Enterprise news-record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1910-1911, December 31, 1910, Saturday Edition, Image 1

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    0r2n Historical Socfty
Twice-a- Week
Saturday Edition
Major General Wood Declares
. We Are Wholly Unprepared
tor Conflict.
Chief or Army Staff Insists This
Country Could Not Meet Hostile
. Moves of Any First Cluss Nation
Coast Well Protected but Artillery
is Useless and Ammunition Insuf
ficient Favors Hobson BUI.
Washington, D. C, Dec. 27. Before
the house committee on military af
fairs Major General Wood, chief of
staff declared the United States is
unprepared .to meet the hostile moves
of first class nations. His testimony
was. made public today. --. '.
Ammunition at the army's disposal,
he,. testified, is not 'sufficient to last
through a single engagement.
He explained his plan of reorgani
sing the militia so a more mobile force
will be ready for the field in an em
ergency. ..."..
He satd to the committee: "There
is no use talking about our patriotism
and fighting qualities, we have them.
But braye men unorganized are in
effective. In the Spanish was we lost
about 200 volunteers In battle, but
buried our thousand who died of dis
He said the field artillery is prac
ally useless although he believed the
seacoast is well fortified. ';
. Wood continued: '-"If we were call
ed to war tomorrow, we would be
practically without field artillery or
ammunition.' As far as the seasoast
goes, . I feel we are well fortified. I
don't believe foreign fleets would at
tempt to sail irtto iany port in the
face of ou seacoast fortifications un
less -the' object was one of tremen
dous importance." ,
. Wood urged the adoption of a bill
prepared by Congressman Hobson pro
viding for a "council of defense."
He said: "At present in a matter
of studying defenses we are absolute
y in the air. I believe if we had fl
council to consider such matters with
certain powers to' act we could strip
off unnecessary things and come down
to a matter of men, guns, powder and
New York, N.' Y., Dec. 27. The
work of demolishing old buildings at
34th street and Broadway preparatory
to the erection of the Greely Square
hotel, the largest In the world began
today. The Jiotel will be 25 stories,
exclusive of the basement and will
contain 1600 sleeping apartments.
'. The total investment for site and
building is $13,500,000. Charles Taft.
brother of President Taft, is one of
the directors of -the hotel company,
Dayton, O-, Dec. 7. The Wright
company will settle an annuity of ap
proximately $1000 on the widow and
children of Ralph Johnstone, a WrigU
1 Brothers' aviator who was killed at
Denver, according 'to a statement
' made tonight by F. H. Russell, man:
ager of the company. Johnstone fell
to death at Denver while soaring over
an aviation field.
Washington, D. C. Dec. 27. A suit
to dissolve the alleged electrical trust
will be instituted as soon as the pa
pen can be drawn up, was the semi'
official announcement made today.
The government won't wait for the
supreme court decisions In the Stand
ard OH or - American Tobacco cass,
now appealing, but will start a new
issue. . "
The electrical companies will be
charged with conspiracy to restrain
trade through the operation of patent
laws. They are the General Electric,
the Westlnghouse and several others.
. Thief Attacks Officer.
London, Dec. 27. Another strlk
lng example of .the dangers to which
unarmed policeman are' exposed in
pursuing burglars was given yester
day, when Policeman Haytred was
fired at four times while chasing a
burglar. None of the shots was eriec-
tlve. When the policeman finally
grappled with the fleeing law break'
er, the latter pressed the muzzle of
a revolver to the policeman's fore'
head and pulled the trigger. The last
cartridge failed to explode and the
thief was taken to JalL
Imoortant Meeting.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 17. Grana
Dukes Nicholas Nlcholaevtch. Michael
Nlcholavelch and Serge MIkballovicn
hare departed for Sklernewice, Rus
slan Poland, vhere they will hunt v.ith
nine Austrian personages, among
them Archduke Rudolph, Crown
Prince of Austria The highest Impor
tance Is attached to the meeting.
