteed
8-day mantel, strike, oak case, $3.00
8-d. bungalow, ** mahogany fin. 3.85
8-d. parlor, gongstk. on cup bells 5.85
Big Ben the National sleep meter 2.50
The Lumber City alarm
W .A .P ersey The Jew eler
Subscribe (or The Oregonian —
daily, weekly, Sunday, or any com­
bination desired—and get a 34-
piece dinner set as a premium.
Full particulars at The News office.
House Furnishings, H ardw are
Everything up-to-date
and at prices to please
J .C .T A L B O T T A, C O M P A N Y
Grocery Specials
10-lb. Pail Pure Lard,
$ 1 .5 5
5-lb. Pail Pure Lard,
.8 0
Med.-wt. Breakfast Bacon, lb., . 2 0
Picnic Hams, per ib....................... 1 6
Medium Hams, per Ib.................... 2 1
I7 lbs. Sugar..........................1 . 0 0
Above prices should
be of interest to you
Sale of Ladies Cloaks,
Ladies Hats, Sweaters,
and Clothing, continued
falls Clt? Department Store