Enterprise news-record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1910-1911, January 14, 1911, Saturday Edition, Image 2

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Get Your Plumbing Done
Before Cold Weather Starts
I carry a complete line of Bath Tubs, Basins
Bowls, ete. PRICES RIGHT.
"Superior Stoves and Ranges,
Best on this Market
S. K;. CLARK, a blks. south Hotel Enterprise
I Wallowa County Title
Abstract Company
A. C. MILLAR, President
hrck rmildincr ODDOsite front of i
will VV wvaaa mjmmmj m w - - - a. J 1
new Court House, Oldest and most complete abstract plant I
in county. Abstracts of title furnished promptly and cheap-1
Money Loaned at very Lowest Current Rates
293 acres Alder Slope, $23,000.00
80 acres Alder Slope, $ 8,000.00
160 acres hill land, about six mile3 out, $2,000.00
320 acres, 12 miles out, $3,200.00
City Lots, $100 to $300
Residence Property, $6SO to $3,000
Fire Insurance Surety Bond Live Stock Insurance
W. E. TAGGART The Pioneer Real Estate Man.
1 1
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
R L.. DAY, Proprietor
Good Rigs ' Fair Treatment Horses "Bought and Sold
Special Attention to Commercial Trade
Rates for Regular Boarders Bus to and From Trains 5
' Beat of Help Employed IJome Phone
Open Day and Night One Block North of Hotel Enterprise 1
Enterprise Livery
and Sales Stable
BaKer H Smith, Proprietors
Fair treatment to everybody. Bus meets all trains 25 cts
Commercial Trade a Specialty.
First Class Rigs. Phone Orders Carefully Followed
Horses Bought and Sold
Feed For Sale Open Day and Night
Pure Bred Black Percheron Stallion at this barn for service
We Need thfe Money
We have the goods and they must be turned into
:ash. To show, even Missourians, we are in earn
est, look at these prices. You know these goods
and you know the regular price of them, and you 1
know that these prices arc less than cost laid down
here in Enterprise:
$45.00 Toledo Range, with warming closet,
, beautiful looker and splendid cooker $36.00
$50.00 Toledo Range, - warming closet and '
hot water reservoir - - - $40.00
,$65.00 Steel Malleable Range heavy, non
destructiblebest on earth - $52.50
Lots of coal in town and you can buy a coal
stove of us cheaper than you can freeze
, $ 9.00 Coal Stove for - - - $ 7.00
$15.00 Coal Stove for - - - . $11.00
$28.00 Howard Combination, coal or wood $22.50
$17.50 Wood Stove - - - - $13.50
$ 4.50 New Perfection Oil Heater . . $3.50
Many other articles in our store reduced in propor
tion. Come NOW. These goods will not be re
placed at these prices.
Formerly the Wallowa New, estab
lished March 3. 1899.
Published Wednesday and Satur
days at Enterprise, Oregon, by
Office East side Court House Square
Entered as second-class matter
January 2, 1909, at the pos toff ice at
Enterprise. Oregon, under the Act of
March 3, 1879.
Subscription Rates: One year $2,
lx months $1, three mouths 50c,
jne month 20c. On yearly caah-ln-idvance
subscriptions a discount of
i5c ( given.
The new pamphlet on Oregon
gotten out, ly the O-W. R. & N. com
pany, Is the very best thfag of the
kind we have seen. The write-up
of the state is good, tells the .truth
and gives facta and figures to back
It up.
The 'crowning glory of the pam
phlet, however, Is theeblig map of
the state, the most comprehensive
and complete ever gotten out for
free distribution.
The company has started a, world
wide campaign to place this pam
phlet In, the hands of every person
who la anxious to know about Ore
gon. ,
When will Wallowa valley get la
the swim and help to bring the
matchless resources of this county
bo the particular attention of the
thousands, wanting to know about
City and County
Brief News Items
Take your egg to Davis k. Ward
and get cash. 43btf
Sheriff Edgar Marvin la at Port
land and vicinity on. official business
.lite week..
The hydrophobia "scare" In Wal
lowa county seems principally con
fined to the Portland papers.
