MAN VS. STEAM. T A L K RICH OUT OF RICH KB. I la llr o a d . la Jap an an d Corea Com* po lo w it h l l o m a a M a a rle . G rille Ir g n Criticism M Most k f f e r t h P W e a p o n o f the Poor. lltw tin tn . "Mamina, do you pair of cockroaches “ Yea, dear, they before Noah himself cago Tribune. suppose there was a In the ark?” were probably there went aboard."— Chi­ Both In Corea and In Japan the Everything today depends upon railroads have a big competition with talklu* It Is futile to sentimentalize human muscle. Frank G. Carpenter '■bout the vanity of speech or the so- U leen rbautuien f. writes that he has Been men, women j lldlty of action, like poor Carlyle. They were in the thick of their first E N G LISH C R O P S M A L L . and boys hauling great loads In carts I There Is no action that we can proflt- quarrel. B lu e r M ilk . “ I thought your tastes were almple,” ■ bly perform toward a m illionaire, ex­ from town to town In Japan. They Bitter milk may originate from two cept strangling him. British G row er T ells Method o f Hop Klamath Merchants Boost fo r Good were harnessed up like horses and I f we can, at said the husband. " I didn’t expect to sources. The first source Is dependent ■very afternoon tea or society dinner, find you such a high flier.” Roads O ver Mountains. Cultivation. bent half double as they pulled their “ Yes, you did,” ehe answered: "you upon the cow, while the second Is due say everything that Is calculated to There were carts Klamath Falls— Ranchers from the vehicles onward. Salem— Davis Jones, owner o f a hop- to the growth of bacteria In the milk make the wealthy people present feel knew all about my being a high filer, as yard o f several hundred acres in W or­ Silver Lake section, in Northern Lake drawn by bulls or bullocks, and not after It has been drawn. The differ­ very uncomfortable, we shall have you call it, but you thought I ’d be dirigi­ G o o d H e r S ta ck er. cestershire, England, and one o f the county, are coming to Klamath F a lls 's few by stocky ponies. Six or seven ble !” ence between these two classes of bit­ done all that Is Immediately practic­ The sizes of timbers used In this for their supplies. Already several of hundred pounds Is an average cart­ largest growers in that country, is in ter milk is that the first has a de­ S ta r 'llu * H eve rsa l o f Form . able and shall not have lived In vain, the city, the guest o f Jack Carmichael, them have made the trip o f approxi­ load for two persons, and 12 miles Is design for a hay stacker vary from 2 Nan— I never saw K it as plump as she mately 175 miles and have returned a fair day's march. Bullock carts ars Inches by 4 Inches to 4 Inches by cidedly acid taste when freshly drawn, G. K. Chesterton says In Hampton’s a prominent Oregon hopman. la nowadays. Mr. Jones made the interesting state­ home with their wagons loaded with usually drawn by only one animal, 8 Inches. The bottom pieces marked while the second class Is sweet when Magazine. Fan— Plump? Ilu h ! She used ts taken from the cow, but the bitterness | Thus, if I were an American, I ment that English and continental hops povisions purchased from the merch­ and horse carts likewise. In such 1 are 12 feet long and 4 Inches by 5 have a dimple in her chin. It's a mole w ill not be as heavy a crop as last ants o f this city. The one drawback to cases the driver walks by the ani­ Inches, the side uprights are 14 feef occurs after standing for a short time should turn off every conversation un­ now !— Chicago Tribune. Bitter year, and that from present indica gettin g all o f the trade o f Northern mal’s head, Instead of sitting on the long; the cross piece 5 Is 13 feet of and Increases In Intensity. til It came Into collision with the sub­ In tu itio n . milk when produced In the udder may tions English hops w ill command at Lake county is the poor condition o f load, as our people do. The freight 3-Inch by 5-lnch stuff; No. 6 Is 2 ject of the trusts. I f a young lady “ The worst has happened, John!” pant­ result from Improper feeding with least 30 cents in the market. Last the roads. A t this season o f the year bullocks and horses are shod ( began spihklng to me and said: “ Hava ed Mrs. Jlpes, sinking feebly into a chair. with Inches by 6 Inches, and Is bevelled on year there were 38,000 acres o f hops it is possible to travel over most any straw, and In the Interior these straw the front edge to allow the hay to such of our Colorado herbs as lupines, you seen the Velasquez at Vienna?” X “ Well, we’ll have to advertise for an­ artemlsla and the like, or with the in England, and this year only 31,000. kind o f a trail, but with the first light shoes cost about one cent apiece. slide over It easily, when being shoved should reply (u n tru th fu lly), “ Oh, yes other one; that’s all,” moodily answered raw Swedish turnips, cabbages, etc. T hirty cents H. Lock Bo* 191J terest, a n d the plan ib to have ten men grain was thoroughly dry. There