Enterprise news-record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1910-1911, May 31, 1911, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Image 1

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. i
The shearing season for Waltowa
coanty opened Tuesday at the Litch
plant, 10 miles northeast of Elites
prise. Jay H. Dobbin's tweily tnou
sand head will be the first to lose
their wool, .the first load reachlne
the Woolgrowers warehouse here Wed
resduy. TheVe Is a full complement
of shearers on hand, and plenty ar
riving so all three big power plants
will be fully manned..
The Makln plants starts today, Thur
day, and the Beaudoln plant some
; time next week.'
It is claimed the fleeces, will av
: eragf. higher in weight this season
, than for many years, as high as 10
pounds being estimated even for the
big bands. The staple Is of extra
fine quality too, long and unbroken.
The extra weight will h.elp some
. on the lower price, altho the price too,
Is looking ;up, and dispatches from
Ronton are encouraging.. - At the P':
lot Rock sale, Friday, every clip of
fered was sold, amounting to 690,
000 pounds, at from 12 3-8 to 14. 5-f
cents. The prices were 'from two t:
three cents lower than last year.
. Prices are stiffening daily.
x 8tarts Much Trouble.
If all people knew that neglect of
constipation would result ln severe
indigestion, yellow Jaundice or vir
ulent liver trouble they would soon
take" Dr. King's , New Life Pills,
and end it. It's the only safe way.
Beat for biliuosness, headache, dys
pepsia," chills . and debility. 25c at
all druggist'.4 - .
- Uncle. Jake Millard, J. S. Wagner,
Byram ' Mayf leld and Frank Hamblen
left Alon day on a week's fishing exeur
sion at TrOy.! Since ' the mill dam
was put In the Wenaha fish have
been so plentiful you can walk across
the stream on their backs at least
that is the lure that took the "boys'
so far for a mess of fish;. Game Wai
4cra Clemons has ordered a fish lad
der put In at the dam.
r . '
Those wanting potatoes leave their
o.ders at Riley & Riley's by Thurs
Any night. Last chance to get po
ta:oes.. Be here Saturday. 9bl
Cent a word single insertion, Vfa
cents a word 2 Insertions:- Special
rates by month and year.
To rent a piano. Inquire at this of
fioa. ' " 4bi
Cottage, big lot, larn, cellar, etc., In
most desirable location In Enterprise
'for sale at a bargain. Qnly $150 cash.
balanpe easy payments. Carl Roe
Enterprise. ' . x .b2
Matched team of horses. Well broke
and true to pu)l. See Carl Roe or
W. I. CaJvta. Enterprise. OA. 83btf
IwiUseU all or any of my town' prop
erty at reasonable jricea. ' W.. W.
gurcber, Enterprise, -Oregon. 40btf
Sec. 36, 3 N 44-640 A. S E 'sec.
22. WH NWH sec 23, -8W SVV4
sec, 14, 3 S 46-2S9 A. JS. Cook.
Burns, Ore, ' 64btf
400 acres of deeded land qa Imnaha
and range rights, for summer grazing.
Proposition wilj support one baud oi
sheep the yearfrround, Carl Roe, En
terprlae, Ore, . 7 el
Gasoline engine, complete In good
running order, w! 3 horse power
Cheap If taken at once. Inquire at
this office. ' 7b2
Srate Funds loaned. 6 per cent. John
P. Rusk, Atty. State Land Boird. Jo
seplj, Qreg-m. :
House in erst part of town, close
to schools. Ina-iire of Dr. C. A
Ault, Enterprise. . lbtf
Seven room house for rent. Near
public and High "schools. Good out
buildings. Lee R. DeVore. r 41-4
Notice Is hereby given that under
and by virtue of an execution, decree
and order of sale issued out of and
under the seal of "thevCircuIt Court
of the State of Oregon, for Wallowa
County, to nje directed and delivered,
upon a judgment, decree, atid order
of sale duly made and entered, in
said Court on the 8th day of May, 1911,
in a suit therein pending, wherein
the Enterprise Mercantile '& Milling
Co., a private corporation, was Plain
tiff and C. S. Haasy, Elizabeth L.