New York, N. Y., Dec. 27. Ignoring
their threats of violence and open
threats of death from other quarters
County Judge Fawcett today sentenc
ed Stanlslo "Pattenza, the reputed
leader of the Black Hand society and
Mary Raph to indeterminate sentences
of from twenty-five to forty-ninq
years in prison.
They were convicted of kidnapping
and holding for. ransom twenty days, I
Michael Rizzle and Luistppl Longo,
both aged eight. The children were
released when the money was paid.
The sentence brought consternation
to the ranks of the extortionists and
many are said to be fleeing the city.
The judge said to them: "It Is al
most unbeleivable that you held two
broken-hearted children for twenty
days, knowing their parents were also
When sentencing the woman he
said: "You have no spirit or Instinct
for mother love. It is stronger In
beasts than in you."
To Pattenzo he said: "You are the
brains and the acknowledged king of
the Black Hand society. Your com
panion would have confessed if the
agent of your organization had not
called at the jail and told her that if
she revealed the secrets she would
be killed. Criminals of your type
should never be permitted to land In
this country. J regret the law does
not permit the death penalty for such
Safe crackers blew up the heavy
steel safe of the Hellig theatre, at
Seventh and Taylor streets, some time
Sunday night after the close of the
Christmas evening performance of the
Burgomaster" musical comedy' com
pany, and secured $2100 in cash, says
the Portland Journal.
Captain Moore, of the city detec
tive force says the' Job was done by
experts. Although Manager William
Pangle, of the Hellig, and Mrs. Pan-
gle occupied a sleeping room on the
top floor of the theatre directly above
the safe, which was located in the
Bemsnt, they did not hear a sound.
Evidence of the' craftsmanship of
the nocturnal visitors is the large win
dow that lets in light from an alcove
off the sidewalk. This window is al
most directly In front of the safe and
only two or three freet from it, yet
the glass was not cracked.
The heavy steel door of the safe was
bent almost double and the firebrick
and iron lining was crumbled Into bits
yet not a piece of furniture was dam
aged and the electric light globe only
few inches from the safe door was
unharmed. ,'
The Hellig carried burglar Insur
ance on the safe amounting to $1500
so the theatre management will lose
only $600.
Whoever did the Job," said Man
ager Pangle today, "knew .that 'we
would have our share of the receipts
of the Saturday and Sunday perform
ances In the safe and that we would
have a large sum on account of tne
holiday attendance. To make mat'
ters easier for the thieves the money
was all neatly tied up, the gold and
silver in canvas bags and the cur
rency In convenient packages. In the
Interior of the safe there is a strong
box In which we kept a bundle of oi l
theatre programs ' dating back to the
revolution. This box was not lock'
ed. The contents were found scat
tered all over the floor. The robbers
evidently rummaged through the bun'
die hurriedly and, finding nothing of
value to them, threw It away.'
Seattle, Dec. 27. Five prominent
Wenatchee men were Injured, one
dangerously, when an automobile In
which they were hurrying to the We-
natchee-Chlcago football game skid
ded and crashed Into a telephone pole
on Eastlake avenue Between Nelson
Place and Alder street The man
most seriously injured is Nlles M. So
renson, prosecuting attorney-elect of
Chelan county. He Is suffering from
concussion of the brain. It Is bellev
ed he will recover.
The other members of the party
who were severely, cut and bruised,
were Will Campbell, a Wenatchee
business man, H. T. Wright, an insur
ance agent, Dr; L. B. Manchester,
member of the state board of health,
and Dr. L. E. Hutchinson, official
physician for the Wenatchee team,
The car was driven by James Mc
Bride, a professional chauffeur. He
was not badly hurt.
According to the occupants, the
automobile was going between 60 and
70 miles an hour when It approached
a sharp turn In Eastlake avenue.
Fearing that It would not safely make
the turn the five Wenatchee men
rose to heir feet, prepared to Jump,
They were saved the ' trouble, for
when the car skidded they were pitch'
ed out head foremost, some of them
landing 50 feet away.
The ar whirled around, breaking
off a telephone pole, snot across the
stand and crashed part way through
a wooden bulkhead where it over'
hangs Lake Union.
