\ \ T hk T m \* rttv N ew *, J a h v aiiy IO. 19U FALLS CITY, OREGON a N IRcal Estate Offer» exceptionally line opportunities for theestahlishmont o r -------------------------- ■— — ------------------------------------ p r o f c e e lo n a l d a rt» « B — IH V alU A N W . B . Offi cer , M . D. g e n c v P h y s i c i a n snS S u r » s s n C o -O p e ra tiv e Cannery C o -O p e r a tiv e C ream ery W o o d -w o rk in g Factories Fruit and Berry Orchards rS P Manufacturers and Homesoekers who want to know the facts con* cernintf Falls City anti its puuaibiUU'd for future development arc requested to read the information given in these* two columns. For further and more particular information, address The News. ,- r .y 5& bar ' -*'d r,r 1V 1 The Name The city derives it-» name from the falls ol the Little Luckia- mute River, which flows through tie* city from the West. The titst salt* of town lots occurred ill ISitth. though donation land-claim settlers esms here many years before that date. In 1900 the population was 269; in 1910, 969; 1913, about 1,200. Copyright, 1^13, by the Panama - Pacific lutennitioiial ICxp 'sitlon Co. PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION BY NIGHT. T h e Location 1 K1H T |iersp«vtlve of tlu* Panama r.u III. Intecuattonnl Ex|x*sltt <>0 In San Francisco In P»t5 At nithl ciani searchlights « III trans form the rast **\|*>sltl«n « it v Int« « falivluud 11 k * lighting s. Iit u.e Is tin* most remarkable ever planned Falls City is situated near the geographical center of Polk Co., Oregon, in tow nship 8 south, range 0 weal of the \\ illamette mer­ idian. 27 rad milea southwest o f Salem, and 73 rail miles south­ west of Portland, in the narrow western end of the L ittle I.ucki- anint* River valley, surrounded on the north, south, and west hy the foothills of tfic Coast Range mountains. Elevation, 886 38 ft show si a lev» I Transportation— Salem, Falls City the I'aiuinia- t’aclflc International Exposition Co. TWO NOTABLE PIECES OF STATUARY AT THE PANAMA- PACIFIC EXPOSITION. SAN FRANCISCO. 1915. T R IK IN G examples o f the decorative srulptnre at the I ’anama- Patitle International Exposition are shown in these tw o illus- tra'lons At the left is "R ain." by Albert Jaegers, a figure that nTI t*e a companidh to "Sunshine.” by the same sculptor, orna­ menting the Court o f the Four Seas-ns in the main group of exhibit pal­ aces. The camel with It-- Mohammedan rider is by Frederick G. II Roth. S ' f 1 W jQ E%? m .-*4 ~ i& < - y • 2 3 * 1 ? . • £ 1 % ' Eleclric-pow r planing and saw m ill, log pond, dry kiln anil lumber yard in the city, lumber flume, logging roads and logging outtits, all owned ami o|»*rated hy the* Falls City Lumber Co. The surrounding bench and hill lands are as well adapted to the production of fruits and berries as any other section o f tfio Pacific Northwest, and development on tiiese hues is going on. Potato growing is also becoming quite an extensive industry. S c h o o l s , C h u r c h e s , S oc ie tie s, C lu b s The Falls City school has a 12-grade school with a full 4 -year high school course, witli principal, assistant principal and seven grade teacher-. ’1 he Religious organizations are: Adventist, Catholic, Christian, Free Methodist, Methodist Episcopal, German Lutheran. The Fraternal societies: Ind. Order ol Oddfellows, Rehekahs, Masons, Knights o f Pythias, Pythian Sisters, Modern Woodmen of America, Royal Neighbors o f Atm rioa, Woodmen of the World, Women of Woodcraft. Free reading room. Gem theatre, photoplay. Hydro-electric light generated by the power of the ialls: owned hy W F. Newsom; H. C. Brown, manager. Telephone system, with I.