The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, November 02, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 4

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    i c jf a mi d u r imro
Our policy is ta select from the best markets, the finest, most reliable
goods and offer them at the lowest possible prices. Our aim is to make
every purchaser a pleased and permanent customer. -:-
It Tfixvfffiw-
Kl I 1 Mi , : .: .
v -
Winter Weights In Underwear
' Real comfort in dressing begins
with the undergarments, and
we have lots of weights , and
, qualities in Ladies' and Child
ren's garments to choose from
which we are offering' at 25
per cent discount.
Free! Free!! Free!!!
To every lady visiting' our store a
needlebooK complete with assorted
needles and bodbin.
Among' these are some remarK
able values in Wool and Cotton
dress goods in suitable lengths
for waists and school dresses.
They A
Watch Our Bargain
ThisweeK it contains a
lot of Dresser Scarfs, Cen
terpieces, Lace Curtains,
Baby Coats and-Knit
Capes at greatly reduced
prices. r
Shoes for the Whole Family
- All desirable styles in shapes,
sizes and leathers to suit every
man, woman and child. Qual ities
the best and prices the
; Visit the Hardware De-'
partment and see the
Heating Stoves & Ranges
. See the Standard Range
a heavy, substantial,
; durable range adapted
. for wood or coal. Costs
less than'other ranges
f and in a few years will
save in fuel the : price
; , you pay. ' '.'.
... I f f J
Trade Hark
The White
If you waut a high grade sowing
machine wMch is a '
The machine U uusurpassed - for
simplicity, dutnbllitj and the chur
wotor of the work It will do. It 1"
made In two stylos, the Vibrator
Shuttle and . the Improved Rotary
Shuttle. The lattter machine aewa
either a lock or a chain stitch.
There die a number of .styles ' to
choose from stud tho wood work la
the handsomest" possible.
Fred S. Ashley
kandles the WHITE MACHINE, In
Wallowa county. a
Lion Fondles a Child
In rittslmrs a cavo;;i f:mdlod
tlio hand ''Juml a chili . thruau ltto
h.'i ca U.uiK-r tj a child ! some
limes great 1uk lar rardod. Of
tea It come.1 through Culd. CrouP;
and Whooping Coigh., Tiny slay
lKuoai:ida 'that lr, KlugW Nv Wa
covry ould have mviI. ','A,' tew
0 )ea cm;l our ta'iy if a very ba'l
c uo of rjomV wrl'cj Mrs. George
Ii, David of p;a. j0l.k N s w
always glvo It jo hint whn hi Ink
cold, j'a a wonderful nitdlfl for
bablos.", l'o.itt far C)U8h, t'alda. Ia
Giippe, Aslhma, Hemorrhages, ak
iAngs.v F.Oo. $1.00. .-Trial bo'Ue frv.
GaaranU'Od by a!l Druggists.,.. ',
AU pho5 order for biia to and
tiam deyot promptly attenrli to.
"ltt Prxmt barn, Hotuo jihona, 97
City and County
Brief News Items
Rev. Glff ord Ernest will preach at
tha Pratt school houe at 2:30 Sun
day afternoon. , .
Say, Mr. Farmer, this Red Tag
3ale of Funk's la eDeclailly for you.
It Ja goods you need, and itho price
will be' a low that you can afford 'to
buy. Watch for U. It means mon
ey fan you. .
You will flaid a lot of good anaps
or aaaaamable goods, at our 'Red
Tag) SttV. -
Mir Otto Paul, Milwaukee, Ui.,
saya Foley's Honey and Tar 1 atlU
mora thun the bet. He wrltea ua,
all ihoso that boight it think It
It) Lhs be-t for coiigha and colds
they over had mid. I think it la atlll
m ore than ithe tet. Ouir baby , had
a bad cold and it cured Mm In one
lay. Please accept thanks." BUr
naugh it Majfiud.
De'.ega'.lonS' are expected from the
jurromidlng towns. Enterprise and
nirrouud!cig coromunailty are urgod to
turn out en mase to hear the elo
nuemt Mrs. Armur. Everybody lu
vl'tod, Admission frj.
The old, old a'ory, told tlm with,
out number, and repeated over and
over again for the last 36 years,
bikt It la always a welcome atory to
those In search 'of health Thore Is
nothing Jn the world that cures
coughs and cold as 'quickly as Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. Sold by
Hurnan8K"ff V.ayrioid ahd"aU'good
Drugslsta '
Mrs.- Mary' Harris Armour, "The
loan, of Are or 4he temperance move
ment .la tho South," will spoak at
the . mads .meeting., m the opera
!oue Friday night, Nov. th. Thle U
-lk big ev4vt"f ourteinperaneecam
palgnln, Wallow County. ;
' You will hear one of the greatest,
;f not retest, wOmfta apeokera In
u i-. ... r i
; A Regular. Tom Boy.
was Susie climbing tireee and fen
iw, Jumping ditches, whittling, al
ways gettlug scratches cuts, sprains,
DruU8,7 bumpa. burn or acaid. But
laws! Her mother juet applied lluck
'en'a Arnica Salve and cured her
lUtck. Heaig everhlng healable
IVoils, Ulcera, Ectema, Old Sores,
Ooreis or Pl'Trjr. ( 25c, ait all
DriigsliHs. " " ' "
That Saiturday iSp.eclal la aure a
good thlcig. ihlnk ot It; 25 bars
of Laundry soap and 1- box Cold
Wai'-er Starch all lor $1.00 cash.
