vr CHAPTER IT. I HAVE Mentioned .poison as my first thought. It was a natural 'one Abe result undoubtedly .of having noticed two small cordial J glasses standing on a little table, over against the fireplace. When I was conscious again of my own fears I crossed to the table and peered Into - these glasses. They were.;-not club glasses, and they both ' were empty. However, they had not been so long. In each I found .traces of anisette cordial, and, though no -bottle stood near, I was very confident that It ' could readily be found somewbere In the room. What had preceded and, followed the drinking of this cordial? Alas, there was but little more to eel- A pair of curling Irons lay on the 'hearth, but I bad no sooner lifted them' than I dropped them' with a shudder of unspeakable loathing, only to start at the noise they made In ' , .striking the tiles, for At was the selfsame noise I had heard when' listening from below. These tongs, set ' up against the side , of the Ore place, had been Jarred down by the forcible shutting of the large front : door, and no man other than myself was In the house or bad been in the' bouse only the two 'women. A stick? or two still smoldered on the hearth tone. , In the ashes lay some acat-t . tered fragments of paper which crumbled at my touch. On the floor In front I espied only a stray balrpln.i . Everything else was in place through-i . out the room except the cushions and' that horror on the lounge, waiting the : second - look I had so far refrained from giving it. That look I could :no longer with hold. I must know the depth of the gulf over which I hung. I must not wrpng with4 a thought one who had smiled upon me like an angel of light . a young girl. too. with the dew .of in nocence on her beauty to every eye but - mine and only not to mine within shall I say ten awfnl minutes? I would look again and perhaps discover that my own eyes hud been at fault: that there were no marks on Adelaide's throat.' or. if marks, not just the ones my fancy had painted there1. Turning. 1 let my glance fall first on the feet I bad not noted tbem before, and I was startled to see that the arc tics In which they were clad were filled all around with snow. She had walked then as .the other was walking now' ; she who detested every effort and was -of such delicate make .that exer- ; tlon of unusual kind could not readily , fee associated with her. Had she come Alone or In Carmel's company, and, if ' in Carmel's company, on what osten si ble errand if not that of death? Her dress, which was of dark wool, showed that she had changed her garments for this trip. I had seen her at dinner, and this was not the gown she bad worn then the gown 1 in wblcb she bad confronted me during those few " Intolerable minutes when I could not meet her eyes. Nothing spoke of the ' dinner party or of her having been dragged here unaware, but all of pre riMi8 intent and premeditation. Surely pop was getting uppermost If I had dreamed the marks , But no! There they were, unmistak- able apd , damnlngr Just where the breath struggles up. I put my own thumbs on these two dark spots to see If. when , What was it-a lightning stroke or m call of fate which one 1 must answer 'While sense remains? I felt my head pulled around by some unseen force from behind and - met: jgtaring into mine through the glass of due window a pair of burning eyes. Or was it fantasy? For In another mo meat they were gone. But the possi bility at person baying seen 'me in this position before the dead was enough to startle me to my feet, and, though in another instant I became convinced that I bad been the victim of hallucination. I nevertheless made baste to cross to the window and take A look through its dismal panes. A gale of blinding snow was sweeping past making all things Indistinguish able, but the absence of balcony out Aide was reassuring, and I stepped has tily back, asking myself for the first time what I should do and where I should now go to Insure myself from being called! as a witness to the awful occurrence which bad Just taken place la this bouse. Something I must do to Aava myself the anguish and Carmei the (danger of my testimony in this putter. She must never know, the world most never know, that I had seen ber here. I could not be the death of two wom en. The loss of one weighed heavily euongb upon my conscience. I would fl the place i would leave this ft..i An4 toll ita avii ntnrv ine ii, th. hnnp lata, the -n. . mote one and the road to It but little used. I could easily escape, And when te morrow came- But it was the present 1 must think of,,now this hour, this moment How came l to stay so long? In ferertsb baste I be gan to throw the pillows back over the quiet limbs, tbe