Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, April 22, 1911, Image 4

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    Œhr 3Falla
Editer =
R. E.
C. W. L E E = » fa n f t ir « r
Entered as second - riatta mail matter ai the
pernottile At F a ll» City Folk v ounty, Oregon,
under the Act ut Congress oí Waich 3, lt*79.
Subucriptien Rat«a: One year, $1.50; six month«.
$1.00; tl -«• months. 75 cents; single eopy. 5 cents.
Advertising Kates; Reading notices. 5 cents a line j
straight. Display ad. rates given to ailvertiserak
Official Directory of Falls City
M a y o r , ............................ F. K. Hubbard
Councilman - H Griffin, N. A. Lunde, H. E.
Starr. Richard Paul, W. T Grier C. 0. Jolm*
son, J. O. t hamberlain.
Auditor and P.iltce Judge. .
M. G. Kills
City M a r s h a l , ............................ L. W. Zorin
City Attorney.............................. W. J Hooker
City Engineer,
B. F. fteexley
The council meets In regular session on the
llrst and third Tuesday evem u gsoi each month,
at the ottica of the Falls Citv Lumber ('o.
S a t u r d a y , A p r il 22. 1911
Temperature at Falls City
Thermometer readings (in the shade)
North front of T he N ews office, in
Falls City, 8 a.m., 12 noon and 6 p.m.
F'igures indicate degrees above zero.
z. —
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Canary birds sang in a Portland
church choir on Plaster Sunday.
W. J. H ooker ,
Assistant Cashier
Bank of Falls City
Published on Saturday of each week.
W. F. N ichols ,
W il l ia m s ,
C ity , P oi . k C ounty . O keuon
Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time
Deposits. Exchange sold on ail points in the United States.
Notary Public officially connected with the Bank.
Midnight In Th* Ozark*
a.id yat sleepless Hiram Scranton,
of Clay City, 111, cough'd a,.d
coughed. He was in tli■■ mom -
tains on the advice of five doctors
a ho said ho had consumption, hut
found no help in the climate, and
started home. Hearing of Dr.
K in g’s New Discovery, he began
to use it. “ I believe it saved my
life,” he writes “ 1. r it made a new
man of me, so that I can now do
good work again .” For all lung
diseases, coughs, colds, la grippe,
asthma, croup, whooping cough,
hay fever, hemorrhages, lioirsr-
nsss or quinsy, its the best known
remedy. Price50c and $1.00. T iia l
bcttle free. Guaranteed by all
The Willamette River is to be made
navigable to Corvallis, eventually,
if present government plans prevail.
A waterway to Portland will help to
develop the numerous river towns.
50,000 pounds o f mohair was sold
at auction in Dallas, last Saturday,
at 35 1-2 cents a pound. This county
produces about 150,000 of the 300,000
pounds of mohair annually grown in
Oregon. _________________
Two months ago the town o f North
Plains, in the Tualitin valley, con­
sisted o f a house, a tent, the Unitei
Railway station; it now liHs40house:,
150 inhabitants, a weekly newspaper,
the Sentinel, and a commercial club.
Political parties are being broken
up in the mad rush for office on the
part of irresponsible politicians wh<
could get nothing under party rule,
but who float into positions o f pub­
lic trust carrying the banner, ‘ ‘more
power to the people.”
Is boosting Falls C ity at
all tim es and for all th a t
is deemed good for Falls
C ity ’s presentand future
w elfare. You are invited
to join in this good work
Christian Church
Every fam ily and
those who reside in the country
should be provided at all times
with a bottle of Chamberlain's L in ­
iment. There is no te l’ ing when it
may be wanted in case o f an acci­
dent or emergency. It is most ex­
cellent in all cases of rheumatism,
sprains and bruises. Sold by all
good druggists.
Following the death o f Secretary
o f State F. W. Benson Friday, April
14, Ben W. Olcott was appointed to
succeed him by Governor Oswald
Mr. Olcott was born and
reared in Illinois, but has spent
many years in Oregon; is a young
man well qualified by experience
Falls City Postoffice Time Card
and native ability to administer the
Effective March 20, 1911
affairs o f the high office, to which
Mail arrives from Dallas and Sa­
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Is
lem daily, except Sunday, 10:30
pleasant to take, soothing and o f the Republican party. While Mr.
a.m., and 3 p.m.
