Enterprise news-record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1910-1911, January 11, 1911, Wednesday Edition, Image 3

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    S oAe
Author of the "Paiar of Light,"
"The Wings of the Morn
ing" and "The Captain of the
Copyright. 1909. by Edward J. Clod
: 1 INQS.
COKE and bis merry men be
came pirates during the early
" morning of Thursday, Sept 2.
On Monday, Sept. 6, David
Verity entered his office In Exchange
buildings, Liverpool, and ran a fever
' lfih glance through his letters to learn
If any envelopes bearing the planetary
devices of the chief cable companies
bad managed to hide themselves among
the mass of correspondence. There
was no cablegram, of course. Dickey
Bulmer, who had become a waking
nightmare to the unhappy shipowner,
bad said there wouldn't be said It
twelve hours ago after wringing from
Verity the astounding admission that
Irbt was on board the Andromeda. . It
woj not because the vessel was over
due that David confessed. Bulmer,
despite his sixty-eight years, was an
acute man of business. Moreover, he
was blessed with a retentive memory,
and be treasured every word of the
bogus messages from Iris concocted by
ber uncle.
The storm had burst unexpectedly.
Bulmer came to dinner, ate and drank
and smoked in quiet amity until Da
vid's laboring muse conveyed bis
niece's latest "kind love an' good
wishes," and then"
"Tell you wotr said Dickey, "there's
another five thousand due tomorrow on
the surveyor's report"
:, xhere is," said Verity, knowing
that his guest and prospective partner
alluded to the new steamer in course
Of construction on the Clyde.
"Well, It won't be paid. You are
lyin' about Iris. You've been lylu' ever
since she disappeared from Bootle.
Show roe 'er letters an' their envelopes,
an' I'll find the money. But of course
you can't They don't exist."
Then David set down the untasted
wine and told the truth. ' Not all that
was not to be dreamed of. In the
depths of his heart be feared Bulmer.
The old man's repute for honesty was
widespread. He would fling his dear
est friend into prison for such a swin
dle as that arranged between Coke and
the shipowner.
Dickey rose from the table.- His
movements showed his age that night
"I'll think it over, David," he said.
"There's more in this than meets the
So here was Verity with no shred of
hope in his mind that bis one time
crony would raise a finger to save him
from bankruptcy.
The office boy announced a visitor,
evidently not the terrible Bulmer, since
be said: "
"Gennelman to see yer, sir."
"Oo is It?", growled the shipowner.
"Gennelman from the noospaper."
A quiet mannered young man ap
peared. "May I ask If you have received any
private news of the Andromeda?" he
David creaked round in his chair.
"Is she lost?" said he in a strangely
subdued tone.
"I I fear she Is. But there Is much
more- than an ordinary shipwreck at
issue. Several telegrams of the grav
est Import have reached us this morn
ing. , Perhaps before I ask you any
questions you ought to read them.
They are In type already, and I have
brought you the proofs. Here Is the
David took from the Interviewer's
outstretched hand a long strip of white
paper. - For an appreciable time bis
seething brain refused to comprehend
tbe curiously black letters, for this is
what he read:
4 . I8H SHIP.
Rio da Janeiro. Sept I.
A situation of exceptional gravity has
evidently arisen on the Island of Fernando
do Noronha. whence. It Is said, ex-PresI
dent d Sylva recently attempted to es-
. cape. A battleship and two cruisers have.
been dispatched . thither under rorced
draft No publlo telegrams have been re
eel red from the Island during- the past
week, and the authorities absolutely re
fuse any Information as to earlier events,
tr.ourh the local press hints at some ex
traordlnarr developments not unconnected
with the appearance off the Island of a
British steamship known as tne Anurom
Later. Do Sylva landed last nlebt at
the small port of Macelo, In the province
of Alacoas. a hundred miles south of
Pernambuco. It Is currently reported that
Fernando -Noronha was captured by a
Sana; of British freebooters. le Sylva's
return Is unquestionable. Today he Is
sued a proclamation, and his partisans
have seised some portion of the railway.
Excitement here Is at fever beat
Verity glared at the Journalist He
laughed almost hysterically.
"The Andromeda r he gasped. "Wot
rot! Wot silly rot!"
Tbe shipowner grasped another print
ed slip. This time be was able to read
nor lucidly:
Pernambuco. Sept. 4.