accusing face. Sbudr doringly I hid those eyes (I understood tbelr strange protuberance now) and, recklessly' bent" on flight "was balfway across tbe floor when taj feet wera stayed I wonder my reason was not miaeated-bx a sudden aM tremefidoua attack on thegreat"di ir below,"" min gled with loud cries to pen which ran thundering through the house, calling up innumerable, echoes from its, dead oud hidden corners. j It was the police. Tl le wild lgbt the biting storm, bad be in of no vall. An ulurm hud reached beiidquUrters, and ull ' hope of escape uu my' pa it was ut an end. Yet. because ar siieb 'crises Instinct rises suj iTlor to rea son, 1 blew out the cam lie and softly made my way into the Intll. 1 bud remembered the window opening over a shed at the' head of the kitchen staircase. I could reach, it from thlw rear hall by just a turn or' two. and once on that shed a short leap would land me on the ground. After which I could easily trust to the storm to con ceal my " flight across the open golf links. It was worth trying, at ; least Anything was better than being found in the bouse with my murdered be trothed. , 1 bad no reason to think that I was being sought or that my presence in this building was even suspected. . It might well be that the police, were even ignorant of the tragedy awaiting them across the threshold of the door they seemed Intent on battering down. The gleam of a candle burning in this closed up house or even the tale told by the rising smoke may have drawn them from the road to investigate. . With a spring I reached the window by. which I hoped to escape and quick ly raised it. A torrent of snow swept in, covering my face and breast in a moment. It did something more; it cleared my brain, and I remembered my poor horse standing in this ' blind ing gale under cover of the ' snow packed pines. Every one knew my horse. I could commit no greater folly than to flee by tha rear; fields while such a witness to ;py presence remained In full view in front : With the sensation of a trapped animal I reclosed ihe window and cast; about for a safe corner where 1 could lie concealed until J learned what biid brought these men here and bow much 1 really bad to fear from tbeir presence. ? ' , I had but little time In which to choose. The door below bad Just giv en way, and a party of at least three men were already stamping their feet free from snow in the ball. I did not like the tone of tblr voices: it was too How and steady to suit me. I bud rather have heard drunken cries or a burst of wild hilarity than these stern and purposeful whispers. Men of res. olution could have but one errand here. My doom was closing round me. 1 could dnly put off the fatal moment, But It was better to do this than to plunge headlong into the unknown fate awaiting me, 4 knew of a possible place of conceal ment It was in the ballroom not far from where I stood., I remembered the spot : well. It was at 'the top of a little staircase lending to the musi hulnHtrnde cuarded this gallery, supported by a boardingJ ... I wide enough to hide a man lying be hind it at his full length. It would off er me the double advantage of con cealment and an unobstructed view of what went on In the ball through the main doorway opening directly oppo site.. 1 could reach this ballroom and Its terminal gallery without : going around to this door. A smaller one' communicated directly with the corri dor In which I was then lurking, and toward this 1 now made my way with all the ' precaution suggested by my desperate situation. No man ever mov ed more, lightly.. The shoes which I bad taken off In the lower ball were yet l By band. 1 bad caught them op after replacing the cushions on Adelaide's body. Even to my own troiBlng ears I made no perceptible sound. 1 reached (be balcony and bad stretched myself nut at full length be hind tbe boarding before the men be low bad left the lower floor. More quickly than 1 expected tbe total darkness in which I lay brighten ed under an advancing lantern, and I beard the steps of two men coming down tbe bail. It was a steady If not rapid approach, and I w quit? pro pared for tbelr presence when they finally" reached the doorway fOpposlta and stopped to look In at what must have anneared to tbem . vast and empty space. When I lifted my bead again It was to catch a glimpse of tbelr side faces as they turned to look else-. where for. what they were plainly In search fit An oath, muffled but stern. which was the first word above a whisper that 1 bad beard issue from their lips, told me that they bad reach ed the room and bad come upon tha horror which lay there. Maddened by my own Intolerable po sition, drawn by a power I reit it tm- possible to resist I