FRUIT JUDGE SEES BRIGHT OUTLOOK Guard Ackley was leaning over to put an "'Oregon boot" on the prisoner when Tannum like a flash drew the officer's revolver from the exposed holster and fired at Sheriff Richard son, narrowly missing- his head. As Ackley leaped up to grapple with him Tannum shot him through the abdo men. Richardson finally got his re- nrrmviaTKti I volver out and riddiea tne Indians rUtliU wwm ... . .., villln- him In, FRIENDLINESS OF GROWERS 1 - - In his long career as a thief catcher tw.i.i Atinin Rhowi Largely Re-1 known throughout the entire north' n. TMln Amint wen, 11 was me ciusw wut vrua.u BpurauH, - ai,i0 v,c.h with hi. life as the OTobardlsts -Much Costly Oompe- it was feared at first he would tldon to Bo Eliminated Through 'Got-to-Gotber" Spirit. (By A. P. Bateman, Practical Or- chardlst at Moslem, oif-, ana ma.u die, but fortunately there was 8 skilled physician at Burns, who pull ed the officer through. Boise States man. COURTS LD GRAZING RULES SHEEP MEN IX NEW MEXICO ARB FINED Authority of Secretary of Agriculture to Prevent Grazing of livestock on National Forests Without Permit Is Fully Upheld. .... r th vit Hood River Fruit I TEXAN 8 ARE ANGRY rmn.v l . - AT WAIiIi STREET rtiu Htvv.tAof iin nf lh times that I The orlde of Texas has been touch clflo northwest Is the increasing ed by certain developments In Wall friendliness that comes from better street during the past year, and it is acquaintance. The former feeling of the intention of several Prominent bigotry, mistrust and bitter antagon- legislators to "get back'.' during the tarn bYtween different organization, session now beginning Prominent r TZS anfd Tv'-snT 'JZZTZ L? 'XSS of ihe displeasure it feels regarding viwiau Apple Show. - Great as is the gain to exniDiiur- pleas to be excused from legislative work because of lack of time, espe cially during short sessions. The international bureau does much of Its work by correspondence, a fact which Is developing the knowledge that the influence of the letter writ er is greater than that of the lobby ist who personally appears at the cap- itol. Ex-Senator Henry W. Blair Is I the president of the bureau, which has the support of churches, reform societies and all kinds of organlsa ttons whose purpose is to elevate the moral character of the upper and lower houses of congress. MILLION ACRES TO BE OPEII TO SETTLEMENT INDIAN RESERVATION IS TO BE OPENED SOON The authority of the secretary of agriculture to prevent the grazing of livestock on the national forests with' out a permit has been sustained In New Mexico by action of the federal courts In three cases In which the de- fendanta had caused . or permitted stock to trespass upon the Alamo for est In defiance of the, regulations. Because of the belief which has been current among stockmen ; of some localities during the last year that the regulations of the secretary of agriculture with regard to gracing on the national forests are unenforce able, the New Mexico cases are re garded by officials of the department certain phases of the Texas Insurance I of agriculture as particularly timely laws. The people are thinking of re- I and valuable. The recent disposition OLDEST MASON IN NORTHWEST IS DEAD Oliver Hazzard Perry 'Gibson, 96 years of age, who died at Davenport, Wash., a few days ago, was the oldest member of the Masonic order in the northwestern country, if not on the continent. He was initiated at Fort More Than Two Thousand Allotments to be Made liana Not Taken by In diana Will Be Given to White Men Grazing and Agricultural Tracts Included. More than 1,000,000 acres of agri cultural, grazing and timber lands will be available, for homestead pur poses when the Colvllle Indian reser vatlon, north of Spokane, Is opened to settlement, according to Clair all others because of the subnosed hood, and he could tell the difference as between these two foreign machines because of the different position of the radiator. Now. however,' he la almost lost. The C. G. V. makes a car in which the radiator is put be fore the dash, just as the Renault has It Furthermore the Ortxton-Keeten, the . Thomas, the taxlcab and the new Franklins, all have the subnosed hood so that the man in the street can no longer remark nonchalantly, "Re nault," when he sees a bonnet of that shape slipping by. The non-stop mileage of the Fland ers 20 