NEWS OF FALLS CITY Items of Interest About People ami Affairs in this City. v&ttpqg w & w ’tM f ’tp'tfxa Trade with Selig. Let Hartuug Suit you. Mr. Clay Miller was in Dallas, Sunday Bert Hunter visiting friends at Independence. Five dozen picture frames, must "o a t 25c each. D ennis B ros . Mr. and Mrs. S. Raphael were in Dnllas, Sunday. Bring us your old furniture and trade it for new. : I ( /i i D ennis B ros . W. J. Hooker was in Dallas on buiiness, Tuesday. Full line of loggers ana lumber­ men supplies at Selig’s. Mrs Maud Dalby will do plain sewing. Patterns drafted. Lunde sills Old Hickory, Bird- sell and Milburn Wagons. C. L. Starr, of Salem, was a Falls City visitor, Sunday. Several of our citizens are think­ ing of buying automobiles. Theo. Harris and A. E. Myer went to Tillamook Monday. The show at Wagner’s hall to­ night nil! be something good. The wagon road to Black Rock will be completed in a few weeks. Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n, McMinn­ ville. C.Gregory, Agt., Dallas. Ore. J. J. Sammons has been ap­ pointed city engineer bv the coun­ cil. Mrs. C. S. O’Brien returned from Independence tnd Monmouth, Sat­ urday. Local talent vaudeville and mo­ tion pictures at Wagner’s hall to­ night. See that elegant Panel Iron Bed—regulur <28.00 value—now 117.00. D ennis B ros . Fresh Bread,Cakes,Cookies, Pies, etc., every day, at the Falls City Bakery. M iss Marguerite Flower of Salem visited her parents in Falls City, Sunduy. Josh Talbott and Cle\e. Powell are in Falls City from the Siletz country. Mr and Mrs. I. C. Darland of Arilie Halted at \V. T. Brown's last week. Mrs. W. R. Hinshaw and Miss Jean Kuykendall were at Salem, Saturday. Wear International Clothes. Pay less and dress better. Agency at Hartung’s. Mrs. Maud Dalby and son Marion visited Mr8. J. W. Miller at Dallas Wednesday, Heniy Wagner is in a Salem hospital, recovering from a surgi­ cal operation. Say, we have just what you are looking fori Jiew and second-hand D ennis B ros . tents, all sizes. H. Kerr has sold bis interest in the second-hand slore to his part­ ner, C. J. Richey. Mrs. Thompson, of Salem, has taken charge of the dining tool . at the Walker Hotel. We are closing out screen doors and windows. See us before buy­ ing elsewhere. D ennis B ros . Roy Mayfield, of Selig’s store at Black Rock, was in this city on business, Saturday. Cla ence O'Brien and wife, of Powell’s Camp, spent Sunday with friends in Falls City. Before buying your new Buggy, gee the Hercules, Anchor, and Lion, at Lunde’s shop. Mrs. Gussie Patton, of Salem, visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mytr, last week. Richey & Kerr were a warded the contract for the construction of the new Catholic church building. Dr. Alvin T. Powers, of Salem, was in this city, Thursday. See his advertisement on the first page. Are you going to paper your house? Let us show you oar line an d quote prices. D ennis B ros . Wanted, next Saturday evening, enough people to occupy all of the chairs in Wagner’s hall. Vaude­ ville by local talent, and motion 4 pictures, all for one price of admis- was a large attendance and a very Double Birthday Party ■ion. enjoyable evening was spent. The birthday of Mrs. J. D. Warner McKown, who has been Moyer and Mr. Wm. Tice occurs Mr. and Mrs. James Myer and daughter, of Smithfield, visited the living in Portland several months, on the same day—April 14—and and you must prepara for it. I have family of his brother, A. E. Myer returned to th u city, last Saturday, the occurrence was properly cel­ everything in M en’s Hot Weather Ap» Falls City needs factories and and after a short visit with rela­ ebrated on Friday evening of last tives here, will go to L»ke county, week, by a party given at the farmers — job makers — and then parol, such as new fine underwear, residence of Mrs. Moyer, which the job hunters will find what they to reside on bis homestead. Straw and light Fait Hate, S ilk Sooka Rev E. W. Hillis lias gone to was attended Vy about 75 people. want. everything in Men’s and Ladies' Wear