Enterprise news-record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1910-1911, June 07, 1911, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Image 4

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    A V-.,. .
Soisette Shirts, silky, soft shirts,
collars attached; plain cream, tan
and gray; also in stripes. These
shirts are in a class by themselves.
Prices - - 75c to $3.50
Classy Neckwear
Cool Underwear, derby ribbed,
in white, salmon and brown color,
at 65c a garment, or $1.25 for
shirts and drawers. Men's Union
Suits. ,
Men's SocKs in cotton, lisle and
mercerized silk, 15c, 20c, 25c
and up.
Hat for every face & figure
You'll find this store a convenient place
in which to select your felt or straw hat.
The Bangkok Panama, lightest hat made,
price - - - " $6.50
. Fine China Sennit straw, low crown,
wide rim, at - - - $3.50
The latest styles in Men's Felt '. Hats,
young men's Telescope shapes, the cele
brated Kingsbury hat - - $3.50
Come to Us for Your Lid
City and County
Brief News Item
Screen wire and screens at Kelt
ner's. A. P. Linn left Wednesday (or tho
Dalles. "
Carl Roe made a business, trip to
La Grande Saturday,
Burn to the wife of Harley Fleoner,
a daughter, Tuesday, June 6.
Pittsburg Electric Weld field fenc
ingthe weld that held at Keltner'a.
Pat Garvey, section foreman, had
been transferred to a section near
' Huntington. '
Mrs.'M. K. Bilyeu of Albany la vis
Itlug here with her son, Deputy Clerk
C. G. Bilyeu.
B. H. Cameron, a young man from
Sheridan, who was here looking ovor
the country, returned home, Saturday.
W, C, Boatman wont to Portland
Tuesday to remain a few days, He
will attend a state convention of ab
stracters, ' W.'T. Bell went to Portland, Wed
misday, and will visit hla old Btamp-.
lug ground up the Willamette vulloy
before returning.
Mrs, K. P.' Sari&ant of The Buttea
returned home Tuesday from a visit
with her daughter, Mr J. V, Allen,
and family of Los Angeles.
Mrs. Fred FUspatrlek of Lostlne
came up Friday to attend the tuner
' al of little Malcolm Conley. She was
the guest at the S. F. Pace honK
whlle In the city. ' i '
Mrs. Alva Keeler came In Monday
to visit relatives and friends a few
days. Mr, Keeler, who formerly con
ducted a barber shop at Joseph, i
out hunting a new location. ,
C. H. Allen of Lost Prairie, who
was here tho first of the week with
' a stock shipment; reports that Mrs
t. Allen left lust weok for Nashville
Tenn., where she will remain a yeat
. In a sanitarium. " , '
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thomas recelv
the sad news that , tholr son ' U
Bedford, la., is HI and would probably
have to undergo a critical onaratlm
at the Mayo Bros, hospital In Rooh
ester, Minn, Mr. Thomas went t
la Grande, Wednesday, ' and expaet
, ed to iMvg on the night train toi
the east It ha received word during
the day that the operation would bo
performed, '
Ftivt oloaa whin at Calvta1 bar
ber shop. 68Mf.
Chas.. VVlllgerodt was at WalloWa
C, H. Zurcher made a business trip
to La Grande, Sunday,
Mrs, Herbert Browning visited Tier
parents at Wallowa,' Sunday, .
Fishing tackle and salmon eggs at
C. P. Ragsdale and family left Mon
day for a week's stay at Portland.
Mrs, Williamson and daughter Jean
loft Monday for a week In Portland.
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. E. Funk left
Monday for Portland to see the f ostd-
Mrs. Kate Dowden of Wallowa was
a guest over Sunday of Miss Minnie
Get your lawn mowers sharpened.
Rodgera Bros, are prepared to do It
promptly. 10-2
Miss Nell Davis of Wallowa guest of
the Misses Wade of Alder Slope, re
turned home Monday.
Mrs. E. A. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. V. C
Hart returned Saturday from La
Grande, where they had spent several
Mrs, Edgar Marvin and daughters
Julia and Rosalind and Miss Nina
Miller are at the Rose festival this
Mrs, I. S. Hotchklss. and baby went
to Portland, Monday, where she will
join Mr. Hotchklss and spend the
week. .
Mrs. C. M.' Lock wood and children
of Ia Grande came In Saturday foi
a visit with her mother, Mrs. Ellen
I: os well.
Victor Johnson and nephew, J, Ry
berg, left Sunday for Portland, Mr,
Johnson to stay about a week but Mr
Ryberg expects to remain there.'
