Falls City News GOOD FRUIT TREES. FRENCH BROTHERS p u b l is h e r s . A Good Foundation Will C. F. FRENCH Support a Good House. EDITOR: The Oregon Nnraery Co’s fruit - ______________________ ‘------ , trees, one year old and 4 to C feet Kntersd as second class mail high on three year old rmts will matter at the post-office ut i *11® (support a better tree than the City, Oregon, under the act of Con* L ieo. root lfu commonly sold, liie s s of March 8, 1879. Issued ' . , , Kiess Hundreds have d< monstrated, nnd every Wednesday. thousands are convinced that they F a r Y e . r ............................................................. »1 > I ■ i i «umbered with trees that WEDNESDAY, Aug. 11., I'J'J'J. " ' n “ long time in producing PHOTOGRAPHS POST CAP.DS a specialty. All kinds of OUT DOOR photo’s tak­ en at Reasonable prices. Satisfac­ tory work or money refunded. L L Brooks. Phone 2221. T( By ^Copyright, FLORA MILLIGAN. Us’«, by A m erican ciation. J Tress A ss o ­ K. E. Williams President T H E N E W S Does J O B P R IN T IN G . 'A s iic i A illism s Cashist BANK OF FALLS CITY T IM E C A R D NO. 4 Falla City, Oregon I flective April 1, 19C8. " ** No. 3 No. : Pass. urn. .’ass. A n d Freight. Freight. P. M. A. M 1:16 7:10 1:34 7:29 1:38 1:43 7:38 1:55 7 ;fi0 2:30 SL50 STATIONS Lv. Ar. «'Ir. Ar. Ar. Ar. illaidì ntp «n lignai only. DALLAS aTKATS aGILLAMS »BRIDGEPORT FÀLL8 CITY BLACK ROCK Daily «ictpl Sunday. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. No. 2 to 1 Pass, and Fass, and Freight. Freight. A.M. P. M. 10:55 5:05 No stop No stop 10:27 4:87 10:22 4:82 10:10 4:20 9:30 8:00 ” = = = = = tl 1 - 1 1 J. T1 ■■■—«:•= Does A General Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits Exchange Sold on all Points in the U. S. Subject to change Mihaul Rolitt. Now Is The Time! "1 m aintain," said Brown, “that life I k a cam e of ( arils. It consists of two iiuaffisar luna ixirts skill and luck.” INDKPENHENCE Ai MON.M< PTIf MOTO W B . McKOWN LINE TIME TABLE. When you uu^ht to have those old teeth removed and "How ubout tin- condition of life Drayinj; Busineks. All Kinds into which one is Isirn?” said Junes. FROM INDEPENDENCE. $et ready for some new ones. You will feel better, "That’s a part of the- luck. A man Is of Wood for Sale Prop, of Hearse. FOR DALLAS born Into certain circum stance« in lieu Leave Independence, daily 6:00 ¡ ¡ . hi .- 1\ Fails City, Oregon eat tetter and be better. Come right up and see Monmouth, 6:15 a. m. ; ar, Dallas, 6:40 a. l . of cards and i ertulu ability in lieu of Leave Independence, daily. ii:05 a. m . ;l v . sk ill.” J. H - F L O W E R , Monmouth, 11-20 a. m .; ar, Dallas, 11:15 a. in. what can be done for your mouth. "And is opportunity a part of the Leave Independence, daily 6:15 p. r Attorney-at-Law Monmouth, 6:30 p. m.-.’ar. Dallas, 6:55 m. card s?” 'Office on Main Htreet FOR AIRLJK “Yes; that Is to be counted with Leave Independence, daily. 7.30 a. m .: lv. luck.” Falls City, - Oregon Monmouth, 7 • H) a. m .: ar. A irlie, 8:15 u i. "Suppose one lias plenty of skill, but ^ Cver postoffice, Falls City. Leave Independence, duily, 3:30 j>. in.; lv. U ■ land above describ'd, “One may be ruined by go. d luck . ” ! before Register and Receiver, at I ortlaud, Ore- FROM AIRLIE and not be at the slightest fault." witli the completion of our railroad g0n,on i ••->th day of s. rM,.i, r, Livery, Sale and Feed Barn. Leave Airlie, daily. 9 a. in.; 'v. Monmouth, "Tb it statem ent on Its face Is In- | . I C laim ant names as witm > e « ; '»“’ rge H. H a y , G ra in , F io u r Feed, W o o d 9-35 a. m ,; ar. Independence, 9-.r0 a. m. (This to.Salcm. Let people know we an „ , ,„yJ K. Smith corn - I, a i ait rati i- t ion," replied Brown. \ First Class Tennis and Rigs. tra in connects ut Monmouth for Dallas.) "1 can gin - you a case." on th e m ap an d the t litre of ooic.r- f K"" ' ° r"'-'"n- •'»>■ K 11 r • R’-» l eave Airlie, daily, 5-05 p. m.: lv. Monmouth. , O rd e rs t i,k e n f o r a ll fa rm im p le m e n t s 1 1 I Lodge, Oregon, A rth u r Beaver of Rote Lodg* "Hu so,” said Jones. “ If you satisfy j fS. T. N n v k i r k , Falls City, Oregon. 