Enterprise news-record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1910-1911, June 07, 1911, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Image 3

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Notice Is hereby given that under
and by virtue of an execution, decree
and order of sale Issued out of and
under the seal of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon, for Wallowa
County, to me directed and delivered,
upon a judgment, decree, and order
of sale duly made and entered in
said Court on the 8th day of May, 1911,
in a suit therein pending, wherein
the Enterprise Mercantile & Milling
Co, a private corporation, was Plain
tiff and C. S. Haney, Elizabeth L.
Haney, W. P. Rankin, the Wallowa
National Bank, a private banking cor
poration and Henry Fletcher, TruBtee
in bankruptcy of the estate of W.
F. Rankin, a "bankrupt, were Defend
ants, wherein Judgment and decree
was duly made and entered In favor
of said Plaintiff and against said De
fendant as follows, to-wit: Judg
ment and decree against Defendants
C. S. Haney, Elizabeth L. Haney and
W. F. Rankin for the sum of $2339.
42, with interest thereon at the rate
of 9 per cent er annum from the 8tb
day of May, 1911; the further sum
of J200.00 as an attorney's fee, and
the further sum of $15.80 as costs
and disbursements; Judgment and de
cree in favor of Plaintiff and against
Defendant, W. F. Rankin for the
sum of $1146.40, with interest there
on at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum from the 8th day of May,
1911; Judgment xand decree in favor
of the Defendant,, C. S. Haney and
against Defendant W. F. Rankin for
the sum of $3934.30, with interest
thereon at the rate of 10 per cent
per annum from the 8th day of May,
1911; the further sum of $200.00 as
an attorney's fee, and the further! sum
of $10.40 as costs and disbursements ;
and in which execution decree and
order of sale I am commanded to
make Bale of the following described
Teal property, or sufficient thereof
to satisfy said judgments, " interest,
attorney's fees and costs as follows,
to-wlt; '
Lots 4; 6, 6, 7 and 8 in Block 20
In the Town of Enterprise, Wallowa
County. State of Oregon, together
( with all machinery, appliances, tools
and equipment contained in the plan
Ing mill building situated on said
real property; also all water rights
ditches, flumes, canals connected
with said property or used In connec
tion therewith for the operation of
the water power and planing mill ma
chinery thereon. '
Now, therefore, In obedience to the
commands of said Writ of Execution,
decree and order of sale, I will, on
Saturday the 1st day of July, 1911,
at the hour of two o'clock In the af
ternoon, of said day, at the front
door of the. County Court' House in
the City of Enterprise, Wallowa
County, Oregon, sell at public auc
tion to the highest and test bidder,
for casta in hand, ell of the right,
title and Interest which said C, S.
Haney, Elizabeth L. Haney, W. F.
Rankin, the Wallowa National Bank,
a private banking corporation, and
Henry Fletcher, as Trustee in bank
ruptcy of the estate of W. F, Ran
kin, a bankrupt, or either of them,
had in and to said described prem
ises on the date of the mortgages
described in the complaint or that
they have since acquired in and to
said premises or any part ' thereof.
and all parties claiming or to claim
through the said Defendants or eith
er of them subsequent to the date
of said mortgages, to satisfy said
judgments, interest, attorney's fees
costs and disbursements and accru
ing costs upon this Writ,
Dated this 31st day of May, 1911..
Sheriff of Wallowa County, Oregon
' Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of an Execution and
Order of Sale of Attached Property
issued out of and under the seal of
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Wallowa County, and to me
directed and delivered, In an action
therein pending wherein the Enter
prise Mercantile ft Milling Company
a private corporation, is platatifl, and
Leonard Baker and Calvin Smith
partners, doing business under the
firm name and style of Baker &
Smith, are defendants, upon a Judg
ment duly made and entered therein
In favor of said plaintiff and against
the said defendants for the sum of
Three Hundred sixty-eight and 65-100
Dollars with . interest thereon from
the 8th day of May, 1911, at the rate
of ten per cent per annum; and the
further sum of Two Hundred thirty
four and 45-100 Dollars with inter
est thereon . frffita the 8th day of
May, 1911 at tin . rate ot six per
cent per annum; a nd the further sum
of Seventy-five D jllars, and the fur
ther ; sum of Se,' ,ienteen and 40-100
Dollars as costs and disbursements,
and In which Jo4 gment It was furth
er ordered that 'I make sale of tho
hereinafter deacn ibed attached prop
erty for the satis faction of said Judg
ment, to-wlt: '
The east halt of lot numbered one
and the east, naif of lot numbered
four in block numbered three In Gar
dner's Addition to the City of Enter
prise, Wallowa County, Oregon. Also
a tract described as follows: Com
mencing at 'the bo uth west corner of
lot numbered iwcv In block numbered
three la Gardner'ii Addition to ' the
City of Enterprise, Wallowa County,
Oregon: thence east1 along the south
line of said lot numbered two a dis
tance of fifteen' feet; thence north
on a line parallel with the west line
ol said lot numbered two1 and lot
umbered three of said block num
bered three to a point on the north
line . of ' said lot numbered three
thence west to the northwest corner
of said lot numbered three; thence
south to the place of beginning, and
all lying and being In block numbered
three In Gardner'8 Addition to the
City of Enterprise, Wallowa County,
Oregon. -
Now, therefore, in obedience to
the commands of said Execution and
order of sale as aforesaid, I will, on
Saturday, the first day of July, 1911,"
at the hour of two o'clock In the af
ternoon of said day at the front door
of the County' Court House in' the
City of Enterprise, Wallowa County,
Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest and best bidder for cash in
hand all of the right, title and inter
est which' the said Leonard Baker
and Calvin Smith, or either of them,
had In and to the said described prem
ises on the date of the attachment
or have since acquired, or any part
thereof, to satisfy said Judgment, In
terest, costs and disbursements and
accruing costs upon this writ.