Haney, V. F. Rankin, the Wallowa
National Bank, a private banking cor
poration, and Henry Fletcher, Trustee
In bankruptcy of - the estate of W.
F. Rankin, a bankrupt, were Defend
ants, wherein judgment and dacr39
was duly made and entered In favor
of said Plaintiff and against said De
fendant as follows, to-wlt: Judg
ment and decree against Defendants
C. S. Haney, Elizabeth L. Haney and
W. F. Rankin for the sum of $2339
42, witii interest thereon at the rate J
of 9 per cent per annum frjra the 8th j
dav of Mav -1911: the further sum
of $200.00 as an attorney's fe'aud has returned to this section and is The Infant daughter of Harry Mil
the further sum of $15.80 as costs I staying at his Buck Horn ranch.ier Is sick. Mrs. Hanson is nursing
and disbursements: Judgment and de-j
cree in favor of Plaintiff and against !
Defendant, VW. F. Rankin for the pop out from behind a bush at any
sum of $1146.40, with interest there- old time. '
on at the rate of 10 per cent per j There has been several bean prowl
annum from the 8th day of May, ing around here for, the past week
1911; Judgment and decree in favor but so far none of our sportsmen
of the Defendant.., C. S. Haney and
against Defendant W. F. Rankin for
the sum of $3931.30, with Interest
thereon at the rate of 10 per cent
per annum from the 8th day of May,
1911; the further sum of $200.00 a3
an attorney's fee, and the further! sum
of $10.40 as cos't3 and disbursements;
and in which execution decree and
order of sale I am commanded io
make sale of the following described
L'eal property, or sufficient thereof
to satisfy said judgments, Interest,
attorney's fees and costs as follows,
to-wlt: "
Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 In Block 20
in the Town of Enterprise, Wallowa
County, State of . Oregon, together
with all machinery, appliances, tools
and equipment contained in the plan
ing mill building situated on said
real property; aUo all water rights,
ditches, flumes, canals connected
with said property or used iu4 connec
tion therewith for the operation of
the water power and planing mill ma
chinery thereon.
Now, therefore,, in obedience to the
commands of sad Writ of Execution,
decree and orcer .f sale, I will, o l
Saturday the let day of July, 1911',
at the hour of two o'clock in the af
ternoon of said day, at the front
door, of the County Court House In
tha Citv'of Enterprise. Wallowa
County, Oregon, sell at public auc
tion to the highest and best bidder,
for cash in hand,' all of the fight,
title and 'Interest which said C. S.
Haney, 'Elizabeth L. Haney, W. F.
Rankin, the Wallowa National Bank.
a private banking corporation, and
Henry Fletcher, as Trustee in bank
ruptcy of the estate of W. Ff. Rnn
kin, a bankrupt, or either of 'them
had In and , to said described prem
ises on the date of the mortgages
described in the complaint or that
they have since acquired, iu and to
said premises or any part thereof
and all parties claiming or to claim
through the -said Defendants or eith
or of them ' subsequent to the date
of eaid mortgages,; to satisfy said
judgments, interest, i attorney's fees
costs and disbursements and accru
lug costs upon this, Wrt.
Dated this 31st day of May, 1911..
Sheriff of Wallowa County, Oregon
Chapman, May 29. George Bridwel
left one day last week for parts, un
known, ,
Farmers have their spring grain a'
in and their potatoes planted.
Gus Rani bo has been hunting some
of his horses that strayed away. So
far he . has ' been unable to find
Several parties of this dis'rict arc
intending to help with the Decoratloi
program to be held at Lostlne.
Carl Bragg of Wallowa has been
visiting with his cousin, Mrs Nellie
Erlght, while attending to some bus!
ness transactions in this section.
W. A. Elmer went to Enterprise
Wednesday to put in an application
for a stallion Heenae "under the nev
'state law.
Miss Greta Harmon left last Mon
day for a visit to her old home and
friends in Iowa.
Vra. Angeline Hanson left Wed-
r-esdsr for Hood River to visit . her
daughters there.
Growing Weather
Makes Crops Jump
. .
Zumwalt Seption Reports Fine Days
Butts- Wins Eastf
t ' E'-all Game.
Zumwalt, May '28. -Weather fine
at the present . writing and vegeta
tion growing nicely.