that is trying for the record out in Los Angeles now is 7700' miles. Only recently the small machine made 380 miles in a single day. The record that Is being sought and which probably will be beaten is one of 10,- 000 miles. Leavenworth, Kan., early in 1841, Just I Hunt, aliotlng agent in charge of the! "STUNT THE FINGERS AND. YOU STUNT THE BRAINS" ureat as is ine taliatlns- bv exempting Texan coun-1 to Question the validity of the regula from the publicity wn U. -nd city bonds from taxation so tlons has evidently been due to the win anit from the "get- that horae money may bujr tne DondB' entlrely natural desire of the stock- Davenport. His wife, who died growers Will result irom tne Arawn Interest I man nasal what thnv minnmied. . , . before entering the service of the United States in the war with Mexi co. He was born in Shippensburg, Pa., May 10, 1815, and when a bo7 moved with his parents to Kentucky, afterward going to Missouri, whence he made a trip as teamster to Sante Fe, N. M. He drove an ox-team to California in 1850, returning to St Joseph, Mo., two years later. He en gaged in .business at Stewartsvllle, Mo., until 1851 and came to Washing ton in 1882, settling on a homestead ... ... f- I oecause tne money manu m uieu ttnaci i nuai moj . ,m , of th. """M net Pro1- the legislature though mistakenly, to be their rights lows this Intimate ua'",neorf.t finds that it has not the authority to I under the law as interpreted by the show, and the friendly rivalry or em- ulatlons as to which can show the most marked Improvement in pro duct or packing. The comparison of products and work from all sections makes for a In 1891, was Mary Jane DeAtley, a native of Missouri. Five grown up children survive. In recognition of his long services, Mr. . Gibson was elected an honorary member of Acacia Lodge No. 68, F. and A. M., Daven port, In 1892. enact such a statute, a constlutlonai I courts. Secretary Wilson considers I amendment will probably be submit- that the effect of the action taken in ted to the people for their ratification. I the New Mexico cases will be to clar- The state would be losing nothing by I fy the situation materially, and to exempting these bonds, as no revenue I promote a better understanding of the 1 1. witni nVktalnAfl from that source I ami i-if-h,a nf tha dnnarrmflnt liberal education ana wno ovury ,.... of tho bonds being disposed I The mlsconcentlon which has led Tialtor to the ShOW back to BIS nome I state's limits. Good I .tnnfemen to mnnou thev mlft-ht arraze i J v . - r ' ' v i nomusni ft&uuia abbuob luwmwa tneir stocit on tne national , ioresu i Booklet. witnout taKing out a permit ana pay- . new r,ubilcation. from the pas ADVERTISING. NPRTHWEST. with higher respect for an otners. busness oolicy would prompt the sug- "At this convenient railroad center, ed change( aU the interest the growers of Oregon, Washington, money now belng Bent away from Tex- Idaho, Montana and British Colum- wou,d be retamed at home and, bla come with immense displays of . amon the Lome citizenship, to their apples, put up in the best styles. th materlal advancement of the I do not believe that tne remaraapie 8tate. lnternal interests. advance in excellence notea mess ing the grazing fee was due to the de- seneP deoartment of the Northern clsion rendered by the supreme court p,clfl entitled "Throua-h the Fer- of the United States last March, af- tUe Northwest" tells Interestingly and firming a decision or tne unitea mates forcefully the story of the great district court lor the soutnern district Northwest It tells why that country of California, by Judge Wellborn, that appeals to the Homeseeker and where violation of the grazing regulations is he wlll tlnd the region to best suit not punishable as a crime. Tims ae- his own tastes. The great fruit-raising clsion of the supreme court, however, valley, the mammoth alfalfa and Spokane. Wash., Jan. 2. There was fcy an even division of the Jus- wheat fields, the irrigated farms and will be more than 100 candidates, in- tlces, and therefore did not decide orchards are all described and pic eluding Mayor Nelson S. Pratt, J. (the general Question one way or the tured. It took several months to ac v. I . -oa, 1 UBUttl COICIBUU, Uli i v-.dw. . , a- . utilCl, VUb jiictvijr auuuiev ww. I CUlHUlUie IHQiXiAUUf vuuiaiuvu AU bllio 5? v , hroiia.s thir W