'V -, THE NEWS RECORD (TwicVa-Weefc) ! v AN INDEPENDENT' NEWSPAPER. Formerly tho" Wallowa' News, estab lished March 3. 1899. Published Wednesday and Satur day at Enterprise, Oregon, by THE ENTERPRISE PRESS Office East side Court House Square I , Entered aa ' second-class matter lanuary 2, 1909, at -the postofflce t U Enterprise. Oregon, under the Act of - March 3,! 1879. i Subscription Rates: . One year $2, - six months $1, ? three mouths BOc, one month 20c. On yearly cash-In- - - advance subscriptions a discount of :,lSc Is given. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1910. i THE BOURNE SPECTRE. You'd think from reading the as sembly newspapers '(-there'', not many such)' (that Senator Jonathan Bourne had the voters of Oregon by the heels, Said' newspapers' are ; more afraid of Bourne -than a pickl titany to of "gobbellns." Bruce Den nis, old roan Bennett and the Orego nlan. staff shiver all 'night at the . Bourne spectre. Now the great massr of tha plain people think Bourne's all right,. and love' him for the enemies he has made fighting the fight of 'the people,- but- just-the same honor no o'Jier'man cam boas the Oregon vo ters: ' ' At the late primary, Bourne threw thx whole weight of his influence for Dimdck but couldn't keep enough votes from straying to Abraham and Hofer to- prevent the nomination of the asserablylte, Bowerman. . Likewise, Bourne Inclined to Reed for Congress. , In this district, but the voters had seen and heard and 1'ked Laffierty and refused to be - utampeded Reed wine. " " ' Fact is the Oregon voter thinks he krjnws what or whom he wants bet ter than Bourne or tho Oregonian ' mid he doe. , . DON'T MICS tHl9 ONE. ' The head and front of the assem bly! movement in Union , wa am at torney, George T. Cochran, lie' one. of those high brows who think the common run of people hnven't sense' enough to come lm out of the rain, let alone choose their officers. Cochran, did the bidding of the assembly' push, then ' went to Port land" arid" claimed hl reward the assembly nomination for1 superinten dent of water dlytolon two, a nice .office with a. fat salary and nothing to do when, a fellow like Cochran holds- it. 'i ". ... l ,' '. i He was nominated because he bad no opposition. v ' ' But he will not be elected fof the same reason. F, M, Sax ton of Bak er county la his opponent, cad all reports agree that Saxtoa la a com petent' man who will devote hla . 'time to ihe .work. His number will- be 65 on the official ballot. Don't forget. U give Cochran what' coming to him, by voting for Nv 65, F. M. Saxilon. '' . ' .- . 0NE UVE"' WIRE. A, W Laffeity, insurgent Republl can nominee for congress, to about M sure of election as- anyone can be , of political office, but he show the ' stuff he to made of by getting, Tight, out among the people and working as If he was in.' a race for hie life. U a bundle of nerves and brains and means to make good if making good U within, the poaslUiltles. .. . i Mr..' .Laferty ' translates ; making good a? doing something for Ore-' t : gun. Doing something for Oregon means, fro Instance, Inlsoelmg that hl state gets fair' treatment In re clamation work, and a fair share, of ; the fund for that jHork, r Lafferty le no "dead one." Itetef a live wire. Joe Cannon, can't leaa onn arouna by the nose, .. v i 'j, .Let's roll up a big; majority, la Wallowa for Lafferty, ,v; ?.- CRT ONE DEER. r.