Beautiful, Progressive and Prosperous Falls City, Oregon ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ -----------T h e T im b e r, O rchard and G arden S e c tio n of L u c k ia m u te R iver V a lle y — Reliable Condensed information Concerning This City and the Surrounding Territory E d u c a t io n a l, S o c ia l a n d S c e n ic A t t ia c t ic n s In d u s tr ie s an d O p p o r tu n itie s llje Falls City school has been kept at a very high standard of excel­ lence, and its character and location m*k' it one of the most attractive The him >er and logging business *>ns been the principal industiy of this section frollatile beginning, 22 years ago, and it will continue to S ' »*» M »? * K A L I,» CTY’ s TW ELVE-GRADE SCHOOL TKIAN-LOAD OK LOOS ON THE 8., K. 0. A W. EV. features of the city. .Many residents have been at tracted bore by ti e superior advantages for education which this school offers. The enrollment is 252, in charge of Prof. J. E. Dunlon, Principal, and the following teachers: The Misses Jean and Hazel Kuykendall, Chloe Palmer, Alice Grant, Elsie White, Ruth Fugate, Hallie Morri ton. The Religious organizations are : Adventist, Catholic, Christinn Free Methodist, Methodist Episcopal, Zion Watch Tower. The Fraternal societies are: Independent i'rder of Oddfellows, Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of Annri-n, Pythian Sisters, Royal Neighbors of America, Woodmen of the World. There are Dramatic, Musical and Social organizations, Commercial Club, Case Hall clubs, free reading room, motion picture slows, halls for dances, entertainments, public and lodge meetings. he a lur.f-e factor in the business life of the community for many years to come, hut now t!iat it has been proven that the surrounding bench and hill lands are as well adapted to the production of line fruit as any other section ot the Pacific Northwest, there is a rapid development of orchards from a few acres to *2r week. Everything first class The lest i t attention given to oui customers. JUSTIN HUNTER, Manager professional Carte. Total Our Price, only......... T R A IN NO. 10. (Sunday only) City Livery Stable Total....................... *4 50 You will find it t.u your interest Cur Price, only......... ........... ! to cull at The Newsoffice and learn wliat we cun do for you before you No. 7 Price I subscribe or renew your subscrip- | lien toother publications. We g iv e Everybody»............. 1.50 Pacific Monthly...... 1.50 j yen better rales than .you cun g e t elsewhere; you pay us the price and Fall» City News...... 1.50 we will do the Work. Total........................ *450 No. 1 Price Our Price, only..................... *•1.251 Woman's Home Com­ Total Our Pi ice. only T R A IN .NO. 6 West S alem ............ 9:00 a Dallas...................... 9:45 a Falls C ity............... 10:15 a . .10:35 a Black Rock. Price McClures................ 1.60 Pacific Monthly ..... • 50 Falls City News...... 1.50 *4.50 Total........................*7.50 Our Price, only ................... .*4.75 j Our Prier, only......................*1.00 No. 2 Price Review of Reviews...*."..00 Pacific Monthly...... 1.50 Delineator............... 1,00 Falls Citv News. 1.50 Pacific Monthly...... 1.50 T R A IN NO. 4. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. No. 0 *4 60 H>h\wian3 F. M. H E L L W A R T lT Physician and Surgeon. Office over postoffice Falls City, Ore. DR. L n A” DHCLFER ButlMng Contractor S a u l O u d e r k ir k Building Contractor. Fairview 8t., Fall» City. Orders prjmptly at­ tended to; estimates furnished free. ■UnOcrtahlnfl R. L. CHAPMAN Physician and Surgeon O fllc« Honrs 10j n *. m to 2 p. m . and sfto r P m. Mutual Phons B!u# 36. dny or n ich t F uneral Directo» W e attend tn all work promptly. Falla City, Oregon Dallas and Falla City. Orepaa VV. B. OFFICER, M. D. Ghie for Chat Physician and Surgeon You have some article you don’t need; tell ut what it is and what OfUca in tha Walker Hotel Mutual Phone 291 bell Si. you want in exchange for it, and Falla City Oregon we will find what you want. No Phone Night (fell 441 T he N e w s . trade no charge. a tto rn e y W. J. HOOKER, ATTY. AT LAW Total ................. ....M ÖÖ Admitted to practice in all State Courts Our Price, only....... .............. $3 00 With the Bank o f Falls City No. II J. H. FLOWER Price Woman’s Home Com­ A ttom ey-at-Lam panion .................. 1.50 O ffice Mi Main Street Falls City News...... 1.50 Mr. Newcomer Fall. City. O r e t.a Total........................ *300 *3 25 ■3ur Price, only............ $2.60 No. 12 Price Pacific Monthly...... 1.50 Falla City News...... 1.50 flMscellaneous e Seam ing R. A. T IT U S Draying, Wood and Lumber Haul­ ing, etc. Proprietor of Hearse. Total................... .18 00 Our Price, onlv ........ *2 25 Pb»n<* 134 F ai . ia C it y , O re . Come to Fal Is City and buy orchard l a n d that needs no irrigation. Prices are low, but advancing.