Enterprise news-record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1910-1911, June 03, 1911, SATURDAY EDITION, Image 1

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ssi m 9 bb
pass e:
;5 " . ' RECORD IN MAY.
) j Out of a total of 78 pupils who
: took the eighth grade examinations
in this county 47 . were given diplo-
, was. or over 60 per cent success
ful. This Is probably the highest av
erage of any county in the state;
the highest at least, that has been
- ttnhllahori In tha Portland MDerS. : .
. , .......
Of the 31 who failed to pass, 17
. failed in only one or two studies",
and are .therefore eouea to .
, other try at the next examination to
be held fn this county next Septem
ber. Especially noteworthy are the rec
ord s of the pupils of 'district -6 (Jo
seph) and district ' 21 (Enterprise).
At Joseph 11 out of 13 passed, and
at Enterprise 12 out of 15 received di
plomas. In district 60 four out of
five passed, in districts 23 and 55 the
single applicants pa cd.
Following are the names of the suc
cessful ones arrauped by districts,
and the number 'n eac'i district who
failed to pass: t
Dbtritt X Albert turner, Floyd
LaU-d. Failed 'a pa 2.
District tiLuclle Mulkey, Shirley
Hayes, Qetta Jennings, Pansy Foster,
Roscoe Foster, Nellie Graves, Irene
Gaylord, Clarence Aklns, Irma Deal,
". George Wells, Louis Stevenson. Fail
ed to pass 2
District- 7 Willard Lewis. Elma
Hunt. Frances McKenzle, Roy McCub
.in, Allen Bright, Failed to pass, 6.
District 21 Vera Stubblefleld, Car
rie Falconer, Marlon Jordan, Carmen
Clark, Verna Haney, Nana Miller, Eth
1 Murray, Portia Steel, Minnie Will-
.gerodt, Anna Emmons, Perry War
nock, Leonard Jordan, Failed to pass,
District ViVn' aalbrajth. Fall-
1 ed to pass, I.
District S'. Failed to nassl 1.
District , to Andrew Stewart, Ida
Stewart, A If rod Miller, Ella Miller,
Failed to pass, 1, .. ,
District 72 Failed to pass 2. .
, District 23 Minnie' Weaver.
- District 49 Florence Southwlck
Failed to pais, 1, -.
DIst. 12 Hazel Young. Helen Brat-
ton, 1-ona McCrae, Etta Bell, Marlon
Covorstone, Mabel Bell, Olive Tulley,
Cent word single Insertion, 1
cents a word I insertions. . Special
rates by month and year.
To rt a plane, lQ.urf af. this gfrs
tin. ; m.
' FOB Ale, , ,
Cottage, big lot, bam, cellar, ate, In
most desirable location in Enterprise
for sale at a bargain. " Only $160 cash
balance easy payments. Carl Roe,
Enterprise. , 7b2 . .
lUtehod team of hone Weil broke
' and true to pull. Be Carl Roe or
W. L Calvin, Enterprtso, Ore. 83btf
I will sell all or Any of my town prop
erty at reasonable prices. W.. W.
Surcher, Enterprise, Oregon. 40btf
Sec; 39. S N 4440 A. S E Bee.
.!??; NWl4"sec 23, SW SW
sec. 14, J S 46280 A. J. S. Cook,
- -
40Q aprcs. of deeded land on fmnaha
nd range rlght for summer grazing.
PrgpjsltIoa will frupporr one band of
sheep the year fcm' &"e. Bl
terprlao, Qra. W
Qasollna pngins, complete in good
ranpJnf rr, 23 ftqrse power.
Cbap tf taken f qnpe, Inuir at
thin imt m
Chea,p a eouplf of cook atqves,
quire of H, E, Mrryinan, h
, State Funds loaned, 6 per cent. John
P. Busk, Atty. Bute Land Board. Jo
seph, Oregon. s
House In ecst part of town, close
to achools. Inoulre of Dr. C. A
r. T ... ti . .. 1,1
Seven room hpuse for rent. Near
BubHp an4 Hlgft schoqls,. Good qut-
bqgdincs. Les Bf DVorer . 41-4
Mvra ' Braughton. Failed to pass, 9.