Olcott is n o t widely acquainted
healing in effect. Sold bv all good
throughout the State, the character Mail arrives from Black Rock daily
o f men who are among his closest
except Sunday at 11:20 a.m., and
friends is a tribute to his moral and
closes for Black Rock daily ex­
S ave d Mis M o t h e r ' s Life.
financial integrity, and the State is
Sunday at 9:45 a.m.
“ Fourdoctors had given me up,’ ’
assured o f a successful and honest
for Salem daily except
writes Mrs. Lau a Gaines, o f Avn- administration.
and 2:45 p.m.
ca, La., “ and my children and all
Mail closes for Dallas daily except
my friends were looking for me to
Your tongue is coated.
Sunday, 10:30 a.m. and 5 :35 p.m.
die, when my son insisted that I
Your breath is foul.
Mail closes f i r Dallas and Salem,
use Electric Billers. I did so, and
Headaches come and go.
Sundays only, at 11:30 a.m.
they have done me a world of good.
These symptoms show that your
Hours: D aily, opens 8 a. m.,
[ w ill always prmse them.” Elec­ stomach is the trouble. To re­
6:80 p .m .; Sundays, 12, to
tric Bitters is a priceless blessing move the cause is the first thing,
to women trouble'1 with fainting and Cham berlain’ s Stomach and ! 1 p.m.
J. E. B e e z l k y , Postmaster.
and dizzy spells, backache, weak­ i Liver Tablets w ill do that. E^.*y
ness, debility, constipation, or kid­ to take and most effective. Sold
Call for Warrants
ney disorders. Use them and gain by all good druggists.
N O T IC E is hereby given that all
new health, strong anti .viiior.
Isolated Polk County warrants presented
They’ re guaranteed to satisfy or Notice for Publication
and endorsed “ not paid for want
Tract. (Publisher)
money refunded. Only 50c at ail
funds,” w ill l.e paid upon presen­
Depart merit of the Interior.
ts! inn at my office. No interest
U. S. Land Office, at Portland. Oregon.
Carpenters: 20 and 22 years ago
w ill be allowed after date of this
March 25,1911.
Avery & Opdyke of Portland and N OTICE is hereby given that. a> directed by notice. Dated this 6th day of April.
the Commissioner of the General Land
Hall Bros, o f Fiast Portland, Ore., Office, under pi »visions t)f «<• t of Congress ap­ 1911, at my office.
pro veil June 27, P. hm . (M Stat-v. M7). we v. ill ofirr
sold the Self-Setting Planes, made at public sale, to the highest bidder at 1C
T r a c y S t a a t s , Co. T r e a s .
o’clock A. M ..ou tlie 11th day of May. 1911,at
by Gage Tool Co.; now eight deal­ this < ffice, the follow in g described latiu ;
Lot l (18.90acres) of Section 9. and Lot l (29.72
ers in Portland sell them. Stewart acres) of Section 10. Township 7 South, Kangc 0
West, W illam ette Meridian,
Hardware Co. of Seattle, have an
Anv persons claim ing adversely the above*
lands arc ndvi>cd to lile their c.Hires,
older o f these celebrated plane* described
or objections, on or before the time designated
II. F. H1GBY, Register.
now on the way direct from tilt- for sale.
J. COR DREY R* nh * i ver.
factory at Vineland, N. J.
The board o f superintendents of
the State institutions have decided
to interchange the articles they man­
| Subscribe for The News and
ufacture— where clothing is made, it
will be made for all, and other ar­
Chamberlain’s Stomach and L iv ­
help boost for Falls City.
ticles in the same manner. This is an er Tablets assist nature in driving
economy that will result in a benefit all impurities out of the system,
to all concerned.
W e have bad so many Inquiries
insuring a free and regular condi­
tion and restoring the organs of lately regarding Eczema and other j
skin diseases, that we ate glad to
The case o f alleged bribery in the
the body to health and strength. make our answer public. After ear*-
election o f ‘ ‘ Blonde Boss” Lorimer,
(ul investigation we have found that
o f Chicago, to the U. S. Senate, wi s Sold by all good druggists.
not settled for good when he was
Trade what you don’ t want for
voted a good character by the other
senators. Now his boastful friends what you do want, and he happy.
claim that they raised a ‘slush fund’
K ic k e d b y a M a d H o r s *
o f $100,000 to secure his election.