Armstrong, president of the boad I ,ion of the lower court In the partlcu- booklet which comprehensively de , . !! .!n oiiTiiv nit in of publlo works; E. V. Lambert pres-lar caBe., The supreme court has scribes the territory adjacent to th. last three years, could have been reached In double the time through any other agency, ' "The standardizing of pack and nackares. which has already been ac complished, is of inestimable value ttf the trade as a whole and Is an index SPOKANE WILL HAVE MANY CITY CANDIDATES I local fruit unions, cordially unite in ystematio methods of marketing. The aoDles from all districts of these five states must meet in the same markets. Why should not we growers meet beforehand and har moniously plan the campaign? "You have already been told that definite steps were taken at Spokane to Inaugurate this movement and loubtless you will soon hear much more about this live topic What I say today is merely to add what em phasis I can to its Importance and bespeak the most careful and broad minded consideration of any and all proposals that may be advanced in seeking a solution of this problem." Mr. Bateman waa Judge of two national apple shows In Bpokane, al so conducting the free packing school at the third annual competitive apple exposition In Spokane In 1910. ldent of the city council; Charles M. Fassett, president of the Spokane chamber of commerce, ntne members of the city council, and bankers, mer chants and tradesmen, for live com mlssionshlps under the new charter. which carried by a majority of 2226 The election will take place on March 7, 1911, the commission tak ing charge of the city's offalrs as soon as the vote Is certified. The salary Is $5000 a year and three of the com' mlsslonerships are for terms of four years. The charter provides for first second and third choice, which gives promise of complicating matters to make It one of the most spectacu lar campaigns In the history of the northwest. Charles W. Fleming, city clerk, an nounces that any person may become the granted a rehearing of the case in or- I Northern Pacific ocean. The cities der that the question may be passed and towns come In ' for attention, so upon by a full bench and authorita- that the homeseeker, whether he be tlvely settled, and this rehearing wlll in search of rural or urban opportu- soon take place. - But the authority of nltles, will find full Information. The the secretary to prevent grazing ex- booklet will be widely distributed by cept In accordance with his regula- the Northern Pacific's traveling ex- tions does not, It is pointed out de-lhlblt car, and it can be had on re pend upon affirmation of the power quest to the General Passenger Agent of the government to punish viola- at St Paul. tlon of the regulations as a crime. This apportionment of the reserve land. "There are about 2250 allotments to be made," Mr. Hunt said while In Spokane today, "and the Indians are choosing chiefly agricultural and graz Ing lands. This will take about S00. 000 acres of a total of $1, 400,000 con tained In the reserve, leaving 1,100,' 000acres that will belong to the peo ple. Much of this will be first-class ag ricultural land and a large part of It will be covered with some of the fin est timber in the state of Washing ton. A few of the Indians have shown a disposition to take land in the timber regions. The Colvllle Indians are good ag rlculturists and grow all kinds of grains, fruits and vegetables. . Some of the finest peaches raised in the state of Washington are grown on res ervation lalds. The Indians are peaceable and friendly to the whites. They are industrious and thrifty, and only a few of the older men, who are Incapacitated for work, require aid from the government." Mr. Hunt added that while no date had been fixed for the opening of the reservation, it Is likely this will fol low soon after the completion of the allotment work. Much of the pre' liminary work of assigning lands has been completed, but so far few of the allotments have been maae. However the work is progressing and with the arrival of another agent and addition al help it is expected to complete the assignment and allotment in short order. Is made clear by the action In two of the New Mexico cases, while the I third case Illustrates the fact that the I affirmation of Judge Wellborn's de cision by the supreme court has no binding