QUEEN MAY QUIT KING U™* Wear This Stylish Suit! man who 1« ndmlrod 1« the «i»t*||* ‘(I umn whiiHi- cloth e« aro fimh’ . ttiitl urc It) I I Mtylert. Y o u w ill t m a n in y o u r n H v tih o r h o o iit f t ) lo« ivrejiu-t In. ( i r t t ill« s u it the «well.-at. uliu4*fi‘»t, e iiiu n e -t tyle we ever creuted—artl hi -r»*r o u r a p p e u r u u c e ! t h i s I * OUR ID£Ai \Ve wurit one iu uii whom * r»*|TeiMMitaiive In y o u r n e ig h ­ b o r h o o d . You’ ve K‘ >t h lot o f frieodw T h e y w e n r c lo t lit-«. It is the eesiewt thin u in the torld to uet them to order th e ir thew from y o u . Price«. $7 6(' and . . T h o *« oruerw mean a b ljf bii.il- lietM th a t m o r e th u n d o u b le * y o u r » a l a r y , and the work in the ie«t. clci.neat. nicent occupation r the world Net# rei re-wnitativ« s make S5 to III) a day. Yon «im ply take the order and meu-u renten‘. « VICTORIA SAID TO BE DISGUSTED WITH ALFONSO. Voting Spanish Monarch la Declared Going the Pace That May Event­ ually Put Him in Manuel’a Plight Madrid. Spain.—Grown tired at last Of the openness of Kina Alfonso’s neg­ lect of her, Queen Victoria has, it is said, decided to return to her home in England for an Indefinite stay. Front confidential court sources It Is learned that the queen’s visit will vir­ "Marl” Dan Maitland, on rru himi his tew York bachelor chib, met un attr-ir - tually amount to a royal separation, .Ive young woman ut the door Janitor Itt’ llitgan usaurt-il hint no one had ..... .. 'as she has declared that she cannot within that day Dan discovered a w--m- ItTi*ti tolerate the I ubu H s of the king, i n ’a linger prints In dust on Ids desk, with u latter from h.s attorney. whose treatment of her Is now an along Maitland dined with Hannerinan, Ills a t ­ open book throughout Spain. torney. Dan «et out f. r llreenfl* Iris, to fairing his prolonged visit In Paris get tiia fam il y Jewels. During his walk to the country «eat, tie met the young Alfonso’s movements were such that woniun In gray, whom he h-trl seen l e a v ­ the Paris police were driven nearly ing his bachelors’ club. Her auto had I broken down, lb- fixed It. b y a ruse she frantic In their efforts to guard him " l o s t " him. Maitland, on reaching home, surprised lady In gray, crack ing the safe and keep his Identity unknown. Al­ containing his gems. She. apparently, fonso's frequent Incognito trips to took him for a w. ll-known crook, Daniel Paris, knowledge of which the cabinet Anlsty. Half-hypnoilz--*l. Maitland opened his safe, took therefrom the Jewels, and tried hard to suppress by official an­ g av e them to her, first fo rm in g a part­ nouncements tpat the king was spend­ nership In erlme. T h e reul Dan Anlsty. sought by police o f the world, appeared ing a few days In the retirement of an the Kami- mission. Maitland overcame his home, It now transpires, have been him. He met the girl outside the house anrl they sp.d on to N e w Yrirk in her au­ nothing more than flagrant escapades to. H e had the Jewels amt site pronitserl In the gay life of the French capital. to meet him Unit day. Maitland received "M r. Bnalth.” Introducing himself as a On one of these trips Alfonso re­ a detective. T o shield the girl In gray, mained In Paris for nearly three Maltlnnd, about to show him the Jew­ els, supposedly lost, was felled by a blow months, aUhougb the official time of from "S n a it h ’ s " eane. T b e latter proved his stay was announced as only a few to be A nls ty hlrns.-lf and tie secured the Anlsty. who w as Maitland's dou­ days. English detectives had a similar gems. ble. miisitlic rnded h s ttie Witter. Th e experience on Alfonso's last visit to criminal kept M ai tl and’ s en gagement with the girl In gray. He g a v e her the gems, England. a fte r fal li ng In love at first sight. T h ey This Is the third time that Victoria were to meet and divide the loot. M a i t ­ rev ive d and regretted missing Ids has been on the verge of renouncing land engagement. Anlsty, masquerading as her queenship and returning to Eng­ Maitland. narro wly avoided capture through mysterious tip. T b e girl In gr ay land. The first was soon after their visited Ma itland ’ s apartments during his honeymoon, when there were authori­ absence and return« d gems. tative stories of violent differences be­ CHAPTER VIII.