The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, December 28, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 3

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    City and County
Brief News Items
Tom Barnes d up at the Pati'Je-:
son mid for a few weeks.
Albert Fisher Is putting up a house
on his ranch on, Swamp Creek.
J. H. Dalle of Flora brought in a
filue load of applies from the North
Country last week.
Fiwmltuir repaired and all other
cabinet and carpenter Job work.
Holding, at Rodgwrs Bros. 61btf
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hough and chil
dren spent Christmas' with her pa
irenits, Mr. and Mrs. Sargeamt at; Zum
walrt. Miss Annie Fisher (returned to her
homestead la the, Swamp Creek
neighborhood, Saturday, after a
month 'dm En terprise and over on Al
der Slope.
Miss Nina Hetrlck went to) Wallowa
Saturday where she wii spend the
lemaflnder of the winter with; hei
aunt, Mrs. Maggdle Hetrlck, and at
tend school .
Miss Iva Loftua came home from
La Grande, Saturday, where she Is
attending school, for a holiday visit
with her paremta, Mr. and M. P1
Loftua of Elk Mountain.
C. O. Keener and famMy went to
Wallowa, Saturday morning, for a
visit with Mr. Keeler's parewts, Mr.
and Mrs. A. A. Keeler. Mr. Keeler
will return Monday, but Mtb. Keefieer
and the- three little boys will! remain
for a two weeks' visit.
The' members of thej Baptist church
will meat at the church Thursday
night for tine purpose of organizing
a Sunday school, electing officers
thereof, etc. The first meeting of
the Sunday school will be at the new
church at 10 o'clock next Sunday
morning. '
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Martin
were Christines visitors at Lostlne.
By ram Mayfle'di went to Elgin
Wednesday for a short visit with his
B, B. BosweU, .the well known
pioneer, was in from La Grande to
3pend Christmas.
J. S. KeirviUie of Paradise was) a
county seat vi&itor the latter pant of
last week.
A. F. Linn of Summervlilei Id spend
ing the holidays ,with hlsi many En
terprise friends.
Deputy Sheriff Charles E. Crow
spent Christmas with hla mother at
Ivan Ratcliff visited hiis aunt,
Miss Maymie Johnston of Lostlne,
Monday and Tuesday.
Deputy Circuit Clerk C. G. Bilyeu
went to Albany last week to spend
Christmas ,w 1th. his parents.
W. L. Tucker of Island City is
hiar for a holiday visit with lids
brother. M. H. It is five years
since Mr. Tucker was In Enterprise,
'.laving spent he greater part of
hat time to Ca'lfornla.
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Roe of Alder
Slope entertained the following Chrlst
.nas party Sunday and Monday: Mis
ses Mabel Murray, Edith Odle and
J. May Jefferson, Mr and Mrs. Glen
.3. Odle, Mr. F. I. Vergere. in ad
lition to those Miss Alba Davis and
lev. Samuel Harris were guests Mon
day. A Christmas program was rendered
-JL the Pratt school house wider
he auspices of Miss Ly'renmanm, the
eacher of that disitrict, and the
;oung JadileB of that neighborhood.
The program consisted of songs,
n'uslc and recitations and showed the
esuilt of pains taken, practice and
erseverance on the part of the per
ormers, many , of whom evidenced
;reat talent.
To the Citizens of Wallowa County
It is our purpose to handle any business
entrusted to us in such a fair and liberal
manner as to maKe the customer's rela
tion with this banK satisfactory and
profitable. U Aside from our excellent
facilities, this bank has the advantage of
a large capital and substantial list of
. stockholders. It is also a State Deposi
tory. If you. are not a customer we
invite you to become one.
Stodpwm and Farmers National Bank
Wallowa, Oregon
Miss Grace Pratt returned Satur
day from Portlond.
George Holmes and famlly of Cove
spent Christmas- ,wi'th. relatives here.
First class shine at Calvin's ibar
bor shqp. 6&btf.
Mrs. Charles Steem's mother came
in from La Grande Sawday for
holiday visit. " . .;
Mrs. S. L. McKen-zle of Lostlne
attended ,the Masonic Joint insinu
ation Tuesday night.
Miss Amy Olmsted, who Is aU
tending Albany college, ds home for
the holiday vacation.
Dr. C. A. Ault reports the birth
of a son. to the wife of James. M.
Fields on, Alder Slope, Tuesday, De
cember 27.
J T. Clemens and daughter B.I&
iie of Woilowa, and his mother, Mrs.
