THE NEJjtojJ.. Alt indcfTDENT NEWBPAPElt' ' auction and this new arrangement wil rratrl ths Wallow New. atao-; bo more satisfactory to both factor;. than any that has yet been in force. "-"I welcome Gary as U13 worthiest leader ot the ' movement.. Let our Office Wast First street, half black j country set the world an example. No lixhed .J arch 3. 1899. Published Wednesday ana ., atur day at Enterprise. Oregon. Dy THE ENTERPRISE PNtSS south of Main street. Entered as second-class matter January 2. .1909, at the postoffice at Enterprise, Oregon, under the Act of March 8. 1879. ' , Subscription HaUeaj one year 2. 1 six month $1, three ; mouths 60c, tu mouth 20c. On yearly oaahin. j adrance subscriptions a discount of 26e Is iTen. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1911. monopoly, bat prices fixed by the commission of fair men." Andy la eure canny. He's made- his "pile" and doesn't care whether anybody else gets three hundred mil lion in a short life time or not.. He can afford to favor what right. ' superior quality and the weight above the average. Prices are stiffening daily both on wool and grain, 80 to put it most moderately " the ) outlook is splendid. .' . , Of course there will be no "boon: times" because of the nation wide tim idity of capital, but on the other hand there is no basis for the wide-spread fear of "hard times." is WIDE-AWAKE MEDFORD. No sooner does Mrs. Harrlman an- GOVERNMENT CONTROL. w)n f(mnd flnd Judge Gary, president of the steel aUy endow a great university "some trust, In his testimony before the ; wbere m the Paclfic coast," than wide Congressional Steel Trust Inquiry, - awake xie(iford makes a bid for ths said the government should take hold 8ame offers 5000 acres of land, $30, of the transportation lines and big Q(j goo(J cllmate al,a fne scenery, industries and absolutely control them,, ft 8 ft foregone conclusion the site Including the fixing of prices.. . w,u be ,n Southern California, but Andrew Carnegie in an interview in that makes no difference, Modfaid London says Judge Gary gives the on- achieved its main object pabiiclty. ly solution to the evil 'of combinations That offer appeared, as a press dis and yet retain the good of them. "Our court of commerce will have access to all the books and accounts of corporations and will fix prices according to profits revealed," said Mr, Carnegie. "The 25' and 50 per cent profits will be no more. People will have to be content with 5 and 10 per cent. 1. ..1. 1 nUl.n 1t nnrm.a sf IJlUCfl 111 ttU'UlV Ulfi UtXLlJ yttlw the United States, and Medford secur ed thousands of dollars worth of pub Hclty free. GREAT CROP PROMISE. There was never a better promise of bumner strain crops In this county J than now. Both fall and spring "Multimillionaires will then be very, sown grain is looking fine, with good scarce," he added with a chuckle. , stand and color. The hay crop will "It will deal liberally with capital, be enormous and pastures are the but also Justly with the consumer. At I best In years. The wool clip is 0: CITY TREASURER AND CITY RECORDER REPORTS At a' meeting of the city council held June 2, 1911, the City Record er and City Treasurer filed reports. From the report of the City Re corder, beginning August 1, 1910, to June 1, 1911, It appears: Collected on account of fines, licenses granted and other miscellaneous receipts . $ 459 46 Collected from water rents trom Sept. 1, 1910, to June 1, 1911 .... .. 2i68 64 From the report of the City Treas urer for the year ending May 31, 1911, appears the following: t General Fund Receipts .. .. ..$6804 13 Disbursements .... 6108 15 Balance on hand .. .. $ 696 98 Water Fund Receipts . $4048 42 Disbursements .... 3347 62 Balance on hand .... $ 700 8C Road Fund Receipts $1984 38 Disbursements .... 1167 99 Balance on hand .. .. $ 816 39 Library Fund Receipts $ 283 96 Disbursements .... 24 75 Balance on hand .. STATE BOARD PROHIBITS COMMON DRINKING CUP. rt Professional Directory E. R. FLACK, M. D. I,.. V.S. Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist County Veterinarian. Enterprise, Oregon. . 