Fire In Mens,
Mena, Ark., Dec. 27. Fire which
started early yesterday - destroyed
property In Mount Ida near here to the
amount of $75,000. Eight business
buildings were destroyed.
Manila, P. I., Dec. 28. The alleged
discovery of a conspiracy among' Jap
anese to place mines fn Manllai har
bor and blow up the American war
ships in case of war between tho two
countries is persistently rumored in
military circles today.
Although General Duvall has said
that the search of Japanese homes for
explosives was unsuccessful, it is re
ported that explosives were ftiund
and also maps showing that Japanese
spies had a thorough working know
ledge of the harbor and fortifications
and had planned carefully where, and
how to place submarine bombs iij the
harbor. This is causing much excite
ment in military circles as it is rejinrt-
that Duvall has threatened J to
court-martial any officer who tells the
alleged facts. '-i
The story leaked from civil author
ities who aided in the. search.
According to a current report today
papers have been discovered , that
Identify the Japanese secret agents In
the Philippines. It . is reported tiiat
acting on this information a number
of arrests have already been mtide
secretly. Reports say the Japanese
have been smuggling explosives into
the city for months. . ' '
It is understood a careful search of
the principal Japanese colonies is be-
ng planned by army officers. It is
believed the military authorities are
attempting to cover up Japanese ac
tivity in the island and at the same
time are weeding out spies.
Denied at Washington.
Washington, D. C, Dec. 28. War
department officials aenjefl that offi
cial advices concerning the discovery
of an alleged plot of tne Japanese to
mine Manila harbor had been receiv
ed. The army officers, however, are
f the opinion that the Japanese have
been working secretly In the Islands
inpe the war with Russia.
The particulars as far as they can
bo learned Indicate that the Japanese
plotted placing the mines near the
naval anchorage. These were to be
connected with shore batteries. Mili
tary men privately admit the prop
osition is serious. ; . ... ; y
Sacramento, Cal., Dec. -' 28. That
undreds of Asiatics, mostly Hindus,
are illegally In California and that
the state has failed to provide funds
permit the employment of phy
sicians to search out the diseased ones
and have them deported, was the as
sertion today of a prominent member
of the state board of health. The
federal government is willing to aid
In the deportation of the undesirable
liens if only a report by state offici
als can be secured.-
The principal ailments of the Hin
dus here Is hook-worm and trachoma.
Dover, England., Dec. 28. Robert
-orralne, the actor-aviator, flew from
Shepper Island In the North Sea to
day In an effort to win the Deforest
prize for the longest flight from
England's shores to France or Eel-
glum. Lorraine took the course
flown by Cecil Grace, the English av-
ator believed to have been drowned
In the channel last week while at
tempting the same flight. The ma'
chine must be English built to win
the $20,000 and the aviator must be a
native Englishman.
New York, N. Y., Dec. 28. Unusual
prosperity Is predicted for 1911 by
Orion Howard Cheney, state super
intendent of banks, based on the con
dltlon of the banking business of New
York state. He Is preparing a report
showing the condition of the state
banks. He says when banks are pros
perous other business will flourish
Washington, Dec. 28. A special ex
amination for teachers in the indus
trial schools of the Philippines Is be
ing held today In all parts of the
country under the direction of the
United States civil service commission.-
Teachers In carpentry and forg
ing and machine shop practice are In
great demand, according to the com
Melbourne, Australia, Dec 28.- Ac
tive preparations for the government's
establishment of defense forces - on
the soundest footing in a short time
are under way. It was announced to
day that the government Is planning
to train at least 100,000 boys, between
the ages of fourteen and twenty, in
the military art, probably beginning In
July. The government will soon order
the equipment and clothing necessary
for the new departure.
Observe Mewrtna Anniversary.
Rome, Dec. 19. special masses
were said in all the churches of Rome
today In memory of the hundred
who perished in the earthquake by
which the city of Messina was de
stroyed, today. It Is the second an
niversary of the disaster.
