FALLS CITY NEWS T h « N kwi »Und» for • greater and batter Palla City all tha tima VOL. X f FALLS CITY. OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 3. 1914 Ortgaa AJricuittiral College Winter Short Course JtMMry S to H M T g N N A N T . R s* l# tre r Corvallis. O r i g i n Farmer»' Bus'neaa Courses by correspondence without tuition Hurry! Hurry! e— — A i i ■ Thia la positively your last opportunity to secu rs The Week I yO regonlnn (Oregon • g reatest weekly) a t 75 cts. to January 1. 1915. S a tu r­ day. January 31. 1CM. the price advances to $1.50 per year, the regular rate. Your order for the weekly O re­ gonian taken a t The News office. A ttend to th is now. You are invited to Make a Bee Line to the M. E. CHURCH at 7 .3 0 each e ve n in g th is w eek an d n ext. A Wide Awake Song Service fro m 7.30 to 8 , fo llo w e d by e sp e c ia l song eeoh e v e n in g REV. BRYMER both sin g e end end sp e a k s. H e Is e x p a rie n o e d in • ve n g e lie tlc w o rk . Y o u o u g h t to h o a r h im . The O. A. C. w inter short agriculture in all its phases will ' course begins next Monday and be taught. This offers valuable ! continue« to Jan. 31. Scientific and inspiring instruction in rural labor and living. It is stated th a t on an average a crate df 360 eggs contains 279 fresh, 55 stale, 24 dirty or crack­ ed. and 2 rotten. If a b e tte r price were paid for fresh eggs than mixed lota producers would grade eggs before m arketing. H ere is a and chance for any producer to m ake money and a reputation. Are conducting a vigorous circulation cam paign in Falls A Salem paper of recent date -¿■City. Theee t w o papers will supply you w ith all the contained unw arran ted abuse of new s of this locality and also w ith all the news of the a coast town. A course in jo u r­ country a t large, a t a minimum coat. For a short tim e nalism a t Eugene for th a t editor we will take your subscription to the two papers for one is recom ended; or a change of business. year a t 18.76 by m ail—a saving to you of 52.25. Pay to The a tte m p t to m ake men be­ The Telegram. Portland, or to the Falls City New». lieve too much provokes them to believe too little .—Crowley. The Evening Telegram T h e Falls City News T ry a Sack of HIGH FLIGHT FLOUR and watch results All Goods and Prices Are Right AT ' r Falls City Lumber Co. STO R E No. 18 MMNMMHMHMMMMWyy* ing out all right." does not admit that there is* any­ Dot sat a long time on the hay. thing very remarkable in the course “Tom always thinks everything'» of life she ha» been pursuing. “If Th e going to come out all right," she one ventured far one would take a said, determined to be miserable. gun of course. We were unarmed^ “ He doesn’t know anything about however, once when moving from money. Margie says so, and I know camp to camp, and we met two lioof xnyseJf he doesn’t, ’cause I one# fare to face. They turned tail and owed him 5 cents for weeks, and ran away. If they hadn’t I do nog then when I went to pay him he’d know what we should h»ve done,* It Was Settled by forgotten all about it and said I she said. “They rarely attack any Christmas must have dreamed it. one in the daylight. They were “He's gone off now to sleigh ride probably as much frightened aa w# and doesn’t care how hard we’re all were."—London Kail. By M A R Y A . BOWERS. working,” and the little needle flew * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * faster than ever. “I just know be thinks Dr. Cogswell isn’t going to Under the head of “Mushroom “Two dollar» * vurit!" cried Dot charge, but he is, for here’s one bill, Fallacies” it 1« asserted editorially in di»m*y, forgetting entirely that and he’s probably got another all in the Journal of the Americas Medical association that the tradi­ »he had como to look for a »pool of ready. “ He could just as well not tional test of the comic paragraBhar No. 40 in mamma’» drawer, and opening her brown eye» wider and charge,” she went on, “for Eaith is really the only way to tell a wider as »he read the heading of Olcott told me he was ever and ever mushroom from a toadstool. Tbit so rich and that lie’s got a house test, it may be remembered, 1» »im­ an old bill of Dr. Cogswell’». in the city even prettier than this. ply to eat the object. "If it kills "Two dollars a visit!” she repeat­ But how could one be?” she won­ you, it’» a toadstool; if it dossn’t, ed. “Oh, why doesn’t Donnie get dered. “ How eould any room be it’» a mushroom.” Furthermore, well ? And where is all the money lovelier than the one Mrs. Crane even the most nutritious mush­ to como from?” she asked herself took Kdith and me into the other rooms have little nutritatire value. sadiy. “ We will get very poor,” day, the little one with the win - 1 Their chief use, the writer think», continued Dot, shaking her little dow looking