Joseph Gill Is breaking sod on his
farm north of this place and a neat
er piece of wovk would be hard to
find. Mr Gill against the world
for neat work of any description.
C. C. Bos well and Jess Blair are
breaking a fine young horse that Mr.
Boswell had the good fortune of se
curing from Hass Bros.
O. J. Stubblefield' has moved his
headquarters to the place known as
the Indian Village where he will re-
side with his family the remainder of
the summer.
Joe Clemmons the game warden,
Look out, boys, when you go fishing
without a license, Joe is likely to
have been able to bag any of taem
J. C. Zumwalt Is hauling lumber
from the Ford saw mill for the erec
tion of a 24x24 residence onj his home
stead. A very interesting ball game was
played here Sunday between the Eut
tes and Chesnlmnus with a score of
27 to 19 in favor of the Buttes. We
have some first class players here
this season and will play 'Enterprise
In a short while. I
Notice Is hereby given that under
and by virtue of an. Execution and
Order of Sale of Attached Property
Issued out of and under the seal of
the Circuit Court of-the State of Ore
gon for Wallowa County, and to vfl
directed and delivered, In an action
therein pending wherein the Enter
prise Mercantile & Milling Company,
a private corporation, -is plaintiff, and :
Leonard Baker and Calvin Smith,
partners, doing business . under ' the ,
firm name and style qf -Baker & j
Smith, are 'defendants,, upon a Judg-!
ment duly , made and. entered therein i
in favor of said plaintiff a.nd against
the said defendants for the sum of
Three Hundred sixty-eight and 65-100
Dollarg with interest thereon from
the 8th day of May, 1911, at the, fate
of ten per cent per annum; and the
further sum of Two Hundred thirty-j Saturday, the first day of July, l.au,
four and 43-10g Dollars with Inter- Bt the hour of two oVlqX.ln the at
est thereon -from the 8th day of;ternoon of said. at the. front d.oor
May, 1911, at the, rate of six per
cent per annum;, and the further; sum
of' Seventy-five Dollars,, and the. fur-
ther sum of Seventeen and 40-100
pilars as costs and disbursements,
Professional Directory
i Office la Litch building. Room
J 107. Enterprise, Qregoa,.
E. R. FLACK, M. P. C V.S, i
Yetcrinarv Surgeon and Dentist
County Veterinarian,
Enterprise, Onegon.
C. T. HQCKETT, M. D. '
'' Office In Litch building. Room;;
115. Horns bid. Phone U officu
it '
, , and residence. ,
Osteopathic Physician
13,5-13,7 Litch Bid.
to i 5 p.m., Tuesdays, Thursdays,
Saturdays. Phone, res. tuC office,
In Dr. Andersqn'a eftce. PhoneJ
j connection dav and night. J
Local and Personal
Notes Of Paradise
Farmers Shipping Hogs Telephone
Company Tq Build Line
To Flora. .
Paradise, May 23. Fine rains have
broken the drought
Dave Kuhn, Jay Hall and Bud Fish
er shipped a car of fat hogs to Port
land. David and Maude Malyn have re
turned from Joseph.
A local telephone company, was or
ganized here to build a line to Flora.
Born to the wife of Harry Miller ; a
daughter, May 13.
Henry Redman and grandson wore
in Paradise yesterday.
George Redman was a Paradise
visitor recently.
John Hendrickson was here Sun
day. '
Lida Kuhn Is on the sick list.
the child.
'(Mrs. W. B. Applegate is on the slcP
list .this week.,
C. H. Alien and Will Fordica were
at Paradise yesterday.