Mollis Clemens of Promise, were
guests of County Assessor Miller
and family, returning home Wednes
day. Miss Olalre Mavor was taken to
La Grande, Sunday, by her mother,
where she was operated on for ap-
wnlWii.tla, at Vha hOSDl'tal. Jjal
word Is she Is getilng along well
Irnce the operation.
nro-o w Hvott ireturned home
Saturday from a two monms v
,t hi old home Ira Ohio. He brought
back wlthN him his mother, Mrs
Sarah Hyatt ' of West Unity, 0.,
vad sister, Mrs. Fannie Wlckham of
Adrian, Mich, who will make Mr.
and MrB. Hyatt an. extended' visit.
Enterprise Lodge No. 94, K. of
cxneet to make their last meet
ing night in 1910, Friday nigo oi
this week, one long to 'be rememher-
d. No ordinary excuse for absence
wiiU be accepted from any member
orpe great stunts are on. the pro-
cram, iron) iDoxing io w
ihA whole to conclude with a gwu
supper. Ben Weathers, A. C. Miller
and H. K. Shirk compose .the com
mittee orn arrangements.
The eniterta'.oiiment and box supper
slven by the puplla or tne iuee
hrwni nnriiftr th direction' of their
teacher. Mrs. C. O'Neill, Saturday
evening, was well attended! and In
every way a decided success.. The, pu
nils showed marked ahultyi in, "
recitations, dialogues and songs giv
en and all were well received. The
sate of boxes .by auctioneer A. B. Sas-
sar brought, $9.70 which wiU 'be; -usea
towards purchasing blackboards for
ih, school. Old Santa dellgntea
th -children and many pretty pres
ente besides the usual treat were.dis.
trtbuted from the tree. The platform
was decorated liu evergreen, and mot
toes' of red letters! framed in
evergreen across the room bore the
inotfriptions "Merry Christmas" and
Welcome." School was adjourned
until Monday after New Years day.
Long Distance Service
over the telephone makes neighbors of your
friends 'miles away. Bad roads are now in
' order. Use the service of the
Home Independent Telephone Co.
' Long Distance service to all points in Union
and Wallowa Counties.
The news of the death of Eddie
Locke, Saturday, spread gloom among
his friends and acquaintance. His
long Ulness and patience under great
suffering made his gallant fight fr
life generally known, and all our peo
ple deeply sympathise with the be
reaved parents, brothers and sister.
Squire Edgar Locke, son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. G. Locke, was born In
Mahaska county, Iowa, in 1879, and
died in Enterprise at the home of his
parents, Saturday, December 24, at
9:30 a. m.
Edgar had 'been a sufferer for
years, being afflicted with rheuma
tism for which he tried various
health resorts In this state and Cali
fornia wltthoufi much avail. His final
sickness was due to Bright disease,
and he had been confined to his
urae eight weeks and to his bed
the last three days..
Funeral was held from the Metho-
Hst church Christmas day, services
conducted by the pastor, Rev. B. F.
Meredith. The choir sang selected
lnthems. There were many beau-
Iful flowers lain upon the casket,
ind .the body wasi laid to festj tnl the
Enterprise cemetery.
B. W. Brady of Wallowa, brother
of 0. H. Brady of this city, set
tu"w mark at the La Grande shoot
last week that Is consldlered one of
he best made In. Eastern Oregon
his year. He made a straight run
jf 67 targets and missed but one
Jut of 84.
There are a number of books be
longing to the public library still out.
It is earnestly requested by the
management that they be reurnea
as soon as possible. The Hlbrary Is
opea every Tuesday and Saturday
NANNE HEATON, Librarian.
There is only one
day left in which to
take advantage of
25 percent Discount
Sales for Cash
before the New
Year. That day is
next Saturday,
December 31, '10
Legislature Asked to Give City Power
to Operate Slaughter House.
Milwaukee. "We can run a slaugh
ter house and make It pay without
destroying business as the scoffers
cry. The biggest single item In homes
Is the meat bill and the packers are
all millionaires." This is the way
Emll Seldel, Socialist mayor of Mil
waukee, defends the action of his city
council in urging tlV legislature to
give the municipality power to start
municipal slaughter house, cold
storage plant and other business enterprises.
j Thompson, a printer employed
by C. A. Weaver, left for iparta un
known' last Thursday, wltnout, m
accounting ,wlth bta employer or
landlord, perry Blanchard, of Hotel
Enterprise. He lsi indebted to Mr.
