Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, January 17, 1914, Image 1

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    T he N ew i aUndi for
■ greater and botter
Falla City all the time
JJuy all goods of home
m erchants and help to
m ake Falls City greater
When Like
Cures Like
■X T N O Y A L L IB O N .
k+e»++♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Minna Reed almost ran down the
from the house beariug the
sign “Mine. Yoirsi, Clairvoyant."
The lady's communications had up­
set all her preconceived plans and
ideas. Her mother hud alwuys op­
posed her trying unything of the
innd, but when'sno saw the sign un
overwhelming desire to inouiro into
tilings unknown Imd beset her. The
rest of the party had gone down to
thb beach, and after stuying in her
room at the summer hotel for sn
hour with a headache she had slip­
ped out to buy a fascinating kimono
she had seen in n Japanese store
tl*e day before. The cluirvoynnt's
sign had caught her eye, and for a
whole hour siie had sat in the dark­
ened, etuffy kttle room with her
nerves all st strained attention.
Sha want back to her room and,
walking straight to the dresser,
looked regretfully at the picture of
a frank boyish face surrounded by
a little plain gold frame.
“I never frould have thought it,”
aha whispered. “I thought you were
the truest, nohlest thing on earth.
And she said the mun with black
eyas, now one of iny circle of ac­
quaintances, was deceitful to the
core and that if I did not separate
his path from mine he would prove
the blighting sorrow of my life.
Jimmy, dear, it seems impossible
to believe you could bring sorrow
into anv one's life, but it must have
hecn yon she meant, for you arc the
only man of my acquaintance who
has b-black eye«.“ And, being only
nineteen and believing she had
come face to face with the big sor­
row of her life, she threw herself
across the tied and aoblied becauao
■lie felt that she must immediately
take stepa to separate Jimmy
Kent's path from hera—Jimmy,
who hod lent her his red ball to
play with the very first day she
went to kindergarten.
James Kent, unconscious of the
heavy cloud of suspicion hovering
over m-.n, came from his ocean swim
and lay idly on the sand, hoping
Minna would get over her headache
and walk down to the l>each. Final­
ly, sunburned and glowing, he went
back to the hotel and found her on
the veranda, gazing listlessly at
the sea.
“Is it as bad as all that, little
girl? You are the most forlorn
looking specimen I ever saw,” he
said as he sat on the porch rail and
eyed her commiseratingly.
Minna, seeing the sympathy in
his eyes, wished fervently that they
were any other color than black.
“Wlint on earth made you have
black eyes, Jimmy? I dislike them
sol” she said petulantly.
Jimmy opened the offending orbs
very wide in his surprise.
“ Hy Jove, you aro a queer one,
Minna! You told me yesterday
down on the beach that I had the
most beautiful eyes vou ever saw.
Positively made mo blush to know I
was so beautiful. ’Fraid to sleep in
them last night lest I should spoil
'em. And now—Minna, you haven’t
met any fellow with gray eyes, huve
you?” he asked suspiciously.
“No, I haven’t,” indignantly, “but
black eyes are treacherous—and—1
never could trust them.”
The Evening Telegram
•nd T h e Falls City News
Are conducting a vigorous circulation campaign in Falls
City. These tw o papers will supply you with all the
news of this locality and also with all the news of the
country at large, at a minimum coat. For a short time
we will take your subscription to the two papers for one
year at $3.75 -by m a il-a saving to you of $2.25. Pay to
The Telegram, Portland, or to the Falls City News.
Whether they were treacherous
or not was left an .»pen question,
but they certuinly proved persua­
sive, atm finally Jimmy was in pos­
session of the whole story.
“ Minna Reed, you ought to be
ashamed of yourself! Do I look
like a blighting sorrow?” mimicking
her forlorn tone. “ I might lie mis­
taken for a prizefighter,” exhibiting
his muscular arm with pride, “ but
I’m blamed if I’d know how to start
out in the blighting sorrow busi­
Minna, auzious to believe, still
looked dubious.
“ If your eyes only weren’t black!”
she sighed.
