Enterprise news-record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1910-1911, January 11, 1911, Wednesday Edition, Image 4

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City and County
Brief News Items
Osteopathy a euro cure for head
ache. Don't overlook those remnants on
sale at VV. J. Fundi & Co.'a..
.Jrover Wright was in trow the Im
naha Tuesday.
First class shins at Calvn'a Ibar
bor shop. "
Mrs. A. F. Poley, president of the
County Sunday School association,
went to La Grande, Wednesday, tq at
tend the district convention.
All phsns ordari for kus to and
rrnai aaDat BJUHXtsttr attended to.
White Front barn. Horn phone. 97b
Mrs. Sheppard Morgan and Ule
son Bryce left Wednesday for The
Dalles, and from there they will go
on to Portland) and Jolni Mr. Morgan,
who is there under medical treatment
Osteopathy the only cure for eel
atic rheumatism.
Thomas McCarty, .the well known
Mid popular "marrying . squire," of
the Imnaha, returned home, Friday
.J,.er transacting 'business .with, the
c jiinty court.
i31g bargains, in outings, percales,
prints, etc. Funk's Remnant Sale.
Closing out all my wall' jiaper '
H cents the doubls roll. Fred S.
Ashley. 71b2
J P Sanders to taking a lay-off
rom hustling express and freight
il dlsilocated his hip in. unloading
some heavy freight last Friday.
Prentiss Homan la preparing to
i .an a cash grocery tn, the old meat
market room. He has had the par
tltlon, removedi beween. that room and
his cigar and candy store.
Heavy weight dress goods, for girl's
school dresses. Funk's Remnant
Lee C, Henderson, formerly of
this city, has purchased) a half inter
est In the Pasco Express. Mr. Hend
arson has been for some tdme editor
of the Pasco edition, of the Twin
City Reporter.
K you wans food taed for your
taam and rood treatment eoms to
Walts Front Baca. I7btf
For either acute or chronic 'kidney
'iflortlCTS, for annoying and painful
rla.uy irregularities take Foley) Kid.
ney Pills. An honest and effective
medicine for kidney and bladder dis
orders, Burnaugh, ft MayfieMd.
Rev. Gdflbrd Ernest went to La
Grande, Wednesday, to attend. the
Bible school. From there he will
ro Lo Portland and on through the
i . JHaanette and Rogue river valleys
He will be gone about a week.
The next business meeting of the
Womaos Christian Temperance Unljn
will be hold at the home of Mrs. E.
2. DIM, Friday, January 13. All mem
bers are requested, to be preaemt.
All aro Invited.
Toe highest market price paid for
i ' k nu of tTaln la exchange for
I . 'i. red 8. Ashley. 71b2
l' 1. Verere "took" the pictures
of the court house "gang", Thursday.
1' iMowbg were In the group: Judge
J. B. Olmsted, County Caroralsslon
erj W. G. Locke and L. Couch, Coun
ty derk VV, C. Boatman, Deputies
C. G. BUyeu and Edith Odle, Sher
Iff Edgiar Marvin and Doputy; Charles
Crow, Assessor B. F. Miller, County
Superintendent J. C. Conley, Treas
urer G. V. Franklin and Janitor Glo
vananni. Mrs. Harvey Harris returned to
I r home at Wallowa, Wednesday, ac
companlod by her little daughters
Ovlla, and Maxlne, who bod been
staying with their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs, H, C. Cramer, while Mr.
a id Mrs. Harris attended the wool,
growers conventions in Portland last
The high school is in the midst; of
the mid-winter exam.
The Ellison Art exhibit of 200 pic
tures will bo here. the last of next
week or the first of the week fol
lowing. Students of the hglh school
will give a program. The exact
d vte will be given later.
Circuit Court Suits
Jan. 4 W. J. Funk ft Co. va. J. W.