force In case other than the particular one then before the court, In the case of Sam Cope and S. O. Cope, defendants, and of Q. W. Jer- nlgan. defendant injunctions were NEW OPERA OF STRAUSS. BURNING GROUND CAUSE FOREST FIRES One of the strangest facts observ ed In the forest fires in the North and West is the burning of the ground. Falling leaves, bark and twigs and dying plant life . gradually accumu late In the forests. The . rains and dense shade keeps the mass damp. Mosses, in time, grow upon the sur- Doctor Urges Men and Women to Ac quire Manual Skill to Stimulate Mentality. Business. men and women should use their hand in every possible way if they want to increase their brains, according to the latest idea of a well known London -doctor. He says: - "Tie knots, sew, do fretwork, learn to make some of your own clothes, prepare and cook all your own food, -repair your boots and shoes, dig and plant your garden in fact, do every thing that calls for manual 'skill If you want to have an active, resource ful and versatile brain. "The business man whose work de pends on a keen, quick-working brain must useffhls fingers constantly If he wants to have these assets in full. He must speaking literally, turn his hand to everything,' and be capable of constructing most anything with his fingers. The truth of this statement lies In the fact that In every manual act tho hand is directed by the brain. "Again, every act reacts upon the brain, strengthening and stimulating it, which is the only sure method of keeping that organ In keen, efficient working order. . That our fingers are gradually be coming less skilled is due to the nu merous mechanical appliances which now carry out the various processes formerly done by hand. "This state of affairs, since it stunts the powers of the fingers, also stunts the brain. The worker does his work mechanically, unthinkingly, and grad ually his-brain grows torpid and im paired.". face of the decaying vegetation. The Plans for Various Cities, But None r""B" "w Yet for Berlin. Berlin. Dr. Richard Strauss' new opera, "Rosenkavaller," will be pro duced for the first time on January 25th at Dresden. Arrangements for its performance have also been com pleted with about a score of other n candidate bv obtaining the names of I arranted bv the federal district court I opera houses, Including those of VI- 26 bona fide electors. There is no I to prevent the continued grazing ofienna, uuan, Municn, uamDurg ana charge for filing. WASHINGTON LEGISLATOR HAS NEW LAW DRAWN Prohibiting the taking of "straw ballots of newspapers or Individuals is the effect of an amendment to the present primary laws of the state of Washington proposed by Guy B. oroii, legislator-elect of Spokane, who thus defines his position on the question: w ugnt wneni ue recoros ot tne "The publishing of the results of cultTcierk's office of Whiteside county straw- ballots, showing one candidate showed that Thomas Broderlck. son f. m th. mftrt AxarGtaes an unwar- of John Broderick of Clyde township, SuMW -old hi. inheritance In hi. father's es oSer. to the race. After the primar- tat. to hi. cousin. James Broderick JZrXS executed De- Itr... X th. 'straw' ballot cannot oember 81, 1909. but was not filed un strength and the straw ballot cannot in.tnimAnt Tf 1 M. wv whava uv LIKE ESAU, SELLS' RIGHT. When He Hears of the Transaction Father Disinherits Son. Sterling, 111. A story that parallels the Bible story of Esau's selling his birthright to his brother Jacob came to light when the records of the Or- stock owned by the defendants upon the national forests. The ground up on which these Injunctions were granted was not the power of the gov ernment to punish violators of the regulations through crimmai proced ure, but was the right of the govern ment to bring civil action against the owners of stock which trespass upon the property of the government . In the Cope case punitive damages were Imposed by the court for wilful tres pass, In addition to an award of 876 for actual damages sustained, Stuttgart and ' negotiations for its production in England and America have been Inaugurated. Strangely enough no steps have yet been taken with a view to giving It in Berlin, though Dr. Strauss still occupies the position of chief musical drector at the opera, house here. REGISTRY CLOCK WILL KICTCP TAR ON WAI.ttEHS n.. . For