Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, January 10, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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c. w l u . rniTOfc and r u m i N t i
Knt»r»d h
- a 'UM mail at tha poatoffic«
• t l'alla City* IVIfc County. Ora«on, uodar tha
Art o f CVmfr w of llarrh 3. 1819.
I k n Offkr. Ui In M tin , III
Subscription Kata* On« jraar. Il 00: ai a mon tha.
. throa month*. 26cnnta. tin« I* copy. lets.
4 bhia-panrtl mark on tha flmt pa*a of Tha Naara
manna that your subscription is Jus
Adrsrtisttig Rataa Display. 10 cantann Inch .
Riistue** Notice* ) cent* a line h u Sale. Rent.
Ktchangc Want and I'ay Entertainment No
tlcea. & eta a ltna. 10 eta a lino for three uauea
Card of Thank» 90eta. l.ecal Notice«,le«al ratea
Copy for new art» and change* should be aent
lo The Sew » not later than Wedtieaday.
Tha New* la represented for foreign advartiaing hy
T h « A m e r ic a n P r e s « A s s o c ia t io n
General oAce*. Near York and Chicago.
F K. Hubbaid Mayor
T D Hollowrell. Councilm an at Large
m t
H. C. Brown.
Albert Teal
Cou ucilmen
A. Sampaon.
C. L. Hopkins.
A. K. Mayer.
C. W Lee. Auditor and Police Judge
W p Lewi*. Marshal and Water Supt.
M. L. Thompson. Treasurer
J. J. Sammous, Engineer
Dr. F. M. Hellwartb. Health Officer.
1 lie C ouncil meet* iu regular session on the first
Monday evening of each month, at 7 30 o'clock,
in the office o f the Falls City News
S a t u r d a y , J a n u a r y 10. 1914
D ra m a tic Reunion of C ount
C ro ix and H ia Fiancee.
The Count de St Croix, belong
ing to one of the noblest and
wealthiest families in France, be­
came engaged, after a long court­
ship, to a lady his equal in position
and fortune and famous for hei
Shortly after the happy day was
appointed which was to render two
loving hearts one the count was
ordered immediately to the siege
of Sebastopol, so he girded on his
saber and at the head of his regi­
ment marched on to the battlefield.
During the count’s absence it
happened that his beautiful affianc­
ed was stricken down with small­
pox. For weeks she hovered be­
tween life and death, but recovered
only to find her beauty hopelessly
lost. The disease had assumed, in
her case, the most virulent charac­
ter and left her not only disfigured,
but seared and scarred to sffeb a
frightful extent that she became
hideous to herself, so she resolved
to pass the remainder of her days
in the strictest seclusion.
A year passed away, when one
day the count, immediately on his
return to France, accompanied by
his valet, presented himself at the
residence of his betrothed and so­
licited an interview. This was re­
fused. He, however, with the per
sistence of a lover, pressed his suit,
and finally the lady made her ap­
pearance, very closely muffled in a
At the sound of her voice the
count rushed forward to embrace
her; but, stepping aside, she trem­
blingly told him the story of her
sorrow and burst into tears. A
heavenly smile broke over the
count’s handsome features as, rais­
ing his hand above, he exclaimed:
“ It is God’s work! I am blind!”
It was even so. When gallantly
leading his regiment to the attack
a cannon ball passed so closely to
his eyes that, while it left their ex
pression unchanged and his coun­
tenance unmarked, it robbed him
forever of his sight.
It is unnecessary to add that
their marriage was shortly after
solemnised, and, despite their afflic­
tions, they lived to enjoy great
« 1*0 iron«.
Nothing exists within the entire
range of the most powerful tele-
spectroscope that humans can make
but electrons. Every phase of mat­
ter on earth, end the same kinds or
elements are to be seen on every
clear night glowing in many mil­
lions of distinct suns, can be resolv­
ed into primordial basic electrons.
Hence T have repeatedly asserted
that nothing exists but electrons.
Electrons at rest are not matter—
they are pure electricity. No atom
of any chemical element can appear
in space until electrons revolve
around each other. Speci’ c speeds,
distances of orbits, numbers of elec­
trons revolving and direeron*. of
their revolutions determine what
elementary atom ihaU be formed.
This is the set, rigid and basic fact
of modern science— Edgar Lucien
Larkin in New York American.
j ""
Good W is h e s Fro m
When Mr. Brown was away from
home on an extended business trip,
he got a long letter from his wife.