Wilson and Artie A. Wilson,
, The Red Front
Blacksmith Shop
by the reliable
Vf, P. Hamblstton tft Son
Machine Repairing
Same old stand
Enterprise Orstfon
Tho. Ladies'. Aid society met last
Th.iroday afternoon with Mrs. ue
Vore. Thirty-five ladies we.ro pnjs-
nt. Plans were talked- over for
he now year. Tas ladles nave ar
ranged for a church calendar, ine
nembers and friends of tho church
ire divided up to represent the
months, weeks and days of ihe year,
3ach one to pay ten cents a month
or the entire year the weks col-
ectltig from the days and the months
'roan the weeks andi the year from
.he months.. Considerable Interest
s being taken and success to assur
ed. It is planned to have monthly
clal to which the whole calendar
will be Invited.
Rev. G. G, Ha'ey, Ph. D.,. will
lold the second quarterly confer
mce on, Friday evening at tha .parson
ige. He will also preach next Sun
lay at both the morning and even
ng services. A cordial' welcome to
Rev. B. F. Meredith went to W'ol
owa Monday morning to assist Rev.
fohns In revival meetings. He ex
ects to be gone two weeks.
The Ladies Aid society meets thLs
,veek with Mrs. Clark Amey. . Of
'Icer3. will be elected for the pres
ent year.
The Ladle Aid society of .the- Bap
lst church meets Thursday! afternoon
.vith Mrs. Prentiss Homan.
Seventy-flive pupl's were enrolled
it the nwly organized. Baptist, Sun
lay school last Sunday.
At the hearing of the principals
u the cutting affray at Wallowa last
iveek, both parties were .bound over
to the grand Jury in the, sum oil $300
3ach. LaBlanehe, the fellow accused
of cutting Alfred Arthur, gave the
required bond; but in default of ball
Arthur was brought to Enterprise
and lodged in the county Jail.
The charge against Arthur Is sell
ing Intoxicating liquors. It isi claim
ad the row started over Arthur dun
ilng Lafilancbe for the pay of a. bot
':Ie of booze.
A quiet wedding was. solemnized
In the parloro of tho Lewis hotel
Monday evening, January 9, at 7:30
when Rev. Giffordl Ernest pas(tor
f the Christian church, pronounced
-he worde that united, hi marriage
Mr. W. L. Caskill of Portland and
Mlaa Maude Eaton . of Joseph, A
few intimate friends, the bride's
mother, Mrs. Laura Eaton, and Mrs.
Ralph Treau of Portland, witnessed
tbe ceremony, which was followed
by a wedding slipper. Mr. audi Mrs.
Gasklll will spend several months
In a southern tour, and will then
be at home In. Portland
Eugene celebrated the conclusion
recently of a whirlwind campaign for
'lew members' of thej Commercial club
that brought 150 additional persons
Into the fold. A banquet, marked" the
close of the contest, and the club will
enter upon the new year with a good
leal of enthusiasm. Among the big
plans now being considered Is the
erection, of a Comniorc'al club bundl
ing for permanent headquarters.
Thousands of pounds, of walnuts
and acorns are being shipped by the
government from Arkansas to Dis
trict Forester Chapman; of Portland
to be ditsrlbuted for seed throughout
the burned-over districts of tlio Pa
cific Northwest. Forest rangers will
take charge of plan ting the seed and
within the next quarter century It Is
expected' Oregon will have great
quantities of hard woods available
for furniture making and other uses.
The Sluslaw ilver Is due for fur
ther improvements and army engin
eers are pivporlng phuis for a north
Jetty at the mouth of that stream.
Bids will soon be asked for Its con
struction. The south Jetty at the
mouth of the Sluslaw is already un
der construction and tho breakwaU
cr at the north side of tho iriver's
mouth will be built by government
appropriations, together ,wbth funds
rclood by the port
W do good Job printing. Try us.