—Continued. tween the royal pair. The second was Rut where to put them, that he during the Catnlan revolt In 1909, might find them without delay? It when the Ilrltlsh government sent spe­ must be no conspicuous place, where cial emissaries to Madrid to Investi­ G’Hagan would bo apt to happen upon gate the situation and kept secret them; doubtless the janitor was trust­ service agents In rehdlnesB to assist worthy, but still . . . Misplaced In the contemplated flight. opportunities breed criminals. All stories that the marringe of Al­ It was all a risk to leave the treas­ fonso and Victoria, In May, 1900, was ure there, without the protection of the culmination of a real love affair tiekeled steel walls and ttmelocks; have long since been wholly disproved. iut a risk that must be taken. She In their place Is the hard, cold fact lared not retain it longer in her pos- that the marringe, like most of the esslcn; and she would contrive a way other royal unions of Europe, was ar­ u the morning to communicate with ranged purely for political purposes. luitland and warn him. Alfonso never disguised his dislike of Her guze searched the area where the heavy Anglo-Saxon type of his he lamplight fell soft yet strong upon wife and the latter was less backward he dark shining wood and heavy In showing her displeasure with most mass desk fittings; and paused, ar- of the qualities possessed by Alfonso. Registering Under the ested by the unusual combination of averted bowl and super-imposed book. There was a bright spot of color on \ riddle to be read with facility; In a either cheek and a hot light of anger winkling she had uncovered the in- in her eyes as she set about her task. SHI Stolen by Stage Robber In Wol­ ■rimlnating hand-print—Incriminating It would never be less hideous, never verine State In 1836 Is Found In f it could be traced, that Is to say. less Immediate. London Street. "O h!” she cried, softly. And laughed The desk drawers yielded easily to i little. "Oh, how careless!" the eager k ys. One .by one she had flay City. Mich.—From "T.ower Sag­ Fine brows pucltr-rod, she pondered them open and their contents explored inaw" In 1836 to Whitechapel road, he matter, and ended by placing her —vain repetition of ijesterday after­ I.ondon, In 1910, Is a far cry and Just wn held over tbe print; this one noon’s fruitless task. Rut she must how an old ’’wildcat” note. Issued by Itteu me other exactly. be sure, she must leave no stone un­ tho Saginaw County bank of Lower "Ilcw he must have wondered! turned. Maitland Manor was closed Saginaw, in that year, could be picked He Is sure to look again, espe- to her for ever, because of last night up nearly three-quarters of a century •lally If— " Rut here she was safe for a few short lator on a busy Ixtndon thoroughfnre No need to conclude the sentence. hours, and free to make assurance Is a mystery which is only partly Juickly she placed bag and case doubly sure. solved by a letter received In the local quareijf <;n top of the Impression, the There remained the dispatch box, postofflee a few days ago and turned iowl over all, and the book upon the the black Japanned tin box which had •over to M. M. Andrews, cashier of the towl; then, drawing from her iiocket proved obdurate yesterday. She had Old Second Nntlonal bank. t pair of long gray silk gloves, draped come prepared to break Its lock this The letter came from William Roger me across the book; and, head tilted time, If need be; Maitland's careless­ Miller, who gives his address as 0 one side, admired tho effect. ness spared 'ter tbe necessity. Ilousedltch, E. C., London, and Is ad­ It seemed decidedly an artistic ef- She lifted It out of a lower drawer, dressed to the "Managing Director, ,'ect, admirably calculated to attract and put It In her lap. The smallest Saglnnw County bank of Lower Sag mention. She was satisfied to the key fitted the lock at the first attempt. Inaw.” 'mint of being pleased with herself; a The lid came up and— Tbe letter stntes that tho writer tel Indicated by an expressive flutter Perhaps It is not altogether discred­ found the note along the Whitechapel f slim, fair hands. And now. to work! itable that one should temporarily for­ road and being of no value without a rime pressed, and— A cloud dimmed get one’s compunctions In the long-de­ signature he forwarded It for the lie radiance of her eyes; Irresolutely ferred moment of triumph. The girl same. he shifted In her chair, troubled, uttered a little cry of joy. The note, with a large amount of rowning, lips woefully drooping. And Crash!