“ Now, look here, my child. I’d
get a special act of congress to
change them to suit you if I could.
You know I’ve done everything to
please you all my life. Why will
you believe that utter rot? Did she
tell you anything tangible that you
absolutely know was true?’’ Jimmy
was in training for a lawyer and
wanted to contest ull evidence in
the case.
“She told me my name and age,”
“ Didn’t you have to write it on a
piece of paper first?” suspiciously.
“Y-ycs, but she didn’t see it—
honestly she didn’t. I folded it
tightly and put it on the table, and
she sat and toyed with it while she
"The mischief she didn’t see it!”
growled Jimmy. "Anything else?”
“She said I had an Aunt Vnrv in
the spirit land that was trying to
guide me,” hesitatingly.
"See there! You never had an
Aunt Mary in your life! I t’s all
plain humbug.” Jimmy spoke with
the satisfaction of one willing to
leave his case in the hands of an in­
telligent jury.
"No, I never had, but mamma
had, and the clairvoyant said aunts
snd great-aunts were ull the same
in the spirit world.”
Jimmy positively groaned with
“She might safely hit on an Aunt
Mary. Nearly everybody living lias
an aunt or great-aunt or great-
rcat-greater-aunt Mary. Rut she
ad no business fooling with my
He sat sulkily silent, then grin­
ned witli a thought that made him
wonder if he would not some day
bear to the realms of the meta­
physical the same relation that Kdi-
son bears to things physical.
“ Young woman, I would not take
a hopeless verdict upon my eyes
from any one oculist. Neither will
I have them condemned by any one
clairvoyant. I demand n consulta­
tion. If I get the party, together,
Try a Sack of
and watch results
All Goods and Prices Are Right
wif! you go to another d.iirvo ant
this evening?” he demanded.
“I would be -o glad to find that
the first one was mistaken,” she
said fervently.
It was a very bus evening for
Mr. Kent. Finally h< found u eecr-
ess sufficiently good natured and
pliable to fill bis requirements.
“Hemenilier. you are to entire!v
free ber mind from the idea, l ’il
send her in third. You couldn’t
fail to knew her anyway. She’s the
prettiest one in the hum h. ItV
cheap at 1 and if sl.e gets over
her fear of black eyes, by Jove, I'll
send you another tenner tomor­
row.” And Mine. Ardettn, eutliud-
nsttc under the powerful stimulus,
promised “fn do her best.
That night when the moon cast
a Jong path of light over the waves
a couple sat fur down the beach in
n spot removed from the crowd.
“She told me my name without
my writing it!” Minna said in qwed
tones. “She is simply wonderful!
Said for me never to have atiy con­
fidence ill fakes that made me write
question*, and fold them on u table;
that they had blank papers folded
just like them, and when they were
toying with the ones I wrote that
they would substitute the blank one
and leave it on the table and take
mine in their hand under the edge
of the table and read it. That’s
exactly what that first woman must
have done. I’ve lost faith in her
entirely, and, Jimmy, boy, she said
that the only person 1 need avoid
and be suspicious of was a blond
man with a Vandyke beanl.”
Young Mr. Kent stroked his
beardless chin. “Thank heaven 1
haven't a blond Vandyke,” he said
piously. “ Did she tell you any­
thing about—er—me?” he asked
“Not exactly, but she said that
my real affinity was—was a man 1
had known since childhood.”
“ Now, that,” said Mr. Kent, with
great gratification, “suits me exact­
ly. I’d rather be called an affinity
any day than a blighting sorrow.”
lie joyfully possessed himself of
the girl's hands, and she had evi­
dently lost all fear of treachery.
Afterward, with her head resting
comfortably against his tweed
shoulder, she spoke musingly. “She
said that tlie greatest trial of her
life was that there were so many
fakes that brought discredit upon
her glorious profession.”
“Never you mind, little girl; I’m
not so easily imposed upon, and
you’ll have me with yon all through
life to help pick out the real arti­
cle,” and the treacherous Mr. Kent
lifted her face until lie could look
adoringly into it.
The moon, as if by special Con­
tract, came from under n cloud at
just the riglii moment, and she saw
his expression.