A most enjoyable social time, Ira Mehrling was the Falls City Albany to assist Rev.J. F. Lewis in delegate to the State convention of a Beries of meetings. Rev. E. Sayre with games, charades, a solo by T H E BEST O F the Maccabees, at Portland, las* will occupy the pulpit in the Falls Miss Morrison, instrumental mu­ City Free Methodist churh during sic by Mrs. Servey, and other T H E GOOD O N E S week. , the absence of the Rev. Hillis. features that will cause the oc­ The News print shop will give you good service in printing for Effective at once passenger trains casion to be remembered many a S eventh D ay A dvent Services in the Churches of Fads City use in office, business, lodge, and wiil stop on being flagged at King- day by those in attendance. Sabbath school Satuiday 10:00 1 The surprise of the evening wood Park station near West Sa­ C hristian society. Preaching Mrvica “ 11:00a.m. came with the presentation of a lem to receive and d> «charge pas­ Bible School, Sunday, . 10:00 a m. Prayer meeting Wednes., 7:80p.m. Tins glorious weather and the sengers, and will discontinue stop­ fine mission rocking chair to Mrs. Preaching “ . ll'OOa.m. budding trees and blooming Mow­ Moyer, by W. F. Nichols on be­ ping at West Salem 2nd street. Christian Endeavor, . . 6:30 p.m. ers make Oregon the best land in | Easter Program The quarterly meeting which half of the guests. Preaching, . . . . 8:00 p.m. the world. This is part of the program of Refreshments in great variety was held in the Free Methodist Wednes. Teachers Meeting 7:30p m Easter services at the M. E. church Walter Nichols, cashier of the church, this city, lai t week, war and abundance were served. “ Prayer Meeting, . 8:00 p m. last Sunday: Bank of Falls City, was in Dallas Those in attei dance were: well atten red and great interest A cordial invitation is extended Solo—‘‘Lilies’’—Sybil Wilson. on a business errand, Friday.— Mesdames T o o z e , Hinshaw, w'as shown Rev Wilbur N. Coffee to all. “I was glad when they said Declamation—Enaigu Conrter. Dallas Observer. preached »"me very able sermons Nichols, Ellis, Talbott, Rich, Zo­ unto me let us into the house of the “ —Ruth Gottfried. A. B. Hulbard and A. E. Trask during tht meeting. rin, Moyer, Pugh, Chappell, Hall, laird.”—Psalm 122:1. Chorus— “ Hallelujah. are at Zimri Hinshaw’s, in the Si uowe, McKown, Dunton. Selig, M iss Blanche ChnppeJ I was given F rank B. T itus , Pastor. Resurrection—Reader, 11 va Da­ lelz basin, painting the two Cobb & Singletoii, Heycjy»n, Hooker, Den­ a china shower, Wcdne«da\, April man, resposes by Velma Miller, F ree M ethodist Mitchell houses. nis, Lowe, Hunter, Crowley,Ser­ 12th. T h o s e ] rc sent were: Mrs. 1). Clara Sampson, Amy Inman, Sybil Sunday School . . . 10:00 a.m. The McCarty & Vohl Co. was un­ F. Cnurto and s n. the Misses vey, Beezley, and Myer. Wilson, Lucile Tichesior, Alethea “ sermon . . .11:00 a.m. Messrs. Nichote, Hinshaw, El­ able to appear at the Gem this Jennie tud Dora Elkii s.Vola S-lig, Kibbe, Helen Treat. Song and praise service 7:30 p.m. week on account of the sickness of Bertha Frink, Maytnie and Fran­ is, Tooze, Talbott, Zorin, Rich, Song—Eastertime, Eugene 8tarr doyer, Tice, Pugh, Porter, Hall, Evening sermon . . 8:00 p m one of the players. ces Flight, Mrs J. x> Moyer. Song by small children—“Good L.owe, Dunton, Singleton, Hey- Young Men’s Bible Read­ Miss Addie Huggins went to Having interviewed Mr. Selig re­ don, Moyer, Selig, Hooker, Den- Day.” ing and Praj er Service Portland Wednesday, where she garding the special 7-days sale at Tuesday evening, . 7.80 p.m. iis, Lowe. Hunter, Crowley,Ser­ will take a course of treatment by his department store, wt find Mr. Teachers’ Meeting Tues­ vey, Lowe, Thompson, Salisbury, a special physician. Selig is well pleased with the large Beezley, Myers, Starr. day evening at the par­ George Yeaton has leased the trade he has ei joyed during t his sonage ......................... The Misses Cobb, Kuykendall, Tavern Hotel, and is making im­ sale. This is an evidence th at tin Keith, Palmer, White, Fugate, Prayer meeting Wednes­ provements in the service and public' appreciate-* n good store tic d day evening . . . 