crept to my feet and took my staggering way down the j half dozen steps of tbe gallery and i theme, along , by the left band waU f toward the . farther doorway and ' ..i. it tn Khun thesa men stood welehlna the chances in wblcb my life and honor were Involved and those of one other nf whom dared not think. I It was dark In tbe ballroom, and It waa only a little less so In tba cor ridor. All tbe light waa In that room. But I soil slid along tbe wall like a ftlef jrltaeyea act and ear aaiM for any "chance word" whfcfi mTgfif reach me. Suddenly 1 beard one. It was this, ottered witb a decision .which bad the sfrnnge effect of lift fag my bead an4., making a 'man of me again: j "That settles it He will find it hard to escape after this." . Bet I had been dreading to hear a the. J yet why? Who , save my self could 'know that Carmei bad been within these woeful walla to-. 1 FIND HEB tTKftJ ' night?, Relieved " bv the discovery. ' HERS DEAD." I drew myself up and stepped, quickly forward, into the room, where tbe two officials stood. . My bands 'were clean of this murder, and. allowing the sure ty of this fact to take a foremost place in. my mind..! faced, these men, and with real feeling, but as little dis play of it as possible I observed: "You bave come to my aid In a crit ical moment .This Is my betrothed wife the .woman I " was to marry and I' find' her 'lying here dead In this closed' and lonely bouse. ' what does It mean? I know no more than yon do." Tbe two men eyed me quietly; then Policeman Hexford.- w'hom I knew, pointed to my shoeless feet' and sternly reionea: "Permit me to doubt your last as sertion. You seem to be In better po sition than ourselves to explain the circumstances wblcb puzzle yon." : Tbey were right. It was for me to talk,, not for tbem. But here emotion elzed me. and I almost broke down. ) was In a position much 'more dread ful than any, they' could 'Imagine or should be. allowed to. t J Tbelr silence led me ; to examine their faces. "Hexford's ' month :had settled into a stiff, straight line, and the other man's wore a cvnlcal smile I did not like. At this presage of tbe difficulties awaiting me; I felt one strand of the rope sustaining . me above this yawning gulf of shame and Ignoinlnv crack and .give; way. But the 'courage wblcb bad served me In lesser extremities did not fall me uow. and. kneeling down before my dead betrothed. 1' kissed her cold white band with sincere compunction before attempting the garbled and probably totally incoherent atory .with wblcb I endeavored to explain ' tbe inexplain able situation. They listened I will do tbem that much justice but It was with such an air of Incredulity that my . words fell with less and less continuity and finally lost themselves In a confused stammer as reached tbe point where 1 pulled tbe cushions from tbe couch and made my ghastly discovery. "You. see see. for yourselves what confronted me. nnintir flallflOtA My betrothed a dainty, delicate woman dead, alone. In this solitary, faraway spot the victim of what? I asked myself then I ask myself now. 1 cannot under stand 'ltor' those glasses yonder or or tho'se'mifks!" They were black by this tlme-fuomlstakable not to be Ig nored 'by 'tbem or by me. "We understand those marks, and yon ouptbt to" came from the second mnn. the one I did not know, My head fell forward. My Hps re fused to speak tbe words. Tbe vision of the' one' wonJan bending over tbe other was a "maddening one. I shook 'myself free f rbto it by starting to my feet : "IfBTt's'v.'l gasped. "She has been Strantled," quotb Hexford doggedly. "A . dog's death," mumbled tbe other. "Yon bad better sit down." Hex ford suddenly suggested, pushing a chair my way. "Clarke, look up the telephone and ask for three more men. J am going into this matter thorough ly, Terbaps yon will tell us where the telephone Is?" be asked, turning my way. Tbe second man left tbe room to go 0 the telephone. A be did. sq Hex ford lit tbe candle. Idly watchjng. for nothing now could make me look at the loqnff again. I noticed tba can dlestick. It was of brass and rare in atyla and workmanship a candlestick to be remembered, one of a pair, per haps. I felt my balr stir as 1 took In tbe details of Its shape and ornamenta tion. ' If its mate were In her bouse No, no. no! 1 would not 'bave It so. I could not control my emotion If t let my Imagination stray too far. Tbe candlestick most be the property ot tbe club. I bad only forgotten. It was bought wben? While thinking, planning. I was conscious of Hex ford's eyes fixed steadily upon me. "Did yon go Into tbe kltcben In your wanderings below?" be asked. "No." I began, bot seeing that 1 bad made a mistake. I, bungled land Added weakly. "Yes; after matches." 