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sheets and Mrs.
C. S. Bradley went to La Grande,
Wednesday, to meet his mother, Mrs,
A. K. Sheets, of Dee Moines, Iowa,
who la on- her way here for a visit,
after spending the winter aud spring
In Florida.
, Roscoe Ghormley, who bought the
Flora Journal a few months ago, was
In town Saturday and a welcome cal
ler at this office. , Mr. Ghormley is
new In the printer work but is get
ting out a newsy paper of which Flora
has a right to be proud. He Is a
young man of high character and
firm convictions and we predict tor
him a brilliant future In Journalism.
No better example of value giving
could be found than, the $15.00, .
$18.00, $20.00 and $25.00 Suits
we are selling. They stand pre
eminent in a class by themselves.
We display a very great variety of
distinctive models for men and
young men. In fit, style, and
service they offer to men of ' good
taste the best possible clothes '
$15 00, $18.00, $20.00 and $25.
We can satisfy your individual
taste in these fine garments as to
color, weave and style, and you ,
will be in style, no matter what
your selection. You are absolute-,
ly sure of satisfaction when you
buy here. .
Hoods, Bonnets and Caps
In Persian Lawns, China
SilKs and Mercerized SilK
Nettings, prices from 35c
Look at our center
show window '
Men's show
display r
E. J. Forsythe Vent to Portland
Monday on a business mission, ;. .
Garden tools, sprays, eter'aMf Kelt
ner'a. Mrs, Leo Forsythe went to La
Grande, Monday, for a'few'days'vls
it with her people, - - '
Mrs. Carl Roe . is assisting in tile
postofflce during the absence ot Post
master Weathers, . , '
Now is the time to get your lawn
mowers 'sharpened. Take them ; to
Rodgers Bros. Garage. ' 10-2 k
Mr. and Mrs, B. P. Millet visited
with his brother, T. C, and family1,
at Wallowa, Sunday, .
Wonder washer machines, sold by
Siegmund, If out of repair, can be
fixed by Frank Hamblen. , ; ' lObl
Charlie Horner of Joseph creek was
at Wallowa Saturday on business at
the forester's office.
Mrs. Katie Cole and little- daugh
ter Eda Belle went to Imbler Sat
urday to visit relatives. ,
Sam Lltch went to Portland, Mon
day, where he will join Mrs, Lltch
and children In their visit, and view
the festival. , .
A. C. Miller returned Friday from a
business trip to Portland. He, says
nowhere does crops look so well as
in Wallowa county. ' ' '' !
Mr. and Mrs. Will Anderson came
up from Wallowa Saturday for a
tew days visit' with hla sister,! Mrs.
J.T.Baker, and family, north ot town.
Mr. and Mrs. Doc Brusha of Pendle
ton came fat Sunday on their way fcJ
the Farmers picnic, and stopped oft
for a few days visit with Mrs. Brusha'
sister, Mrs, J. A. French, and fami
ly. Doc la an old time resident
here and was kept busy greeting his
many friends.
Postmaster Pen Weathers left Sun
day for Portland where he will at
tend the Postmasters convention,
see the Rose Festival, and afterwards
go to Astoria to the grand lodge of
Knights of Pythias. Mrs. Weathers,
who has been in Portland a couple
ot weks, will . return home with
hlro -
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Boatman, who
had been visiting here with their son,
County Clerk Boatman and wife, and
with Lostlne relatives for a couple
ot weeks, left Sunday for thalr
borne near Portland. Mrs, Boatman's
health Is much Improved. Marshall
looks rugged but there la a homesick
glitter In his eye for old Wallowa coun
J. ... J...... .... ', u-
Fine j Embroidery
Choice new designs hand loom
embroidery flouncing, 27 . inches
wide, for summer gowns,
- $1.00 and up
Embroidery Flouncing
One lot of fine Swiss embroidery
in the season's new patterns, 27
inches wide, price , - $1.00
All Over Embroideries
In Swiss and Nainsook all over
embroideries, very desirable for
waists, gowns, yoke and sleeve
trimming. 1 .. '
All Over Lace
White, butter and ecru, Oriental
all over lace in a variety of good
patterns. Also colored all over
effects. Value $1.50 and up
Special Sale of
double strap handle, v
fitted with change
purse, while they
75 cents
Japalac and varnish stains at Kelt
ner'a. I j "
Julian Ellis returned Monday from
Portland where he attended the
tureshermen's convention.
MIsslAudrey Combes, who won a
trip to the festival in the Pacific
Monthly 'contest, left, Monday for a
week In the city. '
Dr. W. C. Ketchum left for Port
land, Sunday, where he will join Mrs.