have tral Park a bust to the founder of believes. It Is getting started at the Gaston Bouwer In the Revue Heb- broker. been no reports o f this. guarantee the fund against loss. Since the Bohemian national music, Fred work that comes hardest. The excuse domadalre the writer contends that of the man who does not have a clean­ the beginning o f the U n iversity Loan erlck Smetana. these Insects carry on conversation d()CS a l, that th i Council Favors Franchise. looking farm Is usually that he does fund some six years ago only one loss Laurence Shirley, fourth earl of among themselves and that, while this high priced baking Oregon C ity — The differences be­ not care about selling, and It Is worth has been sustained. powders w ill do and does tween the municipal government and Ferrers, who shot Ills steward and was as much to hint that way as any. He Is done by means of their feelers, they it better. It raises the dough and makes light­ F. M. S w ift, who is promoting the con­ tried for the offense by his peers In does not figure In anything for satis­ are not entirely dependent upon them. Activity in Gold Mines. er, sweeter and bettei Westminster Hall, on April 16, 1760 "A whole colony," says Mr. Bouwer, risen foods. Sold by g r o Grants Pass - There w ill be much ac­ struction o f an electric railway system faction.— Farmers’ .Mail and Express. was the last English peer to be exe "In an anthouse or a beehive often ♦ ♦ ♦ » • ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I cers 2 5 c per pound. 1 J tiv ity among Southern Oregon mines from Oregon C ity to Silverton, through you w ill send us you* cuted for murder. responds Instantaneously to a signal name and address, w e this fall. Many mining men looking the M olalla valley, w ill probably be ad­ S u m m er t nre o f H orses. will send you a book on health and baking powder. which may have been given without L ittle Ethel (aged 3 )— Turn on, Already distinguished as the oldest over the field in order to obtain good justed, as the council has given favora A great many horses are laid up CRESCENT MFG. CO. Seattle, W n. It Is interesting to see an gwanma; supper Is weady. Grandma options on some o f the best paying ble consideration to an ordinance con­ comic paper In the United States, the every summer with sore shoulders. contact. property. In conjunction w ith this veyin g a 25-year franchise. The first Harvard Lampoon is to have a hand This can be remedied In a very large ant laborer for whom a burden Is too — Why, dear, you mean breakfast, heavy go to a fellow, make a sign or don’t you? Little Ethel— ’Es, tourse I movement on the part o f buyers, some 10 years there is to be no consideration, some building, giving It the honor measuro with sense and care. give a certain touch with his feeler, does, but I tan’t say It. o f the owners are introducing the dia­ the next 10 years S w ift is to pay $500 of possessing the only one owned and A good horse collar Is the main part and then see the second Insect join occupied by a college publication. mond drill. One o f these machines ar­ per annum, and the last five $1,000. L ittle Myra had been to parties on p la c e d a ay • of the harness and It should be of the first In liftin g or m oving the ob­ where, attra ct« three consecutive days. "Oh, mamma,” rived this week to be used upon the Sir Paolo Tosti, the popular song •u«l k ill, all flic*. the very best kind and fit the anim al’s ject.” B rief Shortest Filed property o f the National Copper com­ heat, cleai., orna­ she cried, on her return from the composer, has a fad of upholstering, ment'd, c o o r e n - Salem L. H. McMahan, attorney and It Is claimed for him that all of neck perfectly. pany, located 17 miles from this city. third, “ just think, I ’ve had Ice cream lent, cheap. Lasts Ile vern ed . The collar should be kept clean at a ll «ca«un. Can for J. K. Sears, plaintiff in the action It is understood that the Buckeye group three times In congestion." the upholstering of Lady Tostl's draw not 8 1 ill or tip all times and the horse’s shoulders over, will not soil o f mining claims will also have a ma­ to prevent the use o f $10,000 state ltig room furniture has been done by Anxious Mother— Harold, don’t you or injure a n y ­ well washed and brushed dally. thing Guaranteed chine o f the same kind here within a money in the Crater lake highway, has her celebrated husband.