The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, December 07, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 4

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Careful buyers will find this a
portunity to complete
fits because of the liberal price i
Sale of BlacKand Colored
Dress Goods at a discount
of 25 per cent. This as
sortment contains plain
and novelty weaves in
black and all new winter
.-..I...,. . ;'.'"
25 percent discount
This will appeal to those who
know how indispensable the
popular Sweater Coat has become.
ffiwiawwiiiii mi ii n i wi ii BimuBinu wnramm .jumM
Women's $5.50 to $6.00
Shoes at $4.00
Special lot of Children's
Shoes, your choice $1.00
It's getting mighty close on
to Santa Claus' toes and in
a few days we will have all
sorts of gift goods display
ed. Toys for the children,
and sensible, useful gifts
for Father, Mother, sister
and brother.
Unusual Reductions In Men's
Until all are sold
A lot of Men's
separate Coats
' 'If wm
lit I m
' '"5s5,
iiiamw.timiiiiwiMi Mlllll lllllll Hill III " J
Btate of Oregon, Department of Ed
! ucatlon, Salem, i ; ,
September 1, 1910.
Giving toe sources of examination
questions for State and County pa
pers, February 8-11 and August 9
12. 1911.. , ,..' ...
1. Arithmetic , One-fifth from
. State Course of Study, four-fifths
from Smith. ''
2. Civil Government Strong Sc.
3. Geography One-fifth from
Slate Course of Study," four-fifths
from Red way and Illnman.
4. Grammar One-fifth from
State Course of Study, tour-fifths
from Buehler.., .......
5. , History, U. S. One-fifth from
State Course ot Study, four If Uis
from Doub. ' . .
0. Orthography. ReJ'i Word
Lessons. v.'' ; .'.
7. Physiology Krohn,' Hutchin
son. 8. Heading State Course of
Study, White's Art of Teaching,
Oral Reading. , .
9. School Law School Laws
ot Oregon; for February, edition of
1909; for August, edition ot 1911.
10. Theory and Practice White's
Art ot Teaching.
11. Writing Outlook Writing
System, Tests In Writing.
II. Physical Geography Tarr's
New Physical Geography,
13. English Literature:
February, 1911
At One-half from texts: New
comer's English Literature,
and Newcomer's English Lit
B. One-half from the following
. Classics: - '; ;j
1. Emerson, Selected Essays
' (Cambridge Classics) Hough
ton, 63c.
2. De Quincy, Joan of Arc
and the English Mali Coach
. Ullv. lit. ser.) Bought o, 22c
3. Addison and Steele, Sir
Roger da. Coverly" papers
(Lake English Classics) Scott
F. & Co., 26c.
August, 1911
A. One-half from texts: New-
comer's English Literature,
', and Newcomers American Lit
- erature.' : f t i :'
B. One-half from the following
1. Burke,' ! Bpoech on Concilia,
tlon with, America (Standard
" English Classics Olnn. 25c
' - - I. Irving,- OUver Goldsmith
(RIt. Mt. ser.) Houghton, 41c
3. Macauley, Lays of Ancient
Rome (Itlv. lit. sef.) Hough
ton, 22c.
The figure given for each is the
price to schools contracted for be
tween ilho Oregon Library Commis
sion and the J. K. Gill Co. Post
age should be added to this price.
14! Algebra. Wells: Algebra for
Secondary Schools.
15. Bookkeeping. Office Methods
and Practical Bookkeeping, Part I.
16. Composition. Herrick & Da
17. Physics, milllkan & Gale: A
First Course In Physics.
18. Psychology. Buell.
19. Botany, Bergen: Elements
of Botany.
20. Geometry. Wentworth: Plane
and Solid Geometry, questions In
Plane Geometry.
21. History, General. Myers: Gen
era! History.