on the lake, and the i» as condiments, and a» a condi­ brown head slowly and going down­ little bed with curtains and every­ ment that may poison the eater ia stairs. thing blue, carpet and all ? Dr. an undesirable one, the conclusion Mamma and Sister Margie were Cogswell calls it his little sister’s is obvious. sewing. Dot went quietly to Mrs. room, and she’s coming in the Csrly Aviation In BsetlaaA Ledyard and whispered. spring.” Miss 1. A. Taylor in her “lift of “ We’ll feel very poor afterward, The little fingers never did bet­ won’t we, mamma?” ter work than that day, for “mam­ James IV.” mentions an incestous Mamma smiled—a sad smile, Dot ma wouldn’t have told me they Italian upon whom James conferred thought—as she replied: “You’re needed it if they didn’t,” Dot kept an abbey, who “undertook to fir by mean» of wing» and startad from better at guessing than we suppos­ assuring herself. ed. Now, why don’t you take your Thst night Dot added to her the castle wall at Stirling on his trimming, little daughter, and go rayer the words, “0 God, please way to France.” Unfortunately tha into the library? There’s a nice on’t let it be more than we can flight proved short, for the air man fell and broke bis thigh boot. Ha fire on the hearth, and you can work pay t” away like a bee. We’ll need it soon, “ Let what V’ asked mamma aa she put down the disaster to a fault ia the manufacture of the wings. "Hen you know.” tucked her in bed. “ We’ll need it soon,” repeated “The doctor’» bill,” whispered feathers (he complained) had baas Dot as she climbed up in the big Dot, her arms very tight about Mrs. put into them,” which failed ta sustain him. It was this Italian library chair. “We’ll need it soon. Ledyard’s neck. Oh, why didn’t they tell me? Why Mrs. Ledyard smiled. She who was to show the versatile king did they leavo me to find it out for thought Dot was half asleep, so she how to convert beae metal into myself? I might have worked tiptoed quietly downstairs to the gold. yards and yards by this time and library and there found Tom telling M •»is*'» Tfctsvse’ M arks«. sold them for ever so much,” con­ Margie about Dot’s trouble. There is in the City of Mexico a fessed Dot as she made her little The young doctor must have been ivory needle fly in and out of her there, too, or heard of it in some thieves' market, in which stolen work. way, for he happened in the next oods are publicly offered for »ale. Tom went into the burn to clean morning right after breakfast, and t occupies an entire «quart. Dora may be found everything that is his gun. Dot saw him. the first thing he said was: “IH ask him,” she decided as she “I’m going to have my bill set­ portable, fn-.n a telescope to a ring, put her work hurriedly in a little tled today, little Mis» Dot,” as with a »ilk dress or a pair of stockings, silk handkerchief and started with quite a grave face he took out a and the articles are sold et aboat one-fifth of their actual value. Tha it for the barn. memoranda. thieve* do not sell the goods open­ It was a very sad little face that “ I-et me see,” he mused. “I be­ peered in at the barn door. gan coming in May. Two visits a ly, for that would be dishonest ia “ Hello!” was Tom’s greeting. day till—whpr it’s nearly Christmas, the estimation of the Mexican«, but “Been crying?” isn’t it? Now, how much should the «oilers are those who purchAaa secretly from the thieves. “ Yes,” admitted Dot in a voice you think it would come to?” that could leave no doubt of it. “ Hundreds!” said poor little Dot “What’s up?” asked Tom as he faintly. T h a L a ird and the K in g . rubbed away at his gun. “Want “ We want to be businesslike,” Edward Legge in his book, "More any help?” said Dr. Cogswell. “Suppose you About King Edward,” says the late “Oh, yes, Torn. That’s just what get your slate and figure it.” monarch was ruffled on two occa­ I’ve coine for.” Dot ran. “He isn’t going to let sions by Andrew Carnegie. “ All right. Go ahead,” said Torn us off a penny,” she moaned. Once at Skibo castle Mr. Carnagia cheerfully. “Now, let’s do a little sum in had the courage to quota Joaquib “Well, you know, Tom,” began arithmetic,” said the doctor. “ What Miller’s invocation: “Hail! Fat Dot in her sweet, timid voice, does M stand for?” Edward!” His majaaty, it is “One thousand,” said staggered did not like the tactless application. “there’s a aocrot in there,” pointing toward the house, “and I never little Dot, pushing the crochet work On another occasion King Ed­ found it out till thia morning.” way down in her pocket. ward was “ very angry” because tha “Very good,” said the doctor. millionaire declined to subecribs to “So you found it out, did you? “ Now, what does C stand for?” Well, I told ’em you would.” his majesty’s hospital fnnd. ---------------- i “One hundred,” said Dot, trying “I wouldn’t