Enterprise news-record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1910-1911, May 31, 1911, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Image 2

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(Twice-a -WeeW.)
"marly the Wallowa News. Rtab-
ilahod March 3. 1899
Published Wednesdays and Satur
days at Enterprise. Oregon, by
Office WsBt First sLreet, h.ilf black
south of Main street. '
Batered as second-class nm'.ler
Jmnntj 2, 1909, at the postofrioe at
terprUe. Oregon, under the Act of
Mexeb . 1879.
Subscription Rates: One. year $2.
ate months' $1, three moiiths 60c,
mi mocth 20c. On yearly caahln
Arence subscriptions a discount of
tte tm gireo.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1911.
The past year of the County High
school has been very successful, tha
fine graduating class of young ma:;
and women furnlah, conclusive testi
mony on the question If any v.er:
The school has secured a spleiidiil
start, but it is high time .that !'
should commence to fulfill iu re;.
mlsalnn tn Via a flnlHhlne InStaad U
a preparatory, school.
The county high schools of Or-P'
were not established to furnish :
cheap, near-home school to prepare
rich men's sons and daughters fj
college. . Of , course the foundation
studies for a . course in the liberal
arts, are equally desirable for r
'practical course in science, engineer
lng, chemlBtry, agriculture and horll
culture. But the point Is hers the
county school is to give the boys
and girls of this county a chance tu
learn something useful, that will
be of practical, everyday value ta
them in earning their bread and but
ter; to enable them to acquire a 1d1
lar and conts knowledge here at .
near homo that they cou'.d no . oh3r
wise get except by going to Corval
11, Pullman or similar1 school. Nnt
one In 25 families can affoni to( send
ttielr boys and girls to dlHtant, ex
pensive colleges, but that isn't th:
fault of those boys and girls wh
are entitled by birthright to just a
KOjd an educat-irm h8 the mors- fortui;
ately born.
That Is the reason for county higl
In other parts of tha st:v!e. Crook
county for example, the county schoo
board is recognizing that fact am5
special, practical courses are bain?
Shall th V.'a'lowa county boaw'
lag behind? It had better not o
there won't be any school for then
to Iesislate for. Last winter the peo
pie of the North End served notice
liiru i'hfl Flora Journal that unless; the
school save soire real reason for iti;
existence U could not expect th'
support of tho people out .there. That
means it must be something different
and more than a mere town high
Ai: encouraging step is the add!
t!on of a teacher cf domestic science
There should he at least one more d'
pii'tinent added this co-ni'ifj yaa.
Just what that should be tlicie is r
d'.rfc-reace of opinion. Some favc:
a tuatheio training course, others a?
ricu'ture. We should like to hea
from the people of the county on tho
subj.'ct, and our columns ara ope:
to Icttors from jm'rons.-
An eighth grade pupil of Turner
about to take th examination wrote
to the Oregonian for informatior
about a couple of easy questions.
These questions formed tho text fo:
a lcag editorial la that paper abou.
the Insufficiency of education taugh:
in the grades. A child's mind is
stuffed with ill-assorted text bool
facts; and of course when tho terrors
of tho examination is on ' meniorj
fails and the pupil falls,
In some, counties at the recent o
animation as high as two-thirds fail
od to pass. This,, wa are glad to say,
Our. New Directory
Will be the largest ever issued for
. t. ,
Union and Wallowa Counties, con
taining 2300 names. We have room
for yours. Long Distance Service
,. , to all points.
Home Independent Telephone 'Co.
. j
i Hot Lake Sanatorium I
was not true in Wallowa, a very high
;ier cent being successful. This
.speaks well for the schools of this
county, comparatlve'y.
However, while there's a lot of
truth in the Oregonlan editorial, in,
our opinion the writer failed to grasp
the chief cause of. faulty education,
and that is the lack of trained teach
ers. Education . or ability to pass the
teachers examination, is by no means
a sure test of fitness for teaching.
Of 50 who may take a teachers) train
ing course, probably one-half of them
prove incompetent for . the practical
work of teaching when the actual
'est' comes, but under present con
lltlons of scarcity of teachers the
good, bad and indifferent all are) em
ployed. i
What is .the remedy? Wa don't know
inless the county! school board would
add a teachers training course to the
County High school, and thus hor-
-also a bountiful supply of teacher'
rom the best of whom we could
jupply the schools of our county.