“Jimmy, I don’t believe any one
else ever had such wonderfully hon~
est eyes,” she said happily.
Colors of Seas.
No. 20
Viking Tf « Taco C-'*t A U r m c d Both
Sculptor and S 't t«r.
When the y v u g
Onudcns returned to N
it studying in I’.ira lie
¡rig him the usual Ly
art career.
He 1 •
money, hut he took a
corner of Fo; r'< ntl
Fourth avenue, whet
lonely existence < iliv
agreements with (he
following autobii.gruj
appears in
- . **
publishled “ Her
[r-TYf fl
“ Amother ire
versi ty to this dreary i 1 jc * i
life took piaci
of a ça:
made by a w:mlj.tor; a friend <
mine, w ho oc<•upied an ndjoiiilnig
room. He wislied to model a bust
»nd to do this proposed taking a
inn!d from the living face of his
sitter. That is no trifling matter
even to an expert, and it showed
the boldne-s of the novice, since,
notwithstanding my protestations,
my friend undertook it without ever
having cast anything before. He
wished me to help him, but I told
him that I should wash my hands
of the affair if he tried it. He dis­
“ Presently he rushed into my
room crying, ‘For heaven’s sake,
come” In^his studio, which was
already one of monumental disor­
der, confusion and dirt, stretched
out on an old sofa lay liis sub­
ject with a solid mass of hard plas­
ter about two inches thick envelop­
ing his head, while the whole room,
wall, ceiling, boxes and floor, was
covered with the great spatterings
of the plaster thrown wildly about
by the sculptor in the course of this
extraordinary proceeding. There
were the usual quids in the sitter’s
nose, hut the weight of the cast
was so great that we could hear
him mumble under it, praying to
get it off quickly or lie would die.
“ It was really n serious business,
tins taking it off. as we had to bang
at tho plaster with chisel and ham­
mer. Fortunately there was no ill
result oilier than a good hit of the
subject’s eyelashes -being torn away
and hist lot! s ruined. lie was one
of those happy men, however, who
take everything with cheerfulness.
The death of iny tormentor would
have been my only satisfaction had
I undergone the sufferings he w :s
put to.”
Trail of a Glacier.
The millions of tons of band,
gravel uud dirt filling a valley to
a depth of sc oral hundred feet
give a conception of the enoi nous
scouring force of a glacier. All
this vast volume of material has
hecn ground off the mountain suje
and brought down the valley by the
comparatively small Kotsina glacier
in Alaska. A glacier is not snow,
hut ice. It is snow which has been
partially melted and then compact­
ed under great pressure, so that as
it moves slowly down tho valley or
mountain side it is a practically
solid muss of ice from fifty to sev­
eral hundred feet deep. It natural­
ly tears loose and picks up anything
which happens to he in its way.—
Popular Mechanics.
• The blueness of sea water is in
constant ratio to its saltiness. In
the tropics the tremendous evapora­
tion induced by the blazing sun
causes the water to be much saltier
than it is in higher latitudes. For
about 30 degrees north and south
of the equator the waters are of an
exquisite azure. Beyond these lati­
A Bodyguard of Giants.
tudes the blue changes to green,
The Prussian guards were origi­
and in the arctic and antarctic nated hy Frederick 1., whose ambi­
oceans the greens are almost ns tion it was to form a royal body­
vivid as the tropical blues.
guard of giants. Every country
was ransacked by his agents to sup­
Animals Do Not Progress.
ply recruits, and no head that tow­
Sydney Smith once called atten­ ered above the crowd, even in the
tion to the fact that animals did not bazaars of Aleppo or Cairo, could
enlarge their views. “The bees escape the crimps of the Prussian
now build exactly ns they built in king. The most extravagant sums
the time of Homer, the hear is ns were offered to men of exceptional
ignorant of good manners ns he inches, and an Irishman, more than
was 2,000 years past, and the ba­ seven feet high, who was picked up
boon is still as unable to read and hy the Prussian ambassador in Lon­
write as persons of honor and quali­ don, received a bounty of £1,300.—
ty were in the time of Queen Eliza­ London Mail.