"Twenty-one years ago I faced an
awful death," writes H. B. Martin,
Port Harrelson, S. C. "Doctors said
I had consumption and the dreadful
cough I had looked like It, sure
enough. 1 tried everything I could
hear of for my cough, and was under
the treatment of .the beat doctor) In
Georgetown, 8. C, for a year, but
could get no relief. A friend advised
106 to try Dr. King's New Discovery.
I did so, and was completely cured.
I feel that I owe my life to this) great
throat and lung cure." Ita positively
guaranteed for coughs, colds, and all
bronchial affections. 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottle free at all druggists.
(Contlnrad from front page.)
to" the consumer. That the taking
jf the tariff from wool would inevlU
u.bly drive the flocks from tbe rang
es and farms' as quickly as they could
be got rid of on the market, is our
conviction. That this would be
nothing short of a national calamity,
every right-thinking person must ad
mit. We would, ho,wever, detail
the direct and Incidental damages
that the country would sustain.
"1. An industry that, employe a
large number of men at very high
wages would be lost to the country.
"2. The American people would be
deprived of the home mutton sup
ply, a class of meat, the most whole-
jome on the market, a class mai
i m A
1-3 never condemned as is
ork, seeing that the sheep never
iuffer from disease communicable to
Lhe human family. '
"3. Incidentally, the absence of
his mutton from the market would
naturally raise .the price of beet and
jiork to the, people.
"4. The land of the United States
would suffer from, the loss of the fer
tilizing proportion, of sheep, which
are so valuable an agricultural as
set as to be hard to estimate; and
would also suffer by the absence of
-he sheep In their capacity of weed
"5. Lastly, we claim for sheep,
imonig all his other merits, that he
is a great protection against forest
ilres, eating out and stamping out
is he does the under-brush; a fact
.hat is now conceded by the Forest
ry Department, and that in thisi way,
ae has saved miHione of dollars to
the nation."
The resolutions also .protest against
the transfer of the bureau of ani
mal' Industry from the department
of agriculture to thej proposed) departs
ment of health, and commends the
?reat and beneficial work of the
bureau; opposed the bill transferlng
.'rora congress to 'the president the
creation of additional forest reserves;
isks that additional funds be grant-
ad for maintain ance andl equipment
jf the forest; urges, adoptdon, by con.
jresa of House Bill-No. 27139,' and
lsks the legislature to passi a mini
mum speed limit law covering the
shipment of livestock In this state;
request amendment of scalp bounty
taw so that In the big counties, of
Easterm Oregon, a person can col
lect a. bounty without paying more
for traveling expenses than the
bounty comes to; endorses the Cen
itnuial celebration, of the settle
ment of Astoria, the Panama-Pacific
Worlds Fair at San Francisco, the
work of the bureau of animal Indus
try in ihls state, the work of the
state ahecp commission, and ofi sheep
Inspector W. H. Lytic; the better ad
justment of relationo bet,weeni stock
men and f oi eat. suiien'sors is com
mended and pvl;Uca.! stockmen for
rangeri ndvceuUd: t'istrlct forest
er is jommemled for the exploration
-f the Jisruzeil lvts of North
ern Wih' nplcn; end felicitations
?ivin over tho prat-tlcal benefits of
the Wool Wniehouse and Storage
Tho sincere thanks of the asso
ciation were given the people of Port
land for their cordial hospitality, and
the sheep camps oil all members were
offered to any and all Portland peo
ple on outings, to the non-smoky
side of the fire and the best mut
ton chops In. the world.
ForLaGrippe Coughs and Stuffy Colds
Take Foley's Honey and Tar. It
gives quick relief audi e::pols .the cold
from your system. It contains no
opiates, Is safe and sure. Burnaugh
ft Mayfleld.
(Continued from first page.)
Now, at this time the court pro
ceeds to appoint road supervisors
for the year 1911 and after fully
considering the same.
It, is hereby considered and order
ed 'that the following men be ap
pointed to act as road supervis
ors for their respective districts:
I O. D. Rich, Wallowa.