but for the bill.” As par Fasteners. “You wouldn’t what?” asked to be brave. “ And altogether?” was the next Tom. The little paper fastener that “I ’ll tell you about that after­ question. holds together a number of loose “Eleven hundred,” said Dot tear­ sheets is more than 2,000 years old. ward. When I went into the sit­ ting room mamma and Margie were fully. Such a device was used by the Ro­ “H ’m!” coughed Dr. Cogswell. man soldiers of that era as an inci­ sewing.” • “That certainly didn’t surprise “Now, can you think of anything dental of their costumes of uni­ else they might stand for?” you!” laughed Tom. form. The belt of thin copper wotn “No, 6ir,” said Dot. “Oh, Tom! How can you make by the ancient legions was fastened “ Why, yes, you can, Dot!” cried to a strip of cloth, serving as a lin­ fun of it all? Mamma looked just ready to cry, and—oh, oh, oh! What Donald, who had just been wheeled ing, with a series of little bronze can we ever do about it?” as she into the room. “M. C.!” clapping clasps precisely like in principle the threw herself face downward on the his hands. “ Why, Merry Christ­ paper fastener of today. hay and sobbed as though her little mas! Don’t you see?” Fieking Vsur C siwsm *y. heart would break, while Tom stood Dot smiled. “Then there isn’t any bill?” »he by in speechless astonishment. Mrs. Stnyvesant Fish is noted for “Does she know, after all?” he asked Tom. her epigram*. Her latest to be “Nary a bill,” said Tom, “but quoted in New Ycrk was a remark asked himself. “I uiustu’t forget my promise to mother, but I must can’t you think of anything else which »he addressed to a young matron who is at the same time give the child somo comfort,” ho the letters might stand for?” “No,” said happy, stupid little ultra exclusive and ultra sharp thought as he went over to the little Dot. tongned. blue cloak on the hay. “I can!” cried Don, catching sight “Come, Dot,” said he tenderly. “ My dear,” said Mr». Fish to this “ Don’t cry. You haven’t told me of some glances being exchanged young woman, “pick your company yet what the m atter is. Now, we’ll and Margie’s pretty cheeks aglow. —but don’t pick them to pieoei.”— »it right up here while you tell Tom “Margie Cogswell!” Buffalo Express. Then they all laughed, and Dot all about it.” After awhile Dot managed to say. had to submit to a good deal of The sultanate of Zsnsihar em­ “Does Dr. Cogswell charge peo­ teasing, but sho was very happy not­ ple who arc ill $2 every time he withstanding and wrote in her diary braces the islands of Zanxibar and tha-. night in such big letters that Pemba, with sevet-al small ialands in goes to see them ?” “Something like that, I believe,” she vent right over two or three the adjacent waters and a strip of land ten miles in depth running of ie following days: answered Tom wonderingly. “ The doctor wasn’t coming to along the littoflal of British East “I t ’s exactly that,” said Dot, feel­ ing for the bill. “Oh, Tom, we see Donnie, after all, and there Afriea. This strip ia politically and must owe him hundreds of dollar»!’’ wasn’t any bill. I am going to be economically under the government TheroNvas a queer look in Tom’» bridesmaid on Christmas eve and of British East Africa. wear white. There isn’t any little eyes. RsoM^Llng W aits Silver. “There, Dot,” »aid Tom soothing- sister but me, and I ’m going to have A great deal of silver ia wasted the little blue room whenever I lv. “Don’t be so foolish a» to cry. in factories where silver plate ia It wifi be all right. I can’t tell you want to go there to viait.” made. The hammering pro« how just now, but take my word for turns the silver into d u st M ha* Timid Lima. it.” Lady Bruce, who, with her hus­ actually been found worth wEila to “Tom,” called Mr». Ledyard, band, Sir David Bruce, spent two save the water in which the Work­ "they’re all waiting for you.” “The boys have come, Dot,” said ears in the wild and remote region men wa»h before leaving and recov­ Tom, giving her a hasty kiss. "Now, nown as Angoniland, fifty mile« er from it the black sediment w'tich remember aot to. worrv. I t’» com­ from the »bore» of. Lake Nyassa, is largely pure silver. Doctor’s Bill 30.1914 The College ha* »|*en*d no effort to make this the molt complete •hurt course in its history. A very wide range of courses will be offered in General Agrtcul- lure. Horticulture.Animal Hus­ bandry.Dairying. Poultry Keep­ ing, Mechanic Arts. Domestic Ke*ence and Art,Commerce For­ estry, and Mueic. Numéro«» h d u res and discuaeiona on Far­ mer»' Co • Operation, at home and abroad, will he a leading feature. Make this a plraaant and profitable winter outing. N o tuition. Accommodations reasonable. Reduced rate» on ail railroad». For further informa­ tion. address Buy all goods of horn# merchants and halp ta make Falls City greater S f {