We would like to see an amendment
M thj Alonroe Doctrine like this:
Whn citizens of this country or
any European country speculate
(gamble) in Latin American "invest
ments," they must take their chance,
and this government will not, nor wili
it permit any other government use
its army and navy to turn the
speculations into sure thing invest
ments. - '
The movement to Include two or
more northeastern Oregon counties
In a Development league should In
clude Baker county by all means. A
tiri-County association well managed
could work wonders in the way of
making this- part of Oregon better
known. An organization of that size
'ould even handle colonist projects,
and that Is, not only needed but is
necessary to bring in the desirable
class of settlers.
The Wilson 'boon for president has
advanced so far that his managers
have "offered" the vice presidency to
Harmon. The latter Indignantly re
fused, and that shows Harmon up.
Wheu my man gets the swelled head
so at thinks he's too big to be vie?
president of the United States, he
is far too small to be president. ,
The old Union county fair grounds
have been sold, it having been demon
strated there's "more money" in a
street fair at La Grande. The Wal
lowa County fair is about the sola re
maining stock and agricultural fair in
this part of the state, and it will be
bigger and better than ever this year
der the seal of the above entitled
court in the above entitled cause to
me duly directed and dated the 24th
day of. May A. D. 1911, upon a judg
ment rendered and entered in said
court on the 19th day of May A. D..
1911, in favor of James D. Halsey,
plaintiff, and against defendant, W. F
Rankin for the sum of Twenty Five
Hundred and no-100 Dollars with In
terest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum from the 24th day of
June A. D. 1909, until paid, for the
further sum of Two Hundred and For
ty and no-100 Dollars with interest
thereon at the rate of eight per cent
per annum until paid from the first
day of Jan. 1911, and for the further
sum of Two ' Hundred Dollars as
plaintiff's attorney fees, and for the
further sum of Eighteen and 30-100
Dollars as costs and disbursements,
and also upon a Judgment in favor
of the First National Bank of Jo
seph, Oregon, against the defendant
W F. Rankin for the sum of Nine
Hundred Eleven and 08-100 Dollars
with interest thereon at the rate
of 10 per cent interest per annum
from the 9th day of June A. D.
1910, until paid, for the' further sum
of One Hundred Dollars as' attorney's
fees, and for the further sum
of Ten and 20-100 Dollars costs and
disbursements and for the costs of
and upon this wW, commanding mo
to make sale of the following describ
ed real property, to-wlt,
The south . west quarter, and tho
east half of the north west one
quarter of section thirty-six, and
the south east quarter of the north
west quarter, and the east half of
the south west quarter of section
twenty four, all In township two
north of range forty-four east of
Willamette Meridian in Wallowa
County, Oregon, containing 360 acres.
Now, therefore, by virtu of said exe
cution, judgment, order and decree
and in compliance with the demands of
said writ, I wiU on Monday, the; 26th
day of June at the hour of tan
o'clock A M.. at the froat door of
the County Court House in the City
of Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or
egon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash in hand, all
the right, title, interest and claim of
the within named defendants, save
and except the right, title, claim' and
Interest of the American Mortgage
Company of Scotland Lm., and sub
ject to the right, title, claim and
Interest of said defendant The Am
erlcan Mortgage Company, of Scotland
Lm., had on the dates of the mort
gages herein foreclosed, or since had
or now may have in and to the
above describedeal property, or any
p'art thereof, ' to satisfy said execu
tion, Judgment, order, and decree.
Daniel Boyd, Attorney for Plain
tiff, James D. Halsey.
A. M. Runnells, Attorney for De
fendant, 'The First National Bank of
Joseph, Oregon. 0c
Have you seen our stock of
New Ginghams :
which we have just opened'up and
placed upon the ..shelves for your
inspection ''''
We have a very select line of ,
Everett, Red Seal and
Zephyr' Ginghams
which cannot fail
most fastidious. -
to please the
Many other lines have been recent
ly replenished and we are now pre
pared to take your spring orders
Natural Hot Mineral Baths
Rheumatism, Stomach, Skin, jj
Kidney and Blood Disorders w
Unsurpassed Medical Staff
fiOfi Consult our Physicians before giv
UVU ing up all hopa. Stop Using Mercury
Write For Illustrated booklet
Pres. and Mgr.