'And did yoq get tbem7 "Yes." ; "in tbe dark? Ton must have bad fronble Iq finding tbem?" "Not at ll- Only safety matches are allowed her, and tbey are put in receptacle at the aid of each door. I Irad but to open tbe kltcben door. teel alotut lamb. And th. recen- tncle and" pull' tlie box out I'm well used to all parts of (Be house." "Where did you light your first match?" "Upstairs." "Not In tbe kitchen V "No. sir." "That's a pity. I thought you might be able to tell me bow so many wine and whisky bottles came to be stand ing on tbe kltcben table." ' I stared at blm. dazed. Then I re membered the two small glasses on the little table across the room and Instinctively glanced at them. But no whisky bad been drunk out of them. The odor of anisette Is unmistakable. You carry the key to tbe wine cel lar?" he asked. . I considered a moment I did not know what to make of bottles on tbe kltcben table. These women and bot tles! Tbey abhorred wine; tbey bad reason to. I remembered the dinner and all that had signallzed.it and felt my confusion grow. . v The keys were given up by tbe Janitor yesterday," I managed to stam mer at last. "But I did not bring tbem here tonight They are In my rooms at home." -- ' 1 finished witb . a gasp. I had sud denly remembered that these keys were not in my rooms. I had bad tbem with me at Miss Cumberland's, and, being given to tooling witb some thing wben embarrassed. 1 bud fooled with them and dropped them while talking with Adelaide and watching Carmei. 1 had meant to pick them up. but 1 forgot and "You need say nothing more about It" remarked Hexford. "1 have no right to question you at all. Let us see what there Is In here." stepping Into tbe adjoining small room. Into wblcb I bad simply peered' In my own In vestigation of tbe place. As be did so a keen blast blew In; a window In tbe adjoining room was open. He enst me a hurried glance and. with the door In his band, made the following remark: "Your ladylove, the victim here. could not have come through the snow with no more clothing on ber than we see now. She muxt have worn a bat and coat or furs or something of tbat nature. Let .us look' for them." As I followed blm into the closet he pushed the door wide, pulling put an electric torch as be did so. By Its light we saw almost at first glance-tbe coat and bat be professed to seek, ty ing In a corner of tbe floor, beside an overturned cbalr. , "Good!" left my companion's .lips. "That's all straight You recognize these garments?" I nodded, speech less. , j CHAPTER IIL A SCRAP Or PAPER. s HORTLY after this a fresh re lay of police arrived, and 1 could bear tbe whole house be ing ransacked. I bad found my shoes and was sitting In my own private room before a fire which bad been lighted ror me on tne neartn. i waa In a state of stupor now. The storm, which bad been exceed Ingly Acre while It lasted, had quiet ed down to a steady fall ot snow. Had lta mission been to serve as a blanket to this crime by wiping out from tbe old snow all telltale foot steps and aucb other records as Him pllfy casea of this kind for the detec Uvea It could not bave happened more apropos to tbe event While this filled me with relief In one way. It added to my care in another, for the storm wblcb could accomplish so much In so short a time was a bitter one for a young girt o meet and Carmei must bave met It at Its worst In ber lone some struggle bomeward. ' Tbe door behind me oiicned. and I turned to face Dr. Perry, once a prac ticing physician and my father's Inti mate friend, now a county oniclnl of no ordinary Intelligence and. what was better, of no ordinary feeling. His attachment to my father had pot descended to me, and for the mo ment he treated me like a stranger. "1 am tbe carper of this district." aid be. "1 hare left my bed to bave a few words with you and learn If four detention her Is warranted They have told me, what ynu had m aay In explanation of your presence here where a crime of some natnr ba taken place. But I should like V bear the story from your own Hp. You bave been Intending to marry Miss Cumberland?" "Yes."' I looked tbe man directly In the eye. "Our wedding day was set" "Did you love ber? Pardon ma If I am to be of any benefit to yon at this crisis 1 must strike at tbe root of things. If you do not wish to answer aay so, Mr. Ranelagb." "I do wish," This was a lie. but what was I to do. knowing bow dan- gem us It would be for Carmei to bar It publicly known wbere my affection were really centered? "1 am In bu position to conceal anything from you. did iove Miss Cumberland. We bave been engaged fqr a year," "I see. and sb. returned your love?" "Sincerely." Was tbe room iliit , ougb to reveal my guilty flush? Kho : " " r, ously, too absorblugly for ber happi ness or mine. "And the slater?" It was gently but gravely put and Instantly I knew tbitt our. secret was out. however safe we had considered It. This man was cognizant of It and If be. why not others? Why not tha whole town? 1 made my reply in these words? "Her sister Is ber sister. I hardly think that either of us would be apt to forget that Have you beard other wise, sir?" He was prepared for equivocation, possibly for denial, but not for attack. His manner changed and showed dis trust and I saw tbat I had lost rather tbuu mude,by this venturous move. "Is this your writing?" he suddenly asked, showing me a morsel of paper which be bad drawn from bis vest pocket I looked and felt that I now under stood what tbe pines bad been trying to tell me for tbe last few hours. That compromising scrap of. writing bad not been destroyed. It existed for her and my undoing. But Carmei was no fool even If she bad wild and demoniacal moments. This could Bot be uiv uote to ber that fatal note which would. make all denial of our mutual passion unavailing Is it your' writing,?" my watchful Inquisitor repeated. 1 looked nguln. Tbe scrap was small er than my note hud been wben It left my hands. If It were the same then some of the words were aone. Were they the first ones or the last? It would make a difference In tbe read ing or. rather. In the conclusions to be drawu from what remained. If only tbe mist would clear from before my eyes or he wwild bold the slip ot paper nearer. Tbe room was very dark. Tha -tbe- - Is it your writing?" Coroner Perry asked for tbe third time. There was oo denying It My writ ing was peculiar and quite unmistak able. I should gain nothing by saving no. , "It looks like It," I admitted reluc tantly, "but I cannot be sure in this light May I ask what this bit of pa per is and where you found It?" "Its contents I think you know. Am for the last question, think you can answer Hint also if you will." 8ay lug which be quietly replaced the scrap of paper In bis pocketbook. I followed tbe action witb .my eyes. I caught a fresh glimpse of a darkened edge and realized tbe cause of tbe faint odor which I bad bltberto experienced without being conscious of it Tbe scrap bad been plucked out of tbe chimney. She bad tried to burn It 1 remembered the fire and the smolder ing bits of paper wblcb crumbled at my touch. And tbls one this, tba most Important, tbe only Important one of tbem all bud flown, bait acorcbed, up tbe chimney and clung there within easy reach. Tbe whole incident was plain to me, and I could even tlx upon tbe moment wben Hexford or Clarke discovered this Invaluable bit of evidence, it waa just before I burst In upon tbem from tbe ballroom, and It was tbe undoubt ed occasion of tbe remark I then over beard: "Tbls settles It He cannot escape lis now." During tbe momentary silence wblcb oow ensued I tritfU to remember tbe exact words which bad composed this note: "Tonight-10:30 train-we will be married at P. Come. come, my dar ling, my life. She will forgive wben all Is done. Hesitation will only undo us. Tonight at 10:30. Do not fall me. I shall never marry any one but you." Was tbat all? 1 bad an Indistinct remembrance of having added soma wild and Incoherent words ot passion ate affection affixed to ber name. Ber name! Hut it may be tbat in tbe bur ry and flurry of tha moment these terms of endearment simply passed through my mind aud found no ex pression on paper 1 could uot be sure any more than I could be positive from the half glimpse I got of these lines wblcb portiou had been burned off tbe top, to wblcb the word "train" occurred, or tbe Uoal words, emphasis ing a time ut nteetiug and my determi nation to marry no oue but tbe per son addressed. The first gone, tbe lat ter might take on any sinister mean ing. The latter gone, tbe Unit might prove a safeguard, corroborating my statement that an errand bad taken me into town. It would be hard to find an alibi for Carmei If suspicion once turned ber way. She bud not met me at tbe train.' The unknown but doubtless easily to be found man who bad band ed me ber note could swear to tbat ruct Tben tbe oote Itself! I bad destroyed It It Is true, but Its phrases were pres ent to my mind. Tbey were these In nocent If she were Innocent but bow suggestive to tbe llgnt of ber probable j guilt "I 1 cannot Walt till tomorrow. Tben you will sea the depth of my lova for yuu what 1 ow you. what I owe Adelaide." I was conscious that not a look or movement ot mine bad escaped tbe j considerate but watebful eye of tbe tuuu before me. "You do not relish my questions." be dryly observed. ".Perhaps you would rather tell yogjr story wltbyuj; Interruption. If so r beg you to