— the front door downstairs other notes, was en route by stage to tlghed. And n still small whisper, had been slammed. the bank Just being organized when broken and wretched, disturbed the She was on her feet In a breath, tho stage was robbed and the notes In pilot of tbe study. faint with fear. Yet not so overcome blank were taken. "1 can not! O, I can not! To spoil that she forgot her errand, her suc­ Much of this stolen paper, even it all, now, when—” cess. As she stood up she dropped though absolutely worthless without Yet she must. She must forget her- the dispatch box back Into the drawer, the Indorsement of the bank, wus put elf and steel her determination with without a sound, nnd, opening her Into circulation, no doubt, nnd this be memory that another's happiness hand bag. stuffed something into It. note Is probably one of them. Tho hung In the balance, depended upon No time to do more; a dull rumble bank never did business, as the period 1 or success. Twice site had tried and of masculine voices was distinctly, of “ wildcat" banks was over before an­ failed. This third time she must suc­ frightfully aud’ble In the stillness of other batch of money could bo secured ceed. the house; v .cos of men conversing from the printers. And bowing her head In token of her together in me Inner vestibule. One The bill received from Mr. Miller Is resignation, she turned back squarely laughed, und the laugh seemed to so far ns known the only one of the lo face the desk. As she did so the penetrate her bosom like a knife. Then kind now In existence, and Cashier too of one small shoe caught against ‘both strode across the tiling and began Andrews values It highly ns a sou­ something on the floor, causing a to ascend, as was clearly told her by venir. He will correspond with the dull jingling sound. She stooped, with footsteps sounding deadened on the tinder, who will undoubtedly bo suit­ a low exclamation, and straightened padded carpet. ably rewarded for his trouble. Fanlc-strlcken. she turned to the up. a small hiinrh of keys in her hand; eight or len of them dangling from a student lamp and with a quick twirl and upward jerk of the chimney-catch silver ring; Maitland's keys. He must have dropped them there, extinguished the flame. A reek of Novel Suit for Damages Filed by “ Un­ forgetting them altogether. A find of smoke immediately began to foul the cle Tom’s Cabin" Company value and ttne to save her a deal of close, hot nir; and she knew that It In Indiana. Irouhle; skeleton keys are ao exas- would betray her, but was helpless to peratlngly slow, particularly when used stop It. Resides, she was caught, Evnnsvllle, Ind.— Because Eliza could bv Inexpert hands Rut how to bring trapped, damned beyond redemption find no lee upon which to eseapo and herself to make use of these? All’s nnlvss— unless It were not Maitland, the bloodhounds could not follow her lair In war (and this wits a sort of after all, but one of the other tenants, ¡tail, Ernest Harrington, proprietor ol war. a war of wits at least); hut one unexpectedly returned and bound for an "Uncle Tom’s Cabin" show, has filed hottld fight with one's own arms, not another flat. Futile hope. Upon the landing by suit against the Rig Four railroad for | pdrci- the enemny’s and turn them $1,000. He charges lliat tho railroad j against him. To use these keys to the door the footsteps ceased; and a company's employes at Carthnge. Ind., ransack Maitland’s desk seemed an key grated In the wards of the lock. Hltnd with terror, her sole thought allowed the Ice, trees and other acres ' notion ever mote blackly dishonorable series to Elizas flight to stand out tnjrhnn this clandestine visit, this rnld- an Instinctive Impulse to hide and so the rain on the depot platform, despite : night foray. avert discovery until the last possible his warnings. | swinging the notched metal slips Instant, and on the bare chance of The result, he says, was that the Ice from a slender finger, she contem- something happening to save her, the was washed off the^ canvas and ths|p|AI(.j them; nnd laughed ruefully. girl caught up her skirts and (led like scenery so smudged and run together What qualms of Conscience In » burg­ a hunted shadow through the alcove, that it all resembled the chocolate hue lar, self confessed! She was there for through the bed chamber, thence down tf Uncle Tom's face. a purpose, a rerogglted. nefarious pur the hnll toward the dining room and pose. Granted. Then why quibble? kitchen offices. Tooth B ru s h in g Law Aaked. The outer door was being opened She would not quibble. She would be Lynn, Mass.