Enterprise news-record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1910-1911, June 03, 1911, SATURDAY EDITION, Image 2

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.formerly the Wallowa News, astab-
lalimJ ,lar,:b A. 1899
Published . Weclnesflays a.nd Satur-
days at Enterprise. Oregon, by ,
Office Went First. rfreet, half bl w:k
south of ilaiii street.
JSntered as second-ciuss mutter
January 2, 1909, at (the postoffiee at
Enterprise. Oregon, under the Act of
March 3. 1879. ,: ' j : . '
Subscription Rates: One. year ?2,
all months it, three mouths 60c,
en month 20u. 'On yearly cash-in-advance
subscriptions a discount of
26c ts given.
SATURDAY, JUNE '3, 1911.
Next Wednesday will be the last
Issue of the Twlce a-Week News- Roc
, After that date, this paper wil
consolidated with the Wallowa
County Chieftain ami a big week
ly will be issued on Thursdays, nam
ed the Record Chieftain. Its pile
will he $1.50 a year In advance. Al
paid in advance subscriptions to th'
NewsRacord will receive due advance
credit on the Record Chieftain at th
reduced rate, and as sorni as pos
Bible statements will be mailed t
each one showing the credit glvar
and th.e oxact state of the account
This change is made for sov-ara"
reasons, the first and ch'.ef boln;
the miserable . mail service in thlr
county, on account of which th
majorlty of . the subscribers to thf
Twlce-a-w3ek paper lost the bone
fit of ,tho frequency .pf Issue, Com
plaint ha j been common from th'
North End, for instance, Unit batl
ishues arrived together, although
Invariably a mail, left Wallowa fo
Flora between mailings of the pa
purs. There were other reasons tha
needn't be entered on at this time
but one should be stated: With on
paper' and one interest, we will glv
better service, move newspaper ant"
better satisfaction. This In ltsel
Is sufficient reason for the change
itoping you will give the new order
of things a fair . trial, and then' If
- - - i - .
you have any kick coming, that you
will register your complaint at head
quarters, we remain, very respectfully
(Contlnd from front page.) ;
the county came' on tor oonsidora
tlon and the said bills having bee:
.submitted, to the court and thj
court having passed upon and aud
ltod each of said bills separately
as appears from the signature- of
the court thereon,
It Is therefore considered and or
dered by the court that the" said
bills be , allowed and warrants Is
sued by the county clerk In pay
ment of the same as allowed In
class and amounts as follows,
Built to
with greatest
and safety. .'
A X.
Its parts are few and strong and simple.
The breech is locked by a turning bolt
as in the latest design of military rifles.
Five itnasliing, one-Ion blows delivered with
lightning speed cr deliberate fire ts need may be.
The only recoil-operaled -tiRe locking the cart
ridge in the chamber until after die bullet hat
left the muz!e. '
Qmlm-LM? ihc perfect shooting
combination. - ' " . - -
StnJ fat Dttctiplh FMti
Romington Armt-Unioa Mataltie Cartridf Cm,
29 Broadw.y. N.w York Cir
to-wlt: i
High School Fund.
II. K. Shirk, salary principal $120 00
Gens W. Hall. : salary ass't
' pvi ic'pal , .. ..
Mrs. A. E. Ivanhoe, salary
teacher.... .... ,
May Uothwell, do'..,
Ii. Li. McAdams, janitor work
D. L. McAdams, janitor work
Road Fund.
I. M. Pltzer, painting crow
. bar ............
Irvin Whitmore, salary road
Nibley-Mlmnaugh Lbr. Co
Nibley-Mimnaugh Lbr. Co.,
lumber -. ,
Denny & Pratt, bridge nails
General Fund.
J. F. Campbell, labor on
bridges ....
L'. F. McAnulty, grand jury
100 00
90 00
90 00
25 00
3 25
90 00
16 63
273 77
,,6 00
659 25
15 00
Don E. Dale, freight 1?6 3
f. H. Moore, witness state
vs. Frlddles
Roy Smith, witness state
vs Frlddles ....
Lawrence Bartlett, witness
18 00
17 20
state vs Frlddles
Lafayette Wilson,
18 Of
State vs Frlddles ....
J. A. Ray, witness State
vs Frlddles
Rosa Prestwood, witness) State
vs Frlddles ..
17 60
18 00
28 60
Julia Prestwood, witness State
vs Frlddles .... ..