be as explicit as possible. The clii-um-stances are serious (enough for per feet candor on your part" 1 took a quick resolve. I would np pear to throw discretion to the winds, to tun tide to tiiin wbut men' usually bold sacred, to risk my reputation as a gentleuiun. rather than Incur a sus picion wblcb might involve others more tha u" It did myself. "I will give you un account of my elf," said 1. "I did love Adelaide on-e. or tbougbt so. but my feelings cbang ' ed. A great temptation cam- Into. no life. Carmei returned from srbool and you know ber beauty, ber fascina tion. A week In her prexeuce and mar riage with' Adelaide became Impossible. But bow evade It? -1 knew only tbe coward's way to lure tbls Inexperi enced young girl, fresh from . school. Into a runaway match.' Tbls evening ) 1 bad set as tbe limit of my endusunce I of tbe Intolerable situation. During a minute of solitude preceding tbe din ner at Miss Cumberlu nd's bouse on tbe bill I wrote a few Hues to ber sister, urging her to trust me with her fate and meet me at the station in time tor . tbe 10:30 train. I meant to carry ber at once to P., where I rind a friend In the ministry wbo would at once unite us In marriage. I was very peremp tory, for my nerves were giving way under tbe secret strain to which tbey bad been subjected for so long, and sbe berxHlf was looking worn with ber own silent and uncommunlcated con diet. "To write this note was 'easy, but to deliver It Involved di faculties. Miss Cumberland's eyes seemed to be more upon me than usual. Mine were oblig ed to respond, and Carmei, seeing this. kept ber on ber plate or on tbe one other person seated at tbe table, ber brother Arthur. But tbe opportunity came aa we all rose and passed togeth er Into tbe drawing room. Carmei fell Into place at my side, and I slipped tba note into ber band. Bbe bad not ex pected it and 1 fear tbat tbe action . was observed, for when 1 took my . leave of Miss Cumberland shortly aft er 1 was struck by ber expression. I bad never seen such a look on ber face - before, nor can I conceive of one pre senting a mora extraordinary contrast to the few and commonplace words with wblcb sbe bade meftood evening. "I neither, knew Adelaide nor did I knowv tbe girt whose love I bad so overestimated. Sbe failed me. Dr. Perry, i was met at tbe station not by herself, but by a letter a few hur ried lines given me by an uuknown man-In wblcb aba stated that 1 bad asked too much of ber that sbe could not so wrong ber sister wbo bad brought ber up and dope Everything for her since ber mother died. I have not tbat letter now or 1 would show It to you. In my raging disappoint ment I tore It up on the place where I received It and threw tbe pieces away. I bud staked my wbole future on one desperate throw, and I bad lost If I bad bad a pistol" ' I slopped, warned by an easy movement oo tbe part-of tbe man I addressed tbat I bad better not dilate too much upon my feelings. 1 pulled myself together and proceed ed to finish my atory witb greater di rectness. "1 did not leave tbe station till tba 10:30 train bud gone. It waa from beer' preoccupation ot mind that I drove tbls way Instead of straight out by Marshall avenue. As I reached tba bend In tbe road wbere you get your first sight of tba buildings I saw a thin streak of smoka rising from one of lta chimney, and, anxious aa to lta . meaning, I drove In" "Walt Mr. Ranelagh, I am sorry to Interrupt you, but by wblcb gate did you enter?" "By tba lower one." "Was It snowing at. tbls time?" "Not yet It was just before tba clouds rushed upon tbe moon. 1 could see everything quite plainly." My companion nodded, and I went breathlessly on. Any question of bis staggered me. I was tgnornut of tba facta at bis commnud I was not able to roujectura by what chance or at whose suggestion (he police hud raid ed the place and discovered the trag edy wblcb bad given point to tbat raid I continued, but I omitted nil mention of tbe most serious part of my adventure said nothing of my vi sion 'of Carmei or the lettable rondo Ions wblcb ber presence there had awakened. "There Is no mora to say," I conclud ed. "I know nothing. It Is all a phantasmagoila to me with oo mora meaning than a nightmare. She Is doad-I know that but beyond that 'all Is doubt coufuslou, I cud neither understand nor explain." (To te continued.) A Peek Into His Pocket would show the box of Bucklen's Ar nica Salve that E. 8. Leper, a car penter of Marllla, N. Y., alway car ries. "I have "never had a cut. wound, brujje, or sore it would not oon heal," be writes. Greatest heal- a kiiMia knl I i a si a rm Atinntmrl r "l vu'"". , m-h-- hands and Hps, fever-sores, skln-erup- Hons, eczema, corns and plies. 25c at all druggists. s J