Oregon Hhtorfc Socle'. TwiceaWeek Saturday Edition CORD ALL THE OFFICIAL NEWS OF WALLOWA COUNTY IN THE N-R ALL THE NEWS WHILE 11 I NEWS TWICE-A-WEEK NEWS RECORD ENTERPRISE, WALLOWA COUNTY .OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10k 1910? TWELFTH YEAR. -NO. 64. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER THE NEWSRE NEARLY 3 MILLIONS GAIN IN ASSESSMENT VALUE ROLL TOTALS CLOSE TO TEN AND ONE-HALF. MILLION DOLLARS MARK FIGURES FROM SUMMARY Big Increase In TMIable, Land, Town And City Lots Rail roads are Yet To Be Added. FOR SALE. Pure white Langshon; cockerels. Mrs J. D. Struble, South Dapot silireot. The figures show a splendid gjrowrth la wealth both rapid and steady. The same .basis for assessment was used dm each of the ..yearns above noaii'onod, that la full vcflue. Following are the figures furnished by jut. Miller: 1910 Roll Summary. Values 1910 Acres tillable land, 87,537 ' ....$ 3,143,570 Acres non-tillable land, 471,519 2,961,880 Improvements on deeied land, d44,84a Town and citvlots. . . i- 517,400 FOR SALE. Sec. 36, 3 N 44640 A. S E sec. 22, W Ms. NW sec. 23,SW SV sac. 14, 3 S 46280 A. 64btf J. S. Cool:, Bums, Ore. For Rent For Rent Good house and Roe & Calvin', Enterprise. 4 COYOTE SHOWS FEAR OF TWO IN JIM ArJD ED DAY ATTACKED BY BRUTE IN OWN DOOR-YARD. J barn. 64i3 The total valkiation of the taxable property In Wallowa county, except railroads, telegraphs, etc., as shown by the eummairy of it2ue asasssmienit roll Just prepared by Oo unity Asaa sr B. F. Miller, da $10,459,415, a gata of $2,720,190, over slmffiar -property la 1909. Last year the county ecsessors assessed the (railroads, telegraphs, etc., within their reapeotdve cOttnitlles, Mr. Miller asatasfilng suchi property in this county ait $937,545. This, year the state tax board cut, Salem ass slo all' the railroads, telegraph, tele phone, express, Sleeping car, etc., property in the state. The board was to session this week and asses sed those- companies at full value the startle law .requires. If tne acci?ssment crtfcks; this coumitys shame will be close .bo a million, and a half dollars, or enough . to bring the total valuation of all property in the county to 'the $12,000,000 mark, or a total gala over 1909 of over $ 1,000,000. ' The gain of 1909 oven 1908 was a million and a half, and of 1908 over 1907 nearly a million, making a toflaJ gain, to three years of about, six and one half millions. Improvements oa la!fl,..' 372,095 Improvements aa lands not deeded), 59,595 Manufacturing machinery, engines, etc., 87,330 . norchantitaei and stock In trade, 303,170 Farm machto.&ryJ e'.c., 113,415 Money, 46,350 Notes and accounts1, 656,205 Number shares of, atock, 1930, , 185,350 Household furniture, watches etc 133,315 Number horses amid mutes',. .10,027, 573,310 Number cattle, 20,127, 425,030 Number sheep. 165,600,. 606,745 Number swine, 5212, . Number dogs, 134, Totals $10,459,415 . Numbar miles railroad) bed, 46 3-8 888,380 MK.es telegraph and tejephone,221 10.4 Railroad rolling stock, 39,12u Total value taxable; property, ..$3,676,770 23,585 1,120 Values 1909 $1,964,040 2,114,020 344,555 269,880 323,935 46,990 56,600 207,780 82,000 51,555 562,590 100,410 216,295 422,190 422,620 629,620 22,260 ' 1,885 $7,739,225 That the coyotes are Infected with something that has changed the na ture of the beasts is attested by the experience of Jim and Ed Day,on.he Day ranch 15 miles north of (ttilf city the night of December 6. A coyote chased the Day's dogs to die house and tried ta follow them under the house. Jim Day came out with a lantern to siee what, the trou ble was. and