.28 60
vV. B Russell,
witness State
witness State
vs Frlddles
28 60
loe- Boseley, .
vs Frlddles 18 00
Beatrice Silver, witness State
vs Frlddles 18 00
Frank Pitman, .witness State
vs Harris " 8-20
I. C. Hall, Juror fee. 43 00
I..' A. Blevans. do .... 40 40
J. A. Ealter, do ... . 40 40
ii. J. Butler, do 57 00
R. B. Bowman, do 41 00
L. C Johnson, do 15 20
J. W. Blckford, do 39 20
J. S. .Applegate, do .... 50 00
J. A. Funk, do - 12 20
,V.. P. Ballard, do 59 00
Alvin Austin, do 61 60
Jack Cole, do 57 2C
3 P. Holmes, do 56 40
J. T. Bell, do .... 51 00J
Jhas. Hauprlch8. do 37 00
W. A. Murray, do 46 00
C.J. Sanford, do .... .... 45 60
Horace Mitchell, do 18 20
). D. Day, do 18 20
TV Bell, Juror fee 39 20
ii. C. Cramer, jury bailiff. . 48 00
W...T. Bell, juror fee .. 39 20
H. R. Hanna, court stenograph
er's fee.. 120 00
V B.. Hunter, juror fee ... . 2 20
V. E. Keltner, do 2
0 S. Reavls. do 2 20
Julian Ellis, do 2 2(
ft. S. Johnson, do 2 20
J. A. Eggleson, do 2 70
Clyde Ptt, do .... ....... 2 60
C. P. Ragsdale, do ... '.. 2 20
V, H. Brownie, do .... .. 13 00
O. D. Daniel, do 18 00
N, J. Hansen, do . 2 20
N. D. Varner, do .... 2 20
E. W. South wick, do .. 2 20
E, M. Ward, do 2 20
B. T. Long, do .. 2 60
J. D. Day, do . 2 20
J. A Denny, do ...... 2 20
Elmer McFetridge, grand juror
fee . f 2 60
0. E. Wagner, do 2 20
Joseph GUI, do . . 18 60
H. E. Hendlckson, do .... 84 00
F, O. Clark, do , 17 00
f'. A. Clark, do . .. .. .... 15 20
C. J, Allen, do 19 00
L.' Beecher, do .... ' 27 00
Win. Bonner,, do 17 00
T. C. Bunnell. Juror fee .... 22 80
John Baker, Juror fee .... 40 40
W II. Gibson, do 32 '40
Eitf Enough for th
MoH Danf roua3aai
handle the
I -
Ml llj I
are not too good for you
Our stock has given such
Excellent satisfaction
wherever planted ; that
you cannot afford to do :
without it;; i
There's a Reason, Tor) '
. A splendid location- with '
.' deep, rich soil, well 'drain- ' V
ed; long growing season;
moisture uner control
Remember that the recogni
tion of Quality remains. Ung:
after the price Is forgotten
More Salesmen Wanted
39 00
Thos. R. Aklns, do .... ..
Delbert Horn an, do .... ....
Crist Bauer, do
45 40
12 20
15 20
36 20
15 20
42 60
18 20
6 80
' 3 40
6 00
2 '20
6 20
2 23
5 60
6 60
,5 60
5 40
2 20
6 00
6 00
2 20
2 20
". 2 20
2 20
5 00
2 20
2 20
2 80
4 00
20 00
46 80
10 60
W. Clemens, do ....
M. MarqulB, do . ... ....
Carl Whltmore,' do .... ....
John C. Pratt, do .... ....
Frank Sheets, do.. .. ....
Wesley Duncan, witness grand-
Jury ....
T. Resch, do . ,
N, D. Crofutt, do
W. E. Taggart, do .... ,..
Walter L, Buzzard, do.... ..
F. 1. Vergere, do . .
G. May, do .... ....
LO. Gaspare, do
Auguste Jlathleu, do .... . .
Herman Mitchell, do ......
T L. Davis, do
Nellie Keeler, do .... ......
Amanda Davis, do . . ......
B. Combes, do
S. Hotchklss, do
W. P. Samm8, do
Purdy Littleton, do
Mrs. Nancy Boise, do .... .
C. H Zurcher, do ,
Chas. Hug, do .... .... ..
Chas. McAUster, do
L. A. Bloom, witness State
vs Harris '
N, Molitor, do ...,'.
V. Cesser, do , ....
E. T. Anderson, do
Oscar Olsen, do .'.
H. D. Crumpacker, do ......
F. B. Leonard, do
M. W. Goodman,' do .... ..
Arch Wlllett, do ....