Public Interest In the abortive attempt
to reinstate Dom Corrla de Sylva a
president was waning rapidly when It was
fanned Into fresh activity by news that
reached this port today. It appears that
on the 31st ult. a daring effort was made
to free De Sylva, who, with certain other
ministers expelled by the successful rev
olution of two years ago, is a prisoner
on the island of Fernanda do Noronha.
Lloyd's agent on that Island reports that
the British steamer Andromeda, owned
by David Verity & Co. of Liverpool, put
Into South bay, on the southeast side of
Fernando do Noronha, early on the morn
ing of Aug. 31, and It is alleged that her
mission was to take De Sylva and his
companions board. The garrison, fore
warned by the central government and al
ready on the qui vlve owing to the disap
pearance of their important prisoners
from their usual quarters, opened fire on
the Andromeda as soon as she revealed
her purpose by lowering a boat
The steamer, being unarmed, made no
attempt to defend herself and was speed
ily disabled. She sank within five min
utes off the Grand-pere rock with all on
board. With reckless bravado her com
mander ran up the vessel's code signals
end house flag while Bhe was actually go
ing down, thus establishing her Identity ,
beyond a shadow of doubt. A note of
pathos is added to the tragedy by the
undoubted presence of a lady on board,
probably De Sylva's daughter, though It
was believed here that tho ex-presldent's
family were in Paris. Telegrams from
the island are strictly censored, and the
foregoing statement Is unofficial, but your
correspondent does not question Its gen
eral accuracy. Indeed, he has reason to
credit a widespread rumor that' the island
is still In a very disturbed condition. No
one knows definitely whether or not De
Sylva has been recaptured. It is quite
certain that he has not landed In Brazil,
but the reticence of the authorities aB to
the state of affairs on Fernando Noronha
leads to the assumption that he and a
few stanch adherents are still In hiding
In one of the many natural fastnesses
with which the Island abounds.
The British community on the littoral
Is deeply stirred by the drastic treatment
reoelved by the Andromeda. It Is pointed
out that another ship, the Andros-y-Mela,
believed to have been chartered by the
Insurgents, Is under arrest at Bahla, and
the similarity between the two names Is
regarded as singular, to say the least.
Were It not that Lloyd's agent, whose
Veracity cannot be questioned, has stated
explicitly that the Andromeda put Into
South bay, a point significantly far re
moved from the regular track of trading
vessels. It might be urged that a terrible
mistake had been made. In any event,
the whole matter must be strictly In
quired into, and one of his majesty's ships
stationed in the south Atlantic should
visit the island at the earliest date possi
ble. Delayed in transmission.
Something buzzed inside Verity's
head and stilled all sense of actuality.
He gazed at the reporter unblinklngly,
as though thought Itself refused to act.
"Is that the lot?" he Inquired me
'Nearly nil, at present Here, how
ever, Is a short telegram from Pari?
which Is of minor interest."
And Verity read again:
Paris, Sept. 6.
The members of Dom Corrla de Sylva's
family, Been early this morning at the
Hotel Continental, deny that any lady
connected with the cause of Brazilian
freedom took part In the attempted rescue
of the ex-president They are much an
noyed by the unfounded report and hold
strongly to the opinion that the revolu
tion would now have been a fait accompli
had not a traitor revealed the destination
of the Andros-y-Mela and thus led to that
vessel's detention at Bahla.
The ladyl Iris Yorke! At last Da
vid's supercharged mind was begin
ning to assimilate ideas. The Journal
ist's voice came to him as through a
dense screen.
"You will observe that the former
president's relatives tacitly admit that
there was a plot on foot," the other
was saying. "It Is important to note,
too, that the long message from Per
nambuco, marked 'delayed In trans
mission,' seems to imply a prior tele
gram which was suppressed. It al
ludes to a revolt of which nothing is
known here. Now, Mr. Verity, 1 want
to ask you"
The door was flung open. In rushed
Dickey Bulmer. In his bands be held
a crumpled newspaper.
"You infernal blackguard, have you
seen this?" he roared.
David stood up. He held on to the
table to steady himself. Even Bulmer,
white with rage, could not fail to .see
that he was stunned.
But Dickey was not minded to spare
him on that account
"Answer me," you scoundrel!" he
shouted. "You are glib enough when
it suits your purpose. Were you in
this? . Is this the reason you didn't
tell me Iris was on board till I forced
the truth out of you last night? Now
let's have it! No more of your flamin'
"roil nrmtNAii blacxodabd, bavb tot
made up tales. Wot took you to shove
the Andromeda Into a rat trap of this
David seemed to be laboring for
"'Arf a mo'. No need to yowl at
me like that" be protested.