' Puerto Cortez, Honduras, Dec. 28.
That two thousand rebel troops have
gathered ready to attack Tegucigala
is reported here today. Federal of
ficials say the revolution which has
threatened for months will start soon.
Preparations to repel the attack on
the city are being made and troops
are being moblized.
The rebel army has been drilled for
several weeks near Cape Craclas. Lee
Christmas, the American adventurer
who played an Important part in the
former revolutionary movement and
who has lead armies in Honduras and
Nicaragua, will share the command
of revolutionists with former Presi
dent Bonilla who started the trouble.
Gunbont for American Interest. '
Washington, D. C, Dec. 28. The
United States gun-boat Yorktown ar
rived at Amapala, Honduras today.
She was sent to investigate the con
ditions and protect American Interests
In the event a revolutionary outbreak
Americana Lashed.
New Orleans, Dec. 28. A special
dispatch to the Picayune from Puerto
Cortez, Honduras, says William Bar
ber of Kentucky, and two other Am
ericans, were seized by Honduran po
lice and Boldlers, thrown into Jail and
brutally lashed with whips, afterwards
deported on the Honduran gunboat
Tatumbla to Guatemalan territory and
landed penniless in the forests.
According to an affidavit made by
Barber and corroborated by witnesses
the dispatch says he was taken by po
lice to Puerto Cortez while walking
along the street and ordered to go
with two other Americans also In cus
tody and bury a dead Honduran pau
Refusing to do as he was told, Bar
ber, who was foreman of a bridge
gang ,on the Honduran railroad, was
taken to Jail surrounded by soldiers
with fixed bayonets, beaten over the
head with clubs and lashed with whips
the other two Americans being treated
likewise and the three were then taken
to the Taumbla and transported to
Guatemalan territory and Bet . down In
woods without food or money.
Chicago, Dec. 28. Crossed electric
wires were probably responsible for
the fire which caused the death of
thirty firemen In tfco stockyards last
Thursday, according to testimony
brought out at the coroner's Inquest
today. Paul Lufka, the night watch
man, said the flames first came from
the second story where the wires en
tered. No other cause was discov
ered. The sudden Illness of a juror
cut the Inquest short, which was post
poned until January 8.
West Union, Ohio, Dec. 28. West
Union's hotels are overflowed today
with citizens of Adams county wait
ing for a chance to plead guilty to tho
charge of selling their votes. Wagon
loads of indicted voters poured Into
the city during the day. As fast as
their cases are called they pleaded
guilty, were disfranchised for five
years and given a small fine. It is
expected the grand Jury now In ses
sion will return 160 more Indictments
before tonight. Already 750 have
been Indicted.
London, Eng., Dec, 18. As a result
Of alleged hardships she said she was
forced to endure in prison where she
was sent for participating In the re
sent suffragette raid, Mrs. Clark, sis-
ter of Mrs. Pankhurst, the suffragette
leader, died today at Brighton, her
heme. Previous to her death she told
of how the officers fed her coarse
food and were cruel and gave her no
comforts. When she was released her
health was impaired and she became
Quiet in Capital.
Washington, Dec. 27. Christmas
Monday in the national capital was
as quiet as Christmas day. President
'Taft surprised his staff at the execu
tive office by appearing there for an
hour In' the morning and reading his
mall. Secretary Nagel and Secretary
Meyer called on the presldont In
the afternoon the president and Mrs
Taft drove around the city, calling at
the residence of Admiral Dewey. Sec
cetary and Mrr. Nagel gave a dinner
last night in honor of Miss Helen
Attempts Suicide.
Chippewa Falls Wis., Dec. 27
John Chrlstlansand Jumped 40 feet
from a wagon bridge into Chippewa
river yesterday with suicide Intent.
He went under the ice and came up
200 feet down stream at an airhole.
He grabbed the Ice and crawled out,
He went home and said that the cold
water made him feel so much better
that the 'desire tq die had left him.
Girl Accidentally Killed.