Ed' followed with a, 22 illfle. The beast turnedi on Jim; who kept It off with the lantern.. Jim, the coyote and the, dogs foughit) all over 'tine yard, being so mlxedl up that Bd could not, get a shot. Finally Jfan spied a pitchfork and1 dropping the lantern, he grabbed the fork and pinned the brute to the ground on Its. next lunge. Ed .then shot At, Gonitilemen: I beg to submit the following 'report from June, 1st. 1910 to Dec. 1, 1910- General Fund. Receipts $4269 33 Disbursements aB per warrants $3751 84 Interest 92 32 Balance on hand 425 67 (4269 33 Water Fund. Receipts - Disbursements as per warrants $1321 28 Interest 7 02 Balance on hand...... 683 13 $1911 43 1 MAYOR VETOES TAX LEVY OH MILLS 8AY8 FIVE) MILLS WILL PROVIDE ' AMPLE FUNDS FOR ENSU ING YEAR. $1911 43 Road Fund. Disbursements as per warrants $ 380 62 Interest Receipts --- Deficit 4 29 $ 384 81 $ 384 81 Warrants Presented and Not Paid. General Fund $ 899 75 Water Fund 79 63 Road Fund 46 25 Respectfully, Submitted, W. F. 8 AVAGB, Olty Treasurer. The principal increases over last year were, itn. .round numbers, aa fol lows.; , Tillable land, Increased acreage 13,770, value $1,179,500. lion-tillable (mainly timber), acre 'ago increase 22,578, value $847,800. Town and city lots, $247,520. " Mdse. end stock in. trade, $95,390. Shares of stock,- $85,000. Horses, number increase 1209, val ue, $151,120. Sheep, number increase 16,942, val ue, $77,125. There has been a decrease) in num ber of cattle of 4,349, and In1 number of swine, 1878, but owing to higher prices there is a slight Increase In valuation of both. The .total" valuation of Union coun ty, wi th twice, the populationi of Wal lowa, Is $13,709,145, or only three and a quarter milliona more than thd& county. ' Noticei To Settle. All accounts due the Enterprise Ment company net paid before Decem ber 15, will be placed to) ithej hands of a collector, 64a3 TESTS SHOW COYOTES HAVE GERMS OF Joseph City Wins Waterworks Suit Supreme, Court Decide Against Private Company Longfellow W-ins Sheep Case. Subscribe for the' News-Record. hesb ssnanuaBHnanDbEsaaHiaflnnaBoanBOHQQ n Saturday Special, December 10 th- 5 pounds regular a 30 cent Coffee for $1.00 cash s WE GAVE AWAY $10 IN GOLD LAST SATURDAY NIGHT 13 E3 P H. C: Laird received $5.00 in gold, premium on an article he paid 45c for. E3 I Ellis received $5.00 in gold, premium on an article that cost him $2.00. 23 E3 a a n ES c 13 a E3 E3 a cf n a a a a p n o The Red Tag Sale is still on. Our store is full of good bargains with tags on them and we are adding more goods all the time. Now is the time for you to lay in a stock of shoes for this year and next. They will Keep, you know, and you will never have such a chance to get the bargains we now offer. Come in and look things over. Buy some thing with a tag on." Maybe you're lucky and will get one of those $5 gold pieces. g $10 In gold given away Saturday night Dec. 10 El n W. J. FUNK & CO. THF. QUALITY STORE Always Up-to-Date NEVER A MINUTE BEHIND ES y D S3 P n Q E3 12 Ell Q n ES ES D a v a a a 13 ES El E3 Decisions in two cases appealed from ithla) coumty were; hoinidodl dow'n by the Supreme count December 6, and AjtUxmey D. W. Shoahian, who wfti both, is pardouiably eloiteA, ' In am opinion wrJibten by Justice Er-kin; ithie judigmenit of ithie circuit court elvtag the Joseph waterworks compajw thie ulchit to ieiobemd dub nwilins, was reversed and a perpetual Injuaiiotion entered) ton ithe ce&q re straining the diefonxiiaint company from diliaaimie no Joaeuh'a ettleeta or extending its nrainis without Pef missiiioffi from the coumciH. In effect