5-lC p. in.; ar. Independence,-5-55 p. m. t un it V. Or. sm. us In tin- matter you may order the J TAi-9 1 6 Alirsnson S. D reiser. Beiri.ter. FROM MON.MOI I II ONLY . ’ h o n e 101 f r e e ’ d e liv e r y F a lls C ity O r e g o n le i dinner Hie house affords and I ©ictfon Jfivc r e li e f Been., Leave Monmouth for Independence, d aily at | w ill pay for It.” M c M i n n v i l l e , o r e . H cmhsk H k pr s , c a p ita lis ts , b u si­ 50 p. m. n jt ic e 1 : ': p u b l i c a t i o n “V.'ltli a bottle * f champagne ns my CllAfcv GREGORY, Agent, ness men and lu lm rc is w ill fin d a coutrllqilIon." supplemented ltrown. ( Publisher.) rf-T ^ 5V - O-— Dallas, Ore. “Hone," said the stranger. "Had It j multitude of ippol Umilici- to bet- j ................................... .. . . . ^-V 'i) -¿ j ^ . I Department of the Interior, not been for ton much good luck 1 t er t hemsel ves by comi ng to tl.i to <5? should now be dining and wining oth­ • W. B. OFFICER, I C IT Y B A R B E R p city. T he n is e m p l o y m e n t f..r the ! 1 : • Codiami ' ers Instead of accepting your bounty. | P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n Julv. 1DÜÎI. giving you nothing Imt an illustration | working m a n , as our miii are mi Office i n t hilco tt Bldg, < pposit The Taver n. 4 SHOP ou tim t Frank M. Bel!, of in return. When 1 was a young i ^. iii Phone 231 liiiiL fu ll tiiiic*. liollh s I« 1 t in m a n iny father, il lug. told me that Ills [ . • r 11 F alls C ity , - -. O regon . OI in-Ml' IMt« llif lli a i d 1 ili* ill ,i brother, my uncle, who v.as a m il-. FALLS CITY, OREGON « nth. n , Itonalre bachelor. Intended to make me ! H jji'culatioi for tilt* u i[» ¡ta li his lic'r and I mu t tie very clrcmn- > UVEKYTLING HKST CLASS AND d ) sp ed in my trealm ciit of him. 1 had | % to t i. 'j U n i n a* enough to see the shunth>u H o n tic f LT-iO-DAlE 1C u t\ and"— li «1 >» >* id Went ••Overdid It.” Brown put In. "You H ELEGANT PkkCELAIN PATHS % L ne i27. (> I MIDan. of 1, 11 C lty.o , - , H,i [>' », 1 ills-listed him, nnd your”— | .Skro I«, of lo ll» l ily . Ori-goii, i v u r ... Ilykc nt nil.” the stranger went on. F a i . i j * C i i y . R ALPH H A L L , P ro p . - OliKCO N . ; j r 1 Native Limostcnos to Ee TcstoJ i m»n of Palla f i I/. O r . , 1 rry Noot, u t Sail« "I "Not grew very fond of him and did J t c ity Or.-Kon. 5 1 7 B o a ru T r ii'f e , P o rt a r d O re . not need to pretrial to lie Interested at fa n s ’-: s' .¡versity. ~ I 0 Alsenaoii S I’r S i r 1 rigati r Lot!; Photo ilson Building. : In him. He was smart enough to per- ' reive this, and we grew nearer together j CY ENGINEERING DEPAfiTWüriT NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. every day. The old gentleman was 1 \ . A, , J i, very /olid of playing poker h.tinls for] > ( P u b lis h e r ) * : > " - ’ " '' : - : a sm all stake. Every night before lie Alty. at Law. •; v . M i | i » n I C o u n t i e s a n d T « n s Mny H /e tl Departqiont of tie; Interior, u out to bed lie Insisted oil my sitting | Benefit F o r t h e Asi-infj— M a t e r i a l , Collections, Notary Public, i I. ' ■ . ' . : . - — '* - - down with him for an hour at tills di- j р. s. Land office, nt poitland ore. version." ’ - H —__ __ a n d M e th o d « F o u n d T h a t Will Make ' resulis. F alls C ity is on the eve of be­ ’1 lie ortgon Nursery Co’s, trees coming a mudi larger, iRon pi : are giown on new lands and are perous and thriving city, as m t ' ..|u:ely fr< • fr-uu disease, mouth will put us in direct rai - I' >n’t buy the cheapest trees road connection with tin ■ -aj•,t»■ I 11 "d stung, hut buy the best , , . , ,. and be satisfied, nnd outside world. ______________ Information cheerfuly given by T hi s locality is tin; term d in - -ing, d. W’. Pennebaker, Polk ci unty’s rich fruit ami Lent tle.