Enterprise news-record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1910-1911, January 11, 1911, Wednesday Edition, Image 2

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rormerly the Wallowa News, estab
lish J iiarth 3. 1899.
Published Wedneadaya and Satur
daya at Enterprise. Oregon, by
Offlcea8ldeCourt ItouseJBqjiare
Entered as second-class matter
January 2. 1909, at tbe postofflce t
Enterprise. Oregon, under the Act of
March 3, 1879.
Subscription Rates: One year J2,
six months $1, three mouths 60c,
me month 20u. On yearly cash-in
nlvancB m.hfwrtniions a rtlHcounl o(
ibc ts given
The announcement of the traffic
department of the new Oregon-Wash
ington Railroad & Navigation corn
pany in 'this paper, la of great Import
ance to Oregon and of particular In
terest to Wallowa county.
Tho company will pursue a prog
ressive, up-building policy, and has
tho money or credit .to do it with.
One of the first pieces of railroad
news, locally, after the formation
of the company, is that hotter pas.
singer service will be given this
broach without Interfering with the
freight service, very early In, the
Thr.t L a Xew Year's gift that
w-: all appreciate.
Tho act km of the county court iri
cutting iown the road tax levy from
1V4 mills last year to 1 mill this
year, will not commend Itself to the
large body of taxpayers, who thought
'that now with the court house paid
for, all other extraordinary expenses
paid for, and money in the treasury
that It was time for Wallowa coun
ty to take a step forward Instead1 of
backward In the biggest question of
the day better roads.
Schools and good roads are prac
tically the only returne the farmer
geta for his taxes. With a lower
levy it looks a certainty that the
roada will be no better; probably not
as good as In, the past. .
Bully for Jerry Rusk. He's a, game
fighter and won the splendid prize
of the speakership by knowing no
Bitch word as defeat.
The legislature won't be eorry one
minute for electing Mr. Ruak speak
or. He has the ability and la by
nature fair-minded. He will be a
big improvement in the latter re
elect over the aromatic Pat McAr
The Enterprise Steam Laundr to
now open for business. Up-to-date
machinery and experienced laund
rymon. Yours for buBlneea. Home
Independent phone, 43 blue 2 rings
V ood taken on laundry work.
Odtoopaithy cures lumbago.
The White
at you want a high grade tewing
aiaohlne wWoh Ui
The machine U unsurpassed for
simplicity, durability and the aher
aeter of the work it will do. U to
mad la two tylee, fee Yfeaeter
8-I1 utile and the la pre red Sate?
Sauttle. The totttor BMkiM rnn
either a lock or a analo stWh.
There are a auaiber of ttylea to
choose treat ea4 the wood work to
the handsomest aoeeibiv "
Fred S.' Ashley ;
handles the WHIT1 WACKINS ta
Wallowa county.
(Continued from first page.)'
.Mrs. A. E. Ivanhoe, salary
teacher .... 90 00
Alius May Cothwell, salary-
teacher 90 00
H. K. Shirk, salary principal,
Gene W. Hall, salary teacher
125 0
90 00
Mrs. A. E. ivanhoe, salary
teacher 90 00
Miss May. Both well, salary
teacher .... 90 00
D. L. McAdams, Janitor; ,work 31 00
Northwest School Furniture
Co., supplks , 86 10
Uurnaugh & Mayfield, sup
plies 38 60
Owen MaUcry, woik at high
2 10
15 00
25 00
100 00
18 00
Lon Dale, hauling coal
D. L. McAdams, janitor work
Jnderwood Typewriter Co.,
typewriters and ribbons . .
irwln Hodson Co., supplies..
J. P. Sanders, express and
hauling 1 25
S D. Keltner, blind amd
glass 17
H. K. Shirk, supplies t
General Fund.
J. B. Olmsted, salary county
Judge ? 66 66
''agar Marvin, ea'ary sheriff 166 66
.V, C. Boatman, salary clerk 125 00
3 F Miller, salary assessor 100 00
T. C. .Coniley, salary school
superintendent 83 33
V. T. Bell, salary treasurer 60 00
Chas. O. RUyeu, salary dep
uty clerk ' w
nhas. E. Crow, salary deputy
sheriff 85 00
Edith R. Odle, salary stenog
rapher ooo
Chas Giovannanl, salary janL
tor 6 00
RJ. J. Forsythe, electric lights1
and supplies 44 85
3Ile H. Daugherty, road work 67 50
I. A. Grimes, salary road soip-
ervloor 82 50
3. R. Leffel, meals for jury
men 7 80
R. B. Bowman, apprn. O. F,
Mays road 310 00
E. M. & M. Co., 48 3-5 tona
coal 449 55
Loii Dale, hauling coal 14 25
I. B. Olmsted, salary county
judge 66 66
Edgar Marvin, salary sheriff 166 66
W. C. Boatman, sa'ary clerk 125 00
B F. Miller, salary assessor 100 00
I. C. Conley, salary school
superintendent 83 33
Tv Bell, salary treasurer 60 00
Chas. O. Bllyeu, salary dep
uty clerk 85 00
Charles Crow, salary .deputy
sheriff 85 00
Edith R. Odle, sa'ary etenog.
rapher 60 00
Chas. Giovannanl, salary Jani
tor .. . 60 00
Ben Mogan and Thos. Morgan,
. expense hill.. 648 50
Whereupon court adjournde nntll
January 4, 1911.