Hot Lake Sanatorium
:. 1 1 t u
Wallowa County Tide & !
Abstract Company
! . A. C. MILLER, President
Offlo in Company's nqw brick building opposite front of
ww Court House, . Oldest and most complete abstract plant
in county. Abstracts of title furnished promptly and cheap
ly. Insurance written in largest tnd. strongest companies.
Money Loaned at very Lowest Current Rates
Bargain in Timber Land E
Owing to ill health I must tfo away, and I offer for v
sale my timber land at Llk Mountain
280 Acres Good 5av Timber,,
Yellow Pine, Tamarack and Fir. Good soil, living I
stream year round. 1 miles irom lintemnse. r
Good county road. $6 an acre. Easy terms.
L. GRAVES, Enterprise. Oregon x
La Grande came near abandoning
Its Chautauqua this year, but at, the
last minute decided to go on with R.
Wallowa Lake la the Ideal spot of
all northeastern Oregon to hold a
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Wallowa County:
James D. Halsey, Plaintiff,
va ,
V. P. Rankin, American Mortgage
" Conipany, of Scotland Lm., a corpor
ation. First National Bank of Joseph
Oregon, Idaho and Oregon Lumber
Company, a partnership, and V. J.
Kuiik A Company, a corporation,
N jt'ce is h'ereby given, that by vir
tue of an execution Judgment, order
and decree duly issued out of and un-
We could talK about
Chief Joseph Flour from
now until doomsday, but
you won't really Know
how good it is until you
have tried it.
We Know, that once you
have used it, you will be
satisfied with no other.
Chief Joseph is bestnot
because we say so, but
because we maKe it so.
the Joseph Milling Co,
Woolgrowers Warehouse
Co., Distributors.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given, that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed and
has qualified as administrator of the
estate of Adelaide E. Bodmer, de
ceased, and all claims against said
estate muit be presented, properly
itemized, and verified to the under
signed at his office in La Grande, Ore
gon, or at the office of F. S. Ivanhoe,
in La Grande, Oregon, attorney for
said estate, on or before six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated May 17, 1911.
Administrator of the Estate of Ade
laide E. Bodmer, deceased.
F. S. IVANHOE, Attorney for said
Estate. . 39c5
. . . .
To any part of the city by
"horseless carriage" from
Homan's Cash
where ' you get reliable goods at
leu price lhan elsewhere.
Call us tip by phone, or stop In
and see our clean, new stock.
Next Door to Bank
Shoe and Harness
Neatly done by a ;
, skilled workman
Shop on River Street, second
door north of Hotel Enterprise
or at Brace's Harness Shop
S3 O ES Q H &3 L3
When You Get
. Your Price
You, like everybody else, are willing to sell your
, land. The man who will give you your price
will back down if your title is not clear. Do
you know whether it is or not? A Reliable
Abstract tells. Make sure before the buyer
comes. We furnish Reliable Abstracts. .
Beatman 2) Bllyen, Managers
SS 0 S E3 E3 Q Q CD
To the Citizens of Wallowa County
It is our purpofee to handle any business
entrusted to us in such a fair and liberal
manner as to maKe the customer's rela
tion with this banK satisfactory and
profitable. K Aside from our excellent
facilities, this bank has the advantage of
' a large capital , and substantial Kst of
stockholders. It is also a State Deposi
tory. If you are not a customer we ; '
invite you to become one.
Sktpwcrs and Farmers National Baiik
Wallowa, Oregon
t Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
t '
R . U. DAY. Pronrlator
Good PJgs Fair Treatment t, Horses Boujrht and Sold
Special Attention to Commercial Trade '
Rates for Regular Boarders " - Bus to and From Trains
Best of Help Employed Home Phone '
Open Day and Night One Block North of Hotel Enterprise X
Plumbing Poorly Done Is
. Worse than No Plumbing At All
I. do plumbing right. My work is guar
anteed. It costs less in the Jong run to ' '
get sanitary work. Complete line of
Bath Tubs, Basins, Bowls, .etc Price
S. K. CLARK, 3 blks. soutb Hotel Enterprise