-d. connections. C. J. Pugh, local manager. Greater Falls City Commercial Club, G. C. Mahr President. *x Falls C 'ty is well provided with the usual business enterprises. The News contains the announcements of the fallow ing business and profesional men of the c it y : p j> k Wi Bakery, D. Toller, Bank of Falls City, W. F. Nichols cashier. Barber shops, Wm. Bohle. Carpenter and Builder, S. Ouderkirk. Clothier, Tailor and gents’ furnisher, Chas. Hartung. Drug store, M. L. Thompson. Dentist, Dr. A. G. Atwood. Department store, N. Belig. Funeral director, R. L. Chapman. Furniture, J. C. Talbott & Co. General stores, N. Selig, F. C. Lumber Co., F. C. Merc. Co- llardw are store, J. C. Talbott stpaid, for 5 cents per copy. This offer is made with the hope that our citizens will send these ex­ tra copies to people who may be, or who may become interested in Falls City. Now that the rapid and perma­ nent development of this section is assured, it iicconian the duty o f all our citizens to take new courage and Is wist for a greater and better Fail - City. J. a . T t w . t r , P raarialar IIA Hitkli SUOI*« Bohle’s Barber Shops F alla C ity, O ra » a n Where you u n gal a Shave, Bair Cal. Bath or 'Shine' RUII.niNO CONTRACTOR S aul Ouderkirk B u lla in g C a n t r a e t a r . MaBa. Phone ISM Pencil tablets, (ixS inches, 800 sheets, for 10 cents. Every home should have one. R apalra Full» City, Ore. CONTRACTORS AM * Hl II.OKMM Have yourhoua*' repairing done in the Winter, and save money. Wc do all kinds of building and repairing. Will bo glad to give estimates. Phone 1411 Falls City ELLE A ELL.E, Contractors and Builders Wanted, the News Citizens who wish G) help I he News give the ncwBof the town can render a good service by sending or phoning any information they may havo o f local doings, especially of matters that are not likely to come under the personal observation of the editor. The Rev. Irl It. Hicks 1914 A l­ manac is now ready and will he mailed prepaid for only 35c. Prn- fes*or Hicks’ tine Magazine, Word and Works, for one year, ami a copy of this Almanac for only one dollar. The plain lessons on astron­ omy,. and the correct forecasts of storms, drouths, blizzards and trr- nadoes, make these publications a necessity in every home in America. Send to W oH and Works Pub­ lishing (Vmpuny, 3401 Franklin Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Word and Works and the Falls City News, one year, and the A l­ manac, for $1.50. F a lla C ity. O r. TRAMINO R. A. T I T U S Draying, Wood and Lumber Hauling. Proprietor of Hearse Phone 134. F a l l s C it y , O r k . MONUMENTS I G . L. H A W K I N S M A R B L E A N D G R A N IT E MONUMENTS D a lla s , O ra«an Zhc © r e g o n C. W . M a lth s w a , P ra y rla ta r 800-shectjiencil tablet tixH, for 10 cents, at The News office. OVER « S YEARS' E XPERIENCE T r a o i M arks D es ig n s C opyrights A c . A nrnn « Pttldlflg A Rkflrh «fu i rtescflntlnn TnAJ -A»rtniM mir opinion «itilnlnii fro® fr e » w i bitllier An 'r ®rfnin our IlKAnllun la o ro h iil.lj p »l«!a »!i!i> . C ommuntcA- «i yïi H c ÎT i ^ 1 aa FhrKocrn^ j. Foopf r ' *. »J ot Make JM*» '.¿."mi« «If-p- *• '■! ».»«.Our ;-v nd© i. Our Special price lor both. $1.50 If paid to The News, Falls City, Urtgas arm alar* Mu] I'Uuu. NlqliH .II Ml CM VAICI AN T h « Jonah Lowe home is (or lent ut a reasonable rental. This is one of the best home» in Falls City, sod immediate possession » i l l h« givt 11 . Apply at The News office. Saloons: The Oregon, C. W. Matthews; The Idaho, Chas. Mix. artit Wi h in© art** 1 - a on ' r ’htU .♦ d r.ther wpfy^i. 1 )*\ r m e n 'j f f i*< 'i.in'. ■>. E b . trM $ r. The American Boy, price per year, $ 1.00 The Falls City fe n s ............. ^ I oo - Both regular ” ” ” 12.0« nm,. .un I i «■» I 11*- »•• :vi To Kent The Rev. IrlR . Hicks 1914 Almanac B u s in es s E n te rp ri s es necir: , I a n ..lo .ia tr. I 1 '-tur-l Owing to the numerous requests coining to The News in rcgnrd lo rsslestsle tiausjetions, routing ami other husiuuss mutters, from non« residents, we have dei ided to en­ gage in the reulestatu business lo a limited extent. List your property with The News ami get results. 8 y H n Special Subscription Bargains — . — ............... M ■ Evening Telegram, and the F. C. News, one year, 3.75 ,;| Daily Journal ............. " •• 4.50 'M Semi-weekly Journal“ “ “ “ “ 1.50 §| Weekly Oregonian, with 34-pieco dinner set, . 3.70 $ . . n t fr M (MrtMt I'Atwnta taken i ** tpfcinl notice, w lthoi. chAT»e, In the .V F . WC* T * S c ie n tific A m e r ic a n . A h e n d io m e lf IlliiA ^ tted w« cui Alton o f Any tclenMOn Jour. 1 iV. ? TCAf ; fo u r months. $L Sold bya. * h«widenli*rR. Notice lo News Subscribers ( o p rni Sssk a r— M r. H o CITY, ORE GO N ] CO M E TO S FALI. O rc and Buy O h a r d Land A blua-panell area* mark an this notlos m . . . . that your aubaarla* tlon ts Tha N o w * has a .alraS ana noad. fir in g Da It ne w. «