Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, January 03, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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tuie íf a l i » C ity
(Fhr JFallô ( ü i t i î Nrins
w h is t l e r a n o r u s k in .
A nd
lh «
O rigin
J am aby ft, 1914
"Farthing Verdict" Suit.
“ Much that was characteristic of
An am endm ent to the charter o f Falls City. Oregon, am end­
Whigtler's wit and temper came out
i m w H I I « w c o n d -c iiM m a il at tha postoffice
ing Section 30 o f said Charter, and providing the time and
at l'a lia T U / . P olk O m n t j . t* ti«o e . andar tbe
during the famous libel suit He
Ai1 of (.Vngraaa of M a n i 3. ISTIA.
m anner in which ordinances, resolution«, and franchise«
brought against Ruskin,” say* Don
shall g o into effect and becom e opera!lve In said city, and
Trlrphonn New* Wftcr. Ui Imdcecr, Sit C. Seitz in “ Whistler Stories " “ The
providing further for the exercise o f ihe Initiative and
most amusing feature of it was the
Subscription Rat «è: One year. 1100; six month«.
jiower« within said city.
M canta, three mont ha. 26 canta. «Inala copy. 6 eta.
exhibition in court of some of the
A hlua-panel! mark on tha ft rat p tfa of Tha Newa
Number o f votes 71
maina that your au bar rip t ion la du«.
which were the subject of the suit. 301.
Majority 33
Number o f votes 104
The jury of respectable citizens,
Advertising Rata« Display, 10 cantaan Inch
Business Notice«. N l'anta a lin e . For Hale, Kant.
An am endm ent to seetion 60 o f Ihe Charter o f Fall« City,
whose knowledge of art was prob­
K gebangt* Want and Pay Intsrtaim nent No
City. O regon, vesting the fee o f all street», alleys, public
ably limited, was expected to o pass
tie*«, 5 eta. a lina 10 eta. a Una for thraa issues
highways, public thoroughfares, and bridges within the
judgment on these paintings Whis-
Card of Thank« M e ts. Legal Notleaa. legal rate*
City o f Kails City,. Oregon, in said City.
tier’s counsel held up one of the pic­
Copy (or new *dt and chauges should be tent
to The Newt not later than Wednesday.
Number o f votes 62
“ ‘ Here, gentlemen,’ he said, ‘is 302.
Majority 5
o f votes 113
The Newa ia repreaented for foreign ad va r timing by one of the works which have been
T h « A r n r ic a n P rtaa A ito e la tio n
An Am endm ent to Section 61 o f the Charter o f Falls City,
Ganara! office«. New York and Chicagiv
“ ‘Pardon me,’ interposed Mr.
Oregon, giving the city the pow er to improve any street
Ruskin’s lawyer, ‘you have that pic­
alley, public highway, public thoroughfare, or bridge, oi
ture upaide ¿own.’
part thereof, now or hereafter laid out or established within
F K Hnbbaid Mayor
“ Tío such thing!’
said city,and to assess the cost thereof by local assessment
T. D Hollowell. Councilman at Larg
“ ‘Oh, but it is ao!* continued
" i
Ruskin’s counsel 1 remember it in 304.
Number o f votes 62
H. C. Brown.
the Grosvenor gallerv, where it was
Albert Teal
Majority 54
Number o f votes 116
A. Sampson.
hung the other way a\>out.*
C. L Hnpkiui.
An Am endm ent to Section 53 o f the Charter o f Falls City.
“ The altercation ended in the
A K Mevax.
O regon, providing for a simplified method o f constructing
correctness of view of Ruskin’s law­
C. W Lee, Auditor and Police Judge
street and oth er im provem ents within the City o f Kails City,
yer being sustained. The error of
W p Lewis, Marshal and W ater Bupt.
M. L. Thompson. Treasurer
and providing a simplified method qt assessing the cost»
counsel helped to produce the cele­
J. J Sammona. Engineer
th ereof by local assessm ent; defining the duties o f the cijy
brated farthing verdict. Ever after
Dr F. M Hellwarth. Health Officer.
council, and the city officials in relation thereto; providing
Whistler wore the farthing on his
1 he Council meet« in regular session on the first
form s o f notices, and the m ethods o f giving sam e; and re­
watch chain.
