t Wednesday Edition TwiceaWeek CORP ALL THE OFFICIAL NEWS OF WALLOWA COUNTY IN THE N-R ALL THE NEWS WHILE ; n. IS NEWS TWICE-A-WEEK NEWS RECORD TWELFTH YEAR. NO. 57. ENTERPRISE, WALLOWA COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBETt 16, 1910 CITY OFFICIAL PAPER NEWS-RE Wants Cent a word single Insertion, 1 cents a word 2 insertions. Special rates by month and year. MISCELLANEOUS. Private . leazons In. elocution and oratory. , Proper attention given to breathing, gesture, tone formation and voice movement. Terms 60c per tour les3oa or $10 cash for term of 20 lessons. Mrs. Gifford Ernest .par sonage Christian church. 49bm MONEY TO LOAN Slate Funds loaned, 6 per cent. John P. Rusk. Atty. State Land B'd. Joseph FOR SALE. I will sell all or any of my town prop e ty at reasonable prices. -W. W. Zurclrer, Enterprise, Oregon. 40btf Five ton 'wagon scales for sale cheap. A. C. Weaver, Enterprise. Notice), of First; Me.etiA.of Creditors. lii .the District Court of the United Slates for the District of Oorogon. In the matter of W. F. Rankin, Bank rupt In Bankruptcy. To' the creditors of, W. F. Rankin of Enterprise In, the county of Wal lova, and district aforesaid, a bank rupt: Notice ia hereby given itlu-jt en, tiie 4th. day of November A. D., 1910, the Raid W. F. Rankin. was- duly adjud icated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of nia creditors will beheld In the Court House In' Enterprise, Oregon, the- 28tn.day. of November, A. D., 1910, at 10 o'clock to: the fore noan, at which time .the said credit ors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine 'the bank rupt, and transact such, other busi ness as may come before said meet lug, JNO. S. HdDGIN, -Referee 1 Bankruptcy. November 11, 1910. 57n ' WILL BE SHORT TERM OF COURT CRIMINAL DOCKET CLEANED AND MANY CIVIL SUITS SETTLED AND DISMISSED. H, S. Brown, Geo'. D. Boston and II. K. Moore of the Troy country were here on jury duty this week. The November term of the circuit court convened Monday morning, Judge J. V. Knowles, presiding. Bes'lies the sensational change of pleas In the liquor cases, fallowing are the proceedings .to date: Twenty-nine jurors answered the roll call. Three, W. W. Wlning3 C. B. Mays and Harry Hamilton, were excused. T,he following were, drawn as grand jurors: Geo. D. Boston, Edi Hart, O. L. Berland, H. S. Erown, U. A. McCrae, H. K. Moore and Ira Davis. Ed Hart was electei foremaa. O, V. Pagia was. appointed court bailiff, L. F. McAnulty grand jury bailiff and H. C. Cramer Jury bailiff. The firat jury triad began Tuesday and .was sClM in progress Wednesday morning, it Is the caso of N. H. lUarks vs. Burnaugh & M-yfield; be ing a dispute over the payment for the stone building erected by the plaintiff for tho defendants. Court Record. In addition to the case above men tioned , th e following orders have been entered on .the docket. C. A. Ray vs. B. T. Hammack et al. J. F. Clemons vs. E. T. Manchest er Chesiter Shua,aker v. T. D. and Enjellne Akin. Farmers Merc. Co. vs. Albert Hunt lay. : . Curtis Christy vs. Black Ltae Mar bie Co.. W. E. Lewis vs. M. P. Miller. All- f ive 'foregoing, dismissed as 30ttied. B. F. McNamer vs. J. W. Barnard. Demurrer to complaint overruled. Inac N. Doak vs. Copper King Min ing & Development Co. and V. E. Lef fel. 4 . Default of de;enda'uts. ? Wallowa Merc. Co. vs. C. C. Pcrter. Order of service of summons by publication. J K. Mullen V3. H. N. Vaughan. De!ault of de;en dents. Judgment for plaintiff for 660, Interest and costs, McCuliy Merc. Co. vs. Oliver Wat- kins and C. C. Rlgdou. Default of defendants. Judg ment for plaintiff for $533.75, and $17.40 costs. Order of sale of attach ed property. Beatrice DeV&ll vs. Thorar-a'DeVall. Motion ? of ' defendant to f''e fourth amended answer denied. J. M. Simmons vs. Laura A. Ham ilton. Sale of real property confirmed. AFTERMATH OF THE OREGON ELECTION West's Plurality Over Bower man Will Reach 6D00--Pro-hibitionists Lose Ground. Fines Amounting To $2550 Levied Nino Plead Guilty To Selling Intox- icatina Llauor Are Given Sentence, The sensation of rho present, term of court was the wholesale pleas of guilty made by tliioe Indicted by, 'the July grand jury. Twenty-throe per sons are involved and 40 Indictmenta. Six prejons who had been arraigned at the July term and pleaded cot guilty, appeared by their attorneys and pleaded guilty, the Indictments numbering 8. Many Involved in the remainder of the indictments also ap peared by their attorneys and pleal do guilty. Sewteoce was passed by Jux'ge Knowles Wednesday at 1;3) p. ra., a? follows; . ; ; . ; ' J. G. Fleener, 5 indictments, 10 days in jail and flned'500 and costs. Nat Hamilton, fined $350. 