He fumbled with the lock of a cor
.nnlv.nr.1 nnwl It ami drew forth
decanter and some glasses.
"Ah." he said, smacking bis Hps with
some of the old time relish, "that nuts
ne'W We into Uia! The story Ts" oil
mot Whine on the face of it" ,
1 think otherwise, Mr. Verity, and
Mr. BiAlmer, I tal:e It agrees with me,"
said the" reporter.
"Wot!"' blazed David, into whose
mind bad darted a notion that dazzled
him by its'- daring. "D'ye mean to in
sinuate t I lent my ship to this
ere Dom Wot's-'is-name? D'ye sit
there an' thiUk. that I'd allow a bon
nle lass like my Iris to take a trip
that might end In 'er beln' blown to
bits. It's crool,. .that's wot it is, reel
"Tbe lady refeirred to was Miss iris
Yorke, then?"
" 'Oo else? I've on'y one niece. My
trouble is that sLw went without my
permission, In a way of speakln'. 'Ere,
you'd better 'ave the fax. She was
engaged to my friend, Mr. Bulmer;
but beln' a slip of a girl an' fond o'
romnnclu', she Just put herself aboard
the Andromeda without sayln' 'with
your leave' or 'by your leave.' She
wrote me a lettier, w'lch sort of ex
plains the affair. D'ye want to see
"If I may."
"No," said Bulmer. n
"Look 'ere. Dickey," went on David,
"this dashed fairy tale won't hold
water. You know Coke. Is e the
kind o' man to go bumpln' round like
a stage 'ero an' hoisting Union Jacks
as tbe ship sinks? I ax you, is 'e? It's
nonsense stuff an', nonsense. An if
the Andromeda was scrapped at Fer
nando Noronha, 'oo were the freeboot
ers that collared the island, an' 'oW
did this 'ere De Sylva get to Macela?
Are you llstenln'?"
"Yes," said Bulmer, turning at last
and devouring yerlty with bis deep
set eyes.
"Well, wot d'ye think of it?"
"Did you send the ship to Fernando
It is needless to place on record tbe
formula of David's denial. It was
forcible and served its purpose. That
should suffice.
If if Iris Is alive the partnership
goes on," said Bulmer. "If she's dead
It doesn't"
"D'ye mean it?"
"I always mean wot I say."
The click of an Indicator on the desk
showed that Verity's private telephone
bad been switched on from tbe gen
eral office. By sheer force of routine
David picked up a receiver and placed
It to his ear. The subeditor of the
newspaper whose representative bad
not been gone five minutes asked if be
was speaking to Mr. Verity.
"Yes," said David. "Wot's up now?"
and he motioned to Bulmer to use a
second receiver.
"A cablegram from Pernambuco
states specifically that the captain and
crew of the An
dromeda fought
their way across
the Island of Fer
nando Noronha,
rescued Dom de
Sylva, seized a
steam launch, at
tacked and cap
tured the Ger
man steamship
Unser Fritz and
landed the lusur-
g e n t leader at
Macelo. Tbe mes
sage goes on to
say that the cap
."d'te mean it?"
tain's name is Coke and that he it
accompanied by bis daughter. Kir
What did you say? Are you there?"
"Yes, I'm 'ere, or I think I am," said
David with a desperate calmness. "!
that all?"
"All for the present."
"It doesn't say that Coke Is a ravin'.
tearln', 'owlin' lunatic, does it?"
"No. Is that your view?"
Bulmer' s hand gripped David's.
Their eyes met
"I was thlnkln' that the chap who
writes these penny - novelette wires
might 'ave rounded up his yarn in
good shape," said Verity aloud.
But there Is not the slightest doubt
that something of tbe kind has oc
curred," said the voice.
"It's a put up Job!" roared David.
"Them bloomin' Portygees 'ave sunk
my ship, an' they're whackln' in their
flam now so as to score first blow."
To Bulmer David said savagely:
"Wot's bitten Coke? 'E must ave
gone stark, starin' mad."
"Iris is alive!" murmured Bulmer.
"An now, David, I'll tell you wot I
'ad in me mind In comln' 'ere this
mornin'. You're bard up. You don't
know where to turn for a penny. If
you're agreeable I'll put a trustworthy
man in this office an' give 'lm full pow
ers to pull your affairs straight Mind
you, I'm doln' this for Iris, not for
you. An' now that- we know wot's
'appenln' . In South America you an'
I will go out there and look into things.