(i. Landlord Perry Btanchard served , yen toon to hts many guests, Sunday, as a reminder he was a mighty hunter and had Just returned from a" hunting trip. Ilia 'son WiH, W H. Durham," Sam Leffel and Walter Klvette were other members of the party and they spent a week? on the Sheep and li the mountains east of the take. P. S. Leffel shot the dee". GREGG PLANER SOLD. The Gregg planimG mtll In the northwest part of town has been bought bv C. M. Boeaen and W. H. .tuggles, formerly of Sherman coto- .. It will be opened for business m soon as a thorough overhauling Is completed. The deal includes the lota, build ings and all the machinery except ihe engine and boiler, which were wld to M. Stubblefleld, who has m- italled the same In his new laun dry. COUNTY WINS DECISION. The Supreme court has affirmed he decision In the C. U. Elliott road case. The circuit court awarded EI- iott much less, damages for a new road than he claimed, and he ap pealed. The higher cou.t found no jrror, and ordered the costs, of the ippeat to be collected from Elliott. Small Boy dives Officers the Slip Lad From Caldwell, Idaho, Proves Slippery Customer Keeps 8h)r J ' ' iff Marvin Busy. Elmer Small, la'e of Caldwell, Ida., nasi been keeping the officers here- ibout quite busy laitely. He is an anderslzed 12 yea old boy, but active is a feriet when It comes, to gat ing- away. He has. made three e- apes wKhln a week and the Idaho iherlff will be lucky to get hiiro jack home, Thursday. Elmer broke Into a laundry, took .vhat change there was In the till ind smashed an adding machine tin ier the deluded notion it was a cash egister. For all this he . was sen anced to the ie:orm school. The ibiarlff left him- at hl parento' home intll he was- reidy to take him to .he school, but Elmer and his sister ilsle disappeared one night. Word was. eent to Sheriff Marvin ad' Uie lad .was found at Wallowa iolng to school, while Elsle( was vorktag In a hotel. The boy was wrought to Enterprise Saturday by N. J. Crof ut. He was so little and afraid hat Charlie Glovannoni, the court aouse janitor, slept .with him that might In the Jail, About 3:15 a. m. Jharlle awoke, found hJs. bedmate ;one, and he locked In. The lad had aken the keys from Charlie's iloth-es. about a quarter of an hour efore, slipped. put and locked the ioor. Charlie rallied a big iiulia-j-sloo, hollering and ehootlng off his isvolver, and vosi finally released. Sheriff Marvin went to Wallowa he next morning iui an auto and epched' there Just- aa Elmer, foot- ore and veary, turned up Main itreet from the railroad track, down which. -he had tramped from Enter prise. Marvin, s arled with' the lad )n the afternoon train Monday, but- .he trailn was hardly out or Wallowa efore. Elmer made a pretense of vnatLng a drink, then' dashed out he door and off the train. ' Marvin .-as right after him, and captured ilm after a chort chase. He walk id him to Loatkie and cauie in a jj the rest of the way. " - . ,The Ada county sheriff will come .'or Elmer today, -. MAKE FINAL. PROOF. Charles Loosley of Crow Creek tad -Albert Miller of Promise made final proof on their homesteads be fore 'W. C.. Boatman, Tuesday. Versa Surber roacfe final proof to lay, Wednesday, before U. 8. Cora- mMoner C, M. Lock wood, and Her man F. Fischer of Swamp Creek befoi-e County Cierk Boatman. , Fruits All seasonable fruits found here. Also the '. finest shipment of For eign and Dome s t i c Cheese ever in the city General Merchandise With the en tire v stock kep brand " new at the lowest prices' the quality of goods can besold for All Hats, Shoes and Gloves at Cost while , '., they last An. excellent quality of coal at a conservative price. Lay in - the winter , supply now. " Riley s Riley s BURLEIGHr DELIVERS STRONG ADDRESS REPLIES TO DAN MORGAN! SMITH AT UNION TEMPERANCE MEETING. The union temperance meeting Sunday night wa attended by