Swing. Mo Dec. 17. Rosa Mc
Cor. 11 years old daughter of Edward
McCoy of Clarence, Mo., was shot and
Instantly killed at the home of her
grandparents yesterday when a gun,
which her uncle, Ben Tredmore, was
cleaning, was accidentally disc ha rg
Clarksburg, W. Va., Dec. 38. Es
corted by a company of militia Wil
liam Furby, a negro, was brought to
the Moundsville penitentiary today.
He was rescued from a mob by the
militlal after having spent the greater
part of the night locked In the vaults
of the Wells Fargo express company
at a railway station in Weston to pre
vent a lynching. He Is accused of
attacking Florence Anglln, a white
The Anglln girl Bays Furby attacked
her while she was returning from the
dairy on her father's farm last Sat
urday night.
While she struggled, he dragged her
fully 300 yards, and following the
attacks he was in the alleged act of
strangling her when a railroad flag
man came running to her rescue. The
negro ran to a horse tied nearby and
made off, but the animal fell, throw
ing the rider. His shoulder was dis
located and he was captured. 1
Paris, Dec. 28. Marquis Marie
Paulla and Alexandor . Laffon, chief
pilot of the Antoinette school of av
iation, were crushed to death today
nder an aeroplane just after they
had taken to the air for a speed flight
from Paris to Brussels, trying for a
20,000 prize offered for tho fastest
passenger flight over this course.
The crushed bodies of the famous
French aviators were vlowed bj
hundreds in the morgue this after
noon, soon after tho news had spread
that they had been killed In an aero
plane accident while attempting to fly
from Paris to Brussels. Laffon's
body was horribly crushed. His wife,
who witnessed the fall, is prostrated.
Tho machine turned over twice in
falling and struck on top of the pas
San Francisco, Cal.( Doc. 28. B.' H.
Bibb, a millionaire lumberman of San
Francisco, has been arrested as a fu
gitive from justice according to As
sistant District Attorney Cotton who
so Informed Judge Lawler today when
Bibb's case was called in the superior
court. Bibb Is charged with having
sold a piece of real estate twice. He
failed to answer the case six weeks
ago when called Into court. Since
then he was arrested in Washington,
D. C. -
Washington, D. C., Dec. 28. Sena
tor Gore, of Oklahoma, moved by
the printed stories that ho Intended
resigning today definitely declared he
would not retire and that he expected
to spend the rest of his life in the
senate fighting graft and grafters. The
senator said sineo his charges of fraud
In connection with the Indian lands
he had been the target "for vitriolic
abuse and fake charges." And the
resignation story is part of the scheme
to embarrass him, he Bays.
Washington, Dec. 28. Senators In
terviewed today believe that the white
washing of Lorlmcr in the recent brib
ery scandal Is due to cauBe a fight
In the senate.
Many senators, among them Bever-
idge, is reported to be spending his
vacation studying the testimony tak
en by the committee preparatory to
the clash. Bcverldge said today he
has not decided whether he would
submit a minority report. .
Senator Frazler, of Tennessee, Is al.
so expected to take exception to the
report clearing Lorlmer.
Seattle, Wash., Dec. 28 Billy Marks
a miner who recently returned from
Alaska was shot and killed In front
of tho Avenue Saloon this morning,
Kdward Groogln was arrested In con
noctlon with the affray. It Is reported
they had quarreled In tho saloon and
were ejected by the bar tender. The
next mamont a shot was fired.
Demand Investigation.
Washington, Dec. 28. Demand
will be made on congress, It Is said
for an Investigation of the wireless
telegraph situation throughout the
United States. Letters are being sent
to members asking that the matter
be taken up. The charge that
conspiracy was set on foot to destroy
the United Wireless Telegraph com
pany because Its present oflcers
would not surrender $6000 worth of
Favor Partnersliln.
Hf T.oiiln Dec. 28 Governor-elect
Woodrow Wilson of Now Jersey, de
olnrp lAnt nlffht before the Amert
can Home Economic association that
a nnrtnernhln between the statesmen
and the students of political science
In entirely feasible. He said that ne
realized that this often had not been
the case before.
