The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, December 21, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 4

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    ST'f III tfSHPlMlrB ltf ffSF' U If t JMf
I II. S H II W W W-2Jgm
m'fifjw hi mm maw w.lm mm m mm mm ... .AaWfrTr-f im j aTrrii. ' .Ma.-...
t .-as
In gray, black and
brown worsteds
values up to
Your choice
What to give
It's easy to decide at
the E. M. & M. store.
Holiday Gift Goods
have arrived and the
'display is now at its
best, affording ample
Gift Certificate
This certificate is good for any JOc article
in the store when' presented with a $5 cash
purchase. M. AX M. CO.
Visit the
Toy Dept.
and see the
Mechanical Toys,
and other articles
that delight the
little ones.
All Around Briefs
Of General Interest
Uu weaest ('.anger from iiu'luenza
f its reciting la pneumonia.
can Uo ojvutted by ums Cham
' j Co u;ll Remedy, as it not
,. i: :ij iiifluna, but
L'j:ivl. .: ..j of ili j ui'iej n! lOwaavis
, i.u.i by liurjKUigU &.
yfioi-d, j..iJ j,4 good druggists.
tArenon ia.os 'the best npplo.
ia Uue boast for not only 'iiWi aiwe won. tlie swocpsiiaiktw
pi'iio cut tho Spokane National Apple
su ,,v i.uo succesulve but also
?.-,i.,uiiioa the liist, prize of $1,000 at
the Chicago show this year.
iany persons find themselves nf
fecto with a iwrebttent cough after
;.i a,ick Influenza. As tlila
can bo promptly cured by iho ti--o
ot diiulKrliv: a Cough IienKHly, it
eliould not be niUowed lo run on until
1'. becomea iiub!euonie. So:d by Dur
ncush & Mayfldd, and all gooU drug
12Uu'idA, vn Oivgoii towai SoVvn
ycaim of awe, tuis. bocome oine of itlw
nwwt prosperotu coiiiiiiuaulibliee of lis
!oiuid 1 attrtu-lljig unuh cMention
aa a fruit wo:loni. It rankin high
in appo ind wa!nut pivduvW.!i.
SAiiaw'V.niici kit itlio BataisuUi
trUjit juo'.d nit the roite of $200 mx
Take, Care!
Roinoniber thai wli'ttn your kWneys
are ali'ocleJ your lite is I danger. II.
Mayor, lio. luster, N. Y., says: ",My
trouble atartod wiJi a slianp Biliootltig
puiu ovci' my bade which grew vorso
diiily. 1 relt sluggish and tlaod, my
kidney ae'ion was invgular and ln
i'lenueul. l started using Foley Kid
U'C.v I'il'U. Kch dose) eee-med lo put
iit'w 1'ie and Biieng.h Into nie, and
uow I ;i in coinplotely cured and foel
hoi ;.er''juid stronger than for years."
Uiuiiaiifiii & Mayftold.
Tho Wisest whut oargo ew
st-mt, away from 'the Colunnbia river
iv;ij tluut taUou it'll past, wook by
Uie XorweyLam, 'tiriup stoamsJiilp, 'Uue
Cjorjistjo'.mie lljcOTL'seoi, wli'Ml, sailed
wMih ;!0o,S0C biiihei!8 for Euroie,
Tii is in tiio second'Osit cargo
of wheii't ever Joadedi on ith ranjUplc
If you aie usfferljig from bUtous-con-itipaiUin,
iindlgeaillon, chron
i h'WMlai ho, kivoA ouo cent In. ft pot
ii card, Dond io Ctiambeflaln Mvdl
ilno Co,, l3 .io!ms. Iw. wtih your
ame and -adilnaa plainly on tho back
Uioy wl:l fo-ward you n five
i in pl of Ohanibovl&Ure Stonitii luuid
1 .!v vr bilge's. Vd by nurnaivj;h &
floM. a t a'! good druggists.
S'-a'te InuiKs have bwn proRjvrous
tlie imM yeiir, m elo by ilio an
ti ml report of S:to Itamk Kxamlikv
V'rigtit who found Individual doinw--
fci Ooejion lcike on Novemler 10
tofcatlod $104,270,300, a ot gwin eiie
No-enbor 16, 1909, of $14,221,500.
Total reaourccw of Oregon, baiika i;i
crwxl dwSngr tho year almost
V do good job printing. Try ua.
Marvelous Discoveries
r rk t lie wouoVrlul progi-ec cf the
T.o. .Air fiifhts on heavy waeliin ,
toiosnuna wl.hout) wli-oo, tarriblo war
iaiwnMoiM to kill iuon, and Uujt 70n
liir of wuiuleiM Dr, Mlng'o New Ito
ervcry to sa-.-o ilfe vhon .throntenod
ly cor.jrha, old3, la grlpp3, astlinia,
croup, bronchitis, houiornhages, hay
fovor and whooping cougih. or liuig;
ijoub'.o. I'or n'4 bronchial nffooUons
it h.-.a no ei;ual. It, rtlitvoa JuataiMily.