It will require more than one coat
of whitewash to renovate! some poll
'.ti'Inns. Indeed, some of them need
a disinfectant added! to, the lime.
Are tonic iui action, quick in re
aults. A special medicine tor all
kidney and bladder disorders. Mary
C. Abbott, Wolfeboro, N. H., Bays:
"I was afflicted with a bad) case of
rheumatism due to uric acid that
my kidneys failed to clear out of my
blood. ' I was so lame In (my feet.
Joints, and back ithat It was agony
for me to step. J used Foley Kidney
I'llls for nroe daya whoa I was
able to get up and move about and
the pains were all gone. This great
change In. condition) I owe to Foley
Kidney Pills and) recommend them to
any one srfferlng as I have." Bur
nangh ft Mayfield.
To possess Information Is an lm
portant matter. It la desirable for
even a fonce to be walli posted,
It's a sure thing
! IN 191)
Will You Get
Better Cigars
Pipes and Tobaccos
" Better Candy
or half as good
' Hot lettered Popcorn
and Hot Peanuts
' I " Than at" .
Next Door to Bank ' 5
Paradise, Jan. 6. About eight to-
chea of snow has fallen here. It Is
warmer today.
Dave Kuhn and "Dale Beach -took
fat hogs to Enterprise the ttrat of
the week.
Joe Beach is nursing a lame knee.
He has rheumatism to. it.
Matt Devln of Flora was down oa
business this week.
Mr. Nolan, a picture man, was here
this- week delivering enlarged pic
tures. A mad dog was. shot at Flora a
few days ago. We are somewhat
skeptical In regard to this mad dog
vcare ,as It Is the first mad dogs we
tJver heard of in cold weather. .
Henry Sturm and famlHy are sick
with the grip.
Gladys Berland is quite sick ,wHh
'inflammatory rheumatism.
Ike .Austin was over lost week
on business.
Bud Fisher and hired man are saw
ing wood on the Gilert Phillips
Aim ota Circle, Womeni of wood
craft, is exporiancl'ng quite a boom.
fwcnity members were initiated Mon
day niight and seven, at the mooting
precedil'ng. Monday evening, Janu
ary 23, five or six more rwilli be add-
3d. This will, abo be Installation
alght and tho following offlcersi will
be installed: G N., Mrs. Carl Roe;
P. G. N., Mrs. Charles Wlllgerodt;
.Wy, Mrs. Seropta Weaver; Magiotan,
Irs. David Itoavls; Muslclan; Mloa
lta Davis; C. of G., Mrs. W. H.
Gravea; Att., Mrs. S. D. Keltner; I.
3., Mrs. R. W. Bloom: O. S., Mrs. B
T. Long; Managers', Mr. Frank Reav-
'3, Mrs. R. L. Day; Banker, J. A. Bur
leigh; Clerk, D. L. Reavl,
to a valuable family frfend. Foley's'
Money and Tar fulfills this condl-
'.ion exactly. Mrs. Chamles Kline,
N. 8tli St., Easton, Pa., etatiea: "Sev
eral members of my family havo
leon: cured of bad coughs and! colds
by. the use of Foley's Honey and Tar
xnd I am never without a bottle in
the house, it soobhes and relieves
the Irritation lm 'the throat and
loosens .up the cold. I have always
round It a reliable cough ur.".Bur
iaugh and Mayfield.
State of Oregon, Department of Ed
ucatlns S&Im
September 1,
Giving the sources of examination
questions for State and County pa
pers, February 8-11 and August 9
12, 1911.
1. Arithmetic One-fifth from
State Course of Study, four-fifths
from Smith.
2. Olvll Government Strong &
8. . Geography One-fifth from
Stat Course of Btudy, four-fifths
from Redway and Hinman.
4. Grammar One-fifth from
State Course of Study, four-fifths
from Buehler.
5. History, U. S. One-fifth from
Stat Course of Study, four-if tha
from Doub.
0. Orthography Rel' Word
7. Physiology Krohn, Hutchin
son. 8. Reading State Coure of
Study, White's Apt of Teaching,
Oral Reading.
9. School Law School Laws
of Oregon; for February, edition of
1909; for August, edition of 1911.
10. Theory and Practice Whites
Art of Teaching,
11. Writing Outlook Writing
System, Testa in. Writing.
12. Physical Geography Taws
New Physical Geography,
IS. English Literature:
February, 1911
A, One-half from texts: New
comer's English Literature,
and Newcomer's English Lit
B. One-half from the following
1. Emerson, Selected Eaaaya
(Cambridge Claaalca) Hough
ton, 8S0.