1 Fred Bedlngiie'd, . 7 indictments (Continued on Last Page.) and the bill proposing the cr tloii of commission to draft a liab ttlty trill was slaughtered. The mea tur for an asylum In Eastern Oregon cajrled. The extension of the direct primary law to party candidates for 'president and vice-president and dele gates to national convention! was adopted. Goods roads were favored aid the woman's suffrage measure was turned down. a a E3 13 a ra n E3 E3 H E2 12 E3 E3 El a El U n n n a n a n u n a 11 E3 m r? n Saturday Special Nov. 19 An n 65 and 75 cent values, for 5 n E3 U E3 E U a m a 13 n si is m m 3 THAT'S ENOUGH Ladies', Children's and Men's Shoes about One-half Price Ladies and Children's Coats at one-half price u Come in and look for the RED TAG n n a u n W. J. FUNK & CO. THE QUALITY STORE Always Up-to-Date NEVER A MINUTE BEHIND K3 S3 n is ca 13 13 es u ra u a u a a a u m a a a u Portland Oswald West's plurality lor governor of Oregon will approxi mate 6,000. West carried every coun ty carried by Chamberlain tor United Stales senator two yearn ago excepc Lake; in addition he won Benton, Oouglas, Marion, Tillamook, Wailo wa, Washington, Cur-y and Yamhill On complete returns received, nine counties gave pluralities lor Bowcr uian and thirteen for west. The Bow erman counties are as follows: Colum bia, Coos, Gilliam, Hood River, Jose phine, Lulte, Umatilla, Wasco and Wheeler. The other counties .belisved to have gone for Bowerman are Klam 1th, Lane, Morrow and Sherman. Counties carried by West are as fol lows: Baker, Benton, Clatsop, Doug las, Jackson, Liun,' Marion, Multno mah, Polk, Washington, Yamhill, Un ion, Wallowa. Counties placed in the West column by majorities as yet un determineu, Ciackauva, Crook, Curry. Lincoln, Malheur, Tillamook, Union i and Wallowa. Grant county's voie is very close. Republican Congressmen. W. C. Hawley and A. W. Lafferty, republicans, were elected to congress in the First and Second districts re spectively. Hawley has deleated his democratic opponent, Robert Smith, by 6,000, and Lafferty has deleated John Manning, democrat, by 8.U0U. W. R. King and W. Slater, non-po litical democratic candidates for tne supreme court, were defeated hope lessiy in every county. The legislature will be strongly re publican, although there will be a scattering of democrats in both the branches. The organization of the senate and house will be In the bands of the republicans. Unofficial election returns indicate conclusively the defeat of two of the U'Hen measures, and the probable de feat of tne other two. The two U'Hen measures certainly defeated are ue official gazette bill and proportional representation. The two in doubt are the biU'providlng for primary election of delegates to national conventions and the " constitutional amendment providing for verdicts by tbree-iourths of the jury in civil cases. Tax Amendments All Lose. All three of the proposed tax amendments to the constitution have been defeated, according to the in complete returns. - The initiative amendment giving each county the right to regulate taxation within its borders received a larger vote than did either of the amendments pro posed by the legislature. The county bill, providing a local method for creating new counties is defeated. The vote Indicates that the total majority against the bill will be about 4S0O. LOST1NE CHARTER CARRIES. An entire new charter was adopt ed by iihe voters- of Lo&tina ait a special election held! November 10. The vote atood 35 for th charter o 5 against. . Buy your gloves and mittens at the Fair. i County High Wins Two More (iames Prevents Joseph And Wallowa From Scoring Eighty Students Now Enrolled. The second team of tha wallowa County H. S. won1 a one-sided game of football from the first team at Wal lowa, Saturday, the final score standing- 37 to. 0. A ,week ago Saturday, thei flTSt team of .the county school won. from h first team of Joseph by 15 to) 0. Quite a crowd drove up from Dnter pris'3 to witness the game. The. County HIgih boy are playing great ball .this fall and bo far have found nothing to hold 'them. La Grande had a tante of itheLr mettle during fair week and want no more of It. The local team has greatly Im proved alnce .then under the effect ive