4" C. T. HOCKETT. M. D. imiipijm iki inn n,nr.nnM rmoiuAn ami $ Office la Lltch building. Rooui-f 1 x t W C. KETCHITIJ J DENTIST - - EM UH RISE j Office In Lltch Building. Room j 121. Home Independent Phone. J 115. Horn kid. Phone It office -..A . I .1 I Sum rwitwjuw. v4 f 44 DR. W. L. NICHOLS. ; Osteopathic Physician V 1S5-187 Latch Btlli. ti to 8 p.m., Tuesdays, Thirsdays, J 2 Saturdays. Phone, res. w& office. 3 i T no r 1 1 TTf T nuvciniu ivn runr.rnu umce in cans; nmming. 4 Horn phone both office and 2 t c t TRcnwiv ' " ! PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON t In Dr. Anderson's office. Phoned I connection day and night. W. B. APPLIQATC NoUry Publle Collections made. Real BstaU ought and ' sold and all business matters attended to. Call on - or writ n. PAJUDISi, OHBOON. T realilanrn 4 - lriir' 4444y4fi S J. A. BURLEIGH ATTORNEY-AT-UW Office In IJtch Budding. Enterprise, Oi'KiHU DAMEL BOYD ATTOKNEY-ARAW Practice In all Slata Honrta and 4 Interior Department. Careful at-1 tention to all business. : 1 j4W4"tH SHEAHAN & C Q'JLEY LAWYERS ENTERPRISE Practice In State shA Federal Courts and Interior department. Z r&44-4 s , Whereas, It has been proven beyond doubt that the use of the1, common drinking cup Is responsible for the spread of many Infectious" and con tagious diseases, particularly is this true of such dire diseases a3 Con-1 sumption, Syphilis, Diphtheria many others, and that Whereas, The abolishment of what is known as the common drinking cup would be for the betterment of the public health, , ; ' Therefore Be- It, Resolved, by tho Oregon State Board of ' Health that the use of the common drinking ctiri on railroad trains. In ' railroad sta tions, in the public and private1 schools. in all the educational institutions of the State of Oregon is hereby prohib ited; from and after September. 1st, 1911. i That on and after this date, no person ' or corporation In charge or control of any railroad station or any railroad train, electric car or any public conveyance or in any public or private school or any State educational Institution shall furnish any drinking cup for public use, and no such person or corporation shall Dermlt on said railroad train or sta tion, or on said electric car or at said public or private school or said State educational institution, or on said public conveyance, the use of the common drinking cup. OREGON STATE BOARD. OP HEALTH, By Calvin S. White. M. D., secretary. C. H. ZUaCHER RAY E. VEST ' ZURCHER Sp VEST Spring Arrival of 9 en s Cloth Total cash on hand $259 21 $2472 38 ORDINANCE. An Ordinance requiring the City Re corder of the City of Enterprise, Ore gon, to execute a bond in favor of the City of Enterprise, Oregon, in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, and declaring an emergency. The City of Enterprise does ordain as follows: - - Section I. It shall be the duty of each and every person eleoted, appoint ed or acting as City Recorder of the City of Enterprise, Oregon, to execute and file with the City Treasurer of said city of Enterprise, a bond In the penal sum of Two Thousand Dollars, with two or more sufficient sureties conditioned that the said City Re corder of said City of Enterprise, will honestly and faithfully perform the duties of his office as such City Re corder, and that he will account for and pay over 'according to law, the Charter of said City of Enterprise, and of this Ordinance, all money that may come Into his hands by virtue of his office as such City Recorder of said City. oecHon u. in order to preserve the safety of the public credit of the said City of Enterprise, the provisions o this ordinance are hereby declar ed necessary for the preservation of the .public health, peace and safety of said City of Enterprise, and an em ergency Is hereby declared to exist, and this Ordinance shall take effect and be In full force and effect from and after its approval by the Mayor, Its passage by the City Council, and publication according to law. Attest: J. A.; BURLEIGH, CHAS. THOMAS, Mayor. City Recorder. Approved, June 2, 1911. Passed the Council, June 2, 1911 RESOLUTIONS. Belt Resolved, by Enterprise Lodge No. 94 Knights of Pythias, of Enter prise, Oregon, That, Whereas, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe has seen -fit to call from this earth, Grace Hockett, be loved wife of our esteemed ' Broth er Knight, C. T.