An examination is required upon
the first eleven subjects for a third
grade County certificate valid for
one year and a second grade County
certificate valid for two years; upon
the first thirtoou subjects for a first
grade County certificate valid for
three years; upon the first eighteen
subjects for a State certificate valid
for five years; and upon the twenty
one subjects fur a Stats diploma
valid for life. c4t
and most remarkajblie preparations in
Ute. Soldi .by Buirnauiehi & JWlfleUd,
Of General Interest ia id a l -
The apple crop of Oregon, for 1910
is estimated to ibe 1600, carloads or
approximately 1,000,000 boxes. The
value of the crop Is $2,000,000. Ore
gcui has 93 per cent of a fuM crop.
All Around Briefs
The total value of agricultural pro
ducts of Oregon; few the currant, seas
on Is given at, ? 115,000,000.
TUo gtrerutest danger from influenza
is of llfl resulting in pneumonia.
This can bo obviated) by using Cham'
bcrluln's Cougbi Remedy, as It
oalv oures. influenza, but counteracts , a-. card, eend to Chamberlain JiiedX.
- g I i
any tendency of the disease towards cine Co., Dee Moines, Iowa, wHhyour
rmeumonla. SoM ihv Bumauich, & nam ami sdilrasa lalnl7 on the had
Tile largest fruit and Vegetable
evaporator lt rtlie United State is
located at Dayton, Yamhill county,
Many persons find themselves of-
fectel with a persistent cough after
an attack of influenza. As this cough
can be promptly cured by the uue
of Chain berlain'e Cough Remedy,
hould not be allowed to run on until
it becomes troublesome. Sold by Bur-
aug'h & MayfleM, and all good drug
During the past five years statis
tics show that. Oregon baa lmread
60 percent lu manufacturing.
Marvelous Discoveries
r.ark ho ,wo:i.Wnful progress cf the
aco. Air ffjhts on heavy touching
totagnansa wUtoub wln&, torrlble war
Inventions to kill men, and that v.'on
dor ot wonder lr, King'a New Din
orvery ,to save life when threatened
ly coughs, 'ookla, la grlppa, asthma.
croip( bronchitis, hemorailiages, hay
fever and vhoopUig- cotujl or lung
orouble. For all bronchial affections
It bus no ecuaU It rJlo-es inatan'tily.
Its tho oiMx3t cure. Jr.nos M. Black
Ot AshevlJle, N. C R. R. No. 4, wriuvs
k ouixhI him of on obatlnoto cough
uctior aii oilier wmtv.lles fallod.' KOe.
and $1.00. A trkU bottle fro. Guar,
anttvd by alt Drisldts.
Tlie iH,a'li croo hcut )MVn tht, Wrc
ect in tlie hb!ory of Orogotk Grapes
ot itiu llogue Rh-w Valley, the WU
lameUo VaUey, The Datoo and
Baeni Oregon are excellent
qujillty and uippearouce, while
ykJd W large.
If you are ueffering from jblillious
neua' constipation, indigestion, cbron-
not jc. hieadache,inveot ono cent in d post
pneumonia. Sold by Burnaiiigih,
Mayfleld, and all good dirugglstJ
& name and addreao plainly on the back
i ; 1 .tOiiey will fp-ard you a faiee
sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver tablets. soJd! by Buruaugih &
Mayfleld, and aM good dTugglsts. x
The Willlme.:te Valley produced
100.000 .baJe of flret. grade hopatliis
soivson, ae coinipared 4wlt)h a ylteld of
S2.000 bales lost sioason.
. An industrial bureau has been es
tabl lalied 'by tlie Portland Commer
cial Club, wl'h R. W. Raymond at
lt3 head. The new adjunct to ; Ue
club work wfll aid to tine establish
ment ,of factories' in the state at
Uir&s and at Portland.
Take, Care!
Reniemiber that whn your kidneys
ibm affected your life is in danger. M-
Mayer, Rochester, N. Y., says; "My
trouble started' with a sliarp shooting
palu over myi back whichgrew vr6
dally. I felt ftluegiah and tired, my
kldnev aetloa was taregnlar and ln-
f requent. . I started wing Foley Kid
ney Pills. Each doaet seemed to Put
new life and strength, into me, and
now 1 am completely cured and
bebter and stronger than for years."
liurnaugh ft Mftvftold.