7:80 p.m. Tooze, Burton, Kuykendall, Zo- changes in the methods. a proprietor that doe.- exactly as •in, Grant, Zorin, Fugitt, Frink. Cottage Prayer Meeting Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Gilbert, of he advertises. Friday evening . . 7:30 p in. Lamar and? Leslie Tooze, Ar­ Portland, were in this city. Tues­ The Falls Citv Band has eon ti- thur Baldwin, Ralph Hooker, Thy testimonies are very sure: day, attending the funeral ol Iheir organized, w:th J. R. James as man­ Kenneth Rich, and Carolyn Ellis Holiness becometn thine )n-uie, O little niece, Nita Holman. ager. The News voices the senti­ Lord, forever.—Psalms 93-5. Sewing E r n e s t W. H i l l i s , Pastor. C. J. Richey has constructed a ment of the community by statini. Obituary Machine mission • style settee, entirely of that indoor and outdo« r evening Little Nita, aged 2 years, 5months M ethodist E piscopal wood, for C. Munson. The settee is concerts would not only enliven .nd 5 days, daugh ter of Mr. and Sur day School, . . 10:00 a.m. Needles the town, but also would create a •Irs. F. J. Holman, died at their Preaching, Sunday . . 11:00 a.m. a fine specimen of woodcraft. o f a ll The Young Men’s Social Club is greater public interest in the wel­ .iome in Falls City, Tuesday, April Evening Song Service, 8:00 p.m. kinds 8, 1911, from an attack of sugar seeking a hall in which to hold fare of this musical organization. Class meeting “ . . . 12:00 a.m liabetes. Ben. F. Beezley, surveyor of Polk meetings and athletic exercises Juanita LaVerne Holman was born Epworth League, . . .7:00 p.m. county and civil engineer, went *n The membership is increasing. in Falls City Sept. 3, 1908, but the Ladies’ Aid Society, Profs. J. E. Dunton and L. E. Toledo, Monday, where he will do greater part of her short life was Wed lies Jay afternoon. Mills walked *o Dallas, Saturday, some expert highway engi,.c erii g «pent in Black Rock. Prayer Service, Friday 7:80 p.m. and were brought to Falls City in for the commission« rs of Lincoln The little one has never been well Song Practice, “ 8:00 p.m. county. Mr. Beezley is a most but shr. bor" her sufferings most pa­ the afternoon cn the motor car. E. M. L o c k e t t , Pastor. worthy ‘native son’ of Falls City tiently. Mrs. T. D Hollowell will repre­ and Ids Ilia j friends b re ace Nita was ‘loved Ly everyone, and sent the Falls City Rebekali lodge pleased to know that he is making with her sweet, winning manner her at the annual Assembly to be held an enviable leputation as an ex­ friends were without number and at Portland, May 16, 17 and 18. her fairy face will be sadly missed pert surveyor and engineer. Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Zorin are now by us all. packing their household goods and The funeral service was conducted Base Ball by the Rev. LaDow at the M. E, preparing to visit various places in The Commercial Club ball team church, Wednesday, April 19th, at California, during the Summer. While house cleaning, ta le your had a praitice game with other lo­ 2 p. m., and music was furnished by the choir of that church. Many old heater to the blacksmith shop cal p'ayers^at city park last Sun­ beautiful flowers were contributed. day afternoon, in which they made and Lunde will put in new lining, a showing of improvement. With Our little Nita’s gone to rest. making it better than when new. one or two new players and more Her suffering all Hre o’er; The dance given by the Falls careful practice, this club will be­ Home, sweetly there on Jesus’ breast City orchestra last Saturday night We are ready for you with Where pain can harm no more. come the best Falls City ever had. was well attended and the finan­ a superior assortment o f Base ball is the nation-wide Am­ A flower indeed was she, too fair cial result was very satisfactory erican sport. It fs free from the all To fjrow on earthly ground; Did you know ‘ Davis, the plum­ the faults