2. D Qulncy, Joan of Jrc
and tha Englkh Mali Coach
Rlv. lit. aer.) Hought a, 22
S. Addison, and Steele, Sir
Roger da Coverly Papers
(Lake English Claeaks) Scott
F. Co., 26q.
August, 1911
One-half from text: New
comer' English Literature,
and Newcomer's American Lit
B. One-half from the following
1. - Burka, Speech oa Concilia
tion with America (Standard
En Hah Clasalca) Glen, 2o.
I. Irving, Oliver Ooldamlth
(RIt. Ut. aer.) Houghton, 4U
8. Macaulay, Lay of Ancient
Roma (RIt. lit. aar.) Hough,
ton, Ue.
October 18, 1910, London English Championship won by E. A. Trefzgcr.
October 25, 1910. New YorK School Championship won by Miss Margaret
Owen, 83 words per minute, net.
October 25, 1910, New YorK Amateur Championship won by J. L. Hoyt, 94
words per minute, net.
October 26," 1910, New YorK Phonograph Transcribing Championship won
by M. Light.
October 27, 1910, New YorK One-Minute Championship, won by Mis9 Flor
ence E. Wilson, 124 words net.
October 27, 1910, New YorK World's Championship won by H. 0. Blaisdell,
109 words per minute, net.
For Speed and Accuracy The Machine
You Will Eventually Buy
Th flaure riven for each la tha
orlce to achoola contracted for be
tween tha Oregon Library Com m le
sion and. the J. K. Gill Co. Poet-
age should be added to thle price.
14. Algvbre. Walla: Algabra lor
Secondary fichook.
IS. BookkaaDlnit. Office iteuoos
and Practical Bookkeeping, Part L
1. Compoaltloa. Herrtok Da
17 Phyelce. MllUkan Gala: A
First Course la PhyalM.
18. Psychology. Buell.
19. Botany. Bergen: . Elements
of Botany. ; ; . - '
20. Geometry. Wentworth: Plane
and Solid Geometry, questiona in
Plana Geometry. - - . ...
21 History, General. Myera: Geo
eral History.
An examination la required uon
tha first eleven subjects for a third
grade County certificate valid for
one year and a second grade Co'tnty
certificate valid for two years; upon
the first thirteen aubjacta for a flrat
grade County certificate valid for
three yeara: upon he flrat eighteen
subjeota for a State certificate valid
for five yaare; and upon tha twenty-
one subject for a State diploma
valid for life. , '
S at of Oregon, Department of Pub
Ue InatxiKtlon, Salea.
For WaClow County.
Throe ex am ki a ticca annually. Each
county : auparinitendeniU to aolect
mootha for Ma county.
(a) January 13-20, 1911.
Cb) May, 11-12, 19 U,
(c) June 8 9. 1911.
(d) Saptembar 7-8, 191L
(a) Tnursdya--P4yao3ogy, Writ
log, History and CW GOTorn.
raant, ,:v" '''"
" (b) Fridays Grammar, Artthma
tic," Geograiphy, and SpelUna;. '
(a) Arithmetic practical " Artth-
Sf 7jypewriier Speed Champion"
ships Tlon and former Records
Cxceeded 6y Operators
-using the
Underwood typewriter Company
Portland, Oregon, Branch, 68 Sixth St. .
To the Citizens of Wallowa County?
It is our purpose to handle any business
entrusted to us in such a fair and liberal ..
- manner as to maKe the customer's rela
tion with this banK satisfactory and
' profitable. H Aside from our excellent
facilities, this bank has the advantage of
a large capital and substantial list ol
stockholders. It is also a State Deposi
tory. If you are not a customer we
invite you to become one. ' : ' ' '
. Stockgrowers . ui Farmers National Bank
Wallowa, Oregon
Long Distance Service
over the telephone makes neighbors of your
friends miles away. Bad roads are now in ,
order. - Use the service of the
Home Independent Telephone Co.
Long Distance service to all points in Union
and Wallowa Counties.
matin Smith.
(b) Civil Government TjnAted
States Constitution.
(c) Geography State Course of
Study; Redway amd Hlnman'a N'a
, turai School Geography.
(d) Hietary list of Topics from
History OirtUne In State Couroa
of Study cA Current vens.
(e) Gra rroax BudhJora Modern
EikSioa Grammar, no diagram
ming. '
(f) Physiology Graded Lseaons in
Physiology end Hygiene Krohn.
(g) Reading The teacher wltl
eend to the County Superinten
dent the ejppUcamt'a oleuw atonding
m ireuuuuK. voicn ma oe taiaen
by. aucfa auperintiendenit aa Cha ao
pUcamt'a atocudlntg on tbe subject,
(h) SipaUIng-. Reel's Word- boa
ton. ' 4 i !
U) Writing Specimens of penma
etirp aa todkafaad to eopled no at
tar end from manuscript feu Loa-
Reapectfuily sutejltted,
Supt. Public loBtruotlaa.
The flrat examination for the year
will be held January! 19-20.
17c . j c. OONLEJT, SupL