. District 32 Bessie Conley. Failed
to pass, 2. . ; .
District 66 Manda Hagen.
District 25 Failed to pass, 1. .
The summer normal held by Coun
ty Superintendent Conley and Prof.
A. G. Smith Is well attended and work
is progressing nicely.. Prof. C. G.
Mack Is taking Mr Qonley's place as
an instructor, owing to Illness In the
latter's family. Forenoon sessions
are held until 12:30 p. m., the .re
mainder of the day being allotted to
study. The following are enrolled:
Edith Ghormky;. Powwatka; Cor
lnne Bue, Ida Stewart, Andrew Stew
art, Mary Braughton, Myra" Braughton
Jennie 'Coleman, Stella Brandon, Wal
lowa; Bethel MacKenzle, Lostlne; El
ale Varner, Joseph; Mrs. Rutht Swain,
Milton; Jeanette Wlllgerodt Eva
Falconer, Laura Weaver, J. H. Shirk,.
Mrs. Lillian Carter, who had been
employed as nurse a Conley's, return
ed to Wallowa, Friday.
Cities Mast Bold
License Elections
i ..
Supreme Court Holds Home Rule Am-
endment Inoperative In
Dry Counties.
Saloons in a dry county are a vio
lation of the local option' law, the
"o-called Home Rule amendment hav
ing no effect until a municipality vot
es wet at an election called for that
purpose. This Is the gist of the rul
tog of the Supreme court, affirming
the decision of Judge J, W, Knowles
In the caso of E, T, Schleur,
Mr, Schleur was granted a license
by the city cpuncfl of Joseph and
a test ca& was waQe- Juage ivnow
les held that the council had no
authority to grant the license, and
held further that the Home Rule a-
rnendnient would h,ave no effect ' ev
en If V10 clt7 voted wet at a spec
lal city election. . The Supreme court
affirms the ,mahi point, holding the
licenne granted Is illegal but the pub
limbed report of the decision seems
to hold that if a municipality in a
dry county votes, .wet at a. special
el'Wtlou held for that purpose then! it
is exempted fronj the county option
law. , ,-. .,
Only the saloons at Joseph are at
fected ,by the dciilon, the "soft
drink" establishment. In Enterprise,
tbe one at Loatlne and two at
Wallowa operate without licenses
There is a $400 "soft drink" license
la Enterprise that used tq be enforced
but has pq been Ifttejy.
Malcolm e fjvo-year qld son ol
County Superintendent and Mrs,. J
Cqnley, died at he family hgme In
this city, Thursday afternogn at 1:30
o'clock, after an Jilness lasting three
weeks. Tbe little one suffered first
from a severe attack of measles com
plicated with tonsllitls and finally
dread . meningitis developed, Thru
it all the boy made, a gritty fight
for life, and he . bad , the best
medical Attention and a trained nurse
but the diseases were too much for
his frail body. The Borrowing: Da
rents have the deepest sympathy o
every heart in this community. Mai
colm was a bright, winsome little
fellow, and his qltig leaves a void
In the home' that can never be fil
led. 'Funeral services, were, held at
iae . r nay anernoon at
o'clock; burial i jcjseph, cemetery.
Mr. nd Mrs. J. C, Conley wish to
publicly express hefr deep apprecia
tion or tne Kindness and sympathy
so freely extended tq them n their
A daughter was born to the wife
of O C. Whtrnqro of Lei)p a,t the
orqwning nqsj) iaita ujla clty. May
3q. but the ltle )"'. Ilvd only four
IQurs, flymg r nea,rt trqupie. yh
little fqrm was juried in fcnwrprlse
cemetery, Wednesday.' This Is to
second infant Mr. and Mrs. Whit more
have losL, .
Testimony In a case InvqWIn water
rights on the.- Imnaha was taken by
Cirt Itpyrter Hanna here Wednes
day 'and Thursday. The parties. In
the suit are Mrs. Josephine. Flak and
Luther Llqyd, and tbfij are represent
ed by Attorneys, j. x. Burleigh and
fihaahan A cooley,
C laima Allowed (Continued) , ,
8calp Bounty.