of other sports, and tin- 'Twas Jesus plucked her from our ber” has a full set of tools and game will be conducted here this care material and can do first-class seas«)., in a msimei to entitle it to To place her in His crown. plumbing and heating of all kinds? the support and encouragement of Nothing o l d ! Nothing carried over Our hearts with anguish sorely bleed from last season! Everything ne w, Miss Hammond taught the sing­ all lovers of the sport. Since darling Nita’s gone; stylish—Just the kind of goods you are ing class, Saturday, for the M. E. The Monmouth team will play In prayer submissive still we plead looking for at this time! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Easter service, after which they ate the Commercial club team at citv Thy will, not ours, be done! lunch and hunted wild flowers in park tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon We wish to express our sincere ap­ the woods. at 2:30, admission 10and 25c, ladies preciation of the great kindness, NEW KOBE SILKS, all the wanted shades at 35c yard Miss Bertha Frink went to Port­ tree. Go and ¡on Falls City win. sympathy and courtesy extended to NEW SHANTUNGS, all colors • • 35c yard land, Tuesday, where she met her us during the illness and burial of sister, Mrs. E. Leavitt, of Chouteau, New School Building at Black Rock our Little Nita, and also to all for the many beautiful flowers contrib­ Mont., and they came to this city The school diieetors held a meet­ uted. M r , and M rs . F. J. H olman Wednesday. ing at Black Rock last Mondav, at­ The International Bible Stu­ tended bj directors G.M. Ticeai-d Falls City Real Estate Transfers dents’ Association will held meet­ C. F. Vick and a number of the towna hfprt routh, ran ge * weit, ings at Oakdale school house on patrons of the school. It was de­ (Falls v.Ity ie W in illam ette Meridian). Sundays at 2:30 p. m., until fur­ cided to buy a site and build a i ew L. A. Willcock and G. B. Mas­ ther notice. school house, the whole cost not to ters to C A. and C. B. Willcock, The ball game here last Satur­ exceed 12,000, the expense to be 15 acres, town. 8 south, range 6 day between the Monmouth and paid from the proceeds of a bond west, $203. Falls City high school base ball sale. This will give our neighbors teams was won hy Falls City in a a good school building with a pla; •core of 5 to 25. ground—something they need. The Falls City and Dallas high Sermon by Rev. James Moore school l ase ball teams will play at In fact, you will find here new goods city park, today. Lloyd Ellis is Dealers in District superintendent Moore of of all kinds that will appeal to you as captain and J. E. Dunton manager the Salem district will preach H to style, quality and price. We ask no of the Falls City team. the M. E ’ hurch next Lord's Dsv odds, but contend Mr. Buyer, you are You've got the time if you’ve evening. Please bear tins in mind not fair to yourself unless you compare got the price. It will not be hard and plan to hear him. He will in­ our prices, item for item with those ob­ to find the girl who will escort you terest you. There will be some of all kinds tainable elsewhere. to the big show at Wagner’s hall, special music in the service. Saturday night, April 22. Furni­ The interest in the M. E, church Picture Frames made ta order ture supplied by Denuia Bros. going campaign is increasing each Also all k.nda of Mrs. I. G Singleton attended a week, for which we are very grate­ reception at the home of Mr. and ful. If vou haven’t got into the Cabinet Work Dose Mrs- S. T. Jones, in Dallas, Tues­ campaign yet, begin by coming to Prioes reasonable day evening. Music and readings the Sunday evening service waa the order of the evening. There E a » l M L ocectt , Pastor. HOT WEATHER IS COMING BEN. SERVEY Everything in Jewelry C. J. PUGH Spring Showing of New Goods NEW SPRING GOODS C. J. Richey New Spring Suits, New Gordon Hats, New Flörsheim and American Gentlemen’s Shoes and Oxfords New R. G. Corsets Now and Used Goods N. SELIG FALLS CITY DEPARTMENT STORE r