A Woman's Great Idea,
la how 'to mof-jo herself ntbraotivo.
But without health, it Is hard, for; hor
to be lovely, in face, farm, or temper..
A .weak sickly woman will be nervous
and irritable. Constipation and Kid
ney polaona show to, pimplea. blotches
aula eruptions and a wretched1 com
plexion.. But Eleotrlo Blttero always
j prove a godsend to women) who want
naaKh, beauty anti f menus, inwy -res-uiato
Stomach, liver widl Kidneys,
purify he blood; give strong nerves,
biVM o.Niee, pure breath, smooth vol.
voty sktat, lovely complexion, good
health. Try them. 60c. at all Drug-gists.
Oregon's cranberry harvest has
boon heavy. Four hundred buftho'.e
an are, with & clear profit ot $2
bushel, is not on. unusual yield fr
Western Oregon marshes.
A sprained ankle will uiKiafly dis
able the injured person for three
or four weeks. Thte is due to i'
of proper treatment. Wher Chamher
laln's Liniment is applie;! a cure ny
bo affected In throe or four days.
This Lfii'lment is one of the best
Oregon's public lands. comprise
18,225,694 aorea. Ecaiera Oregon
bfs 500,000 acres, of school lands. Be
cauoe of actraodve coonlst rates
In effect this faU, the Immigration
to Oivgon. was greater than, ever be
fore lu a like period.
Kept The King At Home
"For the past year wi have1 kept; the
King of all laxatives-Dr. Klag'a New
Life Pilk in our homo and they hav
proved a t leasing to alt our family,'
writes Paul Mftthulfca, of Buffalo,
N. Y. Etuy, out sure remedy; fort all
S-icroach, Liver and Klluey troubles.
Only 25c. at all D-ruagldis.
o o
An Abstract of Title
When you buy b farm, or a town lot,
what is the first thing you demand?
Is that all? Not by a long
ways. You insist on a
Reliable Abstract
Careful work enables us to fill that demand
Boatman Ik BUyea,
'' til . t: T.
ers w'lll visiiit Portland during Janoiaryj1
v.'hn itihe National asaocieitionj of wool
srowers will hold Its annual conven
tion In that city.
Oregon harvested 17,000,000 bushels',
af wheat .Unto sieason, 11,000,000 hush-'
jls of oaits, 6,000,000 husheda of pota
toes, 2.000,000 pounds of .wool, and
100,000 ibalea of hops.
Oregon, orchards yltaMied prunes
thta year 'estimated! at 15.000,000 lbs.
Quantity and Quality are superior to
tho 1909 crop. Prunes will 'bring the
state about $1,250,000 this season.
The British tramp steamship,
Knight of the Garter, ' recently
cleared from Portland with the Wg
geeat cargo of dumber ever floated ait
this or any . other port. She carries
5,300,000 feet of fir iuraber, ' weighing
approximately 8,745 not tons and val
ued at ?G0,OO0. it is stated that W
produce tilts one cargo of finished
lumbar It would require 160 acres of
the test eLandlng timber in the Pa
cific Northwest. The destination is
Xorth China, where a part of the
ccrgo, constsi ug of very largo square
thnbom w-I be resawd by hand.
The Place for a Square I
Meal is the
When in town come in and
give us a trial. Rooms
in connection, 25 cents a 1
night .
Kead In December Sunset Maga-
i nniTiAv CITY " Rmrf-rJj flliis-
II vkl A f " J
tinted in four colors. Now on, sal-
It ta exjiected that, 20,000 wool-grow ' AH News Stands 15 cento. 636
Bates by week or month
Opp. Cenrt Boose, Enterprise
The Red Front
Blacksmith Shop
by the reliable
W. P. Hambleton A Son
Machine Repairing '
1 Same old stand
Enterprise Oregon