8 00
i oo
10 00
8 00
10 00
Jim Gastln, do '. . . . ....
Ober Ward, do ... .
Oliver Wood, do
W. B. Hunter, do .. ....
Chris Cook, do
C. W. Womack, do ..V. ....
John Graham, witness State
vs Harris .. .. .'.
W. A; Coffey, witness State
vs Harris
Beatrice Coffey, witness State
vi Harris .'.
Effie Cook, witness State vs
Harris ....
C. L. Whlsman, witness State
, vs Harris '. . . .' .... .... .
S. P. Crow, witness State vs
Harris . . . .
Leonard Olsen, witness State vs
Harris . ." , . . . . .'
L. P. Rose, witness State v
Harris .... ' . .
Mrs. L. P. Rose, witness State
vs Harris .. ....
Ultttle Jacobs, wl'ness Stata
vs Harris .. ..'i "
Mrs.. G. W. Weir, witness State
vs Harris ....
Lena Ackley, witness State
vs Harris ....
Mrs. Ackley, witness State
vs Harris
L. Olsen, witness Stata vs
vs Harris .... .... ....
Wm. Whltmore, witness State
vs Harrts . . .... "'
W. W. McCully, witness State
va Harrts .... '
Leonard Harris, witness State
vs Harris.'...' ji
Sam Wade, witness State vs
T. P. Coleman, witness State
va Zumwatt
Bertel Sargeant, witness State
vs Zumwalt ..
Lester Nell, witness State vs
Arthur Jewell, witness State
vs Zumwalt .... .. ..
Delmar Sargeant, witness SUte
vs Zumwalt
H. W. Dale, witness State
vs Zumwalt ....
H. J, Martin,' witness State.
vs Wlntngs ....
H. C. Davis, witness State
vs Frlddlee ....,.. ....
J, B. Faulconer, witness State
vs Lopes .... . ... ....
4 60
11 20
10 40
12 00
4 00
8 40
16 00
10 00
- I
10 40
6 50
10 00
10 90
'6 00
6 00
7 80
10 00
11 00
9 00
8 90
4 20
10 40
11 00
7 40
7 0
13 60
10 00
7 60
8 00
4 20
7 00
15 00
5 40
11 60
Ira Hosklns,
vs Lopes ..
Qeo. Houser,
witness State
witness State
v Lopes .... .. .
Pierre DeBonniott,
7 40
9 0
4 20
State vs Lopes .. ......
C. H. Zurcher, witness State
v Erown .... .... ....
Reet:? Littleton, witness SUte
vs Brown .... ....
12 00
6 20
4 00
Puidy Littleton, witness State '
vs Brown . .
V O. Lecke, witness State
vs Frlddles .'. ; .
Mr. L. H. Locke, witness State
vs " Frlddles .. .i
Rodgeis Bros.," repairing chair
W. C. Boatman, stamps ....
4 00
1 00
8 00
' . 9 42
'135 00
W. C. Boatman, freight ana
i hauling, .-. .,
F T.. Crowe & Co.. Grader.
W, J. Funk & Co., supplies for
I prisoner ....
Mi Crow ft Co., supplies state
12 85
pauper 51 63
Bfall ft" Co., culverts ...... 966 00
Edgar Marvin, expense and
stamps .... ' .... ....
Sam R. Leffel, meals ....
J. C. Conley, postage ......
J. C. Conley, express and
J. C. Conley, expense visiting
Max Wilson, examination
board ........
Aubrey G. Smith, examination
board .. . . ..
49 45
18 55
1 25
4 05
9 00
9 00
9 00
5 05
39 12
C. J. Mclntyre, examination
board' ....
Perry Blanchard, meals for
jury :..
lldgar Marvin, board of pris
G. M. Hendrickson, work) as
deputy assessor .......... 100 75
Ben Weathers, stamped envel
opes .." ; . . . r.. ..
I. Vergere, services as In
11 84
terpreter .... .
15 00
31 00
1 00
1 00
' 1.00
2 00
4 50
7 50
1 00
22 00
12 20
200 55
Fiank Beaudoin, services as
Geo. T. Cochran, services as
D. G. Ralls, juror fee
O. E. Bodmer, juror fee ....
W. H. Baker,- juror fee
W, B. Applegate, Juror fee..
T. M. Gilmore, Juror fee .... '
Joe Beach,. juror fee .... . .
W. M. Locke, hauling gravel
A. C. Weaver, printing court
blanks . . ,
H. E. Merryman, maps for as
sessor's office .
Aug. White, list of voters . .