It ended thus:
“ Baby is well and lots brighter
than she used to be. Hoping you
are the same, I remain,
"Y our loving wife.” — Exchange.
P a l m C ity Ntwa, J anuary 10, 191-4
■ ix
Railroad Bridge Damaged
Services in the Churches of Falls City
Its Shape Is by N s M eans A lw a y s an
Index te C h a ra cter.
The high water in the Luckia-
mute river last Sunday brought
down ninny logs and trees.
An accumulation of drift and a
few heavy logs forced tlnee bent*
from under the railway budge east
of to» n, aUoiit 4 o ’clock Sunday
C h r is tia n
M is c e lla n e o u s
Qlljr JffallH (Hihi Nruuî
Sunday: 10 a m,
. Bible School
11 a m, Communion and Preaching
6:30 p .m .,. . Cbnstian Endeavor
7:80 p.m. Preaching!good ringing)
Wednes. 7:30 p m Prayer Meeting
Friday, 7:30 p in. Choir Practice
You are invited to all these serv­
Lee Sadler, Pastor.
The track was not damaged, but
owing to the length of the bridge
F r ick M e t h o d i s t
between piers— about 75 ft it was
Sunday School . , . 10.00 a. in,
considered unsafe, and a force of
sermon . . . 11:00 a.m.
meu replaced the bents.
Young People's Bible study 6:30p.m
Section foreman J. K Walker
Evening serin«, ii . .
7:110 p.m
answered J. S. S. Rowell's loud call
Prayer meeting Thure , 7:30 p.m.
when the accident happened, and
B. K. Nichols, Pastor.
took charge of affairs until repair»
M eth o d is t E pisc o pa l
were made.
Sunday School,
. . 10:00 a.in,
Morning Worship . . 11:00 a.m.
Lawyer Locales in Falls City
Epworth league, . . . 6:80 p.m.
H. G. Strsyer and family of Preaching Service
. . 7:30 p.m
Portland have moved to Fulls City Ladies’ Aid Society, Wed. aftern’ a
aud are now living in the Richey Choir Practice, Thur. 7:30 p. m.
Prayer Meeting, Wednes. 8 :00 p.m.
Mr. Strayer is an attorney, be­
Milton A. Marcy, Pastor.
ing a graduate of the University of
Nebraska, of the Lincoln Business
Preaching services in Toller hall
College, aud of the Illinois College
at 3.80 p.m., third Sunday ol each
of Law of Chicjgo.
month, l y Rev. Grosse, of Salem.
After finishing his academic edu­
S kvkkth D ay A dvent
cation, for several years he was
school Satuiday 10:00 a m.
head of the commercial department
service 14
11:00 a.m.
of the Kewar.ee High School, Ke-
«ante, Illinois.
Upon completing Ins law course,
he traveled extensively throughout
There will be Mass at the Calh-
tLe United States until he came to olio Church, Mary Magdalene,
Portland. He then engaged in the regularly, hereafter, on the first
law and abstract business there and third Sunday of each month.
until offered a good position by the
United States National Bank. This
The Portland Evening Telegram
position he resigned after two years one year for $3.50, if ordered before
to come to FalU City, thinking Dec. 31, 1913. Regular price $5. The
there might be a broader field of Telegram and the Falls City News
for one year at $3.75.
activity here.
Some cocksure classifiers of hu­
manity have turned their atteation
lately to the shape of people’s noses.
It is the nose, we are told now,
that makes, or at least reveals, the
A Roman nose means aggressive­
ness, courage, executive ability. It
belongs to great warriors ami cap­
tains of industry.
The Grecian
nose indicates refinement, often ac­
companied by timidity. The snub
nose demotes a childlike, undevelop­
ed type of mind, and so on, as
long as white paper and printer’s
ink can endure the strain of chroni­
cling such imbecilities.
Perhaps there is an element of
truth in these conjectures, but it is
terribly small. Alexander the Great
was a warrior of some repute, whom
no one has accused of timidity and
few have charged with refinement.
His nose, like his blood, was pure
Greek. Socrates had a snub nose of
pronounced type, but his heroic life
of seventy years shows no childish
quality unless it be bluntness of
speech. The nose and the ambitions
of Louis XIV. were Roman, but he
was physically a coward, and his
executive ability consisted in ce­
menting a despotism that had to
be wrecked before his country could
resume its progress.