—If an order now hs- firm, resolute, determined, cold­ ere she had reached the hiding place fore the school board Is passed by the blooded, unmindful of all kindness and she had In mind—the trunk closet— city government, all public school pu­ ¡courtesy and— She would use them. from which, she remembered remark­ pils will be obliged to brush their' accomplish her purpose, and have ing. a window opened upon a fire teeth on arriving at school each morn 'done, finally and for ever, with the escape. It was barely possible, a fighting chance. Ing. whole hateful bualness' WILDCAT NOTE HAS HISTORY THERE WAS NO ICE FOR ELIZA stltutlon to be a Snember of which Is a duty, but emphatically no great pleasure, to the sons of a New York family of any prominence. But In Its management the younger generation holds no suffrage; and Is not slow to declare that the Primordial Is rightly named, characterizing the Individual members of the board of governors a3 antediluvians, prehistoric monsters who have never learned that laughter lends a savor to existence. And so it is that the younger genera­ tion (which Is understood to Include Maitland and Rannerman), while it re­ ligiously pays Its dues and has the name of the Primordial engraved upon its cards, shuns those deadly respec­ table rooms and seeks Its comfort else­ where. Maitland found it dull and depress­ ing- enough, that same evening, some­ thing before seven. The spaelous and Impressive lounging rooms wore but I spursely tenanted, other than by the ennuled corps of servants; and the few members who had lent the open doors the excuse of their presence were of the elderly type that hides ltBelf behind a newspaper in an easy chair and snorts when addressed. The young man strolled disconso­ lately enough Into the billiard room, thence (dogged by a specter of lone­ liness) to the bar, and finally, In sheer desperation, to the dining room, where he selected a table and ordered an evening paper with his meal. When the former was brought him. he sat up and began to take a new In­ terest in life. The glaring head lines that met his eye on the front page proved as bracing as a slap In the face. “ 'The Maitland Jewels,” ’ he read, half aloud: " ‘Daring Attempt at Burg­ lary. "Mad” Maitland Catches "Hand­ some Dan" Anisty in the Act of Crack­ ing His Safe at Maitland Manor. Which Was Which? Roth Principals Disappear.' ’’ The news-story was exploited as a “ beat;" It could have been little else, Name of “ Mr. Daniels.” since nine-tenths of Its "exclusive de­ She closed the door, grateful that tails" had been born full-winged from Its latch slipped silently Into place, the fecund imagination of a busy re­ and fairly flung herself upon the win­ porter to whom Maitland had refused dow, painfully bruising her soft hands an interview while In his bath, some In vain endeavor to raise the sash. -It three hours earlier. Maitland discov­ stuck obstinately, would not yield. ered with relief that boiled down to es­ Too late, ahe remomhorod that she sentials' It consisted sltnply of the had forgotten to draw the catch— statement that somebody (presumably fatal oversight! A sob of terror himself) had caught somebody (pre­ choked In her threat. Already foot­ sumably Anisty) burglarizing tho li­ steps were hurrying down the hall; a brary safe at Maitland Manor that line of light brightened underneath morning; that one of the somebodies the door; voices, excitedly keyed, (no one knew which) had overpowered bandied question and comment, an un­ the other and left hint In charge of the mistakable Irish brogue minging with butler, who had presently permitted a clear enunciation which she had but his prisoner to escape and then talked too great reason to remember. The for publication. pair had passed Into the next room. It was not to this so much that Mait­ She could hear O'Hasan announcing; land objected. It was the Illustra­ “ No wan here, sor.” tions that alternately saddened and "Then It’s the dlnlgg room, or the maddened the young man; the said Il­ trunk closet. Come along!” lustrations comprising blurred hn'f- One last, frantic attempt! Rut the tone reproductions of