Monday evening of each month, at 7 30 o ’clock*.
pealing the parts o f the charter o f Falls City, Oregon. In
“ The suit had its origin in Rus-
I n the office of the Falla City News
conflict therewith.
kin’s comment upon the ‘ Nocturne
S aturday , J anuary 3. 1914
in Black and Gold,’ described as ‘a
Num ber o f votes 60
distant view of Cremorne gardens, 306.
Majority 52
Number o f votes 112
City council meeting, Monday with a falling rocket and other fire­ 307.
works.’ The picture is now the
An Am endm ent to Section 63 o f the Charter o f Fall» City,
property of Mrs. Samuel Untermv-
Oregon, providing fo r a simplified method o f collecting de­
linquent im provem ent assessm ents; specifying the form of
Did you get a set o f good reso­ er of New York. On the opening
of the Grosvenor gallerv in 1887
notice to be given; and defining the duties o f the Auditor
lutions that fit you?
Ruskin wrote in Tors Clavigera:'
and P olice Judge, and other city officials in relation thereto
‘The ill educated conceit of the
Shed your old grouch— and se ­ artist nearly approached the aspect 308.
Number o f votes 66
of willful imposture. I have seen 309.
lect a new one— for 1914.
Majority 52
Number o f votes 107
and heard much of cockney impu­
Falls City,
He is the truly courageous dence before now, but never expect­
O regon, providing in detail the method o f executing
ed to have a coxcomb ask 200
man w ho never desponds.
W arrant fo r the collection o i delinquent improvement
guineas for flinging a pot of paint
assessm ents; specifying how property Bhall be levied upon
in the public’s face ’
The m ajority o f those who
and sold fo r such delinquent assessm ents; and defining
“ When Whistler was being exam­
the duties o f the Marshal. Auditor and Police Judge, and
voted on the six charter am end­ ined during the trial, Sir John
City Treasurer, and oth er city officials In relation thereto.
ments voted.*‘n o.” and there will i Holker, the attorney general, asked,
‘How long did it take you to knock
be no Amendments.
Number o f votes 65
off that nocturne?’
Majority 46
o f votes 111
* T beg your pardon,’ said the
Postmaater Holman, o f Black
Rock, protests against the propo­
Judges—J. R. Moyer, C. E. McPherren, and B. M. W ebb.
“ Sir John apologized for his flip­
Clerks— W. R. Hinshaw and J. J. Sammons.
sal to make Black Rock a part o f pancy, and Whistler replied: ‘ About
one o f Falls C ity’ s votin g pre­ a day. I may have put a few touches
G ru m p y O ld B a ch E v id e n tly .
The Portland Evening Telegram
to it the next day.’
“ T o r two days’ labor you ask 200
“ Did you tell the boss you were one year for $3.50, if ordered before
going to be married?”
The special city election, last guineas ?’
Dec. 31, 1913. Regular price $6. The
‘“ N o; I ask it for the knowledge
“ No; he’« down on ill unions.” — Telegram and the Falls City News
Monday, brought out 178 voters,
Boston Transcript
for one year at $3.75.
32 o f whom were wom en— less of a lifetime!’ ”
than half the total number o f le
W s tlfy ’s In terp re tation ,
S h a rk s' Lane.
gal voters in Fall3 City.
At one time when John Wesley
Before the isthmus of Suez was
was traveling in Ireland his carriage
pierced bv the canal there were very
The tax liviee, so far as Falls became stuck in the mire, and the few sharks in the Mediterranean,
M is c e lla n e o u s
City is concerned, are as follow s
the passage through the straits of
Ore. Fire Relief Aaaoci’n,McMinn­
companions were laboring to extri­
Gibraltar not being to their liking
C ou n ty............... 17! mills
cate it a poor man passed by in Now4 however, they come in by way ville. F. K. Hubbard, local agent.