A mail steamer will take us there in
sixteen days, an' before we sail we can
work tbe cables a bit so as to stop
Iris from startlu' for 'ome before we
arrive." ...
tTO be coirrnruBD.
To fflMT. wLrvter la a season of
trouble. The froet-bltteni toes and
fingers, chapped bands and lips, chil
blains, cold-soree, red and rough
siting, prove tfcia. But. such trouble
fly before Bucklente Arnica 8alve. A
trial convinces. Greatest healer of
Burns, Bolls, Pilei, Cuts, Sores, Brui
ses, Dczoma, and Spralnfl. Only- 2Cc
aival! druggist.
A project to create reserve for
mule tail deer in the lava bed re
gion of Klamath county has been
! " n)fttUr
I uroupn to
: dent Taft. Opposition has deveU
I opud, however, oa the part of sheep-
men who want, to retain the lava bed
country for winter range. They) con
tend the deer reserve should be
created in, the mountains nearby.
The number of people klUled year
ly wild1 beasts don't approach the
vast number killed: by disease germs.
life is safe from their attacks.
T!io're In; water, dust air. even! food.
But grand' protection, ia afforded' by
Electric Bitters, which deotroye and
pea these deadly disease germs from
tho system. That why, chlUs. fe-
r and ague, all malarial and
many blood diseases yiefld promp'ly
this wonderful blood purifier. Try
them, and enjoy the glorious health
and new strength they'll, give you.
Money back IX not , satisfied. Qniv
3Cc at, all druggists.
While few women, are able .to write
for the magazine, all cam write for
Foley's Kidney Remedy An Appreci
L. McConneU, Catharine St., Elr
mira, N. Y., wriltes: "I wish to ex
press my appreciation of the great
?oodi I derived from Foley's Kidney
Remedy, which! I used fori a tad case
of kidney trouble. Five bottlee did
the work most effectively and prov.
ed to mo beyondi doubt it; tel ithe most
reliable kidney medicine I have
ever token." Burnaueh & Mayfleld.
At last we have something to be
really thankful for. Fashloni has de
creed that the "ram Dan t rait" and
the "bulging bun" must go.
Oa the package when you buy
Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs
and colds. None genuine without tbe
Bee Hive. Remember the name,
Foley's Honey and Tar and reject
any aubstltue. Burnaughi ft Mayfleld.
Elect that man to office who has
he courage to tbe decent and honest
whem nobody ia looking.
Department of the Interior.
(J. S. Land Office at La Grande,
Oregon, Oct. 2&th., 1910.
Notice la hereby given that Lulu
M. Bowlby, whsjee poatofflce address
is Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or
egon, did, on the. 14th. day of April,
1910, file in this office Sworn State
ment and Application, No. 07891, to
purchase the SE& SW14, N SW
SWVi, andSiWK 6W SW1-4 of Sec.
22, and the NBtf, NW, NW14
NW, and NW NWK NW, Sec
tion, 27, Township 1 South, Range 46
Est, Willamette Meridian, and the
timber thereon under the, provis
ions) of the act of June 3, 1878, and
acta amendatory, known as the "Tim
ber and Stone Law," at uch value
as might be fixed by appraisement.
and that, pursuant to such applica
tion, the land and timber thereon have
been appraised at $350.00 as being
chiefly valuable for its stone; that
said applicant will offer final proof
in support of bis, application and
sworn statement on the 19th. day of
January, mi, before W. C. Boat
man, County Clerk of wJlowa Coun
ty, t Enterprise, Oregon.
Any person la at liberty to protest
thla purchase before entry, or In
itiate contest at any time before
patent Issues, by filing a corrobo
r.ted affidavit In this office, alleg
g facts which would defeat the
11 o 11 F. C. Bramwsll, Register.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Wallow County.
Edlthi Hooper, Plaintiff
Samuel W. Hooper, Defendant
To Samuel. W. Hooper, above nam
ed defendant: In the name of the
State of Oregon, you aire herehy re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you by the
plalntlf in the above entitled court
and cause, within; six weak.; from
and after the 8th. day of December
A. D, 1910, the same being the first
publication of this summons, and If
you fail so to appear and answer,
you will b ki default for want
thereof, and plaintiff will thereupon
apply to said court for the relief
prayed for in her complaint, to-wlt:
lor a decree of said court dissolving
the marriage contract now and here
tofore existing between plaintiff and
defendant (hat said marriage con
tract be from henceforth 'held for
naught, that the plaintiff be awarded
the custody of the child of the mar
riage, Edith Nelly Hooper, and that
plaintiffs maiden name Edi Hi Hair-
nian, be restored to her.