an audience-that filled every seat to the Methodist church, and applaud zd the many goad points made . by 'he speakers. Rev. B. F. Mere dith presided, and familiar hymns were eung, a large choir leading. Rev. S. Harris In a short address replied to Dan Morgan, Smith's state ment that preachers had no right meddling In everyday business af fairs. Rev. W. P. Samms made a short ;ad witty talk, la which he made considerable fun of the antl-prohibi-Ion orator. B. F.' Miller replied lo certain parts- of Smith's speech. The main address was made by layor J, A. Burleigh in his. usual jias.'.erly style. Mr. Burleigh de voted the ; major part of hie argu ment to proving by the testimony of ttate officers of prohibition states, .hat state-wide prohibition is a sue :eau whereever given an honest and 'air .trial. He answered the argu neat that divea exist under, proht jltton by proving, they flourish even none alongside the open saloon and :nder ; strict regulation. The per tonal Mherty plea, the so-called 'home rule" amendment and the Jogle of the midnight search of pri ate homes were showa to be epec dus .and false. - The addxessi was argumentative in lature, logical In . arrangement and ;lear and forcible in delivery throug ut. ... , ' , .' LAFFERTY AT JOSEPH. A. W. Lafferty, Republican nominee or congress, aldressed an enthus iastic audience in Joseph, Monday light, .there being a good turnout n spite of the rain. He repeated lie anteprtmary ' pledges, and " his wait Ion on the forest reserve ques- ion .was especially applauded. Mr. Lafferty. spoke at Elgin Tues- .lay afternoon and at Union In the ventng Hon. J. P. Rusk, candl- late for representative, also-spoke it Elgin and Union. Lafferty- will i peak in 21 towns of the district on hie trip through eastern and cn ral Oregon. ' ' ! .'. Bunch of Porkers ! Stolen At lyman irvetteen Duroe JertV Brood 8ow Worth $300, bsappear.Froin Mur .iU , clesK .P.a.nch. ,; . ' ' i V:, ' Jyman, Oct. 16 One of the etrang- iat occunrences that has1 taken place a north .Wallowa county Is the dis appearance from the Murdock stock .'arm of 19, valuable Duroc Jersey brood bow that were lust seen on .he morning, of October 3 while C. il unlock & 8on. were on their .way jut to Wallowa with a drove of logs. ..... : Theae young sows weigh around 140 'pounds each, were marked 'with hole In right ear ' and slit in left mt . '-' They wko the cream of their h!a years crop and th loss is a oonslderable one a they valued them t more than $300. . t - Tbey are offering t50 reward for xnj-.. knowledge - - of, the mlsaiag itock. Up to .this - time they have jo track or any suspicion as to how .'hey, could . have disappeared from he 400 acre hog tight pasture. ' It having ralnad often that week made It hard to track them by the -line they were first missed. . '; '" iASEBALL GAMES FOR , WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP Philadelphia, Oct. 17 Athletic 4, Chicago 1. Batteries, ' Bender 'and Thomas; Overall, Mc In tyre and Kllng. , , Philadelphia, Oct. 18 Athletics 9, Chicago. 3. Batteries, Coombs and Thomas; Brown. Ritchie and KUng. CHURCH 8ERVICES. Christian: Eible school at 9 ',45, and the accustomed morning services at 11 o'clock. The Young People's Christian Endeavor , at 6:30 p. ' m. The evening pr:aohfcig service at 7:30. The Endeavor society wilt give a rhantom party aid ehtertainment In the lecture room aid auditorium of the church Halloween night. All members, of the Endeavor and their friend are Invited. ' Come masked at the hour of 8 and bring your jack o'lantern and don't talk to any one for fear of breaking the spell. J. A. Rumble of Joseph was trans acting business here between trains, I Tuesday, TOM WOLFE WINNER - -, AT, WALLOWA SHOOT Tom Wolfe of Wallowa won the Oregon-Idaho silver cup for the highest , score . for amateurs at the Wallowa shoot, Monday, he break ing -KJ6 out of 200 clay pigeons. Ocher amateurs scored as fol lows: Crossland 164, Converse 164, Matlock 161, Barnes 107, Al Hug 153, Brady 151, Horn 149, Ed Tuttle. 