Harry Miller bought a fine team o?!
horses of Henry Sturm a short time
and In which judgment It was furth
er ordered .that I make sale of the
hereinafter described attached prop
erty for the satisfaction of said judg
ment, to-wlt: . "S
The east half of lot numbered one
and the east half of lot numbori:!
four In block numbered three in Gar
dner's Addition to the City of Enter
prise, Wallowa. County, Oregon. Also
i i. . j Au n. r-
menclng at the south west corner of
lot numbered two in block numbered
three in Gardner's Addition to th
City of Enterprise, Wallowa County,
Oregon; thence east along the south
line of said lot numbered two a dis
tance of fifteen feet; thence north
on a line parallel with the west Hue
ol said lot numbered two and. lot
ruinbered three qf said block nun
bored tbree to a point on th? north
line qf said q numbered three
Ihenee west to the northwest corner
qf said lot numbered three; thence
south to the place of beginning, and
all lying and being in block numbers"
three In Gardner's Addition to lh3
City of Enterprise, Wallowa- Cuty,
Now, therefore, tn obedience to
the commands of said Execution and
'order of sale as aforesaid, I will, on
of tha County Court House in the
pity of Enterprise, Wallowa County,
Oregon, sell at public auction yi x
, highest and best bidder for cash in
hand all of 1,10 right, title and inter
Office in Htch Building. Room
121. Horns Independent Phone.
Office In Bank Building.
Horn, pboaa both office and';
residence. 4
Office In Litch BlH l'.n.
Enterprks, Of (;.,
Practice In fell State Courts and
Interior Department. Careful at-1
tentlon to all business.
Practice la State tofi Federal a
Courts and Interior iepartmnut.
est which the said Leonard Baker
and Calvin Smith, or either of them,
Iwd in atid to the said described prem
ises on the date of the attachment
or have since acquired, or any part
thereof, to satisfy said judgment, In
terest,, costs and disbursements and
accruing costs upon this writ.
Dated this 31st day of May, 1911.
Sheriff of Waliowa County, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that under
and by virtue of an execution, de
cree and order of sale issued out
of and undar the saal of the Circuit
Court of the State -of Oregon for
Wallowa County and to me directed
and delivered, upon a judgment de
cree and order of sale In an ac
tion therein pending, wherein the
Enterprise Mercantile & Milling Co.,
a private corporation, was Plaintiff
and C. S. Haney, Elizabeth L. Han
ey, W. F. Rankin, and the Wallowa
National Bank, a private banking cor
poration, and Henry Fletcher, Trus
tee in bankruptcy of the estate of W.
F. Rankin, a bankrupt, were Defend
ants, wherein the Defendant C. S
Haney obtained a Judgment against
Defendant W. F. Rankin for the sum
of $3931.30, with Interest thereon un
til paid at the rate of 10 per cent
per annum; the further sum of $200.
00 as an attorney's fee and' the furth
er "sum of $10.40 costs and disburse
ments; and in which Judgment, de'
cree and order of sale I am command
ed to make sale of the following des
cribed real propqxty in the manner
provided by law, to-wit:
Lots 3, 4 and 6 of Block One in
Alder View Addition to the town of
Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon.
Now, therefore in obadlonce to
the commands of said Writ of Exe
cution, decree and order of sale, I will
on Saturday, the 1st day of July, 1911
at the hour of 1:30 in the afternoon
of said day at the fron,t door of the
County Court Ho.ise in the City of
Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon,
sell at public auction to the highest
and best bidder for cash In hand, all
of. the right, title and Interest) which
the said W. F. Rankin, tha Wallowa
National Bank, a private banking cor
poration, and Henry Fletcher, a
Trustee in bankruptcy of the estate
of W, F. Rankin, a bankrupt, or eith
er of them, had in and to the said
described premises on the data o.
the mortgnjfe described In tho com
plaint li said suit, or havo since
acquired In or to said premises oi
any part thereof, and all peraans
claiming through the said dPfondanls
or either of them, tq satisfy said
judgment, Interest, attorney's fees,
costs and, disbursements and accru
ing voMts upon this writ.
Dated this 3lst day q( 'May, 1911.
Sheriff of Wallowa County, Oregon.
Official Proceedings
Of County Court
First JudicUl Day
May 3, 1911.
Claims Allowed (Continued)
Scalp Bounty.