R. L. Mathew, witness State
vs Mitchell ....
D. H. Hearing, Juror fee
Fred S. Ashley, supplies ..
Fred S. Ashley, partition and
317 60
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Ore
gon, May 22, 1911.
Notice Is hereby given that Ches
ley M. Williams, of Enterprise, Ore
gon, who, on June 28th, 1909, made
Homestead Entry No.. 06738, for S
SE, Sec. 21, and NNEV4. Section
28, Township 1 South, Range 45 East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make Final Five
Year Proof, to establish claim to
the' land above described, before
Carl " Roe, U. S. Commissioner, at
his office at Enterprise, Oregon, on
the 20th day of July, 1911. .
Claimant names as .witnesses: En
och R. Bowlby, Herman F. Fischer,
Adclph E, Gartner, and Harry W.
Hough, all of Enterprise, Oregon.
41c5 Register.
A Terrible, Blunder.
to' neglect liver trouble. Never do
it. Take Dr. King's New Life Pills
on the 'first sign pf constipation, bil
iousness or Inactive bowels and pre
vent virulent indigestion, Jaundice or
gall stones." They regulate liver.
stomach and bowels and build up your
health. Only 25c at all druggists. ',
. . . - - '
Custom fork to Order "
Two doors east of P. O.
For, Sale At a Bargain
Second-Hand Farm Machinery.
t 18-hore power Phoenix Tractlo.n
Engine (wood or ;. straw ' burner) ; 1
32x52 Red River Special Separator,
Nlchola ft Shepard Co. build; 1 Ruth
Self Feeder; 1 N, ft S. Grain Weigh,
er and Bagger with water tank, bolt
ing and equipment complete. - Apply
S. D. KELTNER, Aflsnt .
8aved His Wife's Life. '
"My wife would have been lri her
grave today," writes O. H. ' Brown,
of Muscadine, Ala., "If it had hot been
for Dr." King's New Discovery.' She
was down in her bed,' not able to
get up without help. She had a 'se
vere bronchial trouble and" a dread
ful cough. I got her a bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery, and she soon
began to -mend, and was well in a
short , time." Infallible for coughs and
colds, its the most " reliable remedy
on earth for desperate lung trouble,
hemorrhages, lagrlppe, ' asthma, hay
fever, croup and whooping cough. 60c,
$1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed
by all druggists.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Ore
gon, May 22, 1911.
Notice la hereby given that Amos
. Cbilders, of Enterprise,' Oregon,
who, on April 20th, 1906, made Home
stead Entry No. 14960, Serial No.
04778, forW NBV4, W 'SE Sec
tlon 11, Township 1 South, Range 44
East, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of Intention to make Final Five
Year Proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before Carl
Roe, U. S. Commissioner, at his of
fice at - Enterprise, - Oregon; - on ' the
20th day of July, 1911. ,
Claimant names as witnesses: Ja
mes Bloods worth, Frank Haggerty,
Thomas C. Bunnel, and Oscar Davis,
all of Enterprise, Oregon. ' ) :
41c5 Register.
Lightning Kill Few, ,. I ,
In 906 lightning killed only 169
people in this whole country. One's
chances of death by. lightning are
less than two in a million. The
chances of death from- liver, kidney
or stomach trouble is vastly greater,
but not. if Electric Bitters be used,
as Robert Madsen, of West Burling
ton, la., proved. Four doctors gave
him up after eight months of suf
fering from virulent, liver trouble and
yellow Jaundice. He was then com
pletely cured by Electric Bitters
They're the best stomach, liver, nerve
and kidney remedy and blood purifier
on earth. Only 50c at all druggists
In the circuit court of the Stata of Ore
gon, for Wallowa County. -
Ida M. Avery, Plaintiff,
Edward J. Avery, Defendant.