School................. 6
evident distress. Mr. Wesley called of the canal and in such numbers
Meals ‘25c and up. Sunday dinner*
City ....................10
to him and asked him what was
that in more than one watering
wrong. He eaid that he could not place on the Mediterranean and also a specialty. Tbe Falls City Hotel.
Total, 334 mills
pay his rent of 20 shillings and that
on the Adriatic, the sign lias gone
Fresh Bread, Cakes, Cookies,
family were to be turned out­ up, “ Beware of Sharks!”
Congressman W. W. Bailey has
Pies, etc., every day, at the Falls
doors. “ Is that all you need ?” said
introducted a biil granting free Mr. Wesley, as he gave him the
City Bakery.
mail delivery in towns o f l.OOOor money. “ Here, go and be happy.”
Abstracts of title promptly fur­
over. Postmaster Mehrling has Then turning to hi* companions he Bills for November Allowed by the
Rates reasonable. Brown A
sent a petition to O regon’ s U. S.
City Council, Dec. 1,1913
Mill St., Dallas, Or.
lawmakers asking them to sup­
W L. Tooze Jr cly attorney, Oct. Nov
port the bill. If it becomes a law
T Allen, labor.....................................................
C. J. Bradley, labor
............................... 56.01 Services in the Churches of Falls City
Falls City will have one carrier.
Povsrty Stricken Astronomers.
The New« will taka your lubacrip-
tion for any publication, saving
The Oregon journal. Portland, anil
the Falls lu y Newa are offered at the you |K>stage and other fees, btMMilee
followin'; reduced rates:
giving you assurance that you will
if ta Th« Nswi
gel what you pay for. We have on
Dally,* Sua. 1760
our list, among other«,'the -enn*
weekly Journal at 91, Urn weekly
Semi-weekly. 1.50 »
Oregonian at 76c, and the Portland
Subscriptions taken any time.
Evening Telegram, 93.60, each for
more than a year, are bargain«
Give tbs editor of Tbs News your
that should not tie neglected
subscription to th" jnuni - weekly
For sate, One acre, adjoining city
Journal, the weekly Oregonian, tbo
Evening Telegram, or the three limits, with 6-rooni houae. A bar
of them if you like. Whichever you gain at 14*26 terms; The News office
take, you will g><t u good paper at for particulars. Will rant at 95.
For sale— 10 acres, partial! liu
an unusual bargain price.
proved; house, timber; sprln an
The News firmly believes in th" living stream; near wssteri cl tv
philosophy of "live and let live” limits: price, 91300, cash.
and will accept ranch produce on
If you own a house that i for
subscription* fiom those who wish rent, list, it with Tha News, ai > we
to pay in that way.
will tin J a tenant.
Ore (ion Journal» Palls City News
R. E .W il l ia m s ,
American Duel.
In the year 1630 occurred the
first duel known to have taken place
on American soil. The principals,
Edward Doty and Edward Leister,
were servants of a Mr. Hopkins,
one of the New England colonists.
The men had quarreled over some
trifling matter and resorted to the
field for its settlement. The affair
was stopped bv the authorities, but
not before one had been wounded
in the thigh and the other in the
hand There was no law covering
such matters, but the governor of
the province decided that the men
should be punished nevertheless.
At his orders they were sent to
have their heads and feet tied to­
gether and lie in that condition
twenty-four hours without food or
drink. vThey suffered so much,
however, that they were released
at the end of an hour.
Th* Story of Zero.
The word “ zero” is from the
Spanish and means “ empty,” hence
nothing. It was first used for a
thermometer in 1795 by a Prussian
named Fahrenheit. By experiment­
ing with snow and salt Fahrenheit
found that he could produce a de­
gree of cold equal to that of the
coldest winter day. It happened
that the day on which he made hia
final experiment was the coldest
anybody could remember, and,
struck with the coincidence of hia
scientific discovery, he hastily con­
cluded that he had found the low­
est degree of temperature, either
natural or artificial. He called the
degree “ zero” and constructed a
thermometer graduating up from
zero to boiling point, which he num­
bered 212 and the freezing point 82.