H. C. Cramer Is able to be out
and around again after a four weeka
eljre of lumbago and. xheumatlm.-
'Mrs. J, '"A. "Burleigh was seriously
111 of heart trouble the fore part
of the week, but la much better
Mrs; J, H. Jackson of LojUne re
tun ed home Friday. She had been,
a guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Fltzpat
rlelc C. A. Loosley went to La Grande
Ttiui'Hilcy on. a business' trip and
may go on to Portland before re
turning home.
Mr. and Mrs. H, B. Davldhizar of
Prairde Creek have gone to his old
home, "Wakarusa, Ind. Mr, Davld
hizar's sister is seriously 111 there.
Mr. and Mrs. v. C. Endlcott of
icuih of town have gone to Union
couiity on a visit and will also visit
relatives In Portland before return
ing iiuuie.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ogai who re
side about 10 miles east of town,
ire rejolclaig over the advent of a
baby girl to their home. She arrlv
ad Just two days after New Years.
Mrs, A. F. Poley returned Friday
from the Sunday school meeting
at La Grand. Mrs. W. W. White,
who n'bo attended the meeting, ro
iiia;.itd for a vlsLt with her stater,
iis. D. C. Brlchoux, and family.
Dr. C. T. Hockett returned Thurs
day from La Grande, ,where he wont
with Mrs. Wra, Bookout who was
operated on in the Grande Ronde
hospital. She is reported as doing
well. Little Clara Mayor is also re
covering nicely.
We have a few boxes of each of
the following varieties of apples left
for sale: SplUenberg, Yellow New
town, King, Bailey Sweet, Snow,
Pearmaln, Bellflower and Ben Da
vis, all In excellent, condition. Fresh
rider made to order, O. J. Roe,
Home Independent Phone. '
Mrs, L. A. Jackson and little eon
returned Wednesday from a four
months visit with her mother and
other relatives in Ohio. She waa in
and near Toledo most of the time,
but visited 10 days In Chicago on
her way home. Mr. Jackson went
to La Grande to meet his wife and
Dr. W. L. Nichols suffered the
louble fracture of his right leg oe
!ow the knee, by a fall of his horse
- 'v morning. He had started on
his gulr trip to Joseph, horse
back as usual, and was going along
th Hanson lane at a smart pace
when the horse slipped and fell
pinioning the doctor's right leg. He,
was brought to his home here in
town where Doctors Ault andj Hockett
reduced the fractures.
Ivaa Ratcliff la visiting relatives
at Wallova.
Dr. C. A. Ault reports the biTth
of a son to the wife of Charles Bos
well, Thursday morning, January 12.
S. F. Pace La assisting in the sher
iff's office during the absence of
Sheriff Marvin,
A daughter was. bom to the wife
of Hugh Wilson of near Joseph,
Monday, January 9.
County Clerk W. C. Boatman was
laid .up a day with lagrlppe, but is
attending to his duties, as usual.
Rev. J. S. Crockett will preach
In the Christian church tomorrow,
Sunday, evening at 7:30 o'clock.
. Frank Johnston has returned to
his home at Wallowa after a pleas
ant visit with his sister, Mrs. G, I.
Ratcliff. '
Mrs. Ellaabeth Burleigh, the ven
erable mother of Mayor J. A. Bur
leigh, has filed onj a, homestead north
it town.
Dr. C. A; Ault has. received word
that the little, daughter o Gus Stum
baugh of Immaho, who was so very
ill of pneumon'a, Is much Improved.
The Bison Aru Exhibit wild be at
the high school building the latter
part of next week. Ten cents ad
mission, will be charged; proceeds
to buy pictures .for the high school.
The Mgh school will give a program
oach evening.
Miss Venus Thomas., daughter of
Mrs, H. A. Thomas of Paradise, and
.Mr. J. S. Lloyd of Imbler, were mar
ried in this city Wednesday even
ing by the Rev, Samuel Harris at
the Presbyterian parsonage In the
presence of Miss Lloyd, sister of
the groom, and Vance Thomas, broth
er of the. bride. A wedding supper
was served1 at the home of Mrs. Ak
i,ns. Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
went to Imblerwhere they will re
side, '
The bride was for some time head ,
operator for the Home Ind. Telephone
central in this city, and is a beau
tiful young lady of high character
and sweet disposition. She has
many friends here and in the North
Country who wish her a long and
happy married life. Mr. Lloyd is an
Industrious youmg man, formerly al
so .In the employ of the Home Ind.
company, but now a farmer near Im
bler.' - . "
Professional Cards
' C. T. HOCKETT, M. D. i '
Office in Lltch building. Room--
115. Home Ind. Phone In office!!
. ! and residence. . ! !