These be individuals.
show the same disregard for ready
made rules. Considering their num­
bers, the Scandinavians of the mid­
dle ages were the greatest conquer­
ors the world has known, and Ro­
man noses are as scarce in Scandi­
navia as black hair. The Japanese
are predominantly snub nosed, but
he who takes them for children has
queer notions of a nursery. The
Spartans were Greeks and presum­
ably Greek nosed, but their name is
a synonym for dauntless courage,
and their refinement was a minus
There ia a deal of human nature
in any man, no matter what the
He has opened a law office on
shape of his nose, and the most un­
the ground floor of * lie building Notice of Estimated Cost for Street
alterable thing about human nature
is its variability. The effort to known as the Finley Hotel.
make fixed and certain rules for the
To Esther Montgomery. W B. McKoarn. Ale*
Church of Christ
judging of mankind is the pastime
Courier, 11.8. Montgomery estate, Mr». K For
of fools.— Chicago Journal.
•hey, L.M Robertson. ¿.«* Kirkpatrick. K E.W il­
The morning service will be de­ liams, R. L. Fuller. John Begg. Irving Matthews,
T h e One Excep tio n.
votional, followed by a business Trustees of the Advent Church. W K Morris
Win Bohie, W II. Matthews, Mrs. B. M Adams.
Lord Kitchener of Khartum, the meeting. Every member urgently B.
A. Lombard, Salem, FalU City A Western
famous English soldier, is essential­ requested to be present.
Railway C o.:
ly a man of the camp and the bat­
You and each of you are hereby notified that
Evening sermon : “ Jesus the Car­ the city council of Falls City, Oregon, has esti
tlefield, a cold, silent, grim war­
mated the cost of the street Improvement on all
rior. However, the following inci­ penter”
that ¡»art of the north side of Booth Main street,
This is the fourth study in the lying between the west line of lot 2. block 1 in
dent will show that Lord Kitchener
can be a gallant courtier as well as life of Jesus; you should hear every Montgomery's addition to Falls City, Oregon,
and the west line of Dayton street, (except the
a brave soldier:
Aurland and Singleton frontage), all that part
Lord Kitchener had been sum­
The ladies are doing efficient of the west side of Dayton street lytug between
moned by Queen Victoria, who
the north line of 8oulh Main street and the
Dayton street bridge, ail that part of the east
wished to congratulate him upon woik in their department.
The saloon keepers in two N. J. side of lom bard street lying between the south
his brilliant work in Egypt.
of South Main street and the center of the
When she had finished and Lord towns had the ladies of the church line
right of way of the Salem, Falls Clly A Western
Kitchener had thanked her respect­ arrested on charges selling chances. Railway Company, all in the city of Falls City
Oregon, as p rovid e! for by Ordinance No. 113,
fully, the queen suddenly asked, “ Is
Good for them, they did a good to be as follow«, lo wit •
it true that you dislike women?”
For butldinc plank sidewalks. 38 rents p4*r
“ All except one,” Lord Kitchener stroke of business for the church front
foot, for the improvement of the sidewalk
of God. God has a plan for financ­ In front of and abutting upon each lot or part
replied grimly.
“ And who is that?” Queen Vic­ ing bis church and it is not an of lot or tract of land liable therefor, on ail
those streets and purls of streets above men­
toria asked.
oyster soup or gambling proposi­ tioned and described.
“ Your majesty.”
tion. When church members be­ You and each o f you are hereby further noti­
fied that the said City Council w ill sit in the
come Christians they will support council
L u c k of a Shepherd.
chamber of said of city Fails City, on
Antonio Ferrer was a Swiss shep­ the church from their own purses. Monday the 19tb day of January 1914, at the hour
of 7.3D o'clock P. M , for the purpose of appor
herd who in his way was a bit of an
Get a pictuieof our new build­ tionlng the cost of the above named improve
artist. Instead of drawing, he used ing.
mentsand assessing upon each lot or part of lot
to weave hair and wool into quaint
Lee Sadler, Minister. or tract of land liable therefor, Us proportion
ate share of such cost, and
devices. An English lady saw acme
That all owners of real property located with
of his work, brought him to Eng­
in the above named street Im provement district
Methodist Episcopal Church
land and paid for hia training. Soon
and all other persons in Interest, may attend at
afterward Ferrer set np in business
said place and time and show cause, if any they
have, why such apportionm ent and assessment
on Regent street. His trade grew,
and he foresaw a craze. He sent vival meetings at our church. Itev. of cost should not be made.
