Enterprise news-record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1910-1911, January 25, 1911, WEDNESDAY EDITION, Image 4

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    E. M. M. Company
This month we are closing
out the old and opening up
the new stock and many
bargains may be obtained
at Clearing Sale Prices.
Save one-fourth of your
money at our closing sales
City and County
Brief News Items
Carter the Cartoonist at opera
house Friday nht,
Chris Bauer left Tuesday for hie
ranch on the Iinuaha.
Joe-Allen returned Monday from
a trip to outside points, .
Rov. 0 Iff oixl Ernest returned Fri
day from Southern Oregon.
A. C. Milter and Carl Roe were
business visitors at Wallowa, Tuesday.
ter a visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Charles L. Hughes of Joseph has
filed on a homestead, hLs application
being received at the La Grande of
fice, Thursday.
An Interesting demonstration for
the ladles ,wlll take place at the E.
M. & M. store, Thursday, Jan. 26.
AJ1 are invited. 77bl
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Weaver of
Wallowa, who were recently married,
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
II. Weaver of Aider Slope, last week.
John Rohrmnn, Joseph merchant,
was on Monday's train returning
'home from Southern California. He
Pike DeBole, who Is workng at j went iu search of health and found
Wallowa, was in to.wn over Sunday jlt
Mrs. J. C. Blanehard, who had
boon visiting her son, Landlord Per-
County Superintendent
went to Lostlne Wednesday on school
Dr. J, C. Boddeley of Walla Wal
la caime In Monday ta visit hb moth
er on Trout Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wade returned
Monday from a few days visit with
friends lit Union county.
Judge Hamilton of Joseph was
transacting business at the county
seat between trains Monday.
Charles It, Shuman of Flora filed
a homestead application in the La
Grande land office, Thursday.
Mrs, J. L. Browning visited her
brother, W. W. Wlllett, and family of
Lostlne, Saturday and Sunday,
Mrs. Alta Sanders, called here by
the death of her father, James Moore,
returned to La Grande, Sunday. "
H. C. Davis, formerly of Flora, was
in town Friday. He Is now located
on a homestead near the Buttea.
Mrs. L. J, McCubbln of Lostlne
returned honi Saturday after a vis
It with friends and relatives here.
Byrani Mayfleld Is at Wallowa at
tending 4o the 'drug store of Frank
Galloway, who Is in of pneumonia.
G. II. Sutherland, the Walla Walla
nlumbhif contractor, was here the
first of the week looking after Jobs.
Mrs. Delia Harmon of Boise, Ida.,
after a. visit with her elater, Mrs.
Geo, Logan, returned home, Satur
day, ..
Mrs. J. P. Averlll of Swamp Creek
went to Portland, Monday, to see
Mr AverlM who U In a sanatorium
Mrs. J. H. Jackson and baby of
Lostlne returned horn Sunday ai
ry Blanehard of the, Hotol Enter pise,
returned to her home at Irabler, Sun
day. It is rumored that after February
1, the popular Zurcher men's, fur
uluhJag store will have a new e"
on which will be printed Zurcher &
Miss Jean M. Williamson, niece of
Rev. B. F. Meredith, la at Wallowa
I teaching in the place of Principal
III. H. Bronson, who Is ill of pneu-Imonla.
Mrs, Louie Long and son, Vernon
went to Wallowa Monday to visit
Mrs. Maude Inman. The latter had
been the guest of friends In this
city, returning home also Monday
morning. . ..
The nest number on the lecture
course Is Perry Carter, one of tno
world's greatest cartoonists, and an
unusually clever entertainer as well.
At the opera house Friday night.
Master Vandon Mavor went to La
Grande Sunday to see hLs mother
and sister Claire. The latter Is re
covering from a severe surgical op
eration, and Mrs. Mavor Is nursing
Snpt. Thomas Morgan took near
ly 100 members of the Christian
Sunday school to Lostlne one even
ing last week to attend the pro
tracted meelngs. Six sleds conveyed
the party,
, Mrs. J. W. Cblldera and son Earl
loft Sunday for Portland In response
to a telegram saying that her son
Witt was very 111. Will Is about 35
years of age, has a .wife and (wo
children and resides at Gresham,
just fast of Portland.
iTrs. R. F: Stubblefleld gave a
very pleasant party In compliment
to Mrs. Sarah E. Landers, on the
occasion of the latter's 72nd birth
rlnv anniversary. A number of eld
erly Indies were present and a'Jl
enjoyed the day and the fine dinner
prepared by Mrs. Stubblefleld.