coaching of professor Shirk, and today Is one of the strongest, .teams .a Lasuern Oregon,. High School Notes. There are now 80 pupil enrolled In the county high school. , The class and literary work la of high order thia tall,- and all the in structors are gra'lfiel at the prog ress of the students. TWO SPECIAL TRAINS JCCi CCD DQC3DCDDDQDDE3QDQ Home Rule Leads by 3000. The home rule liquor amendment is nearly 3000 to the good in a total count of 89,000 votes. The vote on this measure and on the prohibition amenument win prouaoiy run up to a total of 95,000 to 100,000. On the home rule bill, therefore, approxi mately nine-tenths of the vote is rep reeented in the figures that give the present majority of 3000. Prohibition did not fare well in the general election. They lost consid erable territory in addition to the proposed state-wide measure, and In addition the defeat was made more telling by the triumph of the home- rule measure. None of the counties already wet voted dry, but seven of the dry coun ties went against prohibition. These were Gilliam, Morrow, Malheur, Polk, TillamooK, Umatilla and Klamath. Leslie Butler has the distinction of being tbe only prohibitionist candi date to carry a county. Butler la a banker at'. Hood River,' and was a ; candidate for state treasurer. He re celved 56T votes to the 478 given Thomas McKay, republican. ! I Only One Normal Wins. I Only one normal school will receive state aid out of. the three that sub tuitted the proposition to the elector ate. The successful school is located at Monmouth; tbe Ashland and Wea ; ton schools went down to defeat. The employers' liability bill carried, LADIES Mrs. A. D. Vandecar of North pow der, Oreg., has a large stock of Switch es and all pertaining ,to the .trade. Also makes switches and puffs of your combings, will make trips to you own. She will also do youn work If you will address luer at North, pow der. 30 years experience Work guar- anteej Advertise In this paper and got Tesul CATTLE AND SHEEP ANOTHER HEAVY SHIPMENT OF LIVESTOCK FROM ENTERPRISE V LAST OF BEETS. A special train, ofl 32 care of sheep, left Enterprise station Friday nig'ht, and another special of 14 cars of cat tle left Saturday. The sheep numbered 4800 and were sold by Jay H. Dobbin and Mr. Bon ner to North Yakima par-tlea. The cattle were picked up on the Imnaha and Snake from many catitle men by James Henry of Seattle to which, point they wre shipped. Monday morning the last car load of beets of this season's harvst went to the La Grande factory. The total beet shipments from this stat ion, this fall number 140 cars carry, tag an average of 33 tons of beets ea;h. All the beets grown near here were pulled except a few car loads, tho Japs quit work when the weather gw cold and the labor contractors will have to make good the loss to the sugar company. Tie last five weeks have witnessed by far the heaviest freight traffic on the branch since It was completed, tost of the freight originating at 'his station. Besides the 140 cars of beets, wsorea and scores of cars of cattle, icgs and sheep, there have been i.any carloads of hay, lumber, llmo I grain shipped. There is lots of iraln and hay to go out yet but the .ulk of the stock Is gone, probably not over 12 or 15 cars of cattle to to shipped, and few hogs and sheep. Tile incoming freight has also been wy for many weeks past, themer liants receiving thei.j: big stocks of f:ill and winter goods. So far this n.o:i'th 10 car load lots have been re vived at Enterprise station. v -TOTAL VOTE WAS 1670. The total voj cast, In this county at this election, was 1670, or5 nearly 200 less than, at the June election. In 1908, when, 'the coun ty seati andi other momentous Issues brought! out the largest poll In. the history of the county. WEIGHT FORFEITS BOND. George Wright, who was arretted fair week charged! with selling liquor, nd put under a $ 200 cash) bond, was Indicted ty the present grand jury, but failed to chow up and his bond was, forfeited. Decide Your Own Case After looking over our goods and prices we will leave the case in your hands "Get the Habit" THE FAIR it & Wallowa County Title Abstract Company A. C. MILLER, President Office in Company's new brick building opposite front of . . new Court House, Oldest and most complete abstract plant ; ; in county. Abstracts of title furnished promptly and cheap- ; ; lv. Insurance written in largest and strongest companies. . . Money Loaned at very Lowest Current Rates X