Enterprise news-record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1910-1911, January 14, 1911, Saturday Edition, Image 3

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    Official Proceedings
Of County Court
(Continued from Wednesday.)
January 6, 1911.
In the matter of allowing miscellan
eous, bills against the county.
Now at this t!me the court pro
ceeds to examine, audit and allow
claims against the county. -High
8chool Fund.
Jackson & Weaver, high
' school supplies ...... .. $ 3 80
O. H. Brady, supplies and
repairs' 45 50
S. K. Clark, repairing sup-
. piles '.. 4 00
W. H. Durham, repairing ,
clock 1 00
8. D. Keltner, supplies .... 12 65
S. D. Keltner, supplies 15 00
W. J. Funk & Co., supplies.. 9 80
Underwood Typewriter Co.,
two typewriters .-; .... . ; 100 00
W..C. Boatman, express.... 4 55
Elner & Amend, laboratory
supplies 41 65
Enterprise Presa, envelopes
and memo head ... 5 50
E. J. Forsythe, court house
lights 32 20
R. L. Scott, road supervisor's!
la Grande Iron Works.
D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor.
Foundry and Machine Shop. Casting and Ma
chine Work done on short notice.
Sawmill break down jobs .promptly attended to
. Ortgon-Washingtos Railroad H Navigation Company
The above named Company was incorporated De
cember 23, 1910, for the purpose of taking
' over the following lines: ,
The Oregon Railroad Q Navigation Company
: Oregon and Washington Railroad Company
The North Coast Railroad Company
Idaho Northern Railroad Company
Uwaco Railroad Company
In future these lines will be operated by and in the name of
The Oregon-Washington Railroad
& Navigation Company
General Freight Agent
Portland, Oregon
.. W. D. Skinner '
enerjal Freight and Aassenger Agent v
Seattle, Washington
E.B, Miller .
. Traffic Manager
over all competitors at the
,.' Bnissdls
International Exposition
The Snith Premitr Typetrriter Co., Inc., 1111 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash.
For ale and on display by JACKSON & WEAVER, Agents, Enterpriic
salary 120 00
Qulucy Trump, road work .. 76 25
Thas. McCarty. road super.
vlaor's salary 100 00
A. H. Sasser, road supervis
or's salary 52 00
N. E. Sasser, road work ....
G. H. Daugherty, road work
12 00
40 00
G. H. Daugherty, balance due
on bridges 48 29
F. F. and Duane Latarop,
bridge plonk 49 72
G. H. Lathrop, read work..
J. B. Williamson, road' super
visor's salary . . . :