the purpose of having an ac- The I curate and reliable record of the move' amount of the actual damge was de- mmt of night track-walkers, and and hardens. Trees spring up and take their roots In the peaty sub stance. - Then comes a season of drought, and the dampness evaporates. A huntsman, woodman or farmer builds a fire or possibly railroad engines drop sparks and a slow cancer of fire eats deep among the roots and smoulders for months. Should strong wind spring up, the trees al ready undermined by the fire, topple over and the roots throw off sparks. Flames burst out and with rapidity spread throughout the forest A forest fire which occurred in Northern Minnesota a few weeks ago broke out In many places at once, because many of these . subtereanean fires were in existence and only waiting for a wind which appeared on October 7. In this fire about 16, 000 square miles of timber burned. The . villages of Beaudette, with AMERICANS TAKING A REST. Duchess of Marlborough In Van- of Those Planning Post-Holiday Tripe. London. The Duchess of Marlbor ough Is but one of many American , hostesses who .have gone to the south or will soon go there. Lady Cheyles more, who was Miss French, will leave for the. Riviera immediately after Christmas; Mr. and Mrs. James "e Donald are already at Cannes on their way to Egypt, and the ' Duchess of Roxburghe, whose entertainments have been cancelled owing to the death of her grandfather, Mr. Wilson, will leave for the south early in the New Year. -' .. have such a pernicious Influence, It were legal, I should have newspa pers prohibited from expressing pref erence of any candidate except through their editorial columns." Mr. Grotf also declares that he In this, Instrument James Broderick, Jr., of this city gives to Thomas Broderick, his cousin, $1,- 000 for Thomas' share of the property after the death of the father. Following the filing of the docu ment John Broedrlck went to the of- ,v, ,., w.. . I which will show whether they are do- population or l.zoo and .spooner, 1 " "J. " " "'r in- Aatv. retrtntrv clocks are to wh 850. were wiped out of exist- bo installed at Intervals along the nc ,n an hur. Hundreds of main line of the Reading. , They will nomesteaaers," who were carving take the place of reports signed by their homes out of the forest saved signalmen and watchmen which have their Uvea only by lowering themselves LOCK OF DIOKEN'S HAIR, Relics of the Famous Author Recent ly Disposed of in London. London. Fifty-one dollars was the price fetched by some Interesting re lics of Dickens sold at Sotheby's. They comprise a lock of his hair, a prayer book (Oxford, 1861), with In scription "Mr. Brunt from Mr. Dick ens, August, 1870"; a large pocket knife, and a small portrait of the novelist with an autograph letter. dated December 24, 1869, from Charles Dickens, written In the third person. engaging George Brunt as his gar dener; and two other letters. f ... .... At- J.lU-Uk 1 win see. to wipe out '" i" Y flee of his attorney and had his will gree" by introducing an.amendment, onanged In th coalcie he glve, ft wun a view w i-, of hls pr0perty to his daughter, ductlon of confessions and admls-l i ..t.ln.l tvt.l. T7 a an I jl nn I :z :.z. :: balloon trip the cause. V4 SUUiUVV orney had seen them. When a per son Is allowed to talk with a prison er he is In a separate Compartment and can not see the man with whom he is talking. . "I would return to the old law of territorial days, which forbade the Introduction of any alleged confea that the value of the grazing prlvil ege In the Alamo national forest was $1.50 per year for each head of cat tle or horses. This case Is the more decisive as to the authority of the secretary to en force the grazing regulations from the fact that an attempt to ' proceed against the defendants criminally had failed because of the refusal of the not been satisfactory,- NEW YORK'S NEW FIRE INSURANCE LAW The Allen bill, making certain am- Into, deep wells or plunging Into streams and pools. Thirty lives were lost and 8,000 persons were left home less. When the agents of the Red Cross society arrived they found winter was ENGINEER - DIES IN CAB. Drops Lifeless as ' Train Speeds- Fireman Saves the Passengers. pnuaaeipbia. With the tram run ning at a speed of nearly fifty miles an hour, M. C. Back, engineer of the Pittsburg express, which left here at 8:40 a. m. today, was found dead in his cab by the fireman, while the ex press was nearlng Bird-ln-Hand, Pa . . i . .i i . , grana jury, to urmg a luuitimoui tn tyMt M. v,fc --,.... hanrt and th onInkt w.Hof W l V . " " ..." . ' .7 against them. . In the third of the 1, 1 ,r. 7v..V Tne, n re- New Mexico cases, however, such an r: "JLT.'