photographs window catch, rusted with long dis­ taken on the Maltlnnd estate; a dia­ use, stuck. Panting, sick with fear, gram of the library, as fanciful as the the girl leaped away and crushed her­ text It illuminated, and two portraits, self Into a corner, crouching on the side by side, of the heroes, himself floor behind a heavy box, her dark and Anisty, excellent likenesses both cf the originals and of each other. cloak drawn tip to shield her head. And the door opened. Mr. Maitland did not enjoy his din­ A flood of radiance from the re­ ner. lighted student lamp fell athwart the Anxious and preoccupied, he tasted floor. The girl lay close and still, hold­ the dishes mechanically; and when ing her breath. they had all passed before him, took Ten seconds, perhaps, ticked on Into hls thoughts and a cigar to a gloomy eternity; seconds that were In them­ corner of the smoking room, where he selves eternities. Then: "N o one sat for two solid hours, debating the here, O’Hagan.” matter pro and con, and arriving at The door was closed, and through no conclusion whatever, suve that Hig­ Its panels more faintly came: "Faith, gins was doomed. and the murdhering divvlo must 've At 10:15 he began to contemplate flew th' coop afore ye come In,sor.” with positive pleasure the prospect of The girl tried to rise, to make again discharging the butler. That, at least, for the window; but It was as though was action, something that he could her limbs had turned to water; there do; wherever else he thought to move was no strength In her; and the black­ he found himself baffled by the blank ness swam visibly before her eyes, ra­ darkness of mystery, or by hls fear diating away in whirling, streaky cir­ of publicity and ridicule. cles. At 10:20 he decided to move upon Even such resolution and strong will Greenfields at once, and telephoned as was hers could not prevail against O’Hagan, advising him to profess ig­ that numbing, deathly exhaustion. Her norance of his employer’s where­ eyes closed and her head fell back abouts. agatnst the wall. At 10:22. or in the midst of hls ad­ It seemed but an Instant (though monitions to the Janitor, he changed It was in point of fact a full five min­ hls mind and decided to stay in New utes) ere the sound of a voice again York; and Instructed the Irishman roused her. to bring him a suit case containing a She looked up, dazzled by a gush few necessaries; his intention being to of warm light. ? stay out the night at the club, and so He stood in the doorway, holding the avoid the matutinal siege of his lodg­ lamp high above his head, his face ings by reporters and detectives. pale, grave, and shadowed as he At 10:45 a club servant handed him peered down at her. the card of a representative of the "I have sent O’Hagan away," he Evening Journal. Maitland directed said, gently. " If you will please to that the gentleman be shown Into the come, now—” reception room. At 10:46 he skulked out of the club CHAPTER IX. by a side entrance, jumped Into a cab Procrastination. and had himself driven to the East The cab which picked Maitland np Thirty-fourth street ferry, arriving at his lodgings carried him but a few there just in time to miss the last blocl?» to the club at which he had. the train for Greenfields. previous evening, entertained his law­ Denied the shelter alike of hie lodg­ yer. Maitland had selected It as the ings. his club, and hls country home, one of all the clubs of which he and the young man In despair caused him­ Bannerman were members, wherein self to be conveyed to the Bartholdi he was least likely to meet the latter. hotel, where, possessed of a devil of Neither frequented Its sober precincts folly, he preserved hls Incognito by reg­ by habit. Its severe and classical istering under the name of "M. Dan- building on a corner of Madi­ tele." And straightway retired to hls son avenue overlooking the square, Is room. hut the outward presentment of an la- (TO BE CONTINUED.