Xj 3 ur Buy While Buying's Best--That's Now 4 . -1 -J . '.. i ,, S i. L vLJvL JI Iw li ii fi i m i fj ii ii . -.. ii e v v3 e a McKibberi's Fine Furs New and up-to-date styles are noV : ready for the coming season ' Ladies' and Children's Matched Sets from $1.50 to $35.00 A call will convince and save you money BLANKETS AND COMFORTS "Here's where we're ready for yon. , Ask to see our extra large, heavy blankets and comforts. Ladies' Underwear TaKe advantage of our special 25 per cent dis count on Ladies' Underwear. Trunks, Bags and Suitcases . A full line just received NEWS FROM OUR St ft There's no econo poor shoes. Econl something good i You " can practice" buying the kind a. shoes that wear well. . Look ov er our assortment of Men's and Ladies' Oxfords and Shoes. : DEPARTMENT in buying by is buying less cost. economy by ll quality of $2.50 to $3.00 values. . ... $3.50 to $4.00 values..... $4.50 to $5.00 values..... $5.00 to"$G.OO values-.... .... .$1.85 $2.85 ..$3.85 .... -...$4.00 Dollar ShirtsSO cents Get the habit of wearing one of our dollar shirts. Nothing Wrong But the Price A lot of 175 good fitting, well made shirts. Fall and Winter patterns ,: will be cleaned up at 50 cents each EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES ON MEN'S SUITS We have gone through our stock of Men's Suits and find a number of splendid styles which we offer at special "prices. We can show you a saving well worth while. No. 1. A lot of $12.50 to $15.00 values, spec'l . No. 2. A lot.of $15.00 to $18.00 values, spec'l. ; $12.50 wj m m:wm. JmL GOLD SEAL RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES -Pest Make On Earth . They excel any rubber goods in the market in service and dura-, bility. Bargain Lot of Corsets Yours at Half-Price while they last 0 A Reliable Medicine) Not Narcojtlo Get the genuine Foley' Honey and Tar In the yellow package, , It l's safe and effective. Contains no op iates. Refuse substitutes. Burnaugh & May field. . The White NEWS PARAGRAPHS FROM OTHER CITIES IN OREGON If you want a high grade sewing machine wMch Is a WORLD'S STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE . BUY A WHITE The machine Is unsurpassed t for simplicity, durability and the char acter of the work It will do. It la made tu two styles, the Vibrator Shuttle aud the Improved Rotary Shuttle. The lattter machine sews either a lock - or a chain stitch. There are a number of stylos to choose from and the wood work Is the handsomest possible. ""' . Fred S. Ashley handles the WHITE MACHINE In Wallowa county.' " " 5 Succeed when everything else foils. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY. LIVER AND 8TOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever Sold . over a druggist's counter; . After a baffling illness of but two days' duration, Mrs. Bert D. Smith, a prominent woman of Pendleton, died after eating some peaches. Under the supervision of ,Robert0. Stevenson, state game warden. Lake Klamath has been stocked with 10, 000 bass fry. ' Some of the most desirable country homes on Coos Bay are involved In contests which the government has instituted against homesteaders. t A civil service examination for the position of forest ranger will be held at the offices of, the Fremont Forest Reserve, in Lnkevtew, on October 24 and 25. State Printer Willis S. Duniwny, j who has been seriously ill at his home on large tracts of land on which they Intend to establish a Bohemian ' col ony. Klamath County now has one colony of Bohemians with nearly 100 families. . Italians - of Portland and Oregon will ask the state llgislature to create another legal holiday. They will ask that October 12, the date on which Columbus- discovered the western hemisphere be designated as 'Colum bus Day." Fifteen states now observe that date. : Corvallis will be the scene of the annual gridiron contest between tl University of Oregon and the Oregon Agricultural College football teams this year. The decision was reached by the board of control and the ath letic management alter a careful can vas of the situation. ". Lake county is to have the best; auto mobile roads of any similar area in the state of Oregon. Its natural road' in Sulem for six weeks, Is reported by his physicians to be much Improved waye wli be Improved so that every and they expect him to be able to grade is made na passable as Is possl leave his room in a week or so. , ble. and the county court is co-operat- ,' Col. L. Dunbar of the Third Oregon ing with the members of the newly regiment has ordered that Company formed Lake County Automobile club. A of Baker City and Company L of I In memory of Francisco Ferrer, the Pendleton eng.ige in a shoot on the noted Spanish educator, sentenced to range adjoining Pendleton, Novembor death and executed by the Spanish 6th. According to a statement filed with the secretary of state by