-Hockett, therefore, Be It Resolved, that there be, and Is hereby extended the - sympathy of this lodge and Its membership ' to our brother, in this, his hour of sor row. Be It Further Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Brother Hockett,' a copy furnished the press and that this resolution be en tered upon the minutes of the lodge Any young man, every young man, ' appreciates the value of smart style in clothes; and we have the young men's styles here, ready for those who ap preciate good quality in addition' to style. Such quality pays; all-wool fabrics, fine tailoring; it's the only, thing that pays in clothes; it pays you as well as us. Suits from $17.50 and up ' i When you see it in our ad-it's so Zurcher (& Vest MEN'S FURNISHERS ESI NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Ore gon, May 8th, 1911. . Notice Is hereby given that John proceedings, to become a part of the Romlne, of Enterprise, Oregon, who, records thereof, BEN WEATHERS, S. F. PACE, W, F. SAVAGE, 1 Committee, on October 29th, 1904, made Home stead Entry No.. 1399, Serial No. 04267, for SE, Section 9, Town-ship 1 South, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make Final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Carl Roe, U. S. Com mlssloner, at "his office, at Enter prise, Oregon, on 'the 29th day of June, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: An drew J. Fowjpr, Thomas Whltmore, Harley Whltmore, and Theodore T. Mc Kin nls, all of Enterprise, Oregon. F. C. BRAMWELL, 39c5 Register. Mire py Boss of 3y r wm Job? t , Or is some one else assuming the responsibility for your worK? The trained man is the responsible and well-paid man. The untrained man the chap that docs only the detailed part of the work at another's bidding as- Read the advertisements. ;Siito'teMls it ii w it ii ii fin.v t ifvj ii it i i it iii i u n i B :: a M MODEL 10 VISIBLE has just been awarded the over all competitors at the Internationa Exposition S sumes no responsibilities and is paid just so much for his labor, and no more. I If you are only a detail man, the International Correspondence Schools can fit you for positions higher up can help you to be boss of your own job. If you are earning only a small wage, the I. G. S. can raise your salary. , No matter where you live, how many hours a day you work, how little spare time or money you have, or how-limited your education (provided you , can rend and write), the International Correspondence Schools will go to you and train you for your chosen occupation. Training means rapid advancement to -be boss of your own job.. The 214 Courses of the I. C. S. offer toyou a way out of the rut of forever having to take orders from the boss. The I. C. S. can help you just as it has helped thousands of other ambiti ous men that at the rate of 300 every month are voluntarily reporting salar ies raised and positions bettered as the direct result of I-C-S Training. The I-C-S way will not require you to leave home, stop work, nor suffer any . in convenience. To find out all about the I-C-S way to get full information - about how you can learn to be boss of your own Job marK and mail the at tached coupon. This will cost you only postage and will place you under ab solutely no obligation. Send the Coupon - . BAKER CITY OFFICE International Correspondence Schools ; Box 493, Baker City, Oregon . PtwasacaUa. wtthwat further obliymbM an my part. Imw I en qualifr Urn a luaw tmlmtf aad WrmniiMujut t tba puirftioa Mora irfakklktnmuludX. BaokhiMr 8tnaarapbr Adrrtitia Itmt 8how-CrdWrit. Window TrimoM llluMrator Civ, I Sarrira Chemist Txu)-Min Bupt. Coserat Engfaaar Klaetncal Koa-inaar Powar-Statioa Supt. Heavy Elect. Traotina Telephona Engineer Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Draftsman ' Machine Designer I CWU Engineer Surreycr Automobile Operator Stationary Erginear Building Coo tractor Architect Architectural Drafts, Structural Engineer Mining Engineer Mtte Foreman. Gaa Kngineer Flumb g H't'g Cob. Jtseetaod Na- Oty. .State. TTwMiiiiTmwnitvr.n tnrnKHHIgllUMaiHII ai3fcaaitaMaa;KMa&l.kaia1tCB