To whom lusued Amount
Wm. Newby 300
Clarence Throe 1
3. 3. Keonan 3 w
F. C. Cowing . 3 50
Chas. Marks 1 50
Fred Zumwalt '. 15 00
Ford Hillman 1 &0
Ernest Wright 10 50
Willie Renudotn 1 50
H. N. WUlUuus I 00
Geo. E. Courtney I Cu
C. S. Wrenn 1 BO
J. W. Clliaspie , .... 7 50
Albert Baker 15
J A. Crosslan'l 2 00
W. P. Tippett .... 1 SO
F. S, Bunnell 8 00
.1. Bloodsworth .. 9 00
R. M. Shaver 1 Bu
William K.ajea 1 &0
Frank Anderson 1 M
t F. Meyers .. 15 00
g! M. Hendrickson v-- 1 50
D. W. Warnock 00
W. G. Beith 6 50
J J. Gill 7 50
Ben Meek .... ' 1 M
Frank Beaudoln 3 00
O. R. Irwin , 1 60
J. W. Alford 3 00
W. R. Davis 9 50
E. Shureit 22 W
B. C. Carper 6 50
W. Ihll 6 00
E. A. Anderson .... .. 1 Wl
J. M. Dunagan .... IM
L. M. Coverdale 6 00
(Continued on last page.)
At a meeting of the County High
School board, Friday night, Miss Belle
B. Edwards of Qorvallls was engaged
as teacher of domestic science and
art for the coming year at $90 a
month. Miss Edwards is the lady
who some months ago gave the dem
onstrations In cooking at the state
hospital during a legislative visit.
She comes very highly recommended.
Principal H. K. Shirk and Mrs. Iv
anhoe were each given an Increase
of $5 a month salary for next year.
It was decided to open school next
fall on Monday, SeptemberlS.
80LD MONDAY FOR $15,00C,
R. F. Stubblefieid has bought the
Flathers ranch, 6 miles north of town
on the Trout creek road, of Charles
and John Flathers, for $15,000. The
ranch is one formerly Owned by J.
A'. Bookout, and consists of 1432 acres
of land, with plenty of water for
stock and considerable tillable land.
The deal was made thru the Enter
prise Real Estate company (Wagner
& Cortfins).
Stockholders' Meeting.
The annual meeting ofthe stockhold
ers of the Enterprise Hotel company
will be held at the Wallowa) National
bank at eight o'clock p. m. on Juris
19, It'll, for the purpose of electing:
a board of directors, and the transac
tion of such other business as may
proporjy come before said meeting. -
7wl Secretary,
Timber In 8mall Tracts. !i
A few small traU of timber land
Just above Alder Slope for sale. How
much do you need? See Carl Roe,
Room 2 Borland Building, Enterprise,
Oroijoii. 41tf
Duggers restaurant and lodging
house was closed on attachment Mon
day. J. W. McCully, brother of F. D.
McCully, and a former resident of Los
tlne, died at Touchet, Wash., May 2i2,
of brlght'a disease, aged 64 years.
Lame shonlder is nearly always due
to rheumatism of the mulcles, and
quickly yields to the free application
of Chamberlain's Llnlnsnt For sato
by all dealers.
Harris Flowers came in Tuesday
for the shearing Beason. a
MisKea Grace and Rhoda Wood left
Tuosd'iy for Elgin and after a visit
the'o they will go on to 'their new
ho'THi at Bridal Veil.
Baptist Church: The meetings of
next Sunday will be In charge of .a
committee of three men In the morn
ing and of ladles In the evening. Pro.
grams of considerable interest will
bo given and will be well worth hear
ing. The evening meeting will be a
missionary meeting. . 4
Christian church: Rev. W. 8. Crotk
ett will preach Sunday morning at) 11
o'clock. 3
Arrangements have been' completed
for the entertainment of the Grando
Ronde Baptist association atj the Bap
tist church in Enterprise, June 8-1 1.
There will be two sessions the first
day and three on Friday andi on Sat
urday, and four sessions on Sunday.
A strong delegation is expected and
meetinga of more thaw ordinary. Inter
est. The public are welcome to all
sessions. . There will be several fine
addresses during the sessions.
Rev, H. B. Foskett of. the Baptist
church has gone to his home In Mc
Minnvllle and will be away over Sun
day. He will return In time for the
uicctings of the association next week.
Mr. Foskett Is to make an address oa
the Brotherhood movement and con
duct a round table at the West Wil
lamette association meeting at Day
ton. A Brotherhood was formed at the
Baptist church last Sunday with 12
elected president, Q. H. Vest vlce-pres-tde'nt,
and J.P.Sanders secretary and'