. .;:,.I;7": .7 .wi.:.. i" " f ; mw orougnt tne tram to a stop, Indictment was found by the grand ding Plttsfield, Mass. A romance that began with a balloon flight from Pittsfleld, July 17, 1909, culminated when Miss Blanch Edith Hulse, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Schuyder Hul se, of Pittsfleld, and Dootor Sidney S. Stowell, a Pittsburg dentist, were married. Dr. Stowell met Miss Hulse for the jury against J. W. Van Winkle, for having grazed 1000 head of goats up on the Alamo national forest without a permit. As a result of this lndlct ment Van Winkle was arrested at Al- amogordo by a deputy . United States marshal, and bound over for appear ance at the April term of the federal court agreements shall be submitted in ad-1 shelters for the unfortunate victims. vance for approval to the superin-1 It was a hard race but the Red Cross tendent of insurance, and Including a I officers,' with the aid of the people, requirement on standard forms of pol lcies for fire Insurance companies, which must be approved by the sup erintendent went Into effect today, FAMILY LEAPS FROM TRAIN. were victorious and have housed the homeless for the winter. The peo ple of Minnesota sent 875,000 to the Red Cross officials to assist in the re- lief work.7 With characteristic American pluck the hardy homesteaders are Thought I determined to remain and to turn the Widow and Two Children Express Wouldn't Stop. present fire devastated territory into ti r . 1 Inn I sen at an. i a. m a, y uiunvtu uu mdi ifiwfjcruuB xarms. children jumped from a fast moving Union Pacific train near Ellis, Kas. NEWS NOTES FOR Mrs. Grlswold Is a widow. Her AUTOMOBILE FANS. f a. a. ii . -iv & . m mi lis . mM -fl through hla attorney . . I Kionara weoster, wonting on tne un-l nora is eigm nines uwuiwi ui w t,.,,.- . friendly ints U11. . 8 " , v w w.' to Pacific, and Miss Mabel Pugmire. Her skull and collarbone were frac- a lot of folks think the tour door lino auoiur wu juiui um ho uivui .ion or -admission unless the prisoner f,r(t 'u that day at Aero Part He made it after being first fully inform- daMsd her t0 uke a vlth nlm ,n ea er nis na na uw ft( balloon Pittsfleld. She accepted, TRAVELED AS MAN AND WIFE TOO SOON A locomotive fireman by name of Richard Webster, working on the Un- st In him." Death was due to heart disease. Bees Pay Better Than Hens. Officials of the state department today stated that while, theft? Id no desire to throw cold water upwr ha big poultry exhibition which opL In New York this week, it is showa from statistics just prepared that bees are more valuable as wealth producers than hens, even when eggs 60 cenuts a dozen. An idea of the magnitude of the honey indus try may be gained from the state ment that the crop in the United States each year amounts to $20,000, 000. There are said to be 10,000 bee keepers in the state of New York, The doctor was pilot ana ne orougnt started on fc journey on a paM ,n twt&. Her condition Is dangerous, arrangement in automobiles Is design- IZZ .t . ..n . L . the balloon safely to earth at Shel- of .Rlohara WebsteP and wife." and The children were only slightly in- ed for the benefit of th. driver nd which tand, wcond among the states WOUNDED OFFICER RECOVERS. rTm PifleldMa"8, i?ndedn ? Omaha for violating th antl-paas clause of the railroad i st nrifiaa la a, nurm. KnuuiiuiiK i - . . . . . Serfcm Injured by Convlot . Bum. BeUeTM H-pltalT New YorlT. LuT h" YioVed XZ SLtaJS She is about SO years old. The doctor Uubltahln, ttat oon as soon as jured. Mrs. Grlswold feared the train would not stop at the station where she wanted to get off. Recently. Almost fully recovered from a gun shot wound Inflicted by Jim Tannum desperate Indian prisoner, at Burns. Ore which for a time t was feared would eost his life, Dan Ackley, trav eling guard of the Idaho penitentiary, MtnrnaA to Boise Saturday to resume hla duties. He went to his ranch near La H 40. ARGENTINE STUDENTS HERB. Pennsylvania Gets First in Proposed Exchange of University Men, possible, relying on the speed of a I ed for the benefit of the driver and they waste a lot of time commenting on the philanthropy of the companies who do so much to make it comfort able for the driver in ' winter. Of I course; as a matter of fact the com- rort or the driver is considered in a I in the production of honey. New Railroad Chartered. The Kansas City and Memphis rail road has been chartered in the state of Arkansas, with a capital of ft,. 