The defendant will take notice
that this summons Is, published by or
der of Hon. J. B. Olmsted, county
Judge of Wallowa County, Oregon,
in the Wallowa Chieftain, a news
paper published .weekly at Enter
prise, In said county and atate and.
directing that (he same be published
hi said newspaper for a period of
six weeks and seven issues thereof.
the dote of the first publication
thereof being the 8th, rkty of Dwoem-
33 3 per ceit
"The unkindest cut of all"
(For our competitors)
We are busy listing our goods preparatory to
taking stock on February 1, 1911, on which
date we close our books for the year. Up to
but not including said date we will give a dis
count of 33i per cent for cash on the following
Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits
Men's, Boys' and Children's Overcoats
Men's, Boys and Children's Sweaters
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Sweaters
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Underwear
Ladies' SKirts, Undershirts and Waists
Ladies', Misses and Children's Leather Shoes
And on all Wool Dress Goods
Read the Kst carefully as the items therein
named include every article of its kind to be
found in our store. It will therefore be seen
that we are not selecting shelf-worn or unsal
able stock, but are allowing you to make your
own choice of the best we have.
We are going to get our share of the cash if
we have to force Sears & Roebuck into bank
ruptcy, I
Yours for business,
ber A. D. 1910 and the last -publication
being the 19tha day of Janu-
ry a.
1). 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Und Office at Ia Oraada. Or
egon, Decemlber 32, 1110.
Notice Is horoby given, that the
State of Oregon, has thla day filed
in this office K application to
ct undier the provision of the Act
. Congress of August 14, 1141, ftjJ
he acta supplementary amd anient
atory thereto, tfK 8W SE4 Sec.
1, T. 2 N, R. U E, W. M, fierlal
So. 0878.
Any and aU person fllaitn fcfr
freely the lands descrJibed, or d
tlrkif to object because of the (B&
ral character of the land, or for
any other reason to the disposal to
applicant may file tthelr affidavits
f protest ia this office ait any time
prior to the approval or certification
of said selection, by the Honorable
Commissioner of thai General Laud
Office. r. G. BRAJdWSLL.
1W Raalftter.
Department of the Interior
U S. Land Of(tc at La Oread,
Oregon, November 7th, 1910.
Notice Is hereby given, that Nw
ton E. Hatnmack. whose nost-oate
.ajx j Enterprise, Wallow ooun.
ty, Oregon, did, on th
March, 1910, file la thi oftiee
3 worn. Statement and AppUctOca
No. 07764, to purchase the B4 BtD
Section 8, and WV4 SWK, Section 9,
Township 1 South, Range 46 Boat, WU-
lameUe Meridian, and the Umber
thereon, under the provtolone of the
act of June 8, 187S, and ajte amend
tory, known, ae Che "Timber and
Stone Law' at such vf-lue as mtgfei
be fixed by appralasment, and that
pursuant to such application, the
land and timber thereon have been
appraised, at $400.00 aft baUis; chiefly
valuable for Ite atone, that eld ap
plicant wLU offer final proof In snip
port of hto application and sworn
statement on the 2nd. day of Febru
ary, 1911, before Carl Roe, United
State Commissioner, at hie offios,
at Enterprise, Oregon.
Any person Is) at liierty to pro
test thle purchase before entry, or
Initiate a contnot at any tluo before
patent Vwues, by flUng a corroborat
ed affidavit In, this office, alleging
fact which would defect the entry,
12cll F. C. Bramweli, Resetter.
, .
R. S. and Z. CO.
A Great
Clubbing Offer
ami-Weekly Oregon Journal
one year 1. 50
Enterprise, Naws-Record, 2 CO
Total $3 51
Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal,
One year $1 50
Wallowa County Chieftain 1 60
Total 3 00
publishes the latest and moat com
plete telegraphic news of the world;
glvee reliable market roporbs, as It
market caws can ba and la corrected
to date for each laeue. It a'io has a
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Either of the above two makes a
splendid combination and you save gi
by BaondJes your aubaerdiptlon to thU
We can alee gVre our aubkcribeis
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foro too late. Micro Is a
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1 J muiiSmT