146, Masterson 145, Adams 145, Hill 138, Kellam 136, Lee Tuttle . 132, OBri an 129, Schaeffer 116, C. H. Tuttle 109. Profeaslonals: Re Id 177, Barclay 166, Morris 153, Parker 152. Matlock won the La Grande gold medal, Cropland the.Dupont trophy, Masterson and Hug tied for the El gin Recorder gold medal, Masterson ruining the shoot-off. The match .was shot under adverse weai'.her conditions, drizzling rain luring every contest but one. O. H. Brady of En'erpriie was official scorer. Council Pays Big Grist of Claims Special v Policemefii of Fair Week Are, Pald--Only Minor Matfcqra Considered. Mayor Burleigh and Counollmein .""unk, Hockett and - Keltner were present at the mid-mon.uhly sesalon f the city council, Monday flight. The application of G. I. Ratcldff in A M. Stubblefleld for the extea iion of the - wa'.er main t their rope.ntlesi . oa Eostr Park street, was referred to the water commit tee and Marshal Hug.. The Marshal was ordered1 to put ha well and plfe in condition, for 193 at the. Enterprise Press office. A communication! from Mrs. E. A. Vndersoa was placed on file. Following are the ' ' Claims Allowed. 3. W. Hicka, stealal police. '. ' 9 00 Thomaa Duff,, speaial police. 7 50 Jhrls Bauer, spe:ial police .. 9 Jharlea Givonomnl, special police 12 50 .1. Stubblefleld, sceciol police 3 00 rhos. Aklns, special police.. 12 50 iam Pace, special po'loe . ; . . " 12 50 I. C. Cramer, special police 10 00 Jasa Weaver, special police.. 3 00 rank Otto, special police ... . 6 00 has. Hug, Sept. salary . . . . 75 00 fii J. Forsyithe, liishts for Sept. 140 80 illey & Riley, haul'jig ; 4 00 laker & Smith, team on street 2. 00 J. E. Both well, team on street 2 50 1. K. Pace, 15 days work on . ; street and pipe line 38 50 has. Thomas, Sept. salary.. 15 00 i. E. Taggart, insurance pre- " mlume 17 20 I. E. Patterson, lumber 66 00 3. D. Keltner, pipe and fix- , , turea ; 44 36 IHRISTIAN CHURCHES ANNUAL ' RALLY NORTHEAST DISTRICT The Christian churches of the Mortheast district, of Oregon will lold their annual rally in Enter irlf November 14 and 15. The :hurches In cooperation la and com-.ris-Ing t.NW mieeling are those of .agin, Wallowa Lositlne, Flora and iSnterprlse. Prominent state spec- aliets lu the Bible school, Chris un. Endeavor and mlsst .:'4 will be iiere to take chairge of the ses- ilona of the rally, and the public '4 invited to attend and take advan tage of these mesttngs. AUTO IN TROUBLE. From Flora Journal. Mr.. apdMrs. F. D. MoCulIy and Mrs. McCully'a sister, Mrs. Johnson, md Mr. Branson, all of Joseph, came into Flora Sunday evening -Ith their auto badly broken. They were com pelled' to lay "over all day Monday .hlle blacksm iths. D. D. Con ley and Loula Frazler, repaired the machine. They left here to continue their )ourney to Lewiiston Tuesday morn ing. In Deer Crook canyon they rollided with the rear nd of a wagon , and 'had to sand to Anatone for a team to pull them , through to -hat point. . Think of It: . Funk'a Saturday spec lal,-16 pounds of eugar for $1 cash Not more' than $1 worth sold to I customer. - 49bl I L. Q. HOLLAND,. M. D. t PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON .: Office la Utch Building. " X ,' Telephone Connection. ' . ror AU Kina ef ArthUc PaUllM. a : tmp aasimtf i do not fail to cQ oa . ' OAtZS. Contractor M. B.