-miui of II e Co. for folk und M. rion c o m itie s ing lands on the west, j oi ni ng tic 1 immense column of timber betm ci NOTICE FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . here and the coast, making Fab- - (P u b lis h e r .) City the main point of tli • benefit I)p;iartinent of the Interior. derived therefrom. Dr. Atwood, Dentist. I G. D. T R EA T . Dealer !n Tim ber Lands W anted Dr. J. Vintcn Scott W i l l b .y iff:- i ,i th e o w n e r and pay him Cash FOR ROCK NELSON July 31, 190!) M a c a d a m L a s t Indefinitely. The eiiglueeriiig (lefuirtim'iit of lli(> Notice in hereby given thijl < Hlcb W. "her 1’tllv cn lty el’ Kansas lias decided to man, of Kalis City Oregon, who on March 24. MH»( marlu homestead en try No. 017:t:i, for Join (he good rends movement, from H NW 1-4, Section *f>, Township 7 Mouth, Range 9, Hew ell it will he <-<] 11 Ipp.-d In ; Ive the West W illam ette M eridian, has tiled notice of Ixjnellt ef ¡IS tcstlle: Inioirr-Tlos to in ten tio n to inul; • Final Comm utation Proof, the counties nnd cities in the - late of to cstaalish claim to land above described, be K ansas on road muterlnls and motli- tore Register am i Receiver at Port land, Ore­ ods. ,\ bulletin will lie pntillslied si..... gon, on the 13th d aj of September, 1909 c la im a n t names as witnesses: W illiam F. l»y the department giving tlie standard tests on more than 200 mini pies of Booe, of Falls City Oregon, Levi M Grallies, of Kalis City, Oregon, Jan et W aller, of p alls City limestone from the eastern half of the W illiam l). Campbell of Falls City Ore­ slate. The regents established a test­ Oregon, gon. Algenson 8. Dresser, ing station at latwrenco about a year H U H Register ago, but up to this time there have been no funds to publish the results of the tests that have boon made. The N O T IC E f o r p u b l i c a t i o n . tests in the lirst bulletin lire of stones ( Publisher) available for niaendninlzlng, of which Department of the Intrror. there Is praetleally an unlimited amount. 1!. s. Land office, at Portland ore. In 1905 Professor W. C. Ifond, who J u l y HI, 1909. lias charge of the work, had two sen­ ior students begin an Investigation of Notice 1» hereby given tbM Lou I- Mortimer tile valneof Kansas linn tones for routl- Robertson of Falls« iky. Oregon, who on March mnktng, and they tested nearly a hun- 24. 1!H)9, m ade Homestefld Kntry No. 01731, for dred samples. In tin* following year Wl 2 of S\V 1 1 of Section 26. El 2 of SEl-4 of Sec­ two more students, Edward N Noyes tion 27, Township , South, R an ge9, West Will ette M eridian, has died notice of intention and D. ( ’. MeConnughy. carried on tile am to make final comm utation proof, to establish tests. Last year more tests were made claim to land above described, before Register from time to time until the depart­ and R eceiver at Portland. Oregon, on t he 13th ment has a good idea of what lime­ d ay of September. 1909. stones w ill make tntu admit roads. C laim ant names as witnesses: Caleb W. Sher­ There Is a wonderful difference In man, of Kalis City. Oregon, W illiam K. Booe them, some being praetleally worth of Fell« City Oregon. W illiam 1». Campbell of Jess, while others nnd they are In the Falls City Oregon, Clarence A. Jones of Kails C iyty Oregon, Algenson 8. Dresser, m ajority—are first class material. * Register Two tests are applied, one to deter­ * 4 ,9 8 mine the toughness and wearing on-jp ties of the stones s —• , —« me other to Ot‘- NOTICE t'OK PUBLICATION tie ho oeme 7 ,n jy. proi>ertles of ( Publisher) tl o p..w-( er that * b , tlH. roil(1 Department of the Interior, f, n,n< t lp ”yo ar of trafBe. It some- good that a stone that Is с. s. Land office at Portland Ore. ,iA one respect Is worthless on July 81, 1008. ..mut of the lack of the other ()unll- Notice is hereby f iven that Eugene Allen, of ♦y. W earing qualities are determined by the stundaril ‘T nm ."” test, which Butler Oregon, who, on March 23, 1909. Made Homestead Entry No, 01693 for SKI-4 of NWl 4, was originated In France thirty years 81-2 of MCI 4. Section M SWl-4 of NW l 4 Section ago The samples of some are broken IS, Township 7, South. Rat ge 9, W est W ilbrn - Into uniform pieces, so tlint fifty will ette M eridian, has tiled notice of intention to weigh approxim ately eleven pounds. make final com m utation proof, to establish They are put Into a "n itller," which claim to land above described, before Refester consists of an Iron cylinder, set nt an and Receiver at Portland Oregon on the 14th angle of thirty degrees with the axis day of September 190$. C laim ant names as witnesses Phil IfcAee of of rotation. In the test, lasting five Toney Ct S u tler Oregon. hours, the cylinder Is rotated 100.000 B utler Oregon, II. McLeod of R ntler Oregon. Hugh Black ot times, and the aniouot ground off the Job S u tler Oregon, Algenson H. Dresit«r. taoipies In that time \>f weight de­ 8 4 .9 8 Register. termines the measure of wearing qual­ ity of the stones. In making the ce­ ment test the |>owder Is taken from NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. the "rattler" and mixed with water. (Publisher) It 1* allowed to hardeu In cylindrical Department of the Interior. briquettes and Is tested for Its resist­ ance under the trip hammer. r . s. l and office at Portland ore. "We expect to l>* aide to make tests J u l y 31, 19J9. from now on for nny town or county that has a m aesilsm ixing project un­ Police In hereby »Iren that P hillip McGee. o( der way," said Professor lload, “and B utler O refen. who. on March XX. law. made I believe the work will be a gTent HolnCMtead K d lr, No.OIMft for 81 28WI 4»ectlon thing for the good rosds movement In IS, and N i l NWl 4 ot recllon IS. Townohlp 7. the state. There are any amount of South, K an fc 9 West W lttam ette M eridian, has notice of Intention to make Hnal com mu limestones which. If properly selected | Men tatfon proof, to establish claim to land above and put on the roads, w ill make roads d i scribed, before the Kes iater and Rceeirer at that last Indefinitely.” Portland Oreaon. on the 14th day of September There are only six other testing sta ­ i»n tions In the United M ates that are I The claim ant names as witnesses: Kufene equipped for the tests now being made Allen, ol Butter O refon. II. I. Tolley of Butler at the university The only other one Oreaon. Job McLeod of Butler Oregon, Hugh west of Ohio la at the lows Agricul­ i Btaek of Bu-ier Oregon j M. V 8 Algenson 8. Dresser. Receiver. tural college.- Kansas City Star. I O re g o n . "I see,” said Brown. "You were -dlly D a ll a s , enough to let him will, and It angered j lilnu” Prof. Eoscoe Ballantyne "Or to w in Ills money,” milled Jones. : instructor in "I must do either one or the other, gentlemen, and so I did in the end, but P ia n o a n d O rg a n I shall come to that In a moment. For Phone 1246 Dallas, Oregon. W f * * * WHEN YOU SHOOT a time the game wavered between us. i [jSC’j You want . KI T what you arc aiming at Sometimes my uncle and sometimes I - he it bird beast or t.-ir."ct. Make your would be ahead. But one night, the . ( s ’ 1 ■ int bv ' t - • ; ■ STICVF.NF yi'J For 4 t years STEYLNS ARMS h^ve fatal night.” the stranger moaned. "I carried off PREMI HONORS for AC* held a full hand of aces against my : CURACY. Our line: uncle's full hand of kings. N aturally we both bet high that Is, for a gam e j Intended only to help pass an hour I Asic your I« -in- I t S end *: i ts. in sta: before going to bed—and of course 1 I i th a . . : ■ f r 140-1 a n t t t f r present and t'ro s-e ti-.e »hooters. neither of us got more than a single i pair. I then dealt and gave my uncle ! B c a u tif.il t h r e e - c o lo r A lu m in u m H u n g e r w ill b e f o r w a r d e d fo r xo c e n ts i n s ta m p s . four tens and m yself a royal tlusb. I [ did not bet high, but