S e r b o n n s M e m b e r* O n e * T h * o lo g is t a
The Sorbonne was originally a
society of ecclesiastics at Paris,
founded by Robert de Sorbonne in
1252. The members lived in com­
mon and devoted themselves to
study and gratuitous teaching. They
soon attained a European reputa­
tion as a faculty of theology, their
judgment frequently being appeal­
ed to from the fourteenth to the
seventeenth centuries. The influ­
ence of the Sorbonne was declining
when the society was broken up in
1789. The buildings are now de­
voted to education.
Declined th* Bequeet.
Occasionally somebody make* a
will bequeathing money to help pay
off a national debt. In 1733 Colonel
Thomas Norton of Southwick, Eng­
land, bequeathed $150,000 for this
patriotic purpose Probate was op­
posed, and the judge who tried the
case decided that the colonel was in­
sane, such a legacy being “ only as a
drop of water poured into the sea.”
The legacy was therefore divided
among the members of the Norton
C. M Horn, labor.
I “«1
Joe Hudson, labor
N. A. Lunde, blacksmith work
F < . L
F,C.Lumber Co. lumber for crosswalk
C.W , Lee, auditor’s «alary, half rent, p’t’ ng .45 15
W J Ree«e, labor
1 *
Portland Wood Pipe Co., 52 ft 3 " pip«.
A. A Mason, labor on Crosswalk
C. R. Winslow dr Co., Are bote and cart.
F C. Reading Room Nov ren t................
Wm. Kill«. Kneefcone tsx rebate................
1 28
W P Lewis, mat aha) $30, water 8upt |jn $60.00
J. R Moyer, carpenter work.......................
J. C. Talbott A Co., pip«, hardware, tool» 29.13
Sheriff’s Sale of Real Property
Notice is hereby given, That by virtue of an
execution duly issued out of the Circuit Court
f the Btate of Oregon, for the County of Polk,
and to me directed, on the 23rd day of Pecem
ber, 1913, upon a judgment and decree duly ren
dered, entered of record and docketed in and
by aaid Court on the 23rd day of December, 1313,
in a certain Action then in said Court pending
wherein 8. H. Tetherow was plaintiff and O D.
Treat and W E. Gilbert were defendant«, In fa
vor of plaintiff and agaim t said defendant O.
D. Treat, by which execution I am commanded
to sell the propeitv In said execution and here
inafter described to pay the sum due the plain
tiff of Five Hundred and Twenty-eight ($528 On)
Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of aix
per cent per annum from tue 19th day of Decern
ber, 1913, until paid, together with the costs and
disbursements of said Action, taxed at Eighty-
seven (987.0U) Dollars and coats and expenses of
•aid execution. 1 will, on Haturday, the 31st
day of January, 1914, at the hour of 1 00 o'clock
P M of said day at the front door of the County
Coart House In Dallas, Polk County, Oregon,
sell at public auction, to tbe highest bidder, for
cash in baud on day ol sale, all the right, title,
interest snd estate which said defendant G. D.
Treat, and all persons clalmingunder him sob
sequent to the 15th day of November, 1913, In, of
and to ft.ld real premises hereinbefore men­
Said real premises hereinbefore men
tioned are described in said execution as fol­
lows, to-w it: *
Lots Three (3). Four (4), Eleven (11). snd
Twelve (12), In Block F, First Addition to Falls
City, Polk County, Oregon.
Biid sale being made subject to redemption
in the manner provided by law
Dated this ?4tb dey of December. 1913
J M. O iu x t .
Sheriff of Polk County. Oregon.
' • v
Town Houses, Lots, and
Acreage for Sale or Rent
For sale, 15 acres unimproved, in Falla
City, on the new Siletz highway; water
and wood in abundance. Good place for
fruit, garden, and poultry. $500 cash.
Highly improved 10-acre home in Falls City;
good buildings, with all modern improve­
ments; fruit, flowere, berries, garden; big
money maker, and getting better as young
treescome into bearing; price $5,000; terms
Lots 7 and M, in block K ;
Lot 14. (8-r. house) “
Lot 23.
block “
Lots 11 and 12.
“ E,
price $100.00
“ $1200.00
Lot 2, block M, Mont, add., 78x78, house
and garden; close in; $650, cash or terms.