ithie diealaion tmoltea Ithe company hoe no franichlBe amd la oc cupying ithie etreats at tihta Sufferance of the councM. The Jong-draw out, ullt oil Long fellow va. Hoffmaa is agiailol docWIed bv Uie Suorem court In tovor of Mr Longfellow. This was a ullt on n. Khonn conitnaot ithiait haa boon in th circuit court Bimce, 1905. D. V. Sheahain waa the wHnnnoig atitonniey in both rtuaes, wWle T. H Crawford represented one otner ue in ibotbl suits. SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX. At he , epeolal school meeting hnll th. aeLemnoan. a'J'A mill tax was voted. 162 00 222 81 RABIES. Portland, Deo. 8 Germs of wablee have bean, found) by Professor Peraot, state baoterfologtot, to heada of aheep and a pig bittern toy) a coyote In Wal lowa county. The same coyote bit John Bosliey, a boy, who la ibetag given Pasteur itreatmemt by Dr. White and Professor Permot, An ord er that any tendency) to hydrophobia may' be checked. Pirofiessor Pemot'e diiacoveries1 give foundoitlon to itihe numerous oneports that iralxtee or hydirophobla, is epidem ic among coyote Ha: Baatenm Oregon, Wiith. Negnl ibodies, genua oC hyioro- phobla, Professor Pennot yeateroay Injected rabbitfl. One of. the rab bits was dead thila momlng.The otlu er will be expected to develop rab- Ias tin iihont two weeks, and tt lit does, wilt ibe taken as conclusive oroof bv Profesisor Pennot ithait "mad coyotes" of EJaatena Oregoa ore real lv ftfirikited wit.h rablea. The heads of bitten am itn ols were brought, to Portland by the state veterinarian Dr. W. H. Lyitla. Professor Pernot 1b anxious that the resu'lla of teats wWidh. tie made upon the heads of .bitten animals shall not be cause of general alarm uiutill the results of the injections In the rabbits ate obtained. The paremU of the Bosley boy have come to Porrtjlaaid,, to Ibe jWlth him uretU it da proven w'hether or not he will develop cables from the coyote's bite. Hla face la badly scarred whore the coyote bit hiton. Get Your Wsihlng Doni Fra. Tlie Wonde Washen man, 8ieg rnuiid, is in town and will no 7OUT washing free to demonstrate the machine. Leave word at Riley & Rl- lv'g 604 Recorder and City Treasurer Reports Former Makes Quarterly and Latter 8emi-Annual Accounting To Council. Following are the ireports by Wty Uecorder Charles Thomas and Olty Treasurer W. P. Savage, made o the cflty council! at to meetkngi Decem ber 5:. Recorder's Report Bntenprlce, Oregon, Dec. 1,1910. The underoignsd begs leave to make the following report for th quarter ending December 1, 1910. Col looted from water rent,. .$738 99 Average colleotilons for water rente per monh 240 33 Collecitions for pipe sold to Joseth Wmr Co. 73 60 Collections for fine, license, etc.. for general fund 226 00 ' Report for November, 1910, Col lections, for water roota,... .1198 49 For fLnea and license 20 00 Respectfully! mit-wMted, CH Alt LBS TIIOMAS, CWy Reconler, Treasurer's Report Enterprise, Oregon, Dec. 6, 1910. To the Honorable Mcyor and Ciy J, H. Gross of Swamp Creek, P hau. hia neiv fijroom bunealow real dance under roof. Another provement .receniUy noadte by Gross da a winidl mill. lm' Mir- To Build Church Soon At Paradise The mayor and the councili aire in a deadlock over the amount of the 'tax levy. Ait the meeting Thursday night, ' straw ballot was. first ihaken by the four council mem present, to ' give the Idea of each as to the size of the levy. Thla iresulted to 6, 6V4, 7 and 8 mills. , After some discussion;, fail which Mayor Burleigh contended that 5 mlUB would' raise sufficient money, owing to the large Increase fa, amoun t of taxable property, the counictilmen