W. S. U'Ren, the Fels Fund Commission hah,, ex-. pended $6,400 In this state in the pres-' ent campaign in the promotion of pro gressive laws. A large share of this was expended In connection with pam-1 phlets issued to the voters aside from . The townslte of Winchester and 800 acres of land lu Douglas county have . been sold to a syndicate of Alaska , and Seattle business men, who will Immediately , plat aud plant the pro-' perty, - , W. J. Clarke, defeated candidate for state printer, expended $S55 In his campaign for nomination In September primaries, according to his statement filed ,wlta: the secretary of Btate. W..C. Hawley, candldrte for re-elec- government a year ago for his sup posed complicity in the Barcelona riots, a celebration will be held in Portland on the evening of October 13, at 8 o'clock, in the Women of Woodcraft hall. J : the regular state pamphlets. Many candidates have failed to com ply with the Corrupt Practices Act by not filing their statements of election expenses, incurred prior to the re cent primary election with secretary of state, and are subject to the penalty attached for default amounting to $25 per day for each day after the latest filing date. The Medford council has declared war upon all filth within the city. Butchers who have been accustomed to haul their meat through the city streets unprotected from the typhoid tion to congress from the first district, j Ily must hereafter cover their wagons spent $1,084.60 to secure his renomln atlon, according to his statement tiled with the secretary of state. Three pages In the election pam phlet will be occupied by the execu tive committee of the non-polltlcal Ju diciary with an argument why the su- wlth canvas. City Physician Shearer has been asked to send samples of milk trom all the dairies to the state veterinary for examination as to the presence of tuberculosis. The Lay of th. Bird. Oh. Mr. Jones, do please tell me preme court of Oregon should be tak- which of the song birds you are most en out of politics and kept out. Agents for Bohemians have been In Langoll Valley country, 30 miles south- fond of T" "1 prefer the hen. Miss Dorothv." "But the hen Isn't a stuping bird." AYpII. It'a I hiA nl 1.1 ...4 east of Klamath Fall j, getting prlcee i car for." - WASHINGTON, D. C., NOTES. The census of New Mexico is an nounced as 327,306." This is an in. crease of G7 per cent. - The interstate commerce commis sion ordered the proposed increase in lumber freight rates from the Pacific northwest to eastern points suspend ed until February 1, 1911. ' . President Taft lias pardoned Ed ward A. Boy ce, John ,R. Coyle, Pat rick J. Hennessey and Thomas Kehoe, four sugar weighers' who are serving sentences for connection with the cus toms' fraud at New York." : " Bertillion measurements and photo graphs of every citizen for public rec ord were proposed at the American Prison Association Congress by A. P. HifN, of Minneapolis, In submitting the report of the committee on the crim inal law reform. In receiving the delegates to the International Prison Congress, Presi dent Taft ctrutloned , them against making prisons so comfortable as to furnish a motive for violating the law and a'so warned against associating prlroners who were mere offenders with hardened lawbreakers., China le declared to be on the verge of . another ii:-eaval similar to the Boxer uprising and ttie lives of for eigners are In jeopardy Recent ad rlces from government . officials In China express the belief that an out break at any time would not surprise them.; : .: . . - Senator RoWrt VI. I.aFollette, of VVIsconsin, will undergo an operation I or infected gall bladder and. possible complications of the appendix. : Lucy Walker, 84 years or ago, first polygamous wife of Joseph Smith', founder of the Mormon church,' is dead at herv homeT '; After;' Smith's death she mairied Hober C. Kimball, another prominent leader of pioneer days. ' 1 ' " The trial of Governor C. N. Haskell of ". Oklahoma, in "the "Musk.ogee town lot cases,, came to a sudden end when tfte government announced , that un der the restrictions laid down by the court it would be un:b.e to make out a case. . ;. With the republican state conven tion at Saratoga off his hands, ex President Roosevelt will make a brief trip through the south and tu ddle west. His first slopping point will be Kncxville, Tenn.. where he la to rpcak at the Appalachian Exposition Friday. Former Assistant Corporation Coun sel of Chicago, one of the most brilliant orators who has ever visited the coast, will speak at the opera house in Enterprise, Thursday Evening October 13 ON "PfqhibttionTragedie Capt. Smith is a man of command ing personality, an eloquent speaker and his treatment of his subject has gained him the plaudits of tens of thousands of his listeners. Don't Miss It. Admission Free High Grade Job Work a Specialty