Dated this 31st day of May, 1911.
Sheriff of Wallowa County, Oregon.
Our New Directory
" Will be the largest ever issued for
Union and Wallowa Counties, con
taining 2300 names. , We have room
V for yours. Long Distance Service
to all points, ' .
Home Independent Telephone Co.
Hot Lake Sanatorium
Natural Hot Mineral Baths ,
. . . i
PI IPC Rheumatism, Stomach, Skin,
VsUAxCi Kidney and Blood Disorders
Unsurpassed Medical Staff
(f( Consult our Physicians before giv
vUO inor un all hone. Stoo Usinri Mercury
Write For Illustrated Booklet
f Hot Lake Sanatorium WA V
I Wallowa County Title &
Abstract Company
. .. A. a MILLER, President -
Offlo in Comnanv't new brick building opposite front of
new Court House. Oldest and most complete abstract plant I
in county. Abstracts of title furnished promptly and cfeap-1
Money Loaned at very Lowest Current Rates
?w MM
Notice Is hereby given that under
and by virtue of an execution, de
cree and order of sale issued out
of and under the seal ot the Circuit.
Court of he State of Oregon for
Wallowa pouny and to me directed
lyid delivered, upqn' a Judgment de
cree and rdr of aai jn an ac
tion therein pending, wherein the
Enterprise Mercantile ft Milling Co.,
a private corporation, was Plaintiff
and C...S. Haney, Elizabeth L ' Han
ey, W. F. Rankin, and the Wallowa
National Bank, a private banking cor
poration, and Henry Fletcher, Trus
tee in bankruptcy of the estate of W.
f, tianpin, a, D&nxrupt, were ieiena
ants, wherein the Defendant C, S
Haney ' obtained a Judgment against
Defendant W. F, Rankin for the sum
of $3934.30, with, interest thereon un
til paid at the rate of 10 per cent
per nnunjj thf further sum of $200.
OQ as, an attorney's, fee and the furth
er sum qf $10. 4Q costs and disburse
ments; and in which Judgment, de
cree and order of sale I am command
ed tq make sale of the following des
cribed real property in the inanne:
provided by lavt Vfcwty: 1
j-khs o, 4 ana o oi biock uue in
Alder View Addition to the town of
Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon.
Now, therefore in obedience to
the commands, of sa.ld Writ qf Exe
cution, decree and o,rder of sale, I will
on Saturday, the 1st day of July, 1911
at the hour of 1:30 In the afternoon
of said day at the frqnt door oi the
Cqunty Court Hque n the City of
Enterprise, Wallqwa. County, Oregon,
sell at public auction to the highest
and best ljidder for cash in hand, all
qf the right, title and ntereD which
the said. W, F, Rankhi, the Wallowa
Natlqnal Bank, a. private banking cor
pqratlon, and Henry Fletcher, as
Trustee in bankruptcy qj the estate
qf W, F, Rftiikln, a, bankrupt, or eith
er qf them., had n and to, the said
described premises, on the date ol
the mortgage described, (n, k com
plaint In Raid Bui, er have since
acquired, to or to said .premises or
any part thereof, and all persons
claiming through the said defendants
or either of them, to. satisfy s.a.ld
judgment, Inre? atevW fees,
costs, an g giqfeufiHimenta and accru
ing costs upon this writ.
Dated this 3 1st day of May, 1911.
Sheriff qf Wallqwa County, Qregon.
der the seal of the above entitled
court In -the above entitled cause to
me duly directed and dated the 24th
day of May A. D. 1911, upon a Judg
ment rendered and entered in said
court on the 19th day of May A; J).
1911, in favor of James D. Halsey,
plaintiff, and against defendant, W. F.
Rankin for the sum of Twenty Five
Hundred and no-100 Dollars, with in
terest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum from the 24th day of
June A. D. 1909, until paid, for the
further sum qf Two Hundred and For-
ty and no-100 Dollars with interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent
per annum until paid from the first
day of Jan.' 1911, and for the further
sum of ,Two .Hundred Dollars as
plaintiffs attorney fees, and for the
further aum of Eighteen arid 30-100
Dollars as costs and disbursements,
and also upon a Judgment in favor
of the First National Bank of Jo
seph, Oregon; against the defendant
W. F, Rankin for the sum of Nine
Hundred Eleven and 08-100 Dollars
with interest thereon at . the rate
of 10 per cent interest " per annum
from the 9th day of June A. D.