M erry Moments I
As We Journey Through %
Life Lei Us Laugh
by the Way
Gett.ng Even.
:ph; of feiiovra met at the
• .a the oilier night, and one <-f
■ ■ i to I o feeling a b:t
j at r , r, don’t yon Vnow.
’- the matter, old top?“
-v ■ ed a fellow member.
aedly i.ate to say it, hut
G;.-! - .i-s has insulted inc vilely.”
“ !'■?!> ii laid form in him, f
hi say. Well, arc you going to
gc-e even with him ?”
“ Yes, by Jove!”
“In a perfectly gentlemanly way,
I presume?”
“Oh, vcs. I have given my chauf­
feur orders to be rude to his chauf­
feur the next time they meet."—
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Pa Just Looktd On.
“ Did your father ever spank you
when you were a boy?”
“Certainly not.”
“ Was lie opposed to corporal pun­
ishment on principle or were you
■ o good that you didn’t need spunk­
ing F*
‘‘Neither. Mother was the man
f the house.” — Chicago Record-
Up In the Air.
“AY! t time was it when this
! Imp med ?” asked the jus­
“ Well,” replied the witness, “cf
!iic sun had hcen shining it would
iv been ’bout two hours and a
half by sun, hut ns the sun didn't
show his face at all that day I
couldn’t say for certain just what
time it was.” — Atlanta Constitu­
Out of His Element.
One of the men in a company of
militia made a disparaging remark
about the mnn in front of him.
The victim turned with indignation
and nsumc J a fighting attitude.
Then the captain remarked sharply:
“ That will do there. We don’t
want any lighting men in this regi­
ment.—New York Globe.
Good Start.
“1 have joined the Society For
tho Prevention of Useless Noises,”
said the old fogy.
“ Well, wlsere are you going to be­
gin :” asked the grouch.
“ Wc are going to reduce the num­
ber of cheers from three to one,”
replied tho old fogy.—Cincinnati
Painful Etiquette.
Destructive Music.
Falls City Lumber Co.
A member of the board of direct­
ors of the Metropolitan Opera
House in New York tells a story
that he had from one of the mu­
sicians attached to the orchestra
there. It appears that a friend of
tho wife of the musician had during
a call on the latter inquired ns to
the husband’s taste in musical mat­
Among other things she
wanted to know what operas the
musician liked best to play.
“I don’t know much about dot,”
said the better half, who was at the
time busily engaged in darning an
old shirt, “hut I do know soine-
t ’ings. Voteffer he likes I like not
dos Wagner operas. Dey sounds veil
enough, hut doso clothes—ach! lie
neffer yet copies home from dot
Wagner opera dot he hnf not tom
a place in his poor old shirts. J
brefer the Italian operas.”
The royal court of France used
to he a great place for etiquette.
Louis XIV. once caught a severe
cold owing to the fact that on his
Bill—It costs a lot to get justice I
arising from his hod one cold
Hank—\“es, and most folks are
morning the lord of the chamber,
whose duty it was to hand him his better off without it tool — New
shirt, happened to he absent. Not York Globe.
one of the numerous courtiers pres­ Suiting the Punishment to ths Deed.
ent hail the counter to transgress
Small Sadie—Mamma, baby tried
etiquettd hy handing the garment I to swallow papa’s cuff buttons while
to the shivering monarch.
you were out.
Mamma—Indeed 1 And what did
How Far Ey« Can Se*.
you do?
The ability to discern the star
Small Sadie—Oh, 1 gave him a
Algol at the tail of the Great Real couple of cuffs.—Chicago News.
lias hecn held to lie the test of the
limit of human virion unaided by
True to Hi» Word.
any glass. Very rarelv is tho e *e
“Did Jack give you the tip he
of such power as to see the satellit s promised w hen you went motoring
of Jupiter, though there are on rec­ w ith him ?”
ord two or three instances, the third
“Sure he did. lie tumbled the
satellite being tho most distinct of ii chine into a ditrh.”—Baltimore
those seen.
____ .