To wh om Issued Amount
Isaac Crawford .... ........ 4 Bo
Peter Bue 1 50
Aj Greer .. 4 60
W'.' Huffman .... ..i 5 00
Erafrt.ua Hanson .... . 4 50
John Winston ..... 150
P. Tlppett .... .... .... ..4 60
Arch Alford ...... 7 50
Pete DeBonnlot ... 7 69
L. F. Evans ; 18 00
P. Coleman.. .... .... 2100
C . Ragsdale 10 00
C. C. Ragsdale ........ 10 50
L. M. -Coverdale
1 50
John B. Nell. . .... ...... .. 7 50
Lloyd Aklns .. 3 50
A. Cusslns.. .' 3 50
H. N. Cusslns ,. 1 60
Winner .......... 9 00
C. Bunnell ., .. 1 60
E. Cramer .... 6 00
G. Bare 3 50
W. C. Dorrance , 2 00
W. R. Warnock '. .... 1 50
F Wlnnlford .. 3 00
Lawrence Welndell .... 3 00
Wm. Howell 4 50
M. Cattron . 13 50
C. E Young ..... .... 1 60
Luther Campbell 3 00
Shufelt 7 00
Jetfse Foster 6 00
Haas .... 8 00
O. J. English .. 3 00
A. -A. Green . . . ., .... 4 50
G. E Coleman . . .. .. .... 4 50
A. A. English.. .... .... . 3 00
L. L. Victor .. i .1 50
L. Dailey ..... .... 1 50
August Keopp .. 150
C. E. Lewis .
James , Fields
J. H. Yenglin
1 50
1 50'
1 60
.3 00
1 50
4 50
3 00
i 50
10 00
13 60
. 1 50
; 1 50
7 50
1 60
1 50
3 00
, 6 00
1 60
11 00
1 60
Frank Gepbel . .
Geo. E. Parrlsh .... ...
Dudley Richards, '.,:. ;
W, Oris wold,,., ..-.4
P. Coleman , . . . , . . ' i ,
L. J, Selby .,.,'.
A. "Wi Crqder .
J. Hetr(ck .,'.,
H. N, WUHama ....
M.. F. Thompson
W. J. Adklns ...
John O. McFetndge
Walter G, BeUh .
Ivan Morrison ,,,,.. .
Oscar EIHott ,,,, '
Arch. Mark
S. W. Munger .... ........
Special Bcalp . Bounty,
Edwin Blqora . , .
H, L. Davk .... ..... .
Will Baker . . .
ThomrfB Panstn,, .,.
1 50
3 00
3 00
1 50
1 50
9 00
1 50
4 50
8 00
1 50
1 50
1 50
9 00
W. 1. Wrnqc ,,
J. A. erqss,liind .... .
W. F. Qt)tos,pi jtit
Grqvar WrjSiilt nu v"
J. A, PrsslaM i
Ch.ris. CflQk ....
, 1 Ml.
.... ......
N, A, Wlnlngi .
G. W. Daggett .
Will Baker .... ,
H. L, Hedger .... i 60
Arch Alford .... 18 00
Wm. Hess , 8 w
3. Bloodsworth .,..,.,... .
6 00
Leonard Harris .... ....
4 50
1 50
8 00
J. T. Button k. . i ........
Fred Warnock
Wm Meltzler' .... 16
Frank Beaudoln',.'
j. B. Hammond;
6 00
9 00
1 50
1 60
1 50
1 50
4 50
15 00
3 00
25 50
it, 60
24 00
' 00
i 50
1 50
9 00
1 50
ueonara nicunin ..
Fred "rilllman, '... '.
N. Vr. Sliver.' '. .'. .'
R,, Stubblofle'l
L. Jf. Selby".,.-.' .'
Frtipk .' ase'ly ..
Teap Youog ..
S. W. Hunger ....
Neal Baker ....
Frank yWef .
H. L. Zumwalt
AV W. Hdgn
Walter Makn, ..
Jlqn fichr .