W. J. Funk & Co.
Croup ta mant rvaknit during the
dry cold weather of the early wlnUr
months, parents of young chLidren
should be prepared for It. All that
is needed Is a bo'iV.e of Chamber
lain's Cough ' R6;nely. Ma.iy moth
era aw never without It in their
homes and It has never disappointed
them. Sold by Bui'naugh&Mayfleld
and all good druggists;
Dr. W. L. Nichols audi family have
recently occupied the W. R. Holmes
cottage .where they have- taken, up
their permanent residiance In Enter
prise, Hom indeend-xit phone. 2t
' Take your eggs to Davis & Ward
and get cash. ' " , 43btf
Whan a cold becomes siettled In the
sytm, It will take several days'
treatment to .curjl It, and the best
remedyt o us 1? Chamberlain' Cugh
Remedy, u will cur quicker, han
any other, and- a'jso lav.ea tha Bya
tern in a natural and heajthy condl,
'Jon. Sold by Burnaugh & Mayflold
and all leading Druggists.
Lame back comaj on suddenly and
Is extremely painful., it la caused
by rheumatism or the muscles. Quick
rellnf U atfordej by applying Cham
bcTlsil'.vs LiniiD'aiv',. Sold by Burnaugh
& Mayfleld aad a!i good Druggists.
Dr. W. Li Nichols, osteopath, suc
cessor to Dr. Moore, has office hours
all day Tuesday, Thursday and Sat
urday, . In Enterprise.' Office . over
the bank, 2iatf
" The DlaVict'AUqrneyehlp
To the Vo'er of WaiUowa County:
Aa most of you are aware, I am a
candidate for the office of District
Attorney for' Union and 'Wallowa
Counties. I have been Induced to
make thla race by both Republicans
and' Democrats a there , la, and
should be; no politics in. this of.
fice, wheih Is so vital to the public
welfare. "- .,-- ' '
: I practiced law more' than seven
years In WalloWa county, and when
I moved to La Grande some three
years ago, I left, i believe, posses.
i sing the confidence of the peop'.e, and.
a record upon .whith I can honestly
and consistently ask their suffrages
tor this' office; and .- those . with
whom I am not personally or profes
sionally acquainted, I ; refer . to my
former neighbors who knew me best
for information,, regardless of party
or creed. ' . :
U is my ln'-enUon, if elected, to
conduct , this office lit .an honeBt,
t'ralghitforward manner, according to
aw without favor or vlndlctlveness,
aad give, and have my ; deputy
iiv, ' to public business, both civ
il and criminal, all the care and at.
Mention ' bestowed upon any . prlvata
business, so as to avoid unneces
sary expenses or the miscarriage of
Justice; and 'I shall highly appreci
ate, a good1 Vote . from .my , home ,
county, and shall.raiard the same as
in expressloa of personal confidence.
-. Fal hfully . yours, . . J
'V -r , . :::- ... JNQ. S. HODGIN j
" C .La. Grande, Qneg.
" ' - . (Pali Advertising.) ., "
Announce Tests In Egg Production.
Corvallls November 1 will see the
completion of some valuable testa now
being made at the Oregon Agricultural
college by Pio-'essor James Dryden,
poultry husbandman, which will prove
the elleet of crossing Barred Ply
mouth Rocks with White Leghorns to
Increase egg production.-'
. By means of the trapnest which
Professor Dryden orig'nated some
years ago and which is now in use at
a number of experiment stations and
poultry farms of the country, he haa
several hundred hens out of the col
lege flock of 2,000 chickens making
laying records.-. While sorue have
have a record of less than a doxeu
eggs In a year ethers have laid "more
than 200 eggs annually.
If you want good feed for your
.earn and good treatment come to
.Vbite Front Barn. , , 9"btf , ,
i Department of the Interior.
U. Sv Land Offke at La Grande,
Onegou,6ot. 2&th., 1910. -NoUc
U hereby given that Lulu
t. Bowlby, whose post -office address
!b EntarprlBei Wallowa Oournty, or
3gon, dldoa the 14th. do.y of April,
1910, file in this office Sw-orn Stat,
meat and Application, No. 07891, to
purchase tho SEH SW4, NV4 SW14
SW?4, andSiWli SW SW1-4 of See.
22, and the NEK NW. S-i. NWU
NW, andi NWi4 NW14 Seo
tloa 27, Towshlp. 1 South, Rangw 45
Euat,- WlHcTwette Meridian, ad the
timber thereon, under the provis
ions of the act of June S, 1S78, and t
acts amendatory, known as the "Tim
ber and Stone Law,1 at' such value
as might be fixed by appraisement,
and that, pursua'ut to such appUca
tlon.the la id and timber thereon have
teen appraised, at .$350.00 as betas
chlofly .valuable for. Its stone; that
aald.applloamt will o?fer final proof
In support of his . applies tloa . and
sworn statement on the 19th. day of
January,, 1911, berore W. C. Boat
man, County C ork of Wallowa coun
ty, ait Enterprise, Oregon. -
Any person is a llbenty to protest
this purchase te.'ore eatTy, or . in
itiate a contest at any time before
patje-!,: kwues, , by filing a corrobot
i'tted affidavit 1n this office, alleg-f-S
facts which would defeat the
e-'itry. - , ' - -. v ; . '."
11 c 11 F. C. Bram well, Register,
'''V:1 ; - Loans
. Reliable Abstracts of title furnished on short ;
notice." .
. All Kinds of money to loan on farm property.
from one to five years; large or small amounts
Fire Insurance written in companies that pay " .
" all losses in full. x " ; .- - - - - - :---v'---. -
N. - Beatmaa tl Bilyen,
'' " : ' ":.'..':.:;."''',.. - Hanaeri
... ...,.',
"1 Thomas Bruce, Manager " ; '
. Latest Motion Pictures and Illustrated Songs
Program Changes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Matinee Wednesday "and Saturday, 2:30
.. t r - '
- .-
.rv. ". r'.