-Lwo Bros.' PminU Now is the time to buy your Fall and Winter Wearing' Apparel Men's Underwear in two-piece suits, Men's v " Union Suits, Shirts in all colors and quali ties, Suits, Overcoats, Sheep Lined Coats, . and Mackinaws, Slickers and Rubber Leg gins, and in fact--everything to make you comfortable for, cold weather. Shoes. Hats and Caps - ..-' ... '''""...' Come in and buy before the line is broken V . GH. ZURCHER The Men's Outfitter Get Your "Plumbing; Done Before Cold. Weather Starts I carry a complete line of Bath Tubs,' Basins ' Bowls, etc. PRICES RIGHT. - 'Superior, Stoves and Ranges Bsst cori thia Market - -. . f , ,, r S. K, . CLARK, alblks. south Hotel Enterprise CONCRETE WORK lOf all kinds, llf you believe in , beautifying Enterprise, you must believe in making that beauty enduring.lfConcrete is enduring it will render city beauty a "Concrete Reality." TISee us for any and all kinds of Concrete Work., i MARKS BROTHERS, General Contractors. Baker. City - NEW CATALOG Tells all about the different courses. Dp we get our students POSITIONS? Yes! We have even placed studdils from other schools." 3N0W is the time to PREPARE. A. L McCauley, Principal STRAYED OR 8TOLEN. . 19 Duroc Jersey Brood Sows from Murdoik sitock ranch on Day Ridge. Marked by hole Jit right ear and Ji'lt In left ear. " $50 reward, C. vlurdock & Son, Lyman, Ore. 49t2 len with teams for. hauling lumber, for . parUculorai inquire E3. M. & M. Co. '. 49b2 New Suits Filed. Oct. 15 Edith Wllldama vs. Guy I.. Williams. Oct. 16 Ed Chapman vsv H.. A. Que sen berry and W.' T. Quesea rry. Oct. 17 Curtle Christy va. Black .Marble Llm Company. NO HUNTING, Notice to laereby given, ohtt hunt ing an. the premises of the under lined la atiictly forbidden. 6uch trespassers will be prosecuted. J. W. WEAVER, SR. O. H, Brady attend! the big shoot it Wallowa, Monday; To Voters, Leas than- 300 voters tn the dis trict affected signed the Washing-:on-Mullnomah county anmexatdon pe tition ; 500 to the district hav4 sign ed a remonstrance, practically all outside the dlsti lot are against an nexation, yet you are called upon to vote the addition of practically one fourth of Washington, one of the smallest-counties, to Multnomah, al ready the wealthiest, moot influ ential and. powerful. Voters of the state outsid .of the counties affect ad can, know but'lUUe of these coun ty division measures. We. of Wash ington know nothing of the tnertts' yt those no: affecting us, and be lieve - sjch questions should be left to tho e.Ljw63 artected. Washington county cannot afford to lose this tet ritory and Multnomah does not need it. We ask" yoi td vote 339 XJ No.- W. D. WoodCha rman Anti-Aanexa-. tkm Committee,' HIKsboro, Oregon.- (Paid Advertising.) t Normal f and Your cough annovs vou. Keen oh hacking and tearing the delicate membranes of your throat "if you want to be annoyed. But If voin want relief, want to be cured, take -Cham berlain's. Cough ; Remedy. Sold by Buraaugh ft Mayfleld and all good druggists.' " - ... FOR JOINT REPRESENTATIVE A Unlon and Wallowa Coup&to J. A. FRENCH Nqmlrv on Democratic TIckC Twonty-fiv, ysju-a Realder of Unleih snd Wallowa Coufv 8tckmaapd( Farmer. President Farmers Union, Enterprise, v Oregon. Two TiTmi fthtaMlf T '. - --r ..-w lira Dimio '-" ' County -ClerK, DIRECT PRIMARY. STATEMENT NO, ONE. WILL . WORK AND VOTE 'FOB THE INTERE8T8 OF THIS DI8TRICT. (Pa. Advertisfcg.) ' REOPENED The Red Front Blacksmith Shop by the reliable ; blacksmiths; ' W. P. Hambleton d Son Machine Repairing - -1 ''" Horseshoing Same old stand nterpria Oregon