000,000. Construction work has al- Buc Powder Men Beware. After today all the klll-em-qulck' train trt hAln ihtnim Inn I nnn.M Vi.i or mtrnvMn. Ata . Vltndad I m...iiM In ,1.1. n a. I... ,w A train atirlltnr oailaarl ,. arraat Thai - a, .In... .na nvu-orl.. mil.) tut I nth.. .- n.,.., v. 1 . .!.. .! reauT Begun. 1D road IS tO Start at vnunv wnman'a fnthar hnnnonarl tn ha I all that I. .l.lml tar thnm nn the that anntha. .oat .InnnM. v KOgerS, ArK.. Wltn IIS terminal at In Omaha at the time, and assented t labels, or the sovernment will know 1 1. .rained. One mora nenmn haaMaa Memphis, and branches will extend Exohange ol university aien. 1 th. nninn of th. .-..r.i h,.t ti, ... -m.. ,-ti. o, ,. ,k " ..- . '. .. from the main line to Faulkner and Henry Gill, from th. University of r -a "7,u from Rog. to 8L . Plata. Argentina, has arrived at tB. MtnoHtia 1 1. ' l,. ,, l.. " - "v.. " 1. " .tT 7. loam Springs and Eureka Springs, to see that Its regulations regarding I more or less incidental. MORAL LOBBY UNPLEASANT I bug killers are observed. These are I The entry blanks sent out for the FOR NEW CONGRESS) the departments of labor and com-1 600 mile sweepstakes to be run on merce. treasury ana agriculture, xne tne inuianapoiis Motor speedway on It Is certain that the new congress 1 act forbids the manufacture or sale of I May SO contains a provision that cars with Wagner, OkUv, as the ultimate terminus. The new road will be St miles long. ', 7.. ,n roriatmaa with hla 1 the University of Pennsylvania to family and wlll return to Boise to- study advanced political science and day. The only bad result from the institutions of the United State, wound which now affects Mr. Aekley He Is the first student to figure In is that he Urea easily, and for a time the Interchange of university men . . . a- ihl,.h haa hun aA atvnna-lw Advocated surordTsTasn compelled at time, during hU M r-x. subqt of a spMai solution at "V "... .-7 1 . 7 r" ,th o ' " oM widow of Joseph Calvert, request- . w- t narrnrm. i recent fan-American conare neiui j i k-- . - i - -- Don Buried With Woman of so. Just before she died, Elisabeth W. i, v.. taat that in Buenos Avres. ; i tionaj rerorm Dureau. wnicn is at wora IT waa on nvTviuv-c . - I - - 1 ,.w - it. . . . M ifi Aeklev reached Burns, Ore., to It Is planned to have students from i ''" i""t reiuaes w brins back to the Idaho penitentiary United States universities go, to Latin- o " "uu. oy .rrl" w.a ir. American InsUtuUons and in exchange moans of which, to use its own words. lata Th siharlff Richardson of Har- have Latin-American students come it hopes to make "the laws of Christ u nuiniT. Tannum had some nmi m ubi oiavv. - " . ... .w. k.,ui wlit .tMna-than th. Intallaotital I Ita naeunar annllnatlnn wlll taka .f. ttrwvtous esoaved rrom un iimh-miviito, ... ... ... . . - , v. ..a aant from Wash-1 ties between Latin-American nations I feet in persuasive arguments to Con- Kln MHnt. for horsestealing. and the United States. , Igressmen who always have rady I follow. eral territory- It also forbids Inter state shipments of suoh articles. Un der the regulations samples of such insectides are to be purchased by I agents of the department of agricul ture and commerce and labor, and If found to be adulterated or mlabrand- ed. prosecutions In the courts will ment or lets and minimum weight 1 800 ponds. The prises to be given are these: First, $10,000; second, $6,000; third, $$000; fourth. $2000, and so on until the tenth which Is for $$00. The man who can tell automobiles solely by the various shapes of bon nets used to be able to pick out Re nault and C. G. V. models- from ed that a doll that was given to her by her father when she was 4 years old, be burled with her. . Th doll was Interred with the old woman yes terday In Cumberland cemtery. October 11 the Discovery. It wonderful to find America, -but It would have been mora wonderful to miss It. " - -