42 60
60 00
J. B. Williamson, working
team on road 52 00
Harry Willlamsoni, road work 60 00
W. L. JlcCubbln, hauling lum
ber 26 29
E. T. Anderson,, appr'n for
Luther Johnson 10 00
B. W. Colpitis, brlige lumber 9 92
W. T. Bell, wood ...i 299 25
W. G. McGary, road work. . . . 140 00
V. G. Locke, salary commis
sioner 25 00
L. Couch, salary commission-- '
er and mileage 24 00
Edgar Marvin, postal cards
for tax notices .... ...... 50 00
Home Ind. Tel. Co., telephone
service . 27 45
W. C. Boatman, stamps .... 22 00
W. C. Boatman,' express and
Wm. McMurray
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
has just been awarded the
Grand Prix
freight 11 a
E. T. Anderson, salary, post
age and express
O. W. Pagln, Jary list for
Lostlne district
, . Goodman, Jury list for
Lcwtine district
R. C. Goodman. Jury list, for
Loatine district
62 85
3' 00
3 00
3 00
W. C. Wilson, work for state
: tax commission; 17 60
Enterprise Press, supplies.. 49 35
Waltowa County Chieftain,
printing 54 19
C. Conley, postage 1 90
Chas. N. Stanley, bridge lum
ber .... . .... . 32 00
Wm. Newby, supervisor's sal
ary .- 10 00
H. Thompson, work ft "
road 9 00
Frank Victor, road supervis
es salary .'. 29 35
Edgar Marvin, telegrams (2) Z 9U
Joe demons, road work.... 20 w
J. M. Comley, road supervis
or's salary 10 00
, C. Bunnell, road supervis
or's e&larv . . 118 75
D. M. Hammack. hauling lum
ber .... 19 62
Neal Baker, road work 12 00
E. M. & M. Co luiniben .... 2 60
R M. 'Martin, road supervise
or's salary .... 20 00
0. D. Rich, road supervisor's
salary 205 0C
O. LBerland, road supervis-
br's salary .... .. ' .. 18 Jo
Geo. E. Courtney, road, super
visor's1 salary .... 32 60
S. C. Him melw right, road
supervisor's salary .... . . 67 80
D. L. Butler, hauling bridge,
timber 9 00
O. W. Chambers, road super- '
visor's salary . ." 62 50
H. J. Nelnan, cutting bridge.
timber 14 75
J. P. Landers, bridge lumber 90 60
E. P, Sargeant, road, super
visor's salary ,
J. C. Bates, hauling bridge 'tlm
W. p. Keener, cutting and)
hauling bridge timber . . . . .
S. J. Keener, cutting bridge
timber i
S. C. Hlmmelwrlght, hauling
66 00
21 00
26 00
8 00
bridge timber 18 00
' (To be continued.)
I. .8. Hotchtotee shipped four oar
loads of cattle . and one of hogs
from thle station Tuesday, to th
Portland market.
Supervisor H W. Harris will put
on eight hunters and detail four
rangers to exclusive hunting duty,
in the endeavor to kill all coyote
possible lni the aexti few. months.
Circuit) Court Sultt
Jan. 11 Idaho Oregon Lumber Co.
vs. J. D. Struble.
From Rev. H. StubenvaU, AtHson,
la., in praise of Dr. Klmig'e New Ltf
They're euch a health necessity.
In every home these pills should b.
I If other kinds, you've tried ln vain, .
And-be well again. Only 25c evt
I all druggtets.
No. 3912.
The Wallowa National Bank, at En
terprise in the State of Oregon, at the
close of business Jan. 7', 1911:
Resources. Dollars.
ixans and Discounts $224,091 03
Overdrafts, secured and un-
secured 1,036 05
u. o. Donas to secure circu
lation 12.B00 00
Bonds, .securities, etc 28 38
uanKing nouse, furniture
and fixtures 12.RO0 oo
iue irom xsationai Bantcs
(not reserve agents) 940 42 1
Due from State and Private
Banks and Bankers, Trust
Companies and Saving's
Banks... 132 96
Due from approved reserve
agents 6,847 71
Checks and other cash items 68 48 1
Notes of other National
Banks 200 00
Fractional Paper Currency,
Nickels and Cents 97 40
Lawful Money Reserve
in Bank, viz:
Specie 18,207 25
Legal tender notes 263 00 18,470 25
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (5 per cent of
circulation., 625 00
Total 1277,837 68
Liabilities. Dollars.
Capital steck paid in S 60,000 00
Surplus luna w.uuuuu
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid 6,242 04
National Bank notes . out-
standing 12,600 00
Individual deposits subject
to check i 90.881 70
Demand certificates of de- .
nosit 2,302 24
Time certificates of deposit. 25, 731 66
Cashier 8 checks outstanding 180 04
Bills payable, including cer
tificates of deposit tor
money borrowed 30,000 00
Total..' .......$277,837 68
State of Oregon, County of Wallowa, ss:
I, W. R. Holmes, Cashier of the
above named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
W. R. Holmes. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 11th day of January, 1911.
,crlT jj. w. sneanan,
( b&AL Notary Public.
Correct-Attest: Geo. W. Hyatt.
Jav H. Dobbin. M. A. Holmes, Direc
News of the cardom of J. H. Mc-
Bala by Acting-Governor Bowerman
last week 1 not received wltb. very
rood crace In this county, where i
the double murder took place and
where in the trial he escaped hang-
biff mv bv there helm a "tender-
o . .
hearted" matt one the Jury.
The murder was caused by a mix-1
up over a equaaere rignt m in.
41 . "TlVe Tears asro last April. Mc-
Baln had been "located" on a claim,
but left for Colorado leaving no
marks ot occupancy.