W. H. Boy ,,,
Wm HsS,,,
.. ....
M Lionf
Clarence Throo 1 60
B. J. Keener i... .... .... 00
Fred Zumwalt - "
Fred HUlman ....
Ernest WiSV
YylU beaudoln,'
H. N." Williams. . .
C Si' Wr'enij,' .'. .'. .
X: W. qilasD v".
Albeit H.l w.:
F. 8. BMinJ
W. P.. Tippett ....
i. Bloodwqrth.
P., M; Sauef
1 50
1, 50
1 50
1 50
4 50
1 50
8 00
I 00
9 00
1 50
C. F. Meyers ' 10 50
W. P. ' Warnock '.. 6 00
W, G. Belth .... .... ...... 1 60
J. J. Gill .. ... .. .. ... 4 bo
Frank Beaudoln .... 1 50
O. R. Irwin .... 150
J. W. Alford .. . 3 00
W. R. Davis 1 50
Elmer Sheufelt 9 00
B. C. Carper ..
E. Ihll ..... ....
E. A. Anderson
L. M. Coverdale
1 50
1 60
1 50
3 00
1 50
4 50
J. Hook ....
A. Kuhn ....
B. Barrett : 6 00
W. T. Daugherty 1 60
1 R. L. Victor 4 50
Fred Zumwalt 1 60
Charlie Shine 1 60
Alvln Simmons 3 00
Joe Kummer 3 00
Wm. B. Hess .... , ,. .. 22 50
James Fields .... yl... 1 50
J. W. Allen 4 50
W. D, Greer 4 50
Cordua Dale. .... 6 00
A. A.' Greer .... 6 00
Tom Williams 3 00
Ira Phillips .... .. 3 00
R. F. Smith.. 12 00
F. D. Rinehart .. 1 50
J. D. Simmons 1 50
Geo. Greenwood .... 12 00
W. M. Steen 1 50
Irwin Frasler .... '. 7 50
Fred Zumwalt ..' 3 00
H. A. Scagglns , .. 7 50
Kenneth Blevans 4 50
Dudley Richards .... 3 00
Isaac Crawford ., 4 50
Peter Bue .... .. 1 50
A. A. Greer , 4.60
J. W. Huffman .... 4 50
John Wlnaton
Erastus Hanson , , . ,
W, P, Tlppett .... .
Aroh Alford .... .
Pete Do Bonnlot ..
L. F, Evans .... .
TvP, Coleman ....
C.'C. Ragsdale ....
L. M; Coverdale .. .,
Lloyd 'Aklna ..... .
Jqlui B. Nell
P. Winner
E. Cramer .... ...
W. P. Warnock ....
Lawrence .Welnde'.l
1 50
1 50
3 00
7 50
, 9 00
15 00
3 00
6 00
1 50
1 50
7 60
9 00
3 00
1 50
3 00
1 50
Wm, Howell
D. M, Cattron 13 50
C,' H. Young .; 1 50
Luther Campbell .... 150
Chaa, Sheufelt .... 8 oo
Jeaae Foster .... .... ...... 3 00
O. J, Foster .. 8 00
A A, Greer 4 50
G, E, Coleman .... 4 50
A, A, Eflgltah. .... 3 00
R, h, Victor .... 1 60
L, 1 DMiey .... 1 50
August Keopp .... 1 50
0, B. Lewis 1 60
J. H. Yenglln 60
Frank Gotbel .
A. W. Croder
H. N. Williams
1 60
4 50
1 50
W, Q. Belth 3 00
Ivan Morrison
Oscar Elliott .... ....
Arch Marks ... ..
8. W. Munger
Leonard B. "Fostot r'v, ...
4 50
1 50
1 60
1 50
Tirl Judicial Day.
Friday, May 26, 1911..
hi the. matter of appropriating mon
ey for road district No. 6:
Ordered tha,t $"f, V and same is
hereby apprupctflted and clerk or
denj4 tty dijaw ' ai warrant In favor
of R." L. Scott, i;oad sundry ip of
said district.