1910, until paid, for the further sum
of One Hundred Dollars as attorney's
fees, and for the further sum
of Ten and 20-100 Dollars costs and
disbursements and for the costs of j
and upon this writ, commanding mo
to make sale of the following describ
ed real property, to-wit,
The south west quarter, and the
east half of the north west one j
quarter of .section thirty-six, and
the south east quarter ot the north
west qunrter,' and the' east half of
the south west quarter of section
twenty four, all in. townshlpi two
north of range forty-four east of
Willamette Meridian In Wallowa
County, Oregon, containing 360 acres.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said exe
cution. Judgment, order' and decree,
and in compliance with the demands of
said writ, I will on Monday, thai 26th
day of " June at the hour of ten
o'clock A. M. at .the front door of
the County Court House in the City
of Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or
egon, sell at f public auction ta the
highest bidder fqr cash In hand, all
the right, title, Interest and claim of
the within, named, defendants, save
and except the t iht, title, ctatm and
interest of the American Mortgage
Company of Scotland Lm., an4 sub
ject tq the right, title, claim and
interest ot said defendant The Am
erican Mortgage Company, of Scotland
Lm., had on the' dates of the mort
gages herein foreclosed, or slnce had
or now may have In and to
above described real property, or any
part thereof, to, sttafy said ' execu
tion, Judgment, order, and decree.
Daniel Boyd, Attorney for Plain
tiff, James D. Halsey.
A. M. Runnells, Attorney for De:
fondant, The First N.a.ttana.1 Bank of
Joseph, Orefqn, 40c5
Bargain iii Timber Land
Owing to ill health I must go away, and I offer for
sale my timber land at Elk Mountain '
280 Acres Good Saw Timber
Yellow Pine, Tamarack and Fir. Good soil, living
stream year round. 15" miles" from Enterprise.
Good county road. $6 an acre. Easy terms.
L. GRAVES, Enterprise, Oregon -
In the Circuit Court Qf the SUUs of
Oregon, fqr Wftllqwa, Cqunty j
James 0, Halsey, Plaintiff,
W. IV Rankin, American Mortgage
(.'anipny, of 8eotland Lm., a' corpor
ation. First National Bank of Joseph
Oregon, Idaho and Oregon Lumber
Company, a partnership, and W. J.
Funk I Company, 'a corporation,
defendants. '
N tlce Is hereby given, that by vir
tue of an execution Judgment, order
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given, that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed and
has qualified as administrator of the
estate of Adelaide &. Bodmer, de
ceased, and a.ty claims against said
estate nvt be presented, properly
itemised, and verified to the under
signed at his office in La Grand.?, Ore
gon, or at the office of f S. Ivanhoe,
in La Grande, ' Qroiy attorney for
said estate, en of before six months
from the date of this notice.
; Dated May $7,1911.
Administrator of tne Estate of Ade
laide E. DwJmeTj deceased.
F. S. IVANHOE, Attorney for said
Estate. ' . 39c5
Delivered 1
To any part of the city by
. "bortttleM carriage" from
Homan's Cash
: ' Qrocer y
where you get reliable gooda at
less price than elsewhere,
Call us up by phone, or atop In
and sea wr clean, new stock.
Next Door to Bank
Have you seen our stock of
New Ginghams
which we have just opened up and
placed upon the shelves for your
inspection .
We have a very select line of
Everett, Red eal and
Zephyr Ginghams '
Which cannot fail to please the
most fastidious.
Many other lines, have been recent
ly replenished and we are now pre
pared to take your spring orders
& Z. CO.
When You Get
lour Fnce
You, likeeverybody else, are willing to sell your
land. The man who will j give you your price
will back down if your title is not clear. Do
you know whether it is or not? A Reliable
Abstract telk. Make sure before the buyer
comes. We furnish Reliable Abstracts.
Bealeaaa V BUjrea, Managers n
To the Citizens of' Wallowa County
It is our purpose to handle any business
entrusted to us in such a fair and liberal
manner as to maKe the customer's rela
tion with this banK satisfactory and
profitable. 1 Aside from our excellent
facilities, this bank hat the advantage of
a large capital and substantial list of
stockholders. It is also a State Deposi
tory. If you are not a customer we
invite you to become one.
Stockpwers and Farmers NatioDal Back
Wallowa, Oregon
Shoe and Harness
Neatly done by a
skilled workman
Shop, on River Street second
docr ftorth of Hotel Enterprise
or at Bruce's Harness Shop
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
R '. L. DAY) Proprietor
Good Rigs Fair Treatment Horses Bought and Sold
Special Attention to Commercial Trade i
Rates for Regular Boarders Bus to and From Trains
Best of Help Employed Home Phone
I Open Day and Night One Block North ef Hotel Enterprise
Plumbing Poorly Done Is
Worse than No Plumbing At All
I do plumbing right. My work is guar
anteed. It costs less in the long run to
get sanitary work. Complete line of
Bath Tabs, Basins, Bowls, etc Price
S. K. CLARK, lth EnurprlM
and decree duly issued out and. un