Tu tho aaititit cure. Jr.mea M. Wa'ck
of Aslwvillo, N. C, R. R. No. 4. writes
!t cuto.1 him of an obatluaito coiigh
:iflor ai! oilier roniollc fallioil. BOc
and $1.00. A tajlal bottlo fio. Guar
an toU by n;i LM-ugglsita,
Tile proiectod cruisor Boatonliaa
Ihhmi UhuhxI ovr 'to dio Orogoni N,v
al Rtwn o for iso ' iln nituiieuvens
'id in porftxiting tho troJiii'Sng of
he vohuiteor siUr w'lio make up
o'ho oiRii.'zatlom. The cruiser wlU
fitxn bo put In pood condition, so-ral
i'alrs belaiis mecoatiary x fit Ivr
for Hie purposo, ajid silie will
U iuni;vl over to tlio Orgi Naml
UM io b ued ne an armory
for itho mon and a tra3nJbi ship to
te.vh naval ScrUeo to those wlio
have) enlisted. '
Revl lu lXivenibor Siuisei Maga
POSITION CITY." Supeafclj fllua-trate-J
in four colors. Now oft aale
All News Stand 11 cent 636
Washington. The house passed the
rivers and harbors appropriation bill,
carrying approximately $31,000,000.
Following are the principal appro
priations foe the Pacific coast:
Coos Day, Ore., $40,000; Columbia
River, Celllo falls to Snake River,
$25,000; Dalles River to Celilo falls,
$G00,OO0; lower Willamette River,
$150,000; mouth of Columbia River,
$950,000; Willamette above Portland,
$20,000; Grays Harbor, $300,000; Pu
get Sound, $20,000; Snohomish River,
In addition to the amount carried
in this bill, the sundry civil bill will
include $7,368,077 for river and har
bor Improvements in 1912, bringing
the total up to $29,262,938. i.
Congressional News Bits.
Senator Taylor, of Tennessee, In
troduced a bill to extend the provl
slons of the national pure food law
to tobacco in whatever form it may
be offered for sale.
Senator Borah Introduced bills ap
propriating $200,000 for a publie
building at Twin Falls and $150,000
for a site and building at Nampa.
The Ballinger-Plnchot reports will
not be acted upon by the house com
mittee on agriculture, to which they
have been referred, until after the
Christmas holidays,' at least, and per
haps not at all, according to present
indications. '
The Republican Congressional con
mlttee received $77,461 and disbursed
$74,373. while the Democratic Con
gressional committee received $27,790
and disbursed $27,771 during the re
cent campaign, according to reports
filed with the clerk of the house .'
Old Indian Buildings Sold.
Pendleton. The old agency build
ings which have stood for half a cen
tury or more, on the Umatilla Indian
reservation and which have been go
ing to pieces under the hand3 of van
dals, were old at auction by Major
E. L. Swartzlander, and are to be torn
down and moved away.
Among the buildings sold was the
first church ever erected on the reser
vation. This was used for many years
by the Catholics before the present
Baint Andrews mission was estab
llshed at Us location near the foot
of the mountains.
Foley Kidney Pills are tonle In
action, quick in results, and restore
the natural action of the kidneys and
bladder. They correct Irregularities.
Bumauea ft Mayfield,
A Woman's Great Idea
is how to m.-vbo hor&elf - abtiraotivo.
Hut without health, it Is bard for bor
to be lovely in face, form, or temper.
A ,w-oak aVkly woman will te nervous
and Irritable. Constipation and Kid
ney poisons ahow In pimples, blotches
Kln eruptions and a wretched com
plexion. But Electric Bitters always
prove a gotoctid to womea who want
health, beauty and f rlaads. They reg.
ulat Stomach, livor end' Kidneys,
P'.wify the blood; give strong nerves,
brtct yea, pure breath, emooth vel
vety akin, lovely complexion, good
health. Try tbem. 60c. at all Druggists.
Lyceum Course
Ye Olde Town
Quaint and Musical
Fun and Melody
Wednesday Night
Seats now on sale at
Burnaugh & Ma3'field's
When you buy o farm, or a town lot,
what is the first thing you demand?
An Abstract of Title
Is that all? Not by a long
ways. You insist on a
Reliable Abstract
Careful work enables us to fill that demand
Bsatmaa H Bilyea, :
Kept The King At Home
"For the past year we, navel kept itihe !
King of all laxatives Dr. King's New !
Life Pills in our homo and they hav
proved a tiossing to all our family,"
writes " Paol Matihulka, of Buffalo,
N. Y. Baay, but sure remedy; fori all
atcmach. Liver and Kllney troubles.
Only 25c. at all Druggists.
Notice Is hereby given that the
annual meetiuig of the stockholders
of tiie Wallowa County M'inlng &
Development Company will be held
at the office of the company la the
city of Enterprise,. Oregon, on Mon
day, January 16th., 1911, at 10
o'clock a. m. for the purpose of leoU
lLg a board of directors for the
ensuing year and the transaction of
such other busOneas as may legally
come before aall mooting.
H. N. WILLIAMS, President.
18c3 J. A. BURLEIGH, Secretary.
The Place for a Square
- Meal is the
1 Vnstr Btw mngtat
: When in town come in and
give us a trial. Rooms
in connection, 25 cents m
. night.
Rates by week or month
Rev. W. II. Gibson went to Elgin
A sprained' ankle will uuaolly dis
able the Injured person (or three
or four wo?ka. This Is due to lack
of proper Ueatment. When Chamber
lain's Liniment Is applied a cure may
be affected In three or four days.
This Liniment la one of the beat
1 and most remarkable preparations In
I use. SoM by Burnaugh ft Mayfield,
and all good druggists.
Opp. Court House, Eattrprls
The Red Front
Blacksmith Shop
? by the reliable
" blacksmiths
W. P. Hambleton ft Son
Machine Repairing
Same old stand
Enterprise Oregon