when 1 showed J. Sevens Arms & Tool Go., down my unde .looked surprised. Ills P. O. Box 4096 next deal was unimportant, but a t my CHICOPEE FA i a S, MASS., 6. next I gave him three noos and my­ self four queens." ‘Oh, well,” protested Brown. "If n man has a mind to do that sort of tiling he can't blame his luck.” "I was neither. I knew nothin» about putting cards where I wanted | them. Had 1 known I should have given I the winners to my uncle. I had slm- I ply struck a rem arkable run of luck. I was horrified at It mid would have been delighted to change It, for I saw | that my uncle was liegliiulng to think During the Season of 1909 that I w as cheating him. I took ad- ' vantage of one low hand he dealt me j to bet high, but only made m atters via the worse, for he held lower cards than I. J "And so It went on. Every time I dealt I saw my uncle watching my i fingers with a terrible suspicion on hts | face.” “Why,” Interrupted Brown, "didn’t you bet low?" from "So I did on one occasion. I held three tens and hot a mere trifle. My uncle held four nines, and when be saw that I bad stayed out, he holding | Ids only big hand, he assumed that I i did so with a knowledge of where the cards lay. “ Ant*. so the game went on, I alw ays To O M A H A and R etu rn - - $ 6 1 .9 0 topping him, seeing a fortune pass aw ay from me and having no power to To K A N 8 A C IT Y and Return $ 6 1 .9 0 stop the luck that was ruining me. How 1 wished that 1 had learned To 3 T . L O U IS and R eturn - $ 6 9 . 4 0 dealing cards professionally so that I could have given my uncle better cards To C H IC A G O and Return - $ 7 4 . 4 0 than mine! At last he rose from the | table and. pointing to the door, said: and to other orincipal cities in the East, Middle West " 'Go. and never let me see your face and South. Correspondingly low fares again!’ "The next day he changed his will, On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, 3; August II, 12 and a week later he was dead." The stranger ceased to »peak Brown Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit looked at Jones, and Jones looked at Brown. Then they called the proprie­ October 3. tor and paid the bet But they d'fl not These tickets present some very attractive features in the way of remain to aee the stranger eat. As stopover privileges, and choice of route«; thereby enabling passen­ they passed out he followed them with a corner of hla left eye. but said noth gers to make side trips to many interesting points enroute. Ing Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a "W hat lesson," said Jouea. "do yon draw from tills episode?" slight advance over the rates quoted. “That It Is singular how some men Full particulars, sleeping ear reservations and tickets will lie who have been glvtm high cards la the furnished by any Southern Pacifii local agent, or game of life w ill play them for such small stakes." WM M«MURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland. Oregon "Just ao," replied Jones. D O N ’ T BE B U N K Ö E D BY KODAKS ü & W H IT T IE R iißenam Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy 1 ’ .Ttak1 Riiies, Shotguns, Pistols For portrait and landscape work go to McPHERREN Summer Rates East Southern Pacific Co. Almost every family has need of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the year. This remedy is recommended by dealers who have sold it for many years and know its value. It has received thousands of testi­ monials from grateful people. It has been prescribed by physi­ cians with the most satisfactory results. It has often saved life before med­ icine could have been sent for or a physician summoned. It only costs a quarter. Can you afford to risk so much for so little? Dallas BUY IT NOW U N S E R eview of R e v iew « . • U N S IT MAGAZINE . . . . **•<*>) A L L I SO - A FO R - WOMAN'S HOMI COMPANION '~ «.> t\ •) ^ O . U U AMO FREE tiluatrmtad - “** ta • U N S E T four catara wMfc 1 M A G A Z I N E