Done by order of the City Council of the city
back to Switzerland for a number Brymtr will have charge _of both of Falls City, Oregon, made aud ordered of rec­
of pauper girls whom he trained to morning and evening worship.
ord on the 5th day of January, 1914.
Witness my hand and the official seal of tbe
the work and soon he had a splen­
But one bell rang the old year i ity « | Fall* City, Oregon, this 10th day of Jan
did house in a southern suburb and
C has . W. L er ,
uary. A. D 1914
had established branches of his out and ushered iu the new. The
Auditor and Police Judge
business all over England. He made
of FalU City, Oregon.
over $800,000 before the craze alow- ed a social evening in chargeof the
ly died away.— London Standard.
Epworth League, was very help- j
Sheriff's Sale of Real Property
and well attended, there being
N u m e rica l Exactness.
Nolle« la hereby given. That b j elrtue ol an
They have a neat way of record­ about forty present.
duly iaiued out ol tbe Circuit Court
Tomorrow the Sunday School j execution
ing newa atoriea in Toronto, a pe­
ol the State o l Oregon, lor the County ol Polk,
rusal of an item in one of the city collection contest will close. This end to me directed, on the 23rd dey ol Decern-
apers bearing witness to the fact. has been very interesting and ben- her, 1913, upon • Judgment end decree duly ren­
dered, entered ol record end docketed In end
he item ran aomething like thii:
ificial up lo the present writing, by »eld Court on the 23rd dey o l December, 1913,
“ ‘ Messenger Boy John Hawkins,
in e certeln Action then In eeld Court pending,
sixty-seven, was struck by car 423, and it is expected that the climax wherein 8. H. Tetherow wee plaintiff end O. D.
Treet end W. E. Gilbert were delendente. In le
motorman 321, conductor 168, will be reached tomorrows
ol plaintiff and ageluet eeld delendent O.
while riding hia bicycle, 83, in front
Mrs. Marcy joins me iu thank­ vor
D. Treet. by which execution I am com m ended
of watch house 13 He waa picked ing our friends lor the thoughtful to eell the propel tv in eeld execution end here
up by Constable Barnes, 221 , and surprise which greeted us Friday Inelter described, to pey the sum due the plain-
tiff ol Five Hundred end Twenty-eight (IA28.0U)
taken into licensed drug store 129,
Dollera, with Intercit thereon et the rete ol eix
where his hurt« were dressed by city eveniug ol last week. Sincerely.
per cent persenum Irom the 19tb dey ol Decern
M. A, Marcy. Pastor her,
doctor 7. He recovered sufficiently
1913, until peld, together with tbeeoateend
dieboreemente o l said Action, texed et Eighty-
to be taken to hia home on West
•even (187 OU) Dollar» end coete end expeneee ol
York atreet, 997.” — Cleveland Plain
•eld execution. I will, on Hetnrdsy, tbe 3let
V j
If the paity who took my sledges dey ol January, 19H, at the hour ol I no o'clock
P M ol eeld day. at thelront door ol the County
and wedge from the wood? where I Coart
House In Dellee. Polk County, Oregon,
Baas and T h a ir Baskata.
work, will return them, they will ■ell et public auction, to the hlgheet bidder, lor
Every boe carries hia market
cash In bend on dey ol eele. ell the right, title,
basket around hia hind legs Any save themselves a lot of trouble.
Interest end eetete which eeld delendent O. D.
John Dunn. Treat, end ell persona claiming under him sub­
one examining the body of a bee
sequent to the l&th dey ol November, 1913, ln ,ot
through a microscope will observe
to eeld real premises here!nbelore men­
For Rent, the Lombard place, and
that on the hind legs of the crea­
Said real premlset herelnbelore men
ture there ia a fringe of stiff hairs 1.70 acres, close iu; good place for tloned ere described In said execution as ini-
on the surface, the haira approach­ market or home garden. Call on low», to-wlt:
Lots Three (3). Four (4). Eleven 111), end
ing each other at the tips, so as to
Twelve (12), In Block F, First A ddition to Falle
form a sort of cage. This ia the The News for particulars.
Or*. Fir« Relief As*ooi’n,McMiim-
v 1 11 •*. F. K Hubbaid, local agt'iil.