Italians Drink Polsnn.
New York. Dee. 27. After drink
lng punch, believed to have contained
wood alcohol, two Italians died yes
terday In North Bergen, N. J. Four
others are In a critical condition.
Wreckage and Lifeboats Tell
Tale of Another Ocean Dis
St. IHmiiiIs, Loaded With Coal ana
Manned by Crew of Fifteen, Not
Sighted After Passing Cape Flat
tery Loft Victoria November 21
for Mexican Port Fat of Crew
In Unknown Wireless Brings First
Definite News.
Victoria, B. C, Dec. 27. A wlre-
css from the steamer' Tees, stating
they had found a cabin and two life
onts from the missing steamer St.
Dennis, which formerly operated be
tween Victoria and northern British
olumbla, In the neighborhood of
Clayoquol, is taken as confirmation
that the ship has been wrecked.
She carried a crew of fourteen men,
Captain Davis. . Their fate Is un-
nown. , .
The ship left Vancouver November
8, and passed Cape Flattery, Novem
ber 18, and passed Cape Flattery No
vember 21.' Since then nothing has
ien heard of her.
She was loaded withcoa 1 and Mexi
co was her destination.
The St. Dennis was a steamer of
16 tons gross, and was 161 feet
long. She was owned by, the Bosco
wllz Steamship company of this city.
Score Reported Wrecked.
Vineyard Haven, Mass., Dec. 27.
Scores of hulls of wrecked vessels
have been driven on the rocks on the
coast near - Martha's Vineyard and.
Nantucket shoals according to mari
ners who reached here today. Eight
wrecks near Cross Rips alone are
reported. A two-masted schooner was
sighted at Half Moon shoals and an
other on Handkerchief shoals. Others
are near Stone Horse, Pollocks Rip
and Great Point.
West Union, Ohio, Deo. 27. Thir
ty-five of the moBt prominent citi
zens of Manchester, Ohio, were ar-,
raigned before Judge Blair here to
day on charges of having - bought
The charges are the outgrowth of
the investigation into the alleged
electln frauds of Adams county. All
pleaded guilty and were punished by
small fines. The men left Manches
ter in a body and were cheered' as they
left for trial
A telegram has been received from
Governor Harmon, saying he would
appoint a special committee to con
tinue the Investigation of the frauds -when
the legislature meets.
West Union, Ohio, Deo. 27. Char
ges that votes purchased by one par
ly wero stolen by another before they .
could be cast were made to Judge
Blair today during the hearings of In
dictments growing out of the alleged
election frauds In ' Adams county.
Voters from the infirmary who had
been paid six dollars to vote the re
publican ticket were kidnapped and
given ten dollars to vote the demo
cratic tluket, It was alleged. '
NowYork, N. Y., Deo. 17. "Al! '
talk of me supporting Taft in 1911 Is
most absurd," said Roosevelt today
In reply to the story that he and Taft
had reached an understanding re
garding the , presldentllk.1 possibility
two years hence.
The colonel continued, saying noth-'
ing like it nad been discussed and as
serting he had never talked to Taft
concerning It.
Students to Protest,
St. Petersburg, Deo. 17. A deputa
tion of students from Odessa arrived
yesterday to protest against the de
cision of the government to expel
students of the University of Odessa
because of the recent disorders there.
The students say that the official ver
sion of the affair was untruthful
They say that the students did not
fire a shot, but merely broke win
dows. They declare also that a judi
cial inquest Into the affair and a
search of the precincts of the univer
sity did not disclose any firearms and
that the reports of the examining doc
tors did ' not certify to the wounding
of any policemen, ,
Butte Team Defeated.
Butte, Mont., Doc. 27. The debut
of the Maroons, Butte's representative
basketball five, was made last night
when they were defeated In a fast
name, 30 to 25, by Company F team of
Portage, Wis. The locals were out
classed In the lightning team work ,
of the visitors, but put up a surpris
ingly good game for their first ap
pearance this season, and for most of
tho flrnt half kept pace with tho Tla
ltor In scoring baskets.