finally com prom toed on 7 ni'iiUs and the ordinianice was so passed, Coun- cilmen Funk, Hocketit and Kieltmer voting yes, Ashley no. This ordinance ,waa vetoed Friday by tme, mayor, the following ledter ac companding thiej veto: December 9, 1910. To the Common Council of the city of Bnterprtse, Oregon: Gentleman : I herewith return to you jWiith my veto Ordinance; passed December SKhv 1910, making aa an nual levy of seveni mills upon each dollar of 'taxable property within the corporate Idxnila of the city of En terprise for the year 1911. I veto this ordinance for the fol lowing (reasons, to-wit; The assessed valuation of the prop erty within the corporate limits as shown, by the certificate of the County Clerk lis $808,145. The rate of seven mills as levied will produce a 'revenue of $5657j01, which. 1$1600 more than. 1b necessary, to meat the proper expenses of the Olty for the dmsutag fifteen, months. A levy of" five mills wlia produce $4040.72, which with the road fund to be! re ceived' from Wallowa county win be amply suffifciaiit o defray the ex penses of the city and pay all war rants In cash, for the next fifteen months. I do not conolder miecessary to levy a Greater amount of wixies then wLU defray ithe proper expenses of the city when economncaay au- mlniatered. 1 aittach hereto an esti mate of the expenses of the city for the next fifteen mouiHhs which I consider fair, and fully covering the probable expenses. Unless you can show me wherein this estimate is erroneous 1 cannot give my consent to a higher levy) thani five imiHs. Respectfully submitted', J. A. BURLEIGH, Mayor. The mayor's, estimate gives the amount necessary to cover exponaos for the ensuing fifteen, monitha as $5294.25. income Urora various sources and cosh on hand $1809-50, leavkug to be rails' ed by taxation, $3484.76- The, coundilmen. conitonidl the mayor Is too low lm hite estimate; omd that he loaves out many items and makos no allowances, for contlhgeniolos. The matter will be threshed out, at am ad journed session, this, Saturday night. The only other business, tircmoaouxi Thursday night was the passage ot an ordinance prohibiting the1 placing of barb wire on fences adjoining street. w c. atralev Donates Land For - - s Site Horse Goes Over Cape Horn. Paradise, Dec. 6 Snowing today. A cood snow win Help travel, une roads being in. bad condiitlan. J. S. KeiwtUla and wife were doing business .with the iocai notary yes terday. There wtH ibe a church built here In the near future. W. C. teley hr- donated the site. Beli fihelton- and famOy were up from the Grand Ronde rtver Isot wc'k. A stranger passing through lost valuable borne, which went over Cape Horn, a hWh otace on the Grand Rondo river on. the road botw Anatane and Parariiae. Roy Rails and Ray Renfrow went to Wallowa for freigh, for the mor-chents. LODGE ELECTIONS. Wallowa Valley chapter, O. E. Matron, Mrs. Elva L. mcu; ran C. T. noc.; ""w ron, Mrs. J. O. ConW; Secy., Mrs. Mary Steel; Treas, W. T. Bw con ductress, Mrs. O. T. Hockow.; - ate conduotiress, Mrs. W. O. lioai rrmm. Ehiberprlse lodge. L O. O. F.: Noble Grand, W, B. Taggart; vice grand, 8. K Clark; aording Secy., Max 0uo merman: flnamcial Secy., V. I. Cronin; Treao, O. E. Crow. Enterprise lodoo, K. of P.: 6. F. Pace, C. C; W. B. Taggart. V. C.: O. T. Hockett, prelate; George Law, M. of W.; O. W. Franklin, K. of R. and S.; 0. M. Gaily, M. of F.; Frod ZumwaK, M. at A.; Owen Stubble field, I. Q.; A. M. Pcco, O. G.: B. Mayfield and Ben Wectnors, trustees. Take your eggs to Davis & Ward and get cash, 43btt nnnnnnntnnJQQCE en n Council of the City of Enterprise.