Ketchum and view the festival and
afterwards visit up the valley.
Mrs. C. W. Amey, son Gene a-'.d
daughter Alice, and father, Geo. W.
Boner, left Saturday for the latter's
home, Turlock, Calif., where Mrs. Am
ey and children will spend the summer
Mr. Boner had been visiting his teia
lives and' many old friends In . the
county for several weeks. He is In
greatly Improved health. ,
Miss Ines Makln returned Monday
from Pendleton and will spend the
summer vacation at the home ol her
father, William - Makln. Miss Makln
has been a very successful teacher
In the Pendleton city schools, and
was offered her position for another
year, but preferred to accept a posi
tion in the Enterprise schools so a 3
to be at home. Another Enterprise
girl, Miss Mary Zurcher, Is a valued
teacher In the Pendleton schools and
has accepted a position there for a
other year. Miss Zurcher la expect
ed here in a few days on a via It. ,
i It Is worse than useless to take an
medicines Internally for muscular or
chronic rheumatism. AU that la need
ed is a free application of Chamber
lain's Liniment. For sale by' all deal
ers. ' . '
Prospective' tenants, nine-tenths of
whom read advertisements, will be
gin to "look up" your property the
day you begin to advertise it. ' '
Whooping cough is not dangerous
when the cough Is kept loose and' ex
pectoration easy by giving Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy.. It has been us
ed In many epidemics ot this disease
with perfect success. For sale by
all dealers.. , . '
Oan do your printing kt a turry
It really necessary, but Job printing
Is an art thai doesn't gain la ax
eeltsne by haste,
Tbe uniform success that has at
tended the use of Chamberlain's Co
lie ' Cholera and iJtarrhoea Remedy
has made it a favorite everywhere. It
can always be depended upon: For
sale by all dealers, . ,
Women's Oxfords
In " patent colt, patent kid, gun
metal, tan Russia and Vici kid
leathers, Goodyear welted soles,
Cuban, and Military heels, new1
lasts and patterns. Complete
, range of sizes. Prices
$3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50
Ladies' Hose "
Ladies' Pure Spun Silk Hose, has
4-inch garter top and , linen sole;
colors white and black, price pair
- $2.50
Ladies' Lisle Gauze Hose, regu
lar made, price pair , - - 75c
Ladies' Shirt Waists
Splendid showing of ladies' Shirt
Waists just received. Dainty Per
sian Lawns,' low necks, kimono
sleeves, fancy lace trimmings and
pipings, price ' - $2.75
Six models of Ladies' Lingerie
Waists, high and Dutch necks and
sailor collar effects, kimono sleeves,
lace trimmed, regular values
$1.25, $2.00 and $2.50
Ladies' Neckwear
Spring Maid Collars in 'plain white,
prices - 35c, 50c, 65c and 75c
Also flat Sailor collars in white; also white
with navy blue trimming, price 35c
Hand-made neckwear of Irish and Cluny
lace, prices 35c, 50c, 75c and 85c
Hand made Jabots, a large variety to
select from, prices : - - - 35c
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has beta appointed ' adminis
trator of the' estate of Francis M.
Legg, deceased, by the County Court
of JVsllwa County, Oregon. All per
sons having claims against said estate
are required to present them, with the
proper .vouchers, within six months
from the date of this notice, to said
Administrator, at the office of O. M.
Corkins, bis attorney, in the Berland
Building, Enterprise, Oregon.
Dated at Enterprise, Oregon, this
20th day of May; 1911.
Administrator of the Estate of Francis
M. Legg, deceased. 6S5
' Brighten up use Sher win-William 8
A Co. paints. Sold at Keltner'a hard
ware. ;
10 Acres
All tillable, seeded to alfalfa;
running water, fenced, house,
and other improvements, one
fourth mile out. Very easy
terms. '' . : - - I,,-.'..
Enterprise, Oregon
: Don't forget to call on
, when you want
anything done
Dray Meets All Trains
Phone to or leave orders at .
' : ' Harness Shop
Carload of barb wire and field fenc
lug at Keltner'a hardware. .
nearlv aJwava can ba made Der-
feet with the assistance of
If you would be free from eye
troubles, ' such ' as headache, 4
loss of .time from .work or
Wear My Glasses
I grind all the glasses that I
.fit, and can duplicate ANY lens
accurately, no matter who
made or prescribed It.
New tenses returned by next
rnall. I can furnish references
from Enterprise.
ncauuuiv specialist
Next door to Posto.Uce
r -v ,