3 W. 0. McGary, Enterprise.
4 Wm. Ne,wby, Joseph.
5 J. H. Buchanan, Prairie Creek.
6 R. L. Scott, Divide.
7 S. C. Hlmnielwright, Park.
8 Gus Stumbaugh, Imnaha.
9 O. H. Daugherty, Pine Creek.
10 T. C. Runnel, Trout Creek.
II Dan RaKs, Paradise. '
12 R. M. Martlnv Lost) Prairie.
13 James McNeil, Grouse.
H J. A. Doud, Promise.
15 J. M. Conley. Flora.
16 Sam Warnock, Mud Creek.
17 Olof Anderson, Powwatka.
19 Joe demons, Eureka.
21 Geo. E. Courtney, Troy,
22 F. A. Downing, Leap,
Who said the Style of
Men's hats never change?
We've got a new line of
P fiirag'sbury P
We invite you to come and
see these hats even if you
are not ready to buy.
Enterprise Mercantile & Milling Co,
23 B. F. Sargeant, Butte.
24 J. A. Grimes, Pittsburg.
25 Frank Victor, Canyon.
26 A. H. Saseer, Swampi Creek
In the matter of cancelling warrants:
Now at this tlmq the County Treas
urer presents the court, with war
rants to be cancelled, and after
fully examining find' checking said
. warrants,
It is hereby considered and ordered
that the following; amounts! be can
celled to-wlt:
Scalp bounty fund $ 604 50
High school fund 1.936 84
Roadi fund 693 17
Institute- fund 85 00
School fund 10,546 82
General fund 19.036 00
January 7, 1911.
In the matter of appointing road
viewers) for 1911.
The court appoints Joner Trump
of Promise, Oregon, and H. C.
Cramer of Enterprise, Oregon to
aotj as: road viewers.
In the matter of appropriating mon
ey from the general fund to school
The court appropriates the follow
ing amounts to each district, to
pay (or maintaining the six months
school for the year 1911, as requir
ed by law.
District No. 49 f 65 00
District No 64 32 00
District No. 58 Ill 00
District No. 69 110 00
District No. 65 . 66 00
District No. 70 125 00
District No. 61 133 32
In the matter of estimating the
amount of money needed for all .pur
poses for the year 1911, less amount
on hand.
The court finds that the follow
ing amounts are needed, to-wlt:
State $16,847 47
County 24.896 63
County School 19.957 00
County Road 11.855 40
County High School .. .. 3,556 66
In the matter of the amount of the
tax levy for the year 1911, on the
1910 assessment roll.
The following levy was made, to
wlt; State ' .... 1.4 mills
County ' 2.1 mills
County School 1-7 mills
County Road . 1 mills
County High School J mills
(To b continued.)
When you buy o
what is the first
An Abstract of Title
Is that all? Not by a long
. ways. You insist on a
Reliable Abstract
Careful work enables us to fill that demand
Beatman ft Bllyev,
Look Here and See if We Have Any.
thing You Want
We know you have something that we want
We have for sale or trade a 40-acre ranch in Union county.
Will take part trade. This land is clear of incumbrance.
We have a good six-room cottage to sell on the installment
Wa have three good residence lots for sale on the install
ment plan.
We have a good hill ranch, fenced, 40 acres in cultivation;
other improvements; three miles from town; $3500; will
take $1000 in trade.
We have a new top buggy for sale cheap.
We can match you in anything you have.
In the Litch Building,' Enterprise, Oregon
N. B, We have a 30 acre ranch in Union county clear of in
cumbrance, to exchange for residence property in Enterprise
Under New Management
BOESEN & RUGGLES, Proprietors
Both Practical Mill Men
All kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber now on hand.
Prompt Delivery and Prices Right.
Estimates cheerfully furnished.
farm, or a town lot,
thine von demand? D