In the mttef ef aj)pplntrng a soo.
retarv oj the tf&y op Health,: ,
Ordered that C. Hokett be n1
he la, berbt appolV4 t
ary toj be. afej4 i$ t0 county
in natter of revoking the appoint
maivi ftf B. R. Flack, county veterln
ariasj (
- Tuore not being sufficient work to
' Justify having a county) veterinarian
It is ordered that the appointment of
E. R. Flack is horby revoked to
take effect and after June 1,
I.Q Ike matter bf the propod. rofcd
by Robert F. Stubblellold. H ab.
Deeds, foe said. rvd are hereby ac
copted.'and road declared a pubV
hjlbkwaj of Wallow county. .8...
ordered that the une be plucel
la iepa.tr. for travel according to
the survey thereof,
in. the matter of allowing bills agaH'
the county.
Now, at this time tbe matter o!
allowing miscellaneous bill against
(Continued on nest page.)
In another column 'is found the an
nouncement of the Hot Lake Sanato
rlum, calling attention to the won
derful medicinal qualities of the wat
ter flowing from the great boiling
mineral spring.
The Hot Lake Sanatorium is a
home Institution, owned and managed
by an Oregon man. It consumes Ore
gon products purchased! from Ore
gon dealers and should receive Ore
gon patronage.
The Hot Lake Sanatorium Is one
of the wonder places of the West
and one of Oregon's greatest natur
al advertisers. The thousands of pa-
tlents who have been cured at this
great health restoring Institution, re
turning to their homesi throughout the
Middle West, the East and our own
Northwest, have done as much if
not more to bring Oregon, and espec
ially the Inland Empire, to the at
tention of thinking and inquiring peo
ple than any one inotltution or nat
ural feature In this great state of
ours." The citizens of Eastern Ore
gon have reason to speak with pride
of the Hot Lake Sanatorium.
Decoration Day
Services At Flora
Addresses By W. 8. Miller and G.
W. Paddock Planning Fourth
Of July Celebration.
Decoratton Day was appropriately
observed at Flora by services held
In the Baker & Drake hall. Rev. W.
S. MUlor and George W.' Paddock
made addresses, and the school child
ren contributed 'songs.
At the conclusion of the program
lns the hall, the march to the ceme
tery was made In the following or
der: Advance Guard of 12 boys, who
had been drilled by J. T. Gllmore; ,G.
A. R. veterans: Relief Corps; Span
ish War veterans; Royal Neighbors;
Citizens. "' ". ' -
Flora Is planning the biggest cele
bration of July 4tb ever held In the
North Country.
A committee of the farmers unions
of this' counts met at the court house
Thursday and completed arrangement
for the big picnic to be held at Wal
lowa lake next Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday. Those In attendance
were H. B; Davldhizar and J. A.
French, president and secretary of
the county organization A, Wade tf
the executive committee and T. L.
Sherod, presldonl; of tha Wallowa un
ion. Tb. Biontc wtH bd a big affair, par-
tlolpated tn by four counties, Uina
tyi.a Union, Baker and Wallowa. A
special train will bring In tha out
side people, and a large, attendance
from this county Is, expected. The
tent ' accommodations at the lake
will be rewrxed for the visitors from
other' aunties and Wallowa county
ptwnie are expected to bclug their
Mis Audrey Combes won a trip
the Rose Festival fa the Paclf.
lo. Monthly content,,. She soeured 106
subscriptions, w ken. only 45 were nee
essary to tyln the trip, ao she stands
yP4 hanre of aoeurlng a money
prize alBO,. Mbwen Edna Eames, Mar
garct R(Mip of Joaoph and Minnie Ev
ans of Wallowa won trips to Port-
lind offered by a La Grande paper.
There will be a special meeting of
the ' Ladles Improvement League at
3 o'clock Thursday afternoon, June 8,
at the library room, at which time
the articles of agreement between
the city of Enterprise and the En
nerprlse Improvement League In re
gard to tha cemetery win be read
and con&ictored, Mr, 8. D. Keltner,
MHw Anna I-eonard and Mr, Wll
liana R. Hammorsly, both of Wallowa,
were married at the Lewi Hotel In
this city, : Wednesday afternoon at
4:30 o'clock, Rev. W. P. Samms per
forming the ceremony.' Mr, Hammers
ly Is in the forest service.