Metis 25c and up. Sunday dinner»
n -qn-i laliy. The Fall;: City Hole).
*--- IIB r — " 1 -u
The New* will Uke your subaerip-
tiun for any publication, Faying
you postage and other fee«, beaidaa
giving you asaurauce that you will
get what you pay for, Wa bava on
our liat, among ottiera, tha Mali-
weokly Journal at I I , tba waekly
Oregonian at 75c, and tha Portland
Evening Telegram, 18.50.
Fresh Bread, Cakes, Cookies,
Pies, etc every day, at the Falls
For sale, One aore, adjoining oily
City Bakery.
limits, with 6 -room houee, A bar­
Abstracts of title promptly fur­ gain at $425 term«; The Newa office
nished. Hates reasonable. Brown A for particulara. Will rent at 96-ffi
Sibley, U10 Mill 81., Dallas, Or.
Oregon Journal— Falls City News
For sale—-10 acres, partially im­
proved; houee, timber; spring and
living stream; near western city
limita; price, $13u0, caah.
Mffifi* l e a r Halt'. t\lllt r h o N o w »
Daily, Sun. $7.50
Subscription« taken at The Nawra
for the «end-weekly Journal
Telegram; special rata
Semi-weekly. 1.50
on each, for a short time.
Subscriptions taken any time.
R. E. W illiams , M. L. T hompson , W .F. N ichols ,
A. J.Vies,
Cashier Assistant Caahier
Bank of Falls City
F all « C ity , P olk C ounty . O r k u o n
Docs a General Hanking Business. Interest Paid on Tim«
Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United SUtM.
Notary Public officially connected with the Bank.
m m
Town Houses, Lots, and
Acreage for Saleor Rent
For sale, 15 acres unimproved, in Falls
City, on the new Siletz highway; water
and wood in abundance. Good place for
fruit, garden, and poultry. $500 cash.
Highly improved 10-acre home in Falls City;
good buildings, with all modern improve­
ments; fruit, flowers, berries, garden; big
money maker, and getting better as young
trees come into bearing; price $5,000; term«
Lots 7 and 8, in block K; price $100.00
Lot 14. (8-r. house) M “ $1300.00
Lot 23.
block ** "
Lots 11 and 12.
“ E,
Lot 2, block M, M ont add., 78x78, house
and garden; close in; $650, cash or terms.
For Sale Lots 16, 15. 14, E. 1 of 13, blk L;
good house, barn; running water; city wa­
ter, electric light; rents at $10, . . $1,600.
For Salt* 73 acres, half mile east o f city; 60 acre«
improved; spring water pip^d to house and barn;
fine place for dairying.
For Sale 5.82 acres in city; improved; rich «oil.
Price $2,500, at least half cash.
For Sale- 20 acres in city; improved; $3,200, half
cash. Good place for fruit and berries.
For Sale 6 a., in city; a new place, cleared, fruit,
berries, poultry; good house, other buildings;
running water, city water, phone; a bargain
For Sale
good house, lot 150x150, rented.
For Sale—2 1-3 a. adjoining city, $650.
For Sale- 80 a. l i mi. from town; 20 a. improved;
25 a. good timber; pasture; water. $5,200.
For rent—12-room house» barn, etc.,
close in; good place for renting rooms
or for boarding house; $150 per year.
bee’s baaket, and into it, after a
Thr- Weekly Oregonian from now
•ucceseful journey, he will cram until January 1, 1915, for 75c at this
enough pollen to last him for two office. Give your order early and get
or three dayi.
■* i • : ___
the greater benefit.
City, Polk County, Oregon.
Sxid sale being made subject to redemption
in the manner provided by law.
Dated this 24th day ol December, 1911.
J. M G rant ,
Sheriff ol Polk County, Oregon.
G e t a L u ck y H o rse 8 h o e B an k
••»•"••¿■•j* •• »«•
It Holds Jail Tta Dimes and the Tenth lime Ope»« H
This little bank le mail« ol heavy nickeled bra««, highly pollehed. end «1)1 leet lerever
It can be worn on a key ring, watch chain, or eaaily carried In the pocket. Mend lOe ler
■ample, or JOc II gold finished la preferred. Aek lor term» and open territory, which le
leet being taken. "Flret com e Ar»t eerved ”
Addrni, L U C K Y H O R S E S H O E B A N K , «IS fUUraa, New T a rt N. V.