^ ami mail thorn to us VV« makuthoclothc«, » ’up lhotn ou approval to p>ur friend amt bend you tbe p ro c t mcuujr A Htputar Cinch! That » inn Beauty o f Item- m bnai- uuas fo r yourawif. hit right down new; w rit« ut a n ovu lora Icltar f • -r the true >.t- fit to re $ Mutative». And you $ rl l.ia »w elie»l suit uf faslntinalilo tn1 lor-inado, •II woo*. K in cloth- « s v er w o rn in your neighborhood. I f »..ur personal appear- a a s * an<* a b ig business , ~..rth a or a ’2 -eei.t stamp t-- you. thun a c t now — w nto us today Address UtauCAN WOOLEN MILLS CO.. Oopt. 512, Chicks DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS King James' Complacent Estimate of Royal Dignity as Expressed In Speech. The state of monarchy Is the su- premest thing on earth; for kings are not only God's lieutenants upon earth, and sit upon God's throne, but even bjr God himself they are called gods. There be three principal similitudes that illustrate the state of monarchy. One taken out of the word of God and the other two taken out of the grounds of policy and philosophy. In the Scriptures kings are called gods and so their power Is after a cer­ tain relation compared to the divine power. Kings are also compared to the fathers of families; for a king Is truly perens patriae, the politic fa­ ther of hls people. And lastly kings are compared to the head of this mi­ crocosm of the body of man. Kings are justly called gods, for that they exercise a manner of re­ semblance of divine power upon earth; for If you will consider the at­ tributes to God. you shall see how they agree In the person of a king. God hath power to create or destroy, make or unmake at hls pleasure, to give life or send death, to Judge all and to be Judged nor accountable to none, to raise low things and to make high things low at hls pleasure, and to God are both soul and body due. And the like power have kings; they make and unmake their s ¡bject, they have power of raising and casting down, of life and death. Judges over all their subjects and In all causes and yet accountable to nono but God only. They have power to exalt low things and abase high things, and make of their subjects like men at the chess— a pawn to take a bishop or a knight—and to cry up or down any of their subjects, as they do their money. And to the king Is due both the affection of the soul and the serv­ ice of tho body of hls subjects.—From a Speech of James I. Before Parlla* ment In 1619 HOW TO DOCTOR THE TREES Some Simple Directions for Treating Cavities Which Are Still Small. Many of the so-called tree doctors, xs well as the people who employ them, have become so elated over the Idea of tree surgery that they find iorne cause for treating almost every and any tree, regardless of Its neces­ sities or the results of such treatment, or whether It Is worth while to spend either time or money upon them. A word of caution Is therefore not out of place. If you feel that your trees need attention, look Into tbs matter of tree doctoring, so that you may know something about It, and then call upon a responsible man with a good reputation to do your work. When the tree has been neglected and cavities have formed In the trunk of the tree, something should be dons to slop the Increase of the opening, for, after It has become so large as to en­ circle the greater portion of the tree, or where the entire center has been destroyed, It Is not worth the time and money It takes to properly treat these trees. In cases where the tree can still be treated the cavLy should be scraped and cleaned of.all dead wood, then give the cavity a thorough wash­ ing or spraying with a solution of cop­ per sulphate. This solution, applied to all parts of the cavity, will kill all the remaining rot spores. Now the cavity Is ready to be filled with a ce­ ment mixture, using one part of ce­ ment to three parts of clean, sharp sand. This Is packed Into the cavity, filling It to one Inch of the finished surface, and then apply a covering of ono part cement to one part sand. This Is put on eo as to bring the filling to a smooth surface, making It conform to the contour of the tree trunk. A coat of coal tar may be ap­ plied to discolor the cement and aid In making the filling water tight Question of Disposition. Dlaaatlsfled Patron—Gentle disposi­ tion ! Why, he wants to bite tho head off every dog he meets. I've been swindled!" Dog Merchant — "You didn't ought to keep doge at all, mister. The animals you ought to keep wlv your temperament is silkworms."-« Punch. The Limit. “ He absolutely larks the business Instinct." “ Does he?" "Why, he'd have no more Idea of business than to open a garage In Venice."—Chicago Record-HeraM. Force of Habit. "Do yon know. Dr. Knirera walke. deliberately past me today and neve ■poke." "D ont mind that. Emmy. He's s< need to cutting people that be did i Without thinking."