Charley and Theodore Troet of
Promise went over to the new town
ship and happened to settle on the
land McBain claimed. The latter
In Colorado was Informed of the
fact, end hurried back. He secured
a rifle and went to the claim and
killed1 both boys. Two Indictments
for murder were returned against
him, on. one of which he was tried
at the May term, and sentenced to
the penitentiary for life.
As far as known no petition for
the man's pardon, was circulated in
this county.
At the meeting of the stockhold
ers' of the Wallowa National pan
of this city oa January 10, the old
board of directors were re-elected.
The most important news of the
meeting to the depositors and pub
lic generally wa the Increasing of
the surplus fund to $60,000, ;which
with the $50,000 capltalstock gives
a total or inv.uw as a oasis, w
which are piled the other assets. In
creasing the surplus adds just that
much to the depositor's guarantee.
The statement of the bank pub
lished elsewhere in this paper show
In detail Its strong financial con
Postmaster Ben, Weather reports
a gain of 33 1-5 per cent to receipt
during December, 1910, over Decem
ber 1909.
The local postofflce business has
been growing not only fast but
steadily. Every month shows a big
Increase over the corresponding
month of a year ago.
Man-lag Licenses.
Jan. 11 Joseph L. Lloyd, 24, farm
er. Imbler: Venue A. Thomas. 23,
Jan. 13 John W. Weaver, 25, teach
er. Wallow: Lucr L Carper. 18,
Powwatka, Jan. 10. Mr. Downard
took his sheep out to the valley.
Mrs. Roy Bishop wa reported on
the sick list lasti week.
There was party at JakeIyl-
See the U-piece Individual China Sets we are
distributing among our customers.
Clearance Sale
Ends Saturday, Jaunary 28
Not a case of spending money, but a case, of SAVING
IT. You can't afford to miss this opportunity. Here are
a fw sample prices: '
Men'i heavy Sanitary flaaoa-llnad aotton Lad!' Unkt Salt, haarv Sanitary
underwear, regular TO eent 4j. fleeea-llned eotton'iUuderwaar QD-
! retmUr $1.50 ralue y0'
Men', wool underwear, regu- QSg '
lar 11.60 value - Ladiea' Union Sulta. medium. Sanitary
W' heavy Sanlury flllnl tton STf Und"W" $1.05
underwear, regular 88 cent RuUr 11.80 value
value '"
Ladiei' medium Sanitary fleece-Uned cot- lliMea' Union Suit!, heavy Sanitary
ton underwear, regular 76 cent A5r fleece-lined cotton underwear 69C
value regular $1.00 value
, t , ,
Come in and see for yourself.
Mr. Collins' baby is sick wita
scarlet fever.
Wert McGlnnls was tni bore lost
week end took two of his cattle
back to Wallowa with, him.
Mrs. Joe Bell visited Mrs. Collins
The following letters remain un
called for at the poet Office at Ent
erprise, Orogon for the week ending
January 1, 1911.
Mr. Thomas Duff. Mr. B. P. Hend
' (jV
C Hundreds of people in this town are
about ready to purchase a talking
C Buy in the daylight 1 Make compar
isons 1 Remember that there are "talk
ing machines" and "phonographs," but .
only one Graphophonetho
C Be sure to get in touch with us before
you buy. Complete Graphophone out
fits from $20 up. Come in and listen.
Most people prefer to
bur "on time" and tKat
suits us. Terms are Easy!
ni 1 1 mi inn trvrw - ' i
II l?tiiminir. ...... I
i inn limiiiMiii -i
erson, Mr. J. C. Biggins' (2), Mr. Wm.
Hogarth, Miss Mae Longt Oliver
McCabe, Mr."W. R. Mullto (2), 8.
Q. McCubbon, Mr. John. S'lathers,
Mr. H. M. Todd, Mr. H. B. Todd,
Mies Ellen Ulmstedt, Mr. Bert Vance,
Mr. J. M. Vaughn, Jack Wells, Mr.
W. T. Young
When calling for any of the above
please say advertised, giving date
of Hat. Those not delivered will
be sent to the Dead Letter office
on January 15, 1911.
' BEN WEATHERS. Positmaster.
ton's Ncpr Tears eve.