To Edward J. Avery, above named
defendant: - ' ' ' ' '
In, the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
by the plaintiff in tha above entitled
court and cause within six weeks from
and after the 18th day of May, A. D.,
1911, the same being" the date of -the
first publication of this summons, and
if you fail so to appear and answer,
you will be in default for the want
thereof and the plaintiff will ( apply to
said court for the relief demanded in
said complaint, to-wit, for a decree dis
solving the marriage contract now and
heretofore existing between plaintiff
and defendant, and that from hence
forth said marriage contract be held
for naught, and for the further decree
of the eourt that the plaintiff be given
the custody of the child, Maurice Av
ery, of the marriage. -
The defendant will take notice that
this summons is published, by order of
Hon. J. W. Knowies, Circuit Judge of
the State of Oregon, for Wallowa coun
ty, therein, in the Wallowa Chieftain, a
newspaper of general circulation pub
lished weekly at Enterprise, in Wal
lowa County, Oregon, and directing
that the same be published in said
newspaper for a period of six weeks
and seven issues thereof, the date of
the first publication thereof being Hay
18th, 1911, and, the last publication be
ing the 29th day of June, 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Good printlnc? Get it here. '
The only gun that EEs th
demand tor a trom
bone ("pump") ac
taon repeater in
JZ-M and
No. 79 -LUt Prlea, f 8.00
"Visible Loading" is a bisc ad
Tantage. You m the cartridge
go in the chamber. You know
when the guniS loaded. -'
v Gets alt th gam in sight
Practice note ahd clean out all
the farm pests J this spring.
r Sharpshooter b
and Hunter w1
If joa vant expert tnfenna. m.
I ntrr.t. m nuL Bv return mall
bloinfofmrior,lTdef the biff StmM
rnmM nut 1-ltM vlvlnir Vfftl lhl raltt.
OUB UouK ano llliisrranont ana itw
Dm about Rifl.r.Sbotjrum, Mrtoll ,
Rile TcleKoptr. Wrttt Udmf.
- tAik irtrar dealer and hntit oa
STEVEtlS. If you cannot obtain w
will ahlpdlrect.eipresi prepaid,
1 npoa racttlpffoCcataloc prkil.
T. 0. Bex M41
From All Points on
Chicago ,....,..... . . . . . , . S72 50
Council Bluffs ............ 60 00 4
Omaha..;; .... .... .... .. 60 00
Kansas City.... .... .v. 6000
St. Joseph...., .... ...... 60 00
St. Paul .... 60 00
St. Paul via Council Bluffs..;. 63 90
Minneapolis, direct .. ,. .... 60 00
Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs 63 90
St. Louis., - 70 00
May 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27,
28 and 29. i , i
June 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 28,
29 and 30. . ' . 1
July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.' , 19. 20, 26, 27,
and 28. ' - -
August 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17. 21, 22,
23, 28, 29 and 30. ' ,'
September 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7. ".
Stopovers within limits in ' either-di
rection. Final 'return limit OC
tober 31. One way through
., California $15 ad- i
ditlonal. ,' ''
" ' '
Inquire of any O-W. R. A.N. Agent
For Mora, Cpmplete Information
' " ' w -", V' '"t '
. WM. McMURRAY , '
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon ,
A Great 1
Semi-Weekly Oregon,. Journal "
on year. ... ..... .'. . . ..$1 60
Enterprise Newa-RaoorrV .......2 00
ToUl ;.....$3 6C
3mi-Weekly Oregon Journal. ' '
one year...T..
Wallowa County Chleftaln.
$1 50
..1 60
$3 00'
puhJiahe itfa latest and V moat com
Pllete telegraipblft sews;of the world;
gi vea reliable markat lievovhs, ae Lt
market new can, be and la' corneoted
to dabe far each tesue. lt "ao has
ioaj ua siwuu maiLuer mr uue jwrm
and home, an. lataffleartlnig atory paga
and a page, or mora of comic each
week," and It goea. to the aubsordber
wite ewery weea iim umea a year.
Elthcar at the above two make a
splendid combination and you save $1
by sending your subscription to this
attic. .-' .v. v -,
Wa can aJso glv our subscribers a
good olubbinc QfMr Mr Oao Daily and
Sunday,, or- Sunday Journal, Jn. . con
aactlon vHh eUimr Cb New-Rscord
orChiattsJa. . '; ,, : irv. n
cumriirise rress rrui is auunp ji
excellence. Notice it - " ' "
high ve
locity smoke-
. less cartridges.
sW black and low
pressure smokeless.
Powerful enough for deer.
safe to use in settled districts, ex
cellent for, target , work," for foxes.
geese, woodchucks; etc
aa ail Ian 1 1 Mtanai tav oaacaj, anm ararta Wraaa iSant
at wiar naamm SfcM SmaltAa turt bulal; tba aaadrn aatiaC
aMd ahfattlwia-'fatad. arxanaki Urn. tamaMjJ aafetf aaj
Jia.iaiia I. h kaa lalavAnn ramtraoiaa, aaai waa fiW fra4
aha ibaat coat axtra an oaSec riftaar (bate calrbaci.
Om 13 eatolin imtmAn tVa fall THarJh
Km. S t tar the at,w. po.tt. WriUiariU
H .