Office to Lltch Building. Room
z -
Osteopathic Physician !!
135-137 Lltch BlKlg. ''
Tuesday, Thursday and Satw- !!
day. Phone to Res. and office, $
!DR. C. A. AULT f
Office In Bank Building.
TT Y- i W
a nuuif puune uum uiiiue uai
T residence. - ' 4
t Office to Lltch Building.
Enterprise, Oregon,
Practice to State and Federal z
-I i 1 T . . -1 1 . T
i vjuuns ana interior uepanmeui.
I Office to Lltch building,.
J 107. Enterprise, Oregon.
TH03. M. DDuL
Practice to all Stat Courts and ?
Interior Department Careful at- J
tention to all business.
to State and Federal
Dept. Abstract I
f Practice
i Courts and Int
I Bldg., opposite court house.
Notary Publie
Collection! Bade. Real Eetate
bought and eold and all eualneaa
matters attended to. Call oa or
write me.
.Carefui Banking Insures tht Safety of Dtpo$tti."
Depositors Have That Guarantee at
CAPITAL $50,000 '
SURPLU8 $56,000
We Do a General Banking Business.
Exchange Bought and Sold on
All Principal Cities.
Geo. W. Hyatt, President
Geo. S. Craig, Vice President
W. B. Holmes, Cashier
A. J. Boehmer, Asst. Cashier
Geo .8. Cbaiq
J. H. Dobbin
Geo. W. Hyatt Mattis a. Holmm
W. R. HoLXsg .
imianmu leiBiiaaasaBBrakaisaBBBKia miuinuuiiinai
'Hkv& You Boss
of Yoy ir won lobf
Or is some one else assuming the responsibility for your worU? The
trained man is the responsible and well-paid man. The untrained man the
chap that does only the detailed part of "the work at another's bidding as
sumes no responsibilities and is paid just so much for his labor, and no more.
If you are only a detail man, the International Correspondence Schools can
fit you for positions higher up-can help you to be boss of your own job. If
you are earning only a small wage, the I. C. S. can raise your salary. No
matter where you live, how many hours a day you work, how little spare
time or money you have, or how limited your education (provided you can
read and write), the International Correspondence Schools will go to you and
train you for your chosen occupation. . Training means rapid advancement to
be boss of yoiu- own job. The 214 Courses of the I. C. S. offer to .you a way
out of the rut of forever having to take orders from the boss.
The I. C. S. can help you just as it has helped thousands of other ambiti
ous men that at the rate of 300 every month are voluntarily reporting salar-'
ies raised and positions bettered as the direct result of I-C-S Training. The
I-C-S way will not require you to leave home, stop . work, nor suffer" any in
convenience. To find out all about the I-C-S way to get full information
about how you can learn to be boss of your own job marK and mall the at
tached coupon. This will cost you only postage and will place you under ab
solutely no obligation.
Send the
International Correspondence Schools
Box 493, Baker City, Oregon
PImm explain, without further obligation on my part, hew I Ban qualify fcri
lfr aalaiy and advancement to the position twfur
which 1 hava marked X.
Stenographer '
Advertiaine: Man
Show-Card Writer
Window Trimmer
Commercial Law
Pv I .Service Exam.
Clici ,.t
Textile-Mill Supt ,
Concrete Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Power-Sution Supt.
Heavy Elect. Traction
Telephone Engineer
Mechanical Eninr
Mechanical Draftaman
Machine Ueaisner
Civil Engineer .
Automobile Operater
Stationary Krfinear
Architectural Draft.
Structural Engineer
, Mining Engineer
Mine Foreman
Ctaa Engineer
Plumb g HVg Com.
Street and No.
8 tat.