For Sale Lots 16. 15. 14, K. i o f 13. blk L;
good house, barn; running water; city wa­
ter, electric light; rents at $10, . , $1,600.
For Sale- -73 acres, half mile east o f city; 60 acres
improved; spring water piped to house and barn;
fine place for dairying.
For Sale 5.82 acres in city; improved; rich soil.
Price $2,500, at least half cash.
For Sale 20 acres in city; improved; $3,200, half
cash. Good place for fruit and berries.
For Sale 6 a., in city; a new place, cleared, fruit,
berries, poultry; good house, other buildings;
running water, city water, phone; a bargain
For Sale
good house, lot 150x150^ rio te d .
For Sale—21-3 a. adjoining city, $650.
For Sale- 80 a. 1! mi. from town; 20 a. improved;
26 a. good timber; pasture; water. $5,200.
------------1---- 3z
----- if-j — * - .
For rent—12-room house, barn, etc.,
close in; good place for renting rooms
or for boarding house; $150 per year.
C. W . LEE, A G E N T
l t h o p is t
Sunday School . . . i0:00a.m .
sermon . . .11:00 a.m.
Young People’s Bible study 6:30p.m
Evening sermon . .
7:80 p.m
Prayer meeting Thurs , 7:30 p.m.
R. E. Nichols, Pastor.
A . J .V ic k ,
Assistant Cashier
Does a General Hanking Business, interest Paid on Time
Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United State».
Notary Public officially connected with the Bank.
— ....................
- — ■— ■ Ill
II '
h k ib t ia n
K a m a C i t y , 1’ o i . k C o u n t y . O hxuon
Sunday: 10 a m,
. Bride School
11 a.m, Communion and Preaching
6:30 p.m., . . Chiutian Endeavor
7:30 p.m. Preaehingfgood singing)
Wed nee. 7:30 p m . Prayer Meeting
Friday, 7:30 p.m. Choir Practice
You are invited to all these serv­
Lee Sadler, Pastor.
W. F. N ich o ls ,
Bank of Falls City
Astronomers only in government
employ receive pay from the gov­
ernment. Others receive pay from
the universities. But the majority
have no pay and are often sorely
pressed to get a living. They de­
vote every moment from youth to
death in studying the supremely
magnificent laws of the sidereal uni­
verse. History reveals that many
have suffered in the cold for want
of sufficient clothing, since no heat
of stove can be anywhere near a
telescope. And a number have died
in extreme poverty. — New York
M .L . T h om pson ,
k t h o d ih t
p is c o p a l
Sunday School,
. . 10:00 a.m,
Morning Worship . . 11:00 a.m.
Kpworth League, . . . 6:80 p.m.
Preaching Service
. ,7 :3 0 p m.
Ladies’ Aid Society, V.’ id. aftern’ n
Choir Practice, Thur. 7:30 p. m.
Prayer Meeting, Wednes. 8:00 p.m.
Milton A. Marcy, Pastor,
jf a U ô C it ^ ^ r c b a r ô d o .
Preaching services in Toller hall
at 3.80 p.m., third Sunday of each
mouth, by Rev. Grosse, of Salem.
S evrnth D ay A dvent
Sabbath school Salutday 10:00a.m.
Preaching service “
Prayer meeting Wednes., 7:80p.m.
G e t a L u c k y H o r s e 8 h o e B a n k ••»•''••¿■•¿a •« *»•
Thin little bank li m»1e ol he*?r nickeled hreu, highly pollehed. and «III tael l*rev*r
It c*n be worn on * key rlnf. watch chain, or eniily carried In the pocket Sand 10c lor
earn pie, or J*c If (old Hnmhed '* preferred. Ark tor tecaia and open Mrrltorj, which la
tu t b«lnf taken. "Elrit come Drat »erved."
There will be Mass at the Cath­
olic Church, Mary Magdalene,
regularly, hereafter, on the first
and third Sunday of each mouth.
It Wlds J m Tci Dim«! i*d (he Truth till« I f n i k
Addrcii. LUCKY H ORSE SHOE BANK, «IS Flailrw, N*w Ttrh, X ».