Weaver nearly $50 and owes about
the same amqutit for board. His
decarture became known too late
to Intercept htm at La Grande.
Printer's Error Costly.
Denver. A printer's error Is cost
ing one of the railroads running into
this city a tidy sum of money, in that
It must carry a certain class of busi
ness from Denver to a Texas point
at 14 cents a hundred pounds, Instead
of at $1.14. The printer dropped out
the $1 in printing the road's tariffs.
Under a clause of the railway rate
law, no change can be made In the
printed tariff for 30 days.
R. S. and Z. CO.
(Continued from first page.)
IF f : -
has just been awarded the
over all competitors at the
International Exposition
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.. Inc., 1111 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash.
' For sale and on display by JACKSON & WEAVER, Agents, Enterprise
Mexico City. General Navarro has
surrendered to the rebels, according
to a report that reached here from
authorities which have heretofore
proved reliable In the matter of war
The government denies the report
and says that he Is awaiting rein
forcements. Officials say Pedernales
Is not menaced seriously by the reb
It is known from other sources that
Navarro has been having a hard
time. His men are not used to the
severe winter climate of Chihuahua,
They are not properly clothed and are
short of food and ammunition. It Is
considered here that If Navarro has
not surrendered, he Is liable to do bo
at any time.
The government now acknowledges
that the situation is very serious. All
available troops are being sent north
as fast as possible to assist Navarro,
petitions for pardon with the execu
tive department of the government,
and that he did not wish to send
Jones to jail it he is to be pardoned.
So far as it relates to John N. Wil
liamson, ex-Representative, the case
In which ha was jointly indicted with
Mitchell, Hermann and others was
not dismissed. Heney said In an in
terview that Mr. Williamson had
asked to be vindicated and that he
thought he would give him the op-
Los Angeles Aviation Meet
Los Ange'es. Prominent aviators of
three nations have their aerial craft
fit and trim for the daily contests,
which will be waged up to and in
eluding January 3, with the exception
of January 2.
A Great
Clubbing Offer
Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal
one year $150
Enterprise) News-Record, 2 CO
Total $3 6C
Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal,
one year $1 6
Wallowa County Chieftain 1 60
Total $3 00
portunlty in count.
No action was taken in the Frank-1 pubAtohes the latest and
II n Pierce Mays case, this being
turned over to United States District
Attorney McCourt by Heney. This
case will probably be acted upon af
ter the petition for a pardon has been
decided upon.
8orenson Case Pending.
Two charges are still pending
against George Sorenaon. These have
not been dismissed. What Is
known as the Blue Mountain case
was dismissed as to all the defend
ants, Including Hermann, S. A. D.
Puter, Horace G. McKlnley, Brown,
Young and Tarpley. The "Moore"
case was dismissed, the "Butte
Creek" case and the charges against
C. Sam Smith, Van Qessner, Barr and
Witt and Ormsby and Loomls were
wiped out. Five Indictments against
Puter and McKlnley were also dis
In hla statement of reasons for dis
nrtsslng the batch of Indictments,
Heney severely criticises the timber
and stone act of 1878 and the lieu
land act of 1897.
moat com
plete "telegraphic news of the world;
gives Tellable market ireipovts, as It
market news can be and Is corrected
to date for each letiuo. It a' so has a
pagie of special matter for the farm
and home, an Interesting story pae
and a page or more of comic each
week, and It goea to the subscriber
twice every week 104 times a year.
Eitiior of the above two makes a
splendid combination, and you save $1
by seeding your subftortptlan to this
office, .J
W can also gtv our subscribers' A
good clubbing offer for .thiei D&Uy end
Sunday, or Sunday Journal, la con
nection with either the News-Record
or Chief t la.
Tak your f to Davl Ward
and get cash, ttoxs
Baldwin's Money Powerful.
Loa Angeles. Lucky Baldwin's gold
could do anything against a defense
less woman, was one of the parting
shafts launched at the opposing at
torneys by Mrs. Lillian Turnbull be
fore she ended her testimony In the
contest of her daughter, Beatrice, for
nearly a quarter of the millions the
old turfman left when he- died two
years ago.
Mm CwlirtWy C, Hfn., Pwllwi Ont
Micro kills the Dandruff para
site, soothes the itching scalp,
(Ives lustrs to the hair and
stimulates Its growth. A
single application gives relief
and proves Its worth. Do not
bo bald. Savo your hair bo
foro too late. Micro is a
delightful dressing for the
hair, f roe from gresse and
sticky oils. Booklet free.