— The Circle, know those are bad boys across the . . . effective. O f all Much dust and dirt arise tn the dealers, or sent prepaid for 20 cents. few days to make testB on their prop­ filed his b rie f in the Supreme court. street for you to play with? L ittle A novel sentence was Imposed the H 4R 0 L0 S0 M E 9 S , 16 0 Dekalb * « . . B ’klyn., N. T. erties which are in the same neighbor­ The b rie f is one o f the shortest ever other day In Windsor. Ont. The gov fields and on the roads during the Harold— Yes, mamma; but don’t you warm season, and this Is caught and placed on record in the Appellate court hood. know that I ’m an awfully good boy for ernor of the Sandwich Jail, having held on the moist and sweaty shoul­ o f Oregon. them to play with? come Into conflict with a Judge, was ders and collar, there to form hard Cream ery Reopens in Columbia. declared guilty of contempt of court lumps and ridges. "W ell, Bobby,” said the minister P O R T L A N D M A R K E T S . M ist— The creamery belonging to and was ordered confined In his own who was making a duty call, “ what Every time the collar Is put on the the Nehalem Valley Cream association, do you Intend to be when you grow Wheat N ew crop: Bluestem, $1.02; prison for ten days. horse It should be examined for those C 0 FFEEC o f this place, w ill open for business club, 98c; Russian, 90c; valley, 97c; up?” “ An orphan,” promptly replied The use of rat skins In various In ridges and lumps. I f any are found TEA SPICES August 2, with Fred Mann, form erly Turkey red, $1; 40-fold, $1. Bobby, who was still suffering from a BAKING POWDER duslries lias created a demand In Lon- they should be carefully brushed and o f a Portland creamery, and E. F. EXTRACTS Hay N ow crop, Tim othy, W illam ­ don alone to the amount o f nearly rubbed away. dose of parental discipline. Messing, o f this city, as managers. ette valley, $12(d 10 per ton; Eastern $200,000 n year. JU ST RIGHT They are used, After each day’s work, especially In The creamery has been idle since No­ A S ucecNN fu l E x p e d i e n t . -«BsaaBHano- mixed, $15 50((f among other things, for bookbinding, warm weather, bathe and clean the 41' Mit «W* vember, when the former manager ab­ Oregon, $17(i(18, CL 0 SSET A DEVERS 10.50; alfialfa, $13; clover, $ 1 l(>r 12. A certain prominent minister was photograph frames, purses and for shoulders with a mixture of warm sconded with several hundred dollars, PORTLAND. ORE. Moral: Respect the feelings of compelled not long ago to give strict Grain bags — 5 }y C each. thumbs In gloves.— Fur News. water, salt and soda. leaving the association in bad shape your horses and protect them from orders that, while he was engaged Fruits -Cherries, 5m 11c per pound; Hot water Is one of the best known Tw o bricks from the first brick financially. The creamery w ill cover files.— Farm, Stock and Home. In the preparation of his scrmon3, almost the whole Nehalem valley with peaches, 90em$ 1.10 per box; apricots, house erected on the American con natural agents for relieving soreness $1.25(01,50; loganberries, $l(9 contracts, 18fo'19c; 1908 trade, as her wonderful qualities did P A IN . N O S TU D E N TS , no uncertainty. Maryland Agricultural College believes tlonal runners that may grow. Keep the farm er’s luxury, cream, she was is to be held in Portland, August 17, crop, 12m l 3c; 1907 crop, 8m 9c; 1906 much to advertise the town. F o r th e N e x t F ift e e n D a y s A fter the chicken began laying two that the average production of each the ground hoed and cultivated until allowed to go to the barn to see the 18, 19 and 20. Secretary Hollis, o f crop, 5c. W e will r iv e you a good Z k gold cows milked. She looked on with swarm should be from 75 to 100 eggs a day, more than a year ago, thei the Bankers' and Merchants' Mutual Iain crown f o r .................................. ............. W M late fall The finished row should not Wool Eastern Oregon, 16(o 23c per much Interest for a while and then 22k b ridge teeth........................ ............ I l l Fire R e lie f association, o f this city, is pound; he wider than 15 or 18 Inches. valley, 23m 25c; mohair. number of commuters on the Erie pounds. Mr»lar c ro w n ........................... ........... .............. 6.00 asked; "Grandpa, which Is the little from Cedar Grove Increased from thir­ Gold or enamel fillings...................... ............. 1.00 sending invitations to all the members choice. 24(»25e. Grn** a nil ( urn Crop«. ....................50 pocket she keeps the cream In?"— The Silver firiinjra............... W en lih o f l n ltrd «tn tm . o f his company, A large attendance is C attle- Steers, top, $4.50; fa ir to ty two to sixty. The fame of the hen Good ru bber p la te s ................. ........... boo Secretary Wilson says: “ The great Delineator. The wealth of the United States In expected. The best red ru bber p la te s............... 7.00 good, $4oi4.25; common, $3.75(>i4; drew chtoken-ralslng commuters to Ce­ est crop of America la grass, and then Painless extractions SO 185« was $7,000,000,000. speaking in cows, top, $3.60; fa ir to good, $3«i dar Grove with the power of a lode- corn. S h rew d Schem e. Next after corn Is probably A L L W O R K G U A R A N T E E D 15 T E A R S Fine Grain Yield at Weston. round terms; In 1860. $16,000,000,000; 3.25; common to medium, $2.50<i7; It ts not known what caused the T h e A m * o f Ti P o lso a rd F rsll. leave the dust on him and not brush (IN C .) Third and W ^hin ^on Sta. They are now in wheat, which is run­ Chma fats. $6.75(