J. D. HuBton, the horse buyer,
shipped 21 head, a car load, of hors
es to the Seattle market, Tuesday.
They were a nice lot of chunks, and
brought the farmers 1 150 a head! and
upwards. Henry Bauer went along
to look after the horses. Mr. Hus
ton remains here to buy more horses.
Mrs. O. J, Roe and daughter Ra
mona, accompanied by Dr. C.T. Hock
ett, went to La Grande, Sunday,
where on the following day Ramona
underwent an operation for appendi
citis at the Grande Ronde hospital.
Tha latest word Is that the opera
tion was successful and the patient
is getting along as .well as could be
expected. Doctor Hockett returned
home Tuesday.
Ton light will be your last oppor
tunlty to see the famous Elsom Art
exhibition on view In the high school.
Good sized crowds attended both
.Monday and Tuesday nights. There
are plenty of chairs and plenty of
time Is given to view the pictures.
There are over 200 reproductions
of the most famous paintings, in
cluding Italian, High Renaissance,
Dutch and Ftamtsh, French, Modern
German, English, Spanish and Eng
lish schools, to addition the high
school students give a short pro
gram of music and recitation each
evening that are well worth hearing.
You ,wlll spend & very pleasant even
ing if you go to the high school to
night at 7:30 o'clock. Admission is
only 10 cents.
The county court has contracted
with the Coast Bridge company for
two riveted' steel, low truss bridges
to be placed across Bear creek and
the Wallowa river northwest, of
Wallowa. The price for the two is
$4800 f. o. b. Wallowa.
On the package when you buy
Foley's Honey end Tar far coughs
and colds. None genuine without, the
Bee Hive. Remember the name,
Foley's Honey and Tar and reject
any substltue. Burnaughi & Mayfleld.
Jan. 23 A literary society was or
gaulzed at the Pratt schoolhouse
Friday evening. Ira Pace was elected
president, Sam Lovell, vlce-pres., and
Anna Lyreivmaun secretary and traa
urer for the coming month. Subject
for debate this week Is:" Resolved
that the Foiet Reserve has been
Detrimental to the People Concern
ed. A short literary program wNl
also be. rendered. Meetings will be
held at the achoolhouse every Friday
evening at) 7:30.
Everybody come and help make this
a success.
Miss. Grace Pratt has gone to; Port
land to be absent a mouth or more.
snei4 blk 11, Gardner's add Enter
prise, except right) of way. $1.
U. S. to Matt Herbst. nsw and
enwVi sis 35, t, 5 n, r 43. Patent.
We have a few boxes of each of
the following varieties of apples left
for sale: Spltzenberg, Yellow New
town, King, Bailey Sweet, Snow,
Pearmaln, Bellflower and Ben Da
vis, all in excellent condition. Fresh
cider made to order. O. J. Roe,
Horns Independent Phone. 74b2
Foley's Kidney Remedy An Appreci
ation, L. McConnell, Catharine St., El
mira, N. Y., wrilies: "I wish to ex
press my appreciation, of the great
good: I derived from Foley's Kidney
Remedy, which, I used ton a bad case
of kidney trouble. Five boytlea did
the work most effectively and prov
ed to me beyondi doubt it la the most
reliable kidney medicine I hav
ever taken." Burnaugh & Mayfleld.
(Continued from first page.)
Mary C. Brady to W. J. Rice, se
M sec29, t 4 n, r 42. $1.
State of Oregon to Fred W. FUz-
patrick, lots land 2, see 31, t 1 s, r
44. 78,15 acres Indemnity land. $586.12..
Emma L, Wigglesworth to, J. E. Tul-
ley lot 26 Riverside Park add vai-
lowa. $150.
W. J. Funk St Co. to Henry Young,
18 acres in sec 2, t 2 s, r 44;. $2500,
S. D. Moore to Samuel Wade, s
nw. ns,w sec 17, t 1 , r
44. $1200.