Mlwtr-a Luclfe Corklns, Ethel Weav
er nd Ruby Fosner went to Port
land Friday, to see the Rose Festi
val. Mis Corklns will remain about
a month visiting relatives.
Joseph, May 31. Owing to the
rainy weather, only horses In the
immediate vicinity were shown at
Joseph last ' Saturday, except Jack
Johnson of The Buttes brought In
his beautiful Morgan, Clarion.
Competent judges say there Is not
another county west of the Racklos
that can show as many fine horses
as Wallowa. The riding of the Mis
ses Boyd, Fleener and Ames Is
worthy of mention. Prizes awarded
to lady riders: Miss Mabel Boyd,
first, Lake Fleener second, Miss
Ames third.
After the parade, Andy Hevearn
did a stunt of broncho twisting
and did it with credit to himself.
Following were the animals shown:
Clarion, the finest spelman of his
class that ever crossed the Rocky
Mta., owned by Jack Johnson.
Teddy A., record 2.14, and two
colts sired by Teddy A., owned by
E. Hogoboom; mare and colt sired
by Teddy A., owned by A. E. Lilly
of-LoBtiiie; Ada May and Midget, 1
yr. old, owned by F. D. Rinehart; Ac-
ante (Coach and Morgan) 3 yr., own
ed by eorge Cole.
Kentucky 8addler
Pat Squirrel, owned by Harry Mays
two jearlings and 1 colt sired by Pat
Squirrel, owned by J. Q. Floener.
Percherons :
Silver King, John Frultts, weight
1624.. King, J. E. Baxter, age 3,
1600.' Picador II, Marlon Isam. 3,
1700. Jack, Carl Whltmore, 1, 1075.
Browny, Carl Whltmore. 1 1095.
Dock, Henry Mitchell, 3, .1625. Mon-
telth, H. B. Davldhlzer, 9, 1800.
Shire .
- Touch-me-not; g; W. Saillday, 2010.
Clyde; : -. -
Lord Marmlon, S. P. Williams &
Son, 2, 1500. Chief Justice, E. D.
reat, 5, 1650.
Belgian .
Sargeant. H. B, Davldhlzer, 6, 1980.
, Rinehart & Richards, 4, 1700.
Work Horses
Span of mares and one colt F. D.
Rinehart, 3100, Mare and colt, Geo-
K. Richards, Gelding, J. P.' Black 2,
1265. ' ' ' ' .
Jeff Pogls, Jersey, A. Rutgers.
Jack ' '
Prince, 3, 910, owned by Daniel Rl-
Baptist Church: The meetings of "
next Sunday will be in charge of a
committee of three men In the morn.
big and of ladles In the evening. Pro
grams of considerable Interest will
be given and will be well worth hear
ing. The evening meeting will be a
missionary meeting.
Christian church: Rev. W. 8. Crock
ett will preach Sunday morning ad 11
Christian: Do Bible schools teach
children rlghtT Come out to the Chris-
tlan Bible school at 9:45 a. m., Sun
day. It is Children's Day throughout
the United States. Didn't know that,
did yout' A fine program will be ren
dered by the children In the evening.
Do, not miss it. It Is free.
, The Frank Reavls farm of 160 a
res on Lower Prairie Creek has been
bought by S. D. Keltner for $12,000.
It Is a fine place, every acre till
able and under, ditch. Tbe deal wis
made thru the Enterprise Real Estate
company. A half Interest in the Rod
Front barn property and a cottage on
V'et Main atreet was transferred to
Mr. Reavls lo the deal.
A regular "back East" electrical
storm, accompanied by a hard show
er of rain visited this section Fri
day afternoon. Lightning struck a
number of places In town, electric
light and telephone poles, and ran
Into houses over tbe wires but Aid
very little damage. It came In tha
southeast corner of Combs' meat mar
ket over the wire, leaped across the
shop and went out the northeast
corner. Tbe wall paper was set
on fire but extinguished Immediately.