Samuel Birch, o f Beetown, \Vis.,
Providence will need to get busy and
had a most narrow escape from
save him a second time.
losing his leg, as no doctor could
The Christian churches wereat first heal the frightful sore that deve­
independent organizations; then they loped, hut at last Bucitlen’ s Arnica
united to secure uniformity in teach­ Salve cured it com pletely. Its the
ings; then they were divided into
greater healer of ulcers, burns,
two groups, then three, and furthur
boils, eczema, scalds, cuts coma,
division and subdivision has been go­
eo IJ sores, bruises attd piles on
ing on during the past four hundred
years. A few men now advocate the eaith. T ry it. 25c at all druggists.
union o f these separated forces; they
believe the divisions have reached
the limit. Others will join them in the
course o f time, and the work o f un't-
ing the churches may go on for a few
hundred years.
The city council met in regular
session, Tuesday evening, with
all members o f the administra­
tion present.
Jahn Construction Co. given
till noon today to sign water sys­
tem contract. (This company has
already signed up and will soon
be at work).
A new, complete plat o f the
city is to be made.
North and South Main, Bridge,
Montgomery, Lombard and Par­
ry streets are to be improved.
Council adjourned to meet Sat­
urday night, April 22.
Sunday m ern in g— 11 o ’clock sub­
ject: Elders’ Qualifications, Ordin­
ations, Dut'es.
Evening service, 8— W lint Jesus
left for us.
A ll cordially invited to these
F\ B. T i t u s , Pastor.
$80 per month straight salary
Under the new forestry law, out­ and expenses, to men with rig, to
door fires are unlawful from June 1 introduce our Poultry Remedies.
Don’t answer unless you mean bus­
to October 1, in this State.
iness. Eureka Poultry Food M fg.
The Amercan Bible Society has se­ Co.,(incorporated)E. St. Louis, 111.
lected April 26 as the date for cele­
brating the translation o f the Bible
Prpmpt relief in all cases of
into English.
throat and lung trouble if you use
Secretary o f State Frank W. Ben­
son died at Redlands, Calif., April
14th. Ben. W. Olcott has been ap­
pointed to the office o f secretary of
State by Governor West.
Diarrhoea should he cured with­
out loss o f time and by a medicine
which like Chamberlain’s Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
not only ettras prom ptly hut pro-
daces no unpleasant after effects,
The very moment an incorporated it never fails and is pleasant and
town decides to do something to im­ safe to take. Sold by all good
prove conditions, the grafters and
grabbers get busy and want to do
the work and take all the privileges
N e v e r O u t c f W e rb .
and the proflts. The town o f Glad­ . * T h f busiest little things ev^r
stone, near Portland, needs a water
made are Dr. K in g ’« New Life
supply, and now comes an outsider
Pill*. K rery pill it a sugar-coated
who modestly asks a 60-year fran­
globule o f health, that change*
chise, offering Lie town an option to
buy the completed plant at $2S,4A0. weakness into atrength, that lan­
The troubiee o f Hood River ought to guor into energy, brain-fag into
furniah a valuable lesson to other mental power; curing constipation,
Oregon towns in the matter o f wa­ Headache, Chille, Dyspepsia, Ma­
ter works franchises.
laria^ Only 26c at all druggist*.
a simple wash of OH of Wlntergreen,
as compounded in 1> D. D., can be r#-
lied upon. W e would not make this
statement to our patrons, frllnds and
neighbors unless we were sure of It—
and although there are many so-called
Eczema remedies sold, we ourfcelves
unhesitatingly recommend D D. D. I
Because— W e know that It gives In- !
•tant relief to that torturing itch
Because — D. D. D. starts the cure at j
the foundation of the trouble.
Because— It cleanses, soothes and
heals the skin.
Because— It enables Nature to repair
the ravages of the disease.
Because— The records of tea year«
of complete cures of thousands of re
most serious rases show that D. D. D.
Is today recognized as the absolutely,
reliable Eczema cure.
Drop Into our store today, Just to
talk over your case with us
M. L . T hompson .
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Just received afresh
lot of Ruger’s Cali­
fornia PERFUME!
And let us put
some on your
If y o u
lik e
Tell your friends
Everything in the line of can­
dies and nuts, always Fresh and
Clean. Fine cigars and tobacco
a specialty.
A Pleased Customer is
a Profitable Customer.
Falls City needs
and must have a
good newspaper
underthe present
ma n a g e me n t is
the best paperthe
city ever had, and
will be improved ,