Fred A. Wagner to G. I. Ratcliff,
lota 5 and 8 blk 8, Enterprise. $1.
Theodore B. LaCerte to Tom At
kins, lot 2 blk 8 Wagner's add En.
terprlse. $1.
John W, Isley t Charles. S.'Spain,
und V4 bit In wVVi sec 21, t 3s,
r 45. $1.
W. T. Aliff to Perry H. Thomp.
son, n.s sec 24, nwneV4 sec 25,
t 2 n, r 42. $1.
A. C. A1W to Perry Thompson,
swnett see 24, t 3 n. r 42. $1.
B. A. Reynolds to Ma Gumerman,
Piano and Organ Instructor
Tstma iMlsaafcl Home Ind. Phan
State of Oregon, Department of Ed
ucation, Salem.
September 1, 1910.
Giving the sources of examination
questions for State and County pa
pers, February 8-11 and August 9-
12, 1911.
1. Arithmetic One-fifth from
Stat Course of Study, four-fifths
from Smith.
2. Civil Government Strong &
S chafer.
3. Geography One-fifth from
Stat Course of Study, four-fifths
from Redway and Hlnman.
4. Grammar One-fifth from
State Course of Study, four-fifths
from Buehler. -
5. History, U. S. One-fifth from
State Course of Study, four-fifths
from Doub,
6. Orthography Rel' Word
7. Physiology Krohn, Hutchin
8. Reading Stato Course of
Study, White's Art of Teaching,
Oral Reading.
9. School Law School Laws
of Oregon; for February, edition of
1909; for August, edition of 1911.
10. Theory and Practice Whiten
Art of Teaching.
11. Writing Outlook Writing
System, Tests In Writing.
12. Physical Geography Tarrs
New Physical Geography,
IS. English Literature:
February, 1911
A, One-half from texts: New
oonrcr'i English Literature.
a.i Newcomer's English Lit.
B. One half from tht following
1, Emerson, Selected Essays
(Cambridge Classics) Hough
ton, 63c,
3. D Qulncy, Joan of 7ro
and the English Mall Coach
(Riv. lit. ser.) Hought n, 22c.
3. Addison and .Steele, Sir
Rogar da Covery Paper
(Lake English Classics) Scott
F. & Co., 26c.
August, 1911
A. One-half from text: - New
comer's English Literature,
-'' and Newcomer's American Lit
arature. B. One-half, from the following
1. Burke, Speech on Concilia
tion with America (Standard
English Classics) Glnn, 25c.
2. Irving, Oliver Goldsmith
(Riv. lit. ser.) Houghton, 41c.
I. Macauley, Lays of Ancient
Roma (Rtv. lit. ser.) Hough
ton, 22c.
The figure given for each la tha
price to schools contracted for be
tween tha Oregon Library Commis
sion and the J, K, Gill Co. Poat
age should be added to this prloe.
14. Algebra. Wells: Algebra tor
Secondary Schools.
16. Bookkeeping. Office Methods
and Practical Bookkeeping, Part L
16. Composition. Herri ck A Da
mon. 17. Physics. MHUkan A Gala: A
First Course in Physics.
18. Psychology. BuelL
19. Botany, Bergen: Element
of Botany.
30. Geometry, Went worth: Plana
and Solid Geometry, Questions In
Plana Geometry. ,
21. History, GansraL Myers: Geo
oral History.
An examination la required upon
tha first eleven subjects for a third
grade County certificate valid for
one year and a second grade Co-inty
certificate valid for two years; upon
tha first thirteen subjects for a first
grade County certificate valid for
three years; upon iha first eighteen
subjects for a State certificate valid
for five years; and upon tha twenty
one aubjeota for a Stat diploma
valid for Ufa. s4t
To many, winter is a season of
trouble. The frost -bitten toes and
fingers, chappsd hands and Hps, chU
hltins, cold-sores, red and rouga
skins, prove this. But such troubles
fly before Bucklen's Arnica Salve. A
trial convinces. Greatest healer of
j Burns